A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY General Works Actes 1968 de la troisieme session des ]ournees Internationales d'etudes du baro­ que, Ill. Montauban: Publications du Centre National de Recherches scientifi­ ques, 1967. Allemann, Beda. "Metaphor and anti-metaphor," Interpretation; The Poetry 01 Meaning. Ed. Stanley Romaine Hopper & David L. Miller. New York: Har­ binger Books, 1967. Barfield, Owen. Poetic Diction; A Study 01 Meaning. New York & Toronto: McGraw-HilI, 1964. Burckhardt, Jacob. Die Kultur der Renaissance in ltalien. Wien: Phaid'OIl-VerIag, n.d. -. The Civilization 01 the Renaissance in Italy. Trans. S. G. C. Middlemore. 2nd rev. ed. London: Phaidon Press, & New York: Oxford University Press, 1944. Cassirer, Ernst. "Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance," Studien der Bibliothek Warburg, X (1927). Leipzig und Berlin: B. G. Teubner. -. The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy. Trans. Mario Do­ mandi. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1964. -. Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buch­ gesellschaft, 1953. -. The Philosophy 01 Symbolic Forms. Vols. I & II. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. Colloquia Germanica, I, No.1 (1967). Curtius, Ernst Robert. Europiiische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter. Bern: A. Francke, 1948. -. European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. Trans. Willard R. Trask. New York: Pantheon Books, 1953. De Mourgues, Odette. Metaphysical, Baroque and Precieux Poetry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1953. Eliade, Mircea. The Sacred and the Profane; The Nature 01 Religion. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1959. Friedlaender, Walter. Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting. New IIO A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY York: Schocken Books, 1965. Originally published in German as two separate articles in Repertorium fur Kunstwissenschaft, XLVI (1925) and in Vortrage der Bibliothek Warburg, VIII, 1928-29 (1930). Hauser, Arnold. Mannerism; The Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art. 2 vols. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965. -. The Social History of Art. Vol. 2. New York: Vintage Books, n.d. Hay, Denys. The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961. Haydn, Hiram. The Counter-Renaissance. New York: Scribner, 1950. Holt, Elizabeth G. A Documentary History of Art. 2 vols. 2nd ed. New York: Doubleday, 1957. Kristeller, P. O. Renaissance Thought; The Classic, Scholastic and Humanist Strains. New York: Harper & Row, 1961. -. Renaissance Thought II; Papers on Humanism and the Arts. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. Liede, Alfred. Dichtung als Spiel; Studien zur Unsinnspoesie an den Grenzen der Sprache. Vol. 2. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1963. Lowry, Nelson. Baroque Lyric Poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. Petrarch. 11 Canzoniere. Milan: Rizzoli, 1954. Priest, Harold Martin, ed. Renaissance and Baroque Lyrics; an Anthology of translations from the Italian, French, and Spanish. n.p.: Northwestern Univer­ sity Press, 1962. Reed, Herbert. The Origins of Form in Art. New York: Horizon Press, 1965. Schapiro, Meyer. "Style," Anthropology Today. Ed. A. L. Kroeber. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953. Sebba, Gregor. "Baroque and Mannerism; A Retrospect," Filologia y Critica Hispanica (Homenaje al profesor F. Sanchez-Escribano). Ed. A. Porqueras & C. Rojas. Madrid: Alcala, 1969. Shearman, John. Mannerism. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967. Smyth, Craig Hugh. Mannerism and "Maniera." New York: J. J. Augustin, 1962. Sypher, Wylie. Four Stages of Renaissance Style; Transformations in Art and Literature, 1400-1700. New York: Doubleday, 1956. The Renaissance and Mannerism; Studies in Western Art, II. (Acts of the 20th International Congress of the History of Art.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963. Warnke, Frank. European Metaphysical Poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. Whalley, George. Poetic Process; An Essay in Poetics. Cleveland & New York: Meridian Books, 1967. Wheelwright, Philip. Metaphor and Reality. Bloomington & London: Indiana University Press, 1962. Wimsatt, William K., Jr. and Cleanth Brooks. Literary Criticism; A Short History. New York: Random House, 1967. A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY III Michelangelo Arthos, John. Dante, Michelangelo and Milton. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963. Buonarroti, Michelangelo. Complete Poems and Selected Letters of Michel­ angelo. Trans. Creighton Gilbert & ed. Robert N. Linscott. New York: Mo­ dern Library, 1965. -. The Complete Work of Michelangelo. Ed. Mario Salmi. New York: Reynal, n.d. -. Lettere. Scelte e annotate da Irving e Jean Stone, Charles Speroni. Milano: dall'Oglio, 1963. -. The Letters of Michelangelo. 2 vols. Ed. & trans. E. H. Ramsden. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1963. -. Michelangiolo Buonarroti; Rime. Ed. Enzo N. Girardi. Bari: Laterza, 1967. Beall, Chandler B. "The Literary Figure of Michelangelo," Ital., XLI (1964), 235-51. Bizziccari, Alvaro. "Videa della bellezza nelle poesie di Michelangelo," Ital., XLI (1964), 252-65. Brandes, Georg.... Michelangelo Buonarroti . ... Kjf1lbenhavn: Gyldendal, 1921. -. Michelangelo Buonarroti. "Obersetzt von Ernst Richard Eckert. Berlin: E. Reiss, 1924. -. Michelangelo: His Life, His Time, His Era. Trans. Heinz Norden. New York: F. Ungar, 1963 [1921]. Cambon, Glauco. "Sculptural Forms as Metaphysical Conceits in Michelangelo's Verse," Sewanee Review, LXX (1962), 155-65. Chastel, Andre. Art et Humanisme a Florence au temps de Laurent Ie Magnifi­ que. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 1961. -. La Crise de la Renaissance,1520-1600. Geneve: Skira, 1968. -. The Crisis of the Renaissance, 1520-1600. Trans. Peter Price. Geneva: Skira, 1968. Clements, Robert J. Michelangelo's Theory of Art. New York: New York University Press, 1961. -. The Poetry of Michelangelo. New York: New York University Press, 1965. De Tolnay, Charles. Michelangelo. 5 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943-1954. -. The Art and Thought of Michelangelo. Trans. Nan Buranelli. New York: Pantheon Books, 1964. Based on four lectures delivered in 1948 at the College de France. First published in a German translation under the title, Werk und Weltbild des Michelangelo. De Vecchi, P. L. "Studi sulla poesia di Michelangelo," GSLI, CXL (1963), 365- 402. Ferraro, Giuseppe Guido. II Petrarchismo del Bembo e Ie Rime di Michel­ angiolo. Torino: l'Erma, 1935. Friedrich, Hugo. Epochen der ltalienischen Lyrik. Frankfurt am Main: V. Klos­ termann, 1964. II2 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Gengaro, Maria Luisa. "La 'poetica' di Michelangelo," Acme, VI, fasc. 1 (1953), 1l1-53. Gilbert, Creighton. Michelangelo. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. Girardi, Enzo N. "La critica letteraria su Michelangelo," Aevum, XL (1966), 254-80. -. Studi sulle Rime di Michelangelo. Milan: l'Eroica, 1964. Magnani, Luigi. "Michelangiolo poeta," Terzo programma, No.1 (1965), 182- 224. Mann, Thomas. "La concezione dell'amore nella poesia di Michelangelo," Letteratura moderna, I, 4 (Dec. 1950), 427-34. Mariani, Valerio. Poesia di Michelangelo. Rome: Palombi, 1941. Nardini, Bruno. "Poesia di Michelangelo," Dialoghi, I, No.2 (1953), 23-32. Panofsky, Erwin. Idee; ein Beitrag zur Begriffsgeschichte der iilteren Kunst- theorie. Berlin: B. Hessling, 1960 [1927]. -. Idea; A Concept in Art Theory. Trans. Joseph J. S. Peake. Columbia: Universi­ ty of South Carolina Press, 1968 [1924]. -. "The Neoplatonic Movement and Michelangelo," Studies in Iconology; Hu­ manistic Themes in the Art of the Renaissance. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1967 [1939]. Pater, Walter. "The Poetry of Michelangelo," The Renaissance; Studies in Art and Poetry. London: Macmillan, 1922 [1873]. Pevsner, Nikolaus. "The Architecture of Mannerism," The Mint, 1(1946), 116-38. Romagnoli, Sergio. Le Rime di Michelangelo Buonarroti. Padua: Liviana, 1965. Scrivano, Riccardo. II Manierismo nella Letteratura del Cinquecento. Padua: Li- viana, 1959. Steinberg, Leo. "The Metaphors of Love and Birth in Michelangelo's Pietas," Studies in Erotic Art. Ed. Theodore Bowie & Cornelia V. Christenson. New York & London: Basic Books, 1970. Taylor, John. Michelangelo Considered as a Philosophic Poet. 2nd ed. London: John Murray, 1852. Thomas, Gabriel. Michel-Ange Poete: Etude sur ['expression de ['amour platoni­ que. Paris & Nancy: Berger-Levrault, 1892. Ulivi, Ferruccio. "II manierismo letterario in Italia," Convivium, XXXV, fasc. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1967),641-54. Vasari, Giorgio. "Michelangelo," Lives of the Artists. Ed. Betty Burroughs. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1946. -. La Vita di Michelangelo, neUe redazioni del 1550 e del 1568. 5 vols. Curata e commentata da Paolo Barocchi. Milano e Napoli: R. Ricciardi, 1962. Venturini, J. "Le dualisme de Michel-Ange," RE, XIV (1961),365-91. D'Aubigne Boase, Alan M. "Poetes anglais et fran9ais de l'epoque baroque," Rev. des Sciences humaines, new ser. 55-56 (1949), 155-84. Castor, Grahame. Pleiade Poetics; A Study in Sixteenth Century Thought and Terminology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964. A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY II3 Cordie, Carlo. "L'ugonotto innamorato," Saggi e studi di letteratura francese. Padua: Cedam, 1957. D'Aubigne, Agrippa. Oeuvres. Ed. Henri Weber, J. Bailbe & M. Soulie. Paris: Gallirnard (Pleiade), 1969. -. Le Printemps; L'Hecatombe a Diane. Ed. Bernard Gagnebin. Geneva: Droz, 1948. -. Le Printemps; Stances et Odes. Ed. Fernand Desonay. Geneva: Droz, 1952. Galzy, Jeanne. Agrippa d'Aubigne. Paris: Gallimard, 1%5. Garnier, Armand. Agrippa d'Aubigne et Ie parti protestant; contribution a l'histoire de la Reforme en France. 3 vols. Paris: Fischbacher, 1928.
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