Italh SMm, V«L ^ N«. 4 Tm O n , N iw tcr U , i m Agnite^5,l913(SiAaj LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Tenth LokSaUui) w 4 « ^ ^ o liV I conurilu Nos. I to l(f^ b o I s 4 i a A s B c i s t a ii i a t ssw D itai,;' CONTENTS ITm U iS eriB s, Vol. VI, Second Session. 1991/1913 (SiAaJf^ No. 4, Tuesday, November 26,1991/Agrahayana 5,1913 (Saka) C o lum ns Members Sworn 1 449 Ot}Huary Reference 1— 2 Oral Answers to Questions: 2 -3 8 ‘ Starred Question Nos. 6 1 ,6 2 ,6 4 , 65 Written Answers to Questions: 39-420 Starred Question Nos. 63, 66 to 3 9 -«D 80 Unstarred Question Nos. 662,663, 60— 413 €65 to €88. 690 to 769, 771 to 828, 830 to 857, 859 to 869, 871 to 892 Re. Reinstatement of Dismissed 421— 432 Railway Employees Message from Rajya Sabha 433 Indian Succession (Amendment) Bill 433 As passed by Rajya Sabha— Law n » sign -t- marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was acutaHy on the fkwr of the House by that Member. (ii) C olumns Matters Under Rule 377 4 3 3 -4 4 0 (!) Need to convert Tirupati-Pakala 433—434 metro gauge line into broad ‘gauge one Shri Mahasamudram Gnanendra Ffeddy 00 Need for survey of Bastar 435—436 Forests by Satellite and to take preventive measures to check defbrestatnn Sliri Manku Ram Sodi (iii) Need to declare Ponta Sahib- 438 Rampur Busher and Pinjore- Sawarghat roads in Himachal Pradesh as Nattonal Highways Shri Krishan Dutt Sulanpuri (iv) Need for early payment of 438 salaries to Medical Officers appointed by the Central Government in Primary Health Centres in Uttar Pradesh Dr. P.R. Gangwar (v) Need to regularise unauthorised 438—439 LPG connections in Jalgaon, Maharashtra Dr. Gunwant Rambhau Sarode (vi) Need to take steps for overall 439 devek}pment of ravine area in Kanpur Dehat and set up some industries based on agrnulture products there Shri Kesri Lai (iii) C olumns (vil) Need to expedite the Clearance 439— 440 of Growth Centre project report regarding Sipcot Project Complex in Ferundurai, Tamil Nadu Shri P.G. Narayanan Statement by Minister 440 Safe return of the Romanian Diplomat Mr. Livin Radu Demands for Grants (Punjab), 1991-92 4 4 1 -5 0 8 Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal 4 4 1 -4 4 9 ShriRajendraAgnihotri 449— 453 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 453— 457 Shri Sudhir Sawant 457— 566 Shri Chandra Jeet Yadav 466— 473 Shri Yaima Singh Yumnam 473— 475 Shri Vijay Naval Patil 475— 478 Shri E. Ahamad 478— 481 Shri Mukul Balkrishna Wasnik 4 8 2 -4 8 4 Kumari Frida Topno 484— 485 Shri Ayub Khan 4 8 5 -4 8 8 Prof. Rasa Singh Rawat 488— 493 Shri Shantaram Potdukhe 4 9 3 -5 0 8 ’’ unjab Appropriatton (No. 2) Bill, 1991 509— 510 Motton to introduce Shri Shantaram Potdukhe 509 (iv) C olumns Motion to consider Shli Shantaram Potdul<he 509— 510 Clauses 2 ,3 and 1 510 Motion to Pass Shri Shantaram Potdul^he 510 Water (Prevention and Control of 511— 530 Pollution Cess (Amendment) Bill Motion to consider Shri Rajendra Kumar Sharma 511— 515 Shri Chandulal Chandrakar 515— 516 Shri HariKishore Singh 5 1 6 -5 2 1 Shri Sarat Chandra Pattanayak 5 2 3 -5 2 4 Shri V. Dhananjaya Kumar 524— 526 Shri Gopi Nath Gajapathi 5 2 6 -5 2 9 LOKSABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Shri Chandrashekharappa took keen Inter­ est in agrkajiture and rural devetopmenL He was associated with several boards consti­ tuted by the State Government from time to Tuesday, November2 8 ,1991/^rahayana time in connection with the devetopment of S. 1913 (SAKA) agriculture. An able Parliamentarian, he took keen Interest In the proceedings of the House and The Lx}k Sabha met at also sensed on various Parliamentary Com­ Eleven of the Clock mittees. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chaii] Shri Chandrashekarappa passed away on 18 November. 1991 at Bangtore at the MEMBERS SWORN age of 57. [E n g m We deeply mourn the bss of this friend and I am sure the House will join me in SHRIB. M. MUJAHID (Darwad South) conveying our condolences to the bereaved family. SHRINITISH KUMAR (Barh) The House may now stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased. 11.02 hrs {The Members Uwn stood in sSence h r a OBITUARY REFERENCE sh at while) [Enpffs/)] 11.05 hrs MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Member. I have to inform the House of the sad demise ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS of one of our former colleagues Shri T.V. Chandrashekharappa. [EngHshi Shri T.V. Chandrashekharappa was a Prhratisatkm of Air India, Indian Airlines Member of the Fifth, Seventh, Eighth and a n d lTD C Ninth Lx)k Sabha durlr^ 1971-77 and 1980- 91, representing the Shlmoga and Davangere constituencies of Karnataka. He was also a 61. SHRI MORESHWAR SAVE: Member of Rajya Sabha between 1978 arid SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR 1979. PATEL: Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION An active sodal and political worker. AND TOURISM be pleased lo state: Ora/ Answers NOVEMBER 26.1991 Oral Answers 4 (a) whethw the Government propose to are oonsMerlng the issue and we will be partialV privatise the Air India. Indian Air- putting upour proposal separately if we have Ines and India Tourism Development Cor­ any such. poration; SHRI MORESHW AR SAVE: Is it a fact (b) If so. the reasons therefor and the that these undertakings are suffering be­ details of the scheme; cause of huge pHferage and inisappropria- tion and whether the Minister is aware of it (c) whether the Govemment have re­ a n d . If yes, whether he is planning to plug c e iv e any representation against such and check this? move; and SHRI MADHAV RAO SCINDIA: One (d) If so, the details thereof and the always keeps reviewing such matters and as action taken by the Govemment thereon? and when such complaints come, actbn is taken from time to time. I wouki not say that THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE any large scale scandal has come to our MINISTRYOFCIVILAVIATIONANDTOUR- knowledge in recent times. ISM (SHRI M.O.H. FAROOK): (a) to (d). Some representations have been received. SHRI INDERJIT SINGH: Policy guMe- No spedficdecistons have sofar been taken lines regarding the public sector undertak­ in respect of Air India. Indian Airlines and ings have been enunciated recently by the riD C . hon. Rnanoe Minister, although he took the oppoiftunity to do so not while he was in this SHRI MORESHWAR SAVE: Hon. country but abroad in Bangkok. However, he Speaker. Sir. here the hon. Minister has made it dear and he repeated itthe other day stated that no spedficdeclskm Istaken. But in this House that only those public sector it Is a fact that the Cabinet CommKlee on undertakings which, according to him, are l^ n o m k : Affairs. CCEA. at its meeting two unviaUe or running oontinually in k>sses days back consUered the Issue and ap­ may be consUered for being cbsed down. I proved a list of 41 select PSUs for disinvest­ want to know whether it Is not a fact that the ment to the extent of even 49 per cent ITD C form its very inceptton has been run­ against the statement of the hon. Finance ning with prafX. bi that case, firstly, how does Minister for 20 per cent of tt? And Air India the questkMi of dosing it down arise? Sec­ and the ITD C are among that LisL ondly. why does the Govemment itself not take active steps to improve the efficiency My second supplementary Is... and worldng of the ITD C which, at the moment, has got no full4ime Chainnan or MR. SPEAKER: Only one supplemen­ Managing Director and whose Board of Di­ tary at a time. rectors iscomposedof people, mostof whom. I think, are not at all active ki their duties? SHRI lin^MAL KANTICHATTERJEE: And why are the efforts being made to rope You ean say part 'B ' and not the ‘second in the name of some foreign hotel chain in supplementar/. order to attract tourists or somethbig from abroad? It is a dedston which is really a Mf^ SPEAKER: You are putting your misadventure because recently that ded- woids in his mouth. sk>n has had to be scrapped again. Why dkf they go in for all this spending ciores of THE MINISTER OF CIVIL AVIATION rupees? This Raddison Hotel Chain was At«)TOURlSM(SHRIMADHAVRAOSCIN- brought in because tttey felt that its name OIA): Mr. Speaker. Sir. in answer to the wouM attract tourists from abroad and crores question put by the hon. Member. I wouM of rupees had been spent. And now that ISce to say that all these three organisations dedston has had to be abandoned, ktay we Oral Answmv AGRAHAYANA 5.1913 {SAKA) ' Oral Ansnmrs «6 kiKiw who is responsible for It? A r« these As far as the questton of aikming the things gob)g to be gone inio or are there Just private Air S e n ^ to start is concerned, going to be ta la everyday about dosing there is already a open s l^ polcy dedded by down pubflc sector undertaidngs? my predecessor. We are detennined to see that those people who want to operate are SHRIkMDHAVRAOSCiNDIA: At pres­ given a fair dtance to do so. is not our ent we have no intmtion of closing down the responsibility to see whetherth^ suceed or ITD C.
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