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Lancaster, PA: Martin O'Connell Associates, 1991. McCarthy, Celia E., Bill Levinson, Lee Tsoflias, Woodruff Minor, Richard N. Tufnell, Port of Oakland., and Alpha Spectrum Productions Inc. Shaping Oakland's Shoreline the North Training Wall: Alpha Spectrum Educational Films, 2004. videorecording. Oakland Army Base, December 8, 1941- September 30, 1999: A Pictorial History and Official Closure Program. Oakland (Calif.). Board of Port Commissioners, and Wilsey & Ham. Port of Oakland : Preliminary Oakland Shoreline Plan Phase 1. Oakland, Calif.: Port of Oakland Board of Port Commissioners, 1968. Port of Oakland. "Bulletin." v. Oakland, Calif.: The Port, 1930. Port of Oakland. Terminal Facilities Guide. Oakland, CA: Port of Oakland, 1972. Port of Oakland. The Port of Oakland : The Giant Economy Model : A Study of the Port's. Oakland, Calif.: Port of Oakland, 1972. Port of Oakland. Negative Declaration Prepared in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 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