What Peop/t Traffic In '59 City County Don't Know KINGSPORT TIMES Deaths 1 13 WILL Hurt Them Injuries 171 224 It's Only One Step From Cut* Vol. XLV, No. 1 Kingiport, Term., Frida/, January 1,1960 20 Pages Five Cents To Coffin. U.S. Preparing Strategy To Halt WORLD WELCOMES I960 Strike Renewal By WILLIAM J. EATON WITH BUOYANT HOPES WASHINGTON (UPD—The ad- ministration is stepping up its be- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS old decade, and a gladsome greet- services. Parades and football French President Charles de hind-the-scenes efforts U> settle A high-hearted world cheered in ing to the Sixties. Optimism, was games were the highlights in sev- Gaulle foresaw "expansion and the steel dispute and avert a re- 1960 today with buoyant hopes that the dominant note. eral places today. progress" as the keynotes of 1960. sumption of the strike later this good days lie ahead. British Prime Minister . Harold For the Soviet Union, the cele- Even in trouble spots, there was month. In most countries, it was one of Macmillan. in a special message, bration was mostly in homes, but jubilance. Every amusement place The new government strategy the gayest celebrations in years. looked forward in 1960 to "relief Moscow's streets were crowde^ In Taipei, on Formosa, was was disclosed Thursday when Many national leaders saw pros- from the heavy burcfen of arms." and sparkled with decorations. packed. All was quiet on the off- Vice President Richard M. Nixon pects for mounting prosperity, and U.S. Secretary of State Christian Premier Nikita Khrushchev shore islands, the Chinese Com- and Labor Secretary James P. a more stable peace. A. Herter noted, despite unaltered toasted the new year at a munist guns silenced for the holi- Mitchell reported they had met In such a mood, millions made conflicts, "a new atmosphere of Kremlin party with government day. secretly with both sides in the merry with shouts, songs and she- hopefulness for the solution of official , scholars and artist's. In Cuba, despite government lengthy controversy. nanigans, while church bells tolled world problems." warnings of a possible yearend to- A Moscow radio commentator vasion attempt by anti-revolution- Nixon and Mitchell were ex- and bands played. In both East and West, there said in a broadcast beamed to were predictions of economic .. ary forces, the country was in an pected to resume their talks next Thousands turned New York's North Araerica; 1960 ls dawnlng exultant mood. Times Square into a reveling sea health and growth. The projected undcr happy augurles. Although •week in an attempt to get a set- It was the first anniversary of tlement without the necessity of of humanity. In Rome, showers ol spring summit conference under-jtne paUl to peacc may be u h lined the outlook for peace. j . the banishment of dictator Fulgeh- President Eisenhower requesting pots and buckets cascaded into the an d thornyi manklnd ls nevcrthe cio Batista, and Havana's plush new labor legislation from Con- streets at midnight. President Eisenhower, recently j less marching forward along the casinos and night spots swarmed gress. Auto horns blared on the avc-! returned from his memorable j path with steady strides." world tour, observed _with celebrants. .^ Other developments In the steel nues of Paris, and fireworks j .,,,.„ _, r the holiday! Wcst German Chancellor Kon- In Tokyo, Japanese launched the situation: banged a salute in German cities. with friends and family at his Au- rad Adenauer predicted Western new year by scrubbing ' their —The United Steelworkers an- Scottish bagpipes wailed. Cham- gusta, Ga., retreat. strength will hold firm, and said homes, polishing their streets and nounced it would seek contempt- pagne flowed in the restaurants of Across the nation, communities the "acute threat to Berlin has stepping out in new hairdo's and of-court penalties against the "big Vienna. welcomed the new year with tradi- been beaten back for the mo- dress—a tradition symbolizing a 11" steel companies for alleged It was a spirited farewell to the tional festivities, frolic and church ment." fresh start, in body and spirit. violation of a court order that halted the 116-day strike. They accused the companies of falling to turn over monthly • reports re- quired under the order. Journal Attacks Hold Luncheon Meeting: —Roger M. Blough, chairman of U.S. Steel Corp., predicted that Holiday Death Toll if there is no resumption of the strike, the nation's steel mills will Cranberry Scare operate at near capacity in the first six months of 1960 to restore CHICAGO (DPI) — 'The editor strike-depleted inventories. of the Journal of the American Mitchell held an unannounced Medical Assn. today accused the luncheon meeting Thursday with Steelworkers President David J, government of unduly alarming Mounting Steadily McDonald and Union Attorney the American people about cran- Arthur Jm Goldberg. Neither berries, charcoal and chickens. (T-N Photo by Parrlsl Dr. John H. Talbott made the From Times Wire Services Motorists in the country's mid- Mitchell nor the union officials The nation's highway death toll Traffic 48 would say what they discussed. Wearing his top hat and 1960 banner, Jim Gregory, 16-month-old son of Mayor accusation in an editorial entitled section laced hazardous driving and Mrs. L. P. Gregory, 1154 Watauga Street, ponders the world situation as the "Cranberries, Charcoal and mounted slowly today as millions Fire 1 caused by a blizzard sweeping out Nixon told newsmen in NeW' of Americans welcomed the new of the West. York before boarding a plane for new year moves in. Whatever he's decided, little Jim isn't telling. Chickens" in the current Journal. year. Miscellaneous 3 The snow storm handed New California that he and Mitchell, "If turnips and cabbage were The worst accident killed four also held secret meetings with the j among the vegetables served or TOTAL 52 Mexico its third crippling punch, union and the companies here; mustard was used as a condi- in the past '16 days, closing some. Wednesday. He said they previ-: ment, minute quantities of amino- leen-agers near Richland, Mich., roads and marooning many trav- ously met several times with both Outlook For I960: triazole might have been ingested when their car missed a curve in elers. side.?. by the pilgrims more than 300 Commies Use a road and sheered off a utility Thousands of Americans said Declines T'rngrrss Report years ago," he wrote. pole. Electric service to Richland goodbye to toe 1950s in high style Tlie vice president said Presi- Aminotriazole was the cancer- was knocked out for several hours. in the best nightclubs in town. dent Eisenhower was beinR kppti producing weed killer used on The National Safety Council Prices ranged from $30 a person fully informed on the discussions. cranberries that led the govern- forecast 320 persons would not live in some of New York's more ex- But he declined repeatedly to say Officials See Prosperity, ment to impound them shortly be- Teen-Age Spies through the first weekend of 1960. pensive spots to no cover charge whether any progress had bceii fore Thanksgiving. Police around the country mo- in Helena, Mont., where a night- made. "Little stress." Talbott contin- H E L M S T E D T. Germany bilized their forces in an effort club manager explained that "they ued, "was placed on the well-(UPH — The East German Com- to save lives over Ule 78-hour hol- drink more in Montana." documented evidence that amino- munists call them "volunteer po- iday which began at 6 p.m. New A crowd estimated at upwards triazole occurs naturally in veg- lice helpers." Year's Eve and ends at midnight of 700,000 jammed Times Square Sunday. in New York to ring In .1960. Tfte etables, notably cabbage, turnips Actually they are teen-age boys Challenge For New Year and broccoli as well as in mus- Safety officials hoped motorists huge throng was guaranteed trans- Crippling Transit and girls pressed into service by would heed warnings portation home when negotiators tard." He added that the antithy- the Communist regime to spy on to ease up WASHINGTON CAP)— The pros-] hopefulness for the solution of Ing: reports required under the old on the gas pedal to make sure reached a contract settlement roid action of aminotriazole had their friends and neighbors and New Year's Eve parties would not early today that ftver.te4 a subway pect of a record business year and world problems.", but added there contract. It also took issue -v-.v^itb. .been described in current medi- report all -contacts ;UBtween East the possibility of a balanced budg- has been no real change in com- some of the companies' advertis- cal books. have tragic hangovers. ..... strike. ....... ' '•' "•'"" • 1 Germans and. Westerners. Strike Averted et despite last year's steel strike munis t intentions. ing statements. Talbott said that charcoal or ' It was a case of "Little Broth- were held out today by govern- Secretary of Commerce Freder- The union contends the Taft- carbon black came under govern- er" doing the watching Instead ol NEW YORK (UPIi — A crip- ment officials. ick H. Mueller added a few If's Hartley law injunction under ment scrutiny Nov. 1959, less the "Big Brother" of Geogre Or- pling strike of all the city's sub- In world affairs, It will be a also to his prediction that the na- which its members are working than a year after being listed In well's novel, "1984." temporarily reinstated all terms Blizzard Whips West- way nnd bus lines was 'averted year of challenge to the United tional output will reach the rate the federal registry as a permis- For many of the youngsters It's today only one hour before the States and its hopes for peace, of 500 billion dollars a year within of the old contract.
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