Palisadian-Post Serving the Community Since 1928 24 Pages Thursday, May 10, 2018 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 The ‘Mayor of Canon Drive’ to bring Californian Cuisine to Palisades Village By JOHN HARLOW food to customers of the celebrity Editor-in-Chief hair salons. “Since then, we have expand- e transformed a dull stretch ed two, three times, making the of Beverly Hills into a busy layout a bit of a jigsaw, but we Hgastronomic zone, persuaded keep the same people coming Westsiders to taste kale years be- back,” he said, breaking off to fore the Oregon hipsters claimed shake hands with a couple who it and over the past two weeks, want to hug him. has started grilling what cus- Caruso’s family members are tomers are calling the first actu- regular customers, but Garland ally juicy vegetarian hamburger only started speaking to Caru- called, challengingly enough, The so the company last December. Impossible Burger. “This place is working, but I But now Peter Garland, the wanted to stretch myself. And my low-key restaurateur behind the teenage son, Liam, was interested misleadingly Italian-sounding in working with me, too. Porta Via, is coming to Rick Caru- “And then [Caruso] came so’s Palisades Village project. along at the right time with the Garland and his team will right proposition,” Garland told open Porta Via Palisades on Sept. the Palisadian-Post. 22. Porta Via Palisades will set Garland does not need the up shop on Swarthmore adjacent work: At lunchtime on Monday, to Cinépolis. May 7, every table at the Can- “Pretty close to where Mort’s on Drive restaurant was packed. used to be, which I used to love as And, unusual for this busy corner a kid,” he said. of Beverly Hills, it is overflowing It will be smaller than Porta with more locals than footsore Via on Canon Drive. tourists. Many are repeat visitors. Plans filed with the city on “I like knowing my custom- April 25 reveal it will be 1,352 ers, people who have been coming square feet on the inside, for the Peter and Liam Garland at their future restaurant here since it was tiny, a take-out kitchen and 54 seats, and, perhaps Photo courtesy of Laurence Cohen place [founded in 1994], serving (Continued on Page 3) Peter Garland Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer City Returns Money Raised in LAPD Investigating Teenage leaving in their car. Another incident occurred at the same property on April 20, where teenage boys and girls were ‘Quimby’ Fees to Rec Center ‘Sex Party’ in Via Bluffs seen smoking marijuana on the deck By TRILBY BERESFORD of the Pacific Palisades Community facing Potrero Canyon. By CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA “When [Shull] made the deci- Reporter Council. There was damage, including Reporter sion, I don’t think he realized the The age of the boys has been plywood ripped from a windowsill. backlash that was going to come olice are investigating a report- estimated because one of them left They also fled the scene. he city of Los Angeles Depart- behind it,” Watson said in an in- ed “sex party” involving teenage a wallet behind, which Akef will It is not known whether these ment of Recreation and Parks terview with the Palisadian-Post. Pboys and older women that took be handing as evidence to Michael teens were also involved in the most Tvoted to return more than $5.4 mil- She explained that Shull’s place on a house under development Moore, LAPD senior lead officer for recent incident. lion collected in so-called Quimby decision was in an effort to help on De Pauw Street on the afternoon Pacific Palisades. Akef said he wants to erect a fees to parks and recreation centers the project move along quickly as of Saturday, May 1. The women, who reportedly ar- fence around the site to keep chil- throughout the westside of Los An- Michael Shull: U-Turned something soon must be done to fix Police have been told that rived in a silver Mercedes sedan, are dren out, but cannot do that until geles on Wednesday, May 2. Photos by Christian Monterrosa the deteriorating condition of the around five boys, aged between 14 estimated to be around 20 years old. city planners grant a development This includes more than concrete pier. and 15, and two young women were When a worker on the site ap- permit. $90,000 that “went missing” last es collected to help recreational “It’s not like that money was spotted engaging in “sexual activi- proached, the boys fled down to If you have any information year from Palisades Recreation facilities keep up with incoming taken from [Council District 11] ties” on an open construction prop- Potrero Canyon. The young women that can help identify the suspects Center. residents, an old law recently given and moved to a whole other region erty owned by Reza Akef, a member apologized for trespassing before involved, contact Officer Moore. It is a tangled story of bureau- new force by California Governor or another council district. cratic planning gone astray. And Jerry Brown, to be clawed back “I think that’s where the mis- lacking transparency. from a dozen recreation centers. communication was, so now in the In June 2017 city officials But commissioners meeting in future [Shull] knows that if we plan Homeowners Shine for Crystals quietly decided to reallocate mon- Lake View Terrace, north of Bur- to work on another project and we ey raised under the 1975 Quimby bank, received a communication need some funding, because that’s By TRILBY BERESFORD Act from the account dedicated to from the office of Councilmem- part of what we do with the parks, Reporter long-awaited improvements at sev- ber Mike Bonin, who represents and you want to take some resourc- eral Westside recreation centers to Council District 11, which includes es from other parks just to help out $38 million home for sale in urgent refurbishments at the Ven- suddenly depleted rec centers in another park then you just have to The Riviera brings that extra ice Pier. Brentwood, Mar Vista and the have that meeting ahead of time Asparkle—its Realtor has revealed There was an immediate up- Palisades. and say, ‘Hey this is what we want a subterranean border studded with roar across the Westside from crit- It urged them to U-turn on the to do and why we want to do it.’” citrine crystals. ics who argued the Venice money department decision and return the While the department pledges Such crystals are said to pro- should not come at the expense of money to the parks. to implement a more transparent mote healing, boost all-round other recreational facilities. On May 2, Michelle Bisnoff, process, Mark Ryavec, president wellness and add an extra layer of The city decision allowed for vice chair of Brentwood Com- of the Venice Stakeholders Associ- protection to more conventional large sums of Quimby fees, or tax- munity Council, made the trek to ation who challenged Bonin in the CCTV cameras and alarms. Citrine Photo courtesy of Joel E. Arem/International Gem Society the Lake View Terrace Recreation last CD11 election, told the Post he Elizabeth Halsted of Berkshire Center to give a public comment thinks something else is going on. Hathaway, who is selling the home, present state,” said the gemstone THIS WEEK iN on the vote to rescind the monetary “This is the way [Bonin] oper- told Town & Country that the own- dealers. move. ates. He does things sub rosa. He ers are leaving the crystals in the In Medieval times, citrine was It was originally proposed by has other people do it so it doesn’t ground. used as protection against plagues pali life Michael A. Shull, general manag- look like his fingerprints are on it,” It is not known which kind of and snake bite. er of the Department of Recreation said Ryavec, who claims he has citrine they are leaving behind. Its healing properties are From the Golden Age to and Parks, who according to public never seen any studies or damage Citrine is a variety of quartz championed by the likes of Kylie the Avengers (Page 9) documents, had been working on reports done on the Venice Beach whose colors ranges from pale Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Miranda a revamp of the Venice Beach pier pier. yellow (hence the 16th century Kerr and Sam Smith. since before 2012. “I am 98 percent sure that the French name) to smoky rose. They Adele reportedly carries a ci- “I just want to make sure that Rec and Parks commission did not could be Brazilian natural stones or trine with her when she performs commissioners understand that initiate this on their own. I am sure heat-treated amethysts. Either way on stage. within our community we have a that Mike set this in motion and it’s they are a hot trend in home decor. Back in the day, Greta Gar- bit of a crisis of faith on whether or his style not to allow public com- The current listing may be the bo was an enthusiast of citrine not park funds are being used ap- ment on these kinds of robbings of first such promotion in the Pali- jewelry. propriately,” Bisnoff said. “That’s Peter to pay Paul.” sades, but interior design compa- As well as promoting a spiritu- why we’ve taken such a strong po- While some remain skeptical nies such as Energy Muse and Cris- al sense of well being, crystals are Illustrator Bijou Karman sition on this.
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