OdonatologicalAbstracts 1972 giving, with much personal feeling, an outline of her metaphysical experience of the dragonfly, considering Fauna Niebieskich it of illusions and of (13633) KRAJEWSKI, S„ 1972. as a symbol breaching a symbol Zrddel: larvy wazek (Odonata). — Fauna ofNiebieskie change. She is also author ofthe dragonfly vignettes, Zrodla: dragonfly larvae (Odonata). Zesz. nauk. Uniw. appearing thoughout the book. Iddz. (II) 46: 41-45. (Pol., with Engl. s.). — (Author’s current address unknown). 1998 12 from this Nature Reserve, central spp. are reported Poland and their abundance is commented — A., 1998. Etude des insectes upon. (13636) DUCOMMUN, For OA a current checklist, see 13732. aquatiques 1995-1996: Reserve naturelle du Marais des Pontins s/Saint-Irnier. Mill,naturf. Ges. Bern (N.F.) 1987 — 55: 27-34. (Author’s address not stated). 8 odon. spp. are recorded from the Marais des Pontins (13634) RESUMOS 14 CONGRESSO BRASIUERO Nature Reserve, canton Bern, Switzerland. DEZOOLOGIA, 1987. Depto Biol., ICBG, Univ. Fed. & 1998. Juiz de Fora, MG, 281 pp. [Abstracts only], (13637) XYLANDER, W.E.R. R. STEPHAN, [Odon. papers:] Carvalho, A.L\ Aspectos biologicos Die Libellen des Braunkohletagebaugebiets Berzdorf. taxonomicos de duas imaturas de Ber. 65-80. e novas formas Abh. NaturkMus. Gbrlitz 70(2): (WithEngl, — Gynacanthini brasileiras (Insecta, Odonata, Aeshnidae) s.). (Staat. Mus. Naturk. Gorlitz, Postfach 300154, (p, 46); - Santos, N.D., J.M. Costa & J.R. Pujol-Luz: D-02806 Gorlitz). de alevinos larvas de odonatas The odon, fauna ofthe coal Predacao por em (48 spp.) open-cast mining — A.B.M.: Berzdorf E pisciculturas (p. 47); Machado, Sobre uma area of nr Gorlitz, Saxony, Germany is novaespecie de Heteragrion do estado de Minas Gerais described. 5 groups ofponds and a brook, significantly (Odonata; Megapodagrionidae) (p. 47: descriptive differing in age, structure and physico-chemical notes, without name). parameters, are discerned andtheir odon. communities are analysed. 1995 (13638) XYLANDER, W.E.R., R. STEPHAN & R. (13635) VAN LIPPE-BIESTERFELD, L, 1995. FRANKE, 1998. Erstnachweise und Wiedemachweise Dialoog met de natuur: een weg naar een nieuw von Libellen (Odonata) fur den Freistaat Sachsen und evenwicht. — with die Oberlausitz. Abh. Ber. NaturkMus. [Dialogue nature:a way to a new Gorlitz 70(1); Deventer. 183 37-46. — Mus. Naturk. balance], Ankh-Hermes, pp. Paperback. (WithEngl. s.). (Staat. Gorlitz, ISBN 90-202-9085-1. (Dutch). Postfach 300154, D-02806 Gorlitz). Irene Van Lippe-Biesterfeld,born Princess of Oranje- Crocothemis erythraea is recorded for the first time is sister of of Netherlands. from 6 other for -Nassau, a the Queen the Saxony, and spp. are new Upper this E On pp. 99-100 of autobiographic work, she is Lusatia; Germany. 458 Odonatological Abstracts 1999 cophysa, Micrathyria spp., Orthemis discolor, Erythrodiplax fusca) are more abundant and are (13639) BROCKHAUS, T„ 1999. Die Libellenfauna considered as potentialpredators on fish fry. des unteren Zschopautales. Mitt, sacks. Ent. 47: 26- -28. — (An der Morgensonne 5, D-09387 Jahnsdorf/ (13643) POPOVA, O.N. & A.Yu. HARITONOV, 1999. Erzdorf). Geograficheskoe rasprostranenie strekoz roda For the sake of drinking-water supply in the lower Sympetrum. - [Biogeographical distribution of E ZschopauValley (Erzgebirge, Germany), until 1996 dragonfly genus Sympetrum], Vest. Chelyabinsk, gos. the groundwatertable has beenkept high by pumping, pedagog. Univ. (X) 1999(1): 7-15. (Russ.). - (Inst. hence various large ponds were created. These Anim. Syst. & Ecol., Siber. Br.. Russ. Acad. Sci„ ul. harboured (1994-1996) 21-22 odon. spp. (17 spp. Frunze 11, RUS-630091 Novosibirsk). When the The features of breeding). the system was changed, ponds biogeographic the genus are concisely 1996 of dried-up.In only 7 spp, were recorded, 6 which outlined and some amendments in the subdivision of breeding. — See also OA 8333. some holarctic biogeographicprovinces are proposed. The genus is considered the youngest in the Odon., (13640) BROCKHAUS, T„ 1999. Sachsische and is represented in all continents except Australia. Libellentagung in Bad Schandau. Mitt, sacks. Ent. 48: Its primary centre oforigin and speciation is in E Asia, — the other of in southern North 28-29. (An der Morgensonne5, D-09387 Jahnsdorf/ centres speciation are Erzdorf). America and in the Mediterranean; the latter is the A brief account of the ofthe 2nd proceedings meeting youngest ofthem. Though its members are structurally ofSaxonian attended odonate workers, by 15persons; and ecologically fairly uniform, a pronounced diversity The is in 5/6-XI-1999. progress on the “Entomofauna apparent species ranges. Due to interspecific saxonica” the main nowhere than 5-7 project was topic. competition, more spp. co-occur. — See also OA 12854. (13641) DE BRUYN, L„ P. GROOTAERT, M. POLLET & G. DE KNIJF, 1999. Hebben (13644) REINHARDT, R. & F. PIMPL, 1999. Beitrag ongewervelden een toekomst in onze tuinen? — [Is zur Insektenfauna des Landkreises Mittweida. Mitt, there a perspective for the invertebrates in our sacks. Ent. 47:8-17. — (First Author: Burgstadter Str. gardens?] Ankona Jaarb. 1999: 68-83. (Dutch). - 80a, D-09684 Mittweida). (Last Author: Ploegstraat 33, B-9050 Gent). Includes a checklist of 11 odon. spp.; Mittweida distr., The odon. fauna of 2 gardens in Flandres, Belgium is E Germany, with compared that of 3 nature reserves. The garden and it consists of assemblage appears very poor solely (13645) SCHULZ, R„ R.-U. MUHLE & T. WILKE, ubiquitous, non-specialised spp. 1999. Zur Odonatenfauna des einstweilig gesicherten Teichgebietes Lakoma. Beitr. Tienv. Mark 14: 71-76. — Inst. (13642) DE MARCO, P„ Jr,A.O. LATIN1 & A.P. REIS, (With Engl, s.), (First Author: Okol. u, 1999. Environmental determination of dragonfly Naturschutz, Univ. Potsdam, Lennestr. 7a, D-14471 assemblage in aquacultureponds. Aquacult. Res. 30: Potsdam). 357-364. — Ecol. Biol. 19 (Lab, Quatitativa,Depto Geral, spp. are reportedfrom the fishpond area ofLakoma, Univ. Fed. Vigosa, BR-36517-000 Vigosa, MG). Lausitz, E Germany. The patterns of larval odon. communities in aquaculture ponds in Vigosa, SE Brazil are described (13646) SHESHURAK, P.N., 1999. K izucheniyu s with the objective to determine the influence of entomofauny Nacional’nogo parka “Pripyatskiy”: environmental and their — the bionomic parameters on strekozy (Odonatoptera). [Contribution to composition and species richness. Vegetation knowledge of insect fauna ofthe Pripyatskiy National determines of the occurrence some spp., whose adults Park: dragonflies (Odonatoptera], In: Biologicheskoe “ ” require certain plants foroviposition. The ponds where raznoobrazie Nacional’nogo parka Pripyatskiy the is have lower vegetation lacking species richness. pp. 217-221, Nac. park “Pripyatskiy”, Turov- The - Inst. "N. large-size spp. (Coryphaeschna adnexa, -Mozyr. (Russ.). (St. Pedagog. Gogol", Brachymesia furcata) have low abundance or occur Nezhin, Ukraine). accidentally. Spp. of intermediate size (Tramea A commented list of32 spp.; — Belarus. OdonatologicalAbstracts 459 (13647) SHESHURAK, P.N. & E.V. MISAN, 1999. -Brucknergasse 2/2, A-2232 Deutsch-Wagram). Nasekomye (Insecta) Nacional’nogo parka Ehmann, H.: Libellenfunde im Bundesland Salzburg “Pripyatskiy”, zanesennye v Krasnuyu knigu 1990-1999 (Insecta: Odonata) (pp. 1-17); — Muller, H.: Respubliki Belarus, v Evropeyskiy krasnny spisok, v Untersuchungen zu Cordulegaster heros Krasnuyu knigu MSOR - [Pripyatskiy National Park Theischinger, 1979 und C. bidentata Selys, 1843, 1: insects listed in the Belarus Red Book, the European Imagines (pp. 19-22; — 2: Larven (pp. 23-27); — Red List and in the IUCN Red Book], In; Sonntag, H.: Erster Bodenstandigkeitsnachweis von Biologicheskoe raznoobrazie Nacional'nogo parka Aeshna mixta Latreille, 1805 fiir das Bundesland Tirol “Pripyatskiy” pp.j 225-228, Nac. park (pp. 29-30); - OAL-Nachrichten (pp. 31-32). “Pripyatskiy", Turov-Mozyr. (Russ.). - (St. Pedagog. Inst. "N. Gogol", Nezhin, Ukraine). (13652) ANDRES, J.A., R.A. SANCHEZ-GUILLEN redlisted in several ofthe said & A, CORDERO RIVERA, 2000. Molecular evidence 4 odon. spp. are oneor documents. for selection female color the on polymorphism in damselfly Ischnura graellsii. Evolution 54(6): 2156- (13648) WAKEHAM-DAWSON,A., T. BENTON & V. -2161. — (ThirdAuthor; Depto Ecol. & Biol. Animal, BARNHAM, 1999. Butterflies and dragonflies in Univ. Vigo, E.U.E.T. Forestal, Campus Universitario, northern Greece, 27 June-9 July 1997. Ent. Rec. J. ES-36005 Pontevedra). Var. 111(3): 121-128. — (First Author: Mill Laine The signification of 5 colour polymorphism in Odon. East BN7 field studies. The Farm, Offham, Lewes, Sussex, 3QB, UK). remains controversial despite many 5 odon. incl. listed from Mt of random factors effects, spp., Epallage fatime, are importance (founder genetic NW Drama. Falakrdn, of drift and migration) vs selective forces for the maintenance of this polymorphism is still under (13649) YANIBAEVA, V.A., 1999. K harakteristike discussion. Here, it is specifically stated whether the odonatofauny Bashkirskogo zapovednika. — To the 9 colour polymorphismofI.graellsii is under selection characteristics ofthefauna of dragonfliesin the Bashkir in the wild. The degreeof genetic differentiation based markers be is Reserve. Izuchenie Prirody v Zapovednikah on RAPD (assumedto neutral) compared Baskortostana 1: 200-203. (Russ., with Engl. s.). - with the degree of differentiation based on colour St. Nature alleles. Weir & Cockerham’s 6 values (Bashkir
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