.~I ====~ ::.-1 !JNIVERSl1Y O.~ tfAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riety:~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&, Tenorio snubs miza By Mar-Vic C. Munar system to an old and hopeless Variety News Staff broken car that needs to be re­ GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio shown to the governor when the placed. refused to meet with Office of national media was calling his ''For years, we always went Insular Affairs deputy director office for a report that he had not back to the same mechanic but Danny Aranza who left Saipan received yet," Broadhurst said. theycan'tfixourcar. Whatdowe yesterday after completing his Aranza met with Lt. Gov. Jesus do? Either we find a new me­ Saipan mission. Borja, federal officials, business chanic or get real smart, save a Aranza was on island to submit leaders, alien workers and labor real money as well and do the to local government a copy of the activists. work ourselves. After years of Third Annual Report on the Fed­ Whitewash neglect, we got a repair manual eral-CNMI Initiative on Labor, Saying the CNMI has too many and now we're the mechanic," Immigration and Law Enforce­ problems to "whitewash," Aranza Broadhurst said in his own vcr- ment in which the CNMI got the said the money being spent by the sion of car analogy. "heaviest blows." CNMI government on "public PR binge Aranza had sought a meeting relations" projects and congres­ Tenorio has been receivingjabs with Tenorio, but the governor sional visits should instead be used Froilan C. Tenorio Danny Aranza for spending government money declined, it was learned. in implementing reforms. on what critics called "public re­ "Why should the governor meet Broadhurst said the governor On the other hand, Broadhurst Broadhurst compared OIA to lations" binge. with him (Aranza)? So he could took offense on learning that the said OIA is to be blamed for these "a mechanic shop that can't fix a The governor has invited a tell the governor that they don't national media got a copy of the expenses, saying the CNMI was car." number of U.S. legislators, con­ believe in what the CNMI is do­ report even before the chief ex­ "compelled" to do its own lobby­ At Wednesday's press confer­ gressional staffers, members of ing?" government· spokesperson ecutive had a chance to see it. ing because OIA officials have ence, Aranza Ii kened the CNMI 's think tank groups, and media prac­ Mark Boardhurst said. "What kind of respect was 1·cunmm1-rounc1.·-<1eacf!failed to do their job. current immigration and labor Continueaon page 4o FBI's ~ost wanted man 'shoots self' as SWAT closed in '· MI AM I gunned down. WalshofFoxTV's"America's BEACH, "All across the nation, our citi­ MostWanted,"whovisited the 3;~;~[?:·~;"!'('sf,• Florida (AP) zens can stand down and breathe scene. The shot to the face ,,, :;::,vanety' -Andrew a sigh of relief. The reign of ten-or· slowed the identification. It was Cunanan, the brought upon us by Andrew more than 10 hours before po­ suspected se- ··· Cunanan is over," police Chief lice confirmed the body in the rial killer who Richard Ban-eto said Thursday. house was Cunanan. ·."·"101 eluded a na­ As the sun peeked over the ho­ 'The shot to the face made [irii~!J,~~~ifr.;'@l~:w~~t"I'm going to-sue/This·guy"(Tenorio)·justcan not do· ... ashe'' tionwide rizon, Cunanan 's body was re­ the identification of the body Andrew Cunanan pleases. It doesn't matterifhe is the governqr:rin going to make manhunt for moved from the floating home much more <lifficult," Metro­ . him accountable for his actions," .vowed ·oLNR's Fish.and : nearly three months, shot him­ more than 14 hours after the siege. Dade Mayor Alex Pend as sai<l . : Wildlife Division DirectorR<;>qlle.·A· :Sari;9~:injrp~9n~ i~ter~ ;; self to death in a houseboat just began Wednesday. "In addition to that, the only 1 j 4kilometers (2 1-2 miles) from The suspected serial killer's other available method of iden­ lvit'Swd [~]~~4?1::Iijilr~W'"'\"t''i where Gianni Versace was face---------------- was "blown off," said Johrt Contini.ied ..on··pa·ge46 ! ~~:t!~t~t~~~!t~i-~~:J,wqtttfth:; .... ,, ., .. ~~~ : · ·.~_·it (removal from office) was yery: ifoprpt,e1\:l~~(ct<>i~t~Yf ; job. He (Tenorio) has no other, reaso1fto:re.~_i11,a~~rf!le.;l~:·(tp~n)} : my obvious support for.the Borja-Sablatiteamp:_n¢ s~iij1{:'C:;\:\ . Santos'removal fro1t1post.wasco~tjiin,~d fo~'.f~~dJrie~s~g~\: : relayed to his office late in_ th~ afternqori,:W:eg:nesgay~:T#ngf;i<> ~ !:.~·~-~ FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1997 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 ~-J~_l::\l{j_61'!,\~ VARIETY NEWSAND V!f\VS-FRIDA Y- JULY 25. 1997 ------------·---- -·----------·-··- Andrew Cunanan's aunt: According to school choice advocate: 'He \Vas good, religious' 'BOE fears losing turf' j ,•1 me. Alier meals: he would go lo his Philippiric police located him h;t By Mar-Vic C. Munar we're not hired guns. We cmne out tion affairs management under BOE. room lo 1ead his books. Hew; fond of week in Plaridel. Repo1te1s who visited Variety News Staff he1e because we want to see some Under the governor's bill, supe1vi­ books." his residence TI1wsday saw tl1e doo1s THE BOARD of Education opposes positive chm1ges in your educational sion of the voucher program wou Id She showed 1epo11ers pictun:s of and the gate locked. A white cn1cifix the government's proposed school system," Funderburk said. be under control of the Governor's Cunanan :.1, a young boy. was nailed to the wall beside tlie fmnt voucherprogr:un because it is "afraid In an telephone interview, mem1- Office, through ,m appointed di,ec­ She said she was not in touch with his door. of losing power mid jmisdiction," while, Fanell denied he ww; against tor. brotlicr. who had 11.:fused to ,-peak witl1 Mrs. Cll'los could not believe tl,e school choice advocate mid fo1mer the voucher concept it~lf. But acting Atty. Gen. Robc11 repo11ers and huniedly left his 1esi­ charges thmhcrricphew killed Versace U.S. Rep. David Funderburk said What he opposes, Fanell said, was Dunlap said the governors' bill only denreinnemby Plmideltownlastweek. and fourotl1ernien. yesterday. the lack of regulations that would "provides a rnc,ms to fund educa­ His whe1eabouts me still w1knov,n. "He is a good boy. He cm, 't do ,tll Funderburk made the statement define how the voucher progrnm tion," ,md that it docs not intend to Modesto Cun,m,m, a fom1er stock­ tl1ose things. I tl1ink he is innocenV' she following BOE's move Wednesday would work in tl1e CNMI. "We are dictate the pub! ic school system· s broker in Califomi,~ abandoned tlie said. to vote againstsuppo1ting m1y voucher opposed to the problems of tl1e bill cwTiculum. family in 1988 mid tled to the Philip­ Butsheaddedthathisfm11ily'·should proposals. itself ,md its political embodiment," Rich,ll'd Clayton Trotter, kg,tl coun­ pines when he lem1,ed he W,L, wm1ted acrept tlie butl1. 111ey should accept Two school choice bills have been he said. sel fortl1e group. agreed with Dunlap. for ,tllegedly illeg:tl firnmci:tl dealings. what happened to u,em." filed in the House of Representatives. ' Moreover, Fmrell said, "the gov­ saying th: governor's pinposcd mca­ Andrew Cunanan David Funderburk Don Farrel/' One was filed by Rep. Heinz ernment must fo,t provide adequate sun:: '\vas a pun: tirnmcial bill." Hofschneider. voucher had indicated that "the funding for tl1e public schools befo1e private schools." "It docs not affect the adminisu·a­ Rep. DinoJoneson Tuesday spon­ voucher program is not dcliveiing iL, engaging in effo1s to subsidize pii­ "'But whose job was it? That w,L, tion of schools. TI1e bill iLsclf docs not US denounces ASEAN's son~d Gov. rroilan C. Teno1io's ver­ promise to improve education." vate schools." his," Funderburk said. give the director m1y power to do the Barbara Cunanan Carlos, a Filipino aunt of Andrew Cunanan, rests her .. sion. Funderburk Frowned on the BOE' s Funde1burk, along with educator He said that while BOE h,L, been tl1ings that bom·d is already doing." forehead on her hand Thursday in Baliwag town, north of Manila, upon At Wednesday's board meeting, position. David Kirkpatrick and Cleveland remiss of its job, "it does ,1ot wm1t to Trotter said. hearing the news that her nephew killed himself nine days after he the voucher proposals got a thumbs "Thepeoplcwhoopposetheschool piincipr~ John Monis attended the Mitchell Pearlstein. a fo1mer edu­ allegedly shot to death world famous designer Gianni Versace, AP lose its power.'' decision on Burma, Laos down from three members of the choice program me people who op­ bom'd meeting on Rota. Oneoftheconcemsmisedby Fm1ell cation official, h,L, iecornmern.Jed that By JIM GOMEZ signed to his fate. By LAURA MYERS Burma's problems now become regime that ignored the results five-mm, board ---chaim1m1 Don poseeducational 1eform," Funderburk Funde1burk said Fm1ell was sug­ on the governor's bill w:.1, it, possible the bill be enacted into law :md let it be BALI\\'AG, Philippinrs (AP) - A is his destiny. TI1at is his life. ··niat LOS ANGELES (AP)- On her ASEAN's problems.'' of I 990 elections. Fmrell, members Tom Pm1gelinan said at a press confe1ence held at gesting about the need to "improve violation of Ai1icle 15 of tl1e Consti­ challenged in cou1t later it had ,my Filipino aunt saiJ 111u1oiclay tl1at An­ We ,u-e saddened. Even if we have not w:1y to meet leaders of the As­ ASEAN added Burma and Democracy leader and Nobel mid Mmja Lee Taitano.
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