Vol. 4. Nos. 1, 2 & 3, October 2017 - November 2018 IMPACT Justice Shines Spotlight on Sexual Harassment IN THIS ISSUE ● IMPACT Justice Shines Spot- light on Sexual Harassment ● Sexual Harassment Brochure Launch ● Mediation Update ● Consultations on an OECS Model Criminal Code et al ● IMPACT Justice Launches Pro- tocols ● Certificate Ceremony for Re- storative Practices Trainers ● IMPACT Justice RPD Delivers Remarks at Training for St. George Secondary School Teachers - Barbados ● Restorative Practices Update ● IMPACT Justice Staff Member is UWI MIVIVA Champion! ● Jokes Corner IMPACT Justice/Labour Department of Barbados “Model Workplace Policy Statement Against Sexual Harassment” and “Sexual Harassment ● Summary of IMPACT Justice in the Workplace: What You Should Know” brochures. Events the workplace, but also in other profes- To date, only Barbados (2017) and Be- sional and social relationships, especial- lize (1996) have enacted standalone sex- The global #MeToo and the Barbadi- ly where power dynamics are at play, ual harassment legislation. IMPACT an-born #lifeinleggins movements, such as landlord and tenant, and teach- Justice has drafted a Model Sexual Har- have given greater voice to the issue of er and student relationships. assment Bill, which was accompanied by sexual harassment. IMPACT Justice a Model Sexual Harassment Policy. has been doing its part to shine the Sexual advances, requests for sexual spotlight on this pressing issue for the favours and other verbal or physical The Barbados Employment Sexual Har- Caribbean region and the world. sexual conduct, once unwelcome, may assment (Prevention) Act, 2017, focuses be classified as sexual harassment, par- on sexual harassment in the workplace But what is sexual harassment? It is a ticularly where they affect the victim’s only. It requires each workplace to enact form of sex discrimination which af- employment and other opportunities. a sexual harassment policy within six fects both women and men, girls and The victim of the sexual harassment months of the Act’s entry into force, but boys. Sexual harassment can occur in does not have to be of the harasser’s sex. Continued on page 2 Page | 1 Caribbean IMPACT Continued from page 1 This initiative was well received and Additionally, in commemoration of the ultimately led to IMPACT Justice’s col- ‘16 days of activism on ending violence does not provide a sample policy with- laboration with the Labour Department against women and girls’ 2017, IM- in the Act. of the Barbados Ministry of Labour and PACT Justice produced sixteen short Social Partnership Relations to produce infomercials on sexual harassment (one As a public service, IMPACT Justice and launch two brochures on sexual for each day of the campaign) for publi- adapted its Model Sexual Harassment harassment: “Model Workplace Policy cation in regional newspapers. Policy to the requirements of the Bar- Statement Against Sexual Harassment” bados Act and published the modified and the “Sexual Harassment in the Work- IMPACT Justice is committed to doing version in Barbados’ two leading daily place: What You Should Know”. They are its part to raise awareness of sexual har- newspapers in commemoration of In- available for download on the Project’s assment. ternational Women’s Day 2018. website at www.caribbeanimpact.org. Sexual Harassment Brochure Launch On October 26, 2018, IMPACT Justice and the Labour Project Director; Ms Agnes Pust, Counsellor (Political) of Department of the Barbados Ministry of Labour and Social the Canadian High Commission, the Hon. Colin Jordan, Partnership Relations launched their sexual harassment M.P., Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations brochures entitled “Model Workplace Policy Statement Against and Mr. Victor Felix, Chief Labour Officer. Ms Charleen Sexual Harassment” and “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Walkes, IMPACT Justice Project Officer, provided an over- What You Should Know” at the 3Ws Pavilion of The Univer- view of the two brochures. The launch was attended by sity of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Remarks were representatives of workers’ unions, the private sector, gov- made by Prof. Velma Newton, IMPACT Justice Regional ernment agencies and the UWI Cave Hill community. L-R: Ms Michele Gibson, IMPACT Justice Project Team Leader and Prof. Velma Newton, Regional Project Director of the Senior Developmment Officer - Canadian High Commission; Mr Victor Felix, Chief IMPACT Justice Project, delivering opening remarks. Labour Officer; Ms Agnes Pust, Counsellor (Political) of the Canadian High Commission; Prof. Velma Newton, IMPACT Justice Regional Project Director and the Hon. Mr Colin Jordan, MP, Minister of Labour and Social Partnership Relations, Barbados Ms Agnes Pust, Counsellor (Political) of the Canadian High Commission Ms Charleen Walkes, IMPACT Justice Project Officer, presenting an overview of the two brochures. making remarks on behalf of the Government of Canada. Caribbean IMPACT Page | 2 CCJ President and IMPACT Justice Gender Specialist Mediation Update Address LL.M. students In year 5, IMPACT Justice’s media- tion training has included not only basic training for police officers and UWI staff members, but also ad- vanced training for persons already trained at the basic level, who have shown an aptitude and interest in mediation. It is hoped that these per- sons will take the lead in the estab- lishment of community mediation networks and service points in their countries. IMPACT Justice has already assisted in the establishment of interim Medi- ation Committees in Dominica and Prof. Velma Newton, IMPACT Justice Regional Project Director, with participants and facilitators of the IMPACT Justice Advanced Mediation Grenada, and has obtained promises Workshop held in Jamaica, November 2018. from the Governments of Dominica, Grenada and Barbados to make avail- able community centres for the con- duct of community mediation. Legal Word Search The establishment of these communi- ty mediation networks and service points will permit the peaceful resolu- tion of disputes within communities and help reduce court case backlogs. Below is a list of the mediation train- ing workshops IMPACT Justice held in Year 5: ● Basic Mediation Training for Belize Police Depart- ment Officers July 16-20, 2018 Belize ● Basic Mediation Training for UWI Cave Hill/Open Campus Staff July 16-20, 2018 Barbados Can you spot the following 10 legal words? ● Advanced Mediation Work- AFFIDAVIT, HEARSAY, PRECEDENT, VERDICT, CLAIM, JURY, shop TESTIMONY, DEFENDANT, PLAINTIFF, TORT November 15-17, 2018 Jamaica Created by Puzzlemaker at DiscoveryEducation.com Page | 3 Caribbean IMPACT Consultations on OECS Model Criminal Code & Consideration of Bail, Evidence & Jury Legislation of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and former Chairperson of JEI, and Professor Velma Newton, Regional Proj- ect Director of the IMPACT Justice Proj- ect. The 56 participants included the Hon- ourable Chief Justice of the Eastern Ca- ribbean Supreme Court, Her Ladyship the Honourable Madam Justice Dame Janice M. Pereira, DBE, as well as Justices of Appeal, High Court Judges and other staff of the ECSC, Directors of Public prosecutions (DPPs), Chief and other L-R, Her Excellency Marie Legault, High Commissioner of Canada to Barbados and the Eastern Parliamentary Counsels, Chief and Se- Caribbean; the Hon. Madam Justice Louise Blenman, Justice of Appeal of the ECSC; Her Ladyship nior Magistrates, and senior criminal de- the Hon. Madam Justice Dame Janice Pereira DBE, Chief Justice of the ECSC; Sir Lawrence Joseph, fence attorneys drawn from the nine KCN, CBE, PhD, LLM, Attorney General of Grenada; and Prof. Velma Newton, IMPACT Justice Member States and Territories served by Regional Project Director the ECSC. The member states and terri- On February 5-6, 2018, IMPACT Jus- ber States and consideration of Bail, tories represented were Antigua & Barbu- tice, in collaboration with the Judicial Evidence and Jury Legislation”. da, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Education Institute (JEI) of the East- The consultation was held at the Radis- Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Kitts & ern Caribbean Supreme Court (EC- son Grenada Beach Resort and was Nevis and the British Overseas Territo- SC), held a “Consultation on a Model chaired by the Honourable Madam Jus- ries of Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands Criminal Code for the OECS Mem- tice Louise Blenman, Justice of Appeal (BVI) and Montserrat. IMPACT Justice Launches Protocols for Persons Interfacing With Children and Disabled Persons in the Justice System In September 2018, IMPACT Justice with the justice system in the Eastern launched two protocol series. The first Caribbean. ● Staff employed at NGOs was “Protocols for Practitioners Work- that work with children or ing with Children in the Eastern Car- Each protocol series consists of eight the disabled ibbean Justice System”. The second booklets, each targeting one group of was “Protocols for Practitioners the following stakeholders: The Protocols represent an ongoing Working with Persons with Disabili- commitment by IMPACT Justice to ties in the Eastern Caribbean Justice ● Defence Counsel engender the principles of integrity, System”. ● Education Officers excellence, accountability and pro- ● Judicial Officers fessionalism in dealing with chil- The protocols are a series of guidelines ● The Police dren and persons with disabilities which constitute specific instructions, ● Prosecutors who comes into contact with the consistent with international stand- ● Social
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