EUREKASTRE A Canopy of Stars Some reflections for the journey by Christopher Gleeson SJ Over more than 20 years as Headmaster, Chris Gleeson gave innumerable homilies, reflections and addresses, all of them illustrated by engaging stories and quotations. Now he has made a selection of the best, and linked them with his own reflections on teaching and parenting. A wonderful collection. Thanks to David Lovell Publishing Eureka Street has ten copies of A Canopy of Stars to give away. Just put your name Just like us, the marginalised people in the overseas and address on the back of an envelope and send to: Eureka communities we help need dignity, self-sufficiency and the Street December Book Offer, PO Box 553, Richmond VIC ability to build a better life for themselves, their families 3121. See page 37 for winners of the October Book Offer. and future generations. Together we can help those in poverty realise a better future r:ll; Donation hotline ~ ~~r.~!,~ , ~~~!r.,~!!~ 1aoo o24 413 Donate online at www.caritas.org.au Amount: D $1 00 D $80 D $60 D $30 D Other $ ___ D Please find my cheque enclosed OR D Please debit my D Bankcard D Mastercard D Amex D Diners D Visa CardNo. _______________ _ Name on card _____________________________ Amount $ _______________ Exp date _____/ ______ Signature --------------------------------- 0 Please send me information on regular giving and bequests Please return to: i I · --~ -~--~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ -~~~~ - ~~-~-~~~- ~-~~--~~~~ ------- ~~~~ -! <)> $23:: c> EUREKA STREE I ~s: ~t::! wZzm cO 3::-n ~2 ;<JOJ on~c o>m-n LETTERS Q~ 3:; ;<> 4 The courtesy of God, the consequences OJY' m --1 of conscience and 20th-century giants ;<>I Nm 8>w ;<> COLUMNS --1 V> COMMENT )> 7 Cap ital Letter z 5 Andrew Hamilton The diversions of war 0 [a ck Waterford Driving the tide --1 I m 9 Summa Th eologiae 0 r SNAPSHOT Andrew Hamilton N ew (old) ways 0 () 6 Knight to remember, baulking at the rail, 10 Archimedes -< star-gazing voyager and sour grapes. Tim Thwaites Spotting a niche 11 By the Way THE MONTH'S TRAFFI C Brian Matthews A race for stayers 8 [on Greenaway Unnecessary necessities 12 Foreign Correspondence 8 Kristie Dunn Letter from Broome Anthony Ham Oiling the wheels 9 Georgina Costello Heavy traffic 46 Watching Brief Juliette Hughes Fast forward FEATURES IN PR INT 14 England Publisher Andrew Ham ilion SJ Peter Pierce gets on the bus. 28 First impress ions Editor Marcelle Mogg Assistant editor Susannah Buckley 1 6 Th e voyage out Moira Rayner reviews Hillary Rodham Graphic des igners Janneke Storteboom Kate Pollard talks to postwar migrants. Clinton's Living History. and Ben Hider Director Chri stopher Gleeson Si 18 Protecting the vulnerable 32 Preparing fo r the fifth wave Business manager Mark Dowell We need more than the current programs Frank Brennan's Tampering with Marketing & advertising manager Kirsty Grant Asylum prompts Peter Mares to look at Subscriptions Jessica Battersby to prevent sexual abuse of children, Editorial, produ cti on and administration argues Moira Rayner. this issue again. assistants Geraldine Battersby, Steven Conte, 38 Inform ation serfing Lee Beasley, Paul Fyfe sr, Ben Hider, 20 Nex t generation Marg Osborne Michele M. Gierck speaks to David Ferris reports on Information Film editor Siobhan Jackson Njongonkulu Ndungane, Anglican Feudalism: Who Owns the Knowledge Poetry editor Philip Harvey Econom y! by Peter Drahos with John Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg Archbishop of Cape Town. Braithwaite. O'Kelly sr; Perth: Dean Moore; Sydney: 22 Soul food Edmund Campion & Gerard Windsor; 39 Writing hi sto ry Queensland: Peter Pi erce Matthew Klugman interviews Richard United Kingdom Denis Minns OP Tognetti of the Australian Chamber Frank O'Shea considers Hope and Jesuit editorial board Peter \..'Est range sr, Orchestra. History by Gerry Adams. Andrew Bul len sr, Andrew Ham ilion SJ, Peter Steele sr, Bill Uren Si 24 Respecting Austra li an rules 40 Sensitive li sten ing Patrons Eureka Street gra tefu lly Kerrie O'Brien tells the story of Martin Grant Fra ser on Learning Human by acknowledges th e support of Les Murray. C. and A. Ca rt er; the tru stees of th e es tate of Flanagan. Miss M. Condon; W. P. & M .W. Gurry 26 Watermark 41 M ovin g images Philip Harvey explores Freud's Back­ Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-1758, Martin Flanagan on Tasmanian Austra lia Post Print Post approved Aborigines, Henry Melville and the ABC. Yard by Isobel Robin, Gatel<eepers pp349 181/00314, is published ten times a to The Way by Penelope Alexander yea r by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Lid, 30 Powerful lives and What The Body Rem embers by 300 Vi ctoria Street, Richmond VIC 3 I 21 Hugh Dillon discovers striking parallels Lorraine McGuigan. PO Box 553, Ri chmond V IC 312 1 between Simone Weil and George Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 43 The short li st email : [email protected] Orwell. Reviews of Bamboo Palace; The http://www.eurekastree t.com.au / 34 What's a charity? Responsibility for editori al content is Suicidal Church; The Lowest Rung: accepted by Andrew Ham ilion SJ, The draft Charities Bill 2003 will prevent Voi ces of Australian Poverty and 300 Victori a Street, Richmond advocacy on behalf of the oppressed, Flesh and Glory: Symbol, gender and Printed by Doran Printing explains Toby O'Connor. 46 Industrial Dri ve, Braeside V IC 3195. theology in the Gospel of fohn. © Jesuit Publications 2003 36 Th e forgotten people Unsolicited manu sc ripts will not be Fatima Measham on the dilemma of returned. Pl ease do not send ori gi nal FLASH IN THE PAN photogra phs or art work unless requested. poverty in Australia. Requests for permission to reprint material 44 Reviews of the films Ten; Kill Bill from the magazine should be addressed in Vol. 1; Intolerable Cru elty and In This writing to the editor. POETRY World. Thi s month 27 Evan [ones Stormy Wea ther Cover design Janneke Storteboom 27 Evan [on es Matching Cartoons p37 and p40 by Dean Moore. PUZZLED Photographs p1 2 by Anthony Ham, 35 Evan [ones Linda or Anne, in blue and pp1 6- 17 by Pru Taylor, p24 by Bill Th omas. green 47 foan Nowotny Cryptic Crossword aware of the tmth to question their conscience. As Tony found out, any questioning of the government's insidious YARRA letters · policy is done at personal cost. Spiro Tanti THEOLOGICAL Firle, SA UNION Freedom of thought Definition Andrew Hamilton's 'Truth, Conscience and Conversations' (E ureka Street, September I certainly do not wish to diminish 2003) was a pleasure to read. He clarified the late Edward Said, yet I am deeply the issues through helpful distinctions. His troubled by the opening flourish of Anthony approach to the topic was both judicious Ham's encomiun1 'The "conscious and sensitive. pariah"' (Eureka Street, November 2003). The Church viewed as a community Like a lot of such writing, tllis essay of conversation (and that entails respectful daringly declares but does not define. Social Justice listening) reminds us of something impor­ 'There have been few more significant tant. We cam1ot be force-fed with the truth intellectuals in the 20th century than Studies 2004 nor press-ganged into being free whether it is Edward Said,' Ham enthuses. What does he at Diploma, Graduate Diploma by individuals, the goverm11ent, the Church understand by 's ig:~lifican t ', not to m ention and Master of Arts levels and even, one must say, by God. 'intellectual'? Ham's defulition seems to be T hat such respect for (or right ofl) by exclusion, his notion of ideas appears lim­ Fo r those with a degree other the human person extends to the divine ited to people who are, or ought to be, mem­ than in theology, students can sphere is captured by Paul VI in a beau­ bers of Faculties of Humanities. undertake a Graduate Diploma tiful line in the encyclical Humanae The truth, surely, is that ideas exist in in Theology specialising in Social Vitae. Towards the end of Paragraph 29 all sorts of other places and they can change he talks of the 'spirit of God, while He societies. What, in other words, of science, Justice. This Graduate Diploma, (sic) assists the Magisterium in proposing engineering, architecture or medicine? or a degree in theology, provides doctrine, illumines internally the hearts Wasn't Albert Einstein a sig:Illfi­ the basis for the Master of Arts of the faithful, inviting them to give their cant 20th century intellectual? Or Irwin degree. assent' (emphasis added). Schrodinger, Robert Oppenheimer, Werner Course offerings include In discussions of truth and conscience Heisenberg, Max Planck, Niels Bohr? • History of Catholic social and of which has precedence, it is perhaps What of the chenlists Linne Pauling, wholesome to be reminded of the over­ Max Pemtz and Irwin Chargaff; the immu­ movements arching primacy of the courtesy of God nologist (and essayist) Peter Medawar; the • Justice and social teaching towards humankind. geneticists Jacques Monod and Francis • Christianity and economics TomRyan SM Crick? What of the Burley Griffins, Frank • Can war be just? College of Theology, Lloyd Wright, Joern Utzon, Le Corbusier? • Biblical foundations/ University of Notre Dame Australia All of these people-and many, many Ecology Fremantle, WA others-did immensely sign ificant intel­ • Theologies of liberation lectual work. All of them were-at the • Intra. to Socia l Sciences Dissenting voice very least- just as significant as Edward • Bioethics Said, most of them probably even more so. • Religious pluralism/Mission N one of this diminishes Said, of course, In his frank and honest article 'Sunken but Ham's partisan and circumscribed Enrolments close 24 February 2004.
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