GOVERNMENT SETTLEMENT OR PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY A STUDY OF LOCAL INSTITUTIONS IN GHANZI DISTRICT GARY CHILDER. JOYCE STANLEY KATHRYN IflIK JUNE 1982 GOVERNMENT SETILEMEN OR PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY? A STUDY OF lOCAL INSTITUTIONS IN GHANZI DISTRICT by Gary Childers Joyce Stanley Kathryn Rick APPLIED RESEARCH UNIT LAND TENURE CENTER MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT '-ND LANDS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-IADISON REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA June 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Glossary vi P1ieface Vii Summary of Research Recommendations ix Summary of Recommendations from Ghanzi Seminar xxi PART A Government Settlement or People's Community? by Gary Childers 1 1. Introduction ane Acknowledgements 1 2. Methodology 3 3. Background of the West Hanahai Settlement 5 4. Present Population at West Hanahai 6 5. Population Trends and Outlooks 6 6. Settlement Formation 8 7. Economic Viability of West Hanahai 10 8. Who Should Be Allowed to Settle at East and West Hanahai? 15 8.1 Recommendations 19 9. Institutions Development at West Hanahai 20 9.1 Village Development Committee 22 9.2 Parent-Teachers Association 28 9.3 Kgotla Committee 28 9.4 Leadership 31 9.5 The Effect of Government Presence on Institutions Development 34 9.6 Recommendations 41 10. The Communal First Development Area at West Hanahai 49 10.1 recommendations 53 iii 11. Institutions Development at Other Remote Area Settlements in Ghanzi District 55 11.1 Xade 3' 11.1.1 Background of Xade Settlement 56 11.1.2 Development of Leadership and Institutions 58 11.1.3 Recommendations 60 11.2 Bere 61 11.2.1 Background of Bere Settlement 61 11.2.2 Develop ent of Leadership and Institutions 63 11.2.3 Recommendations 66 11.3 Kagcae 68 11.3.1 Background of Kagcae Settlement 68 11.3.2 Development of Leadership and Institutions 69 11.3.3 Recommendations 72 Appendix A.1 Terms of Reference for Ghanzi Dis­ trict CFDA Institutions Research 74 Appendix A.2 Ghanzi District CFDA: Summary of Baseline Data 76 Appendix A.3 Ghanzi District CFDA: Suunary of Proposed Projects 79 PART B Training for Development in Remote Area Coinunities in Ghanzi District, by Joyce Stanley 81 1. Introduction and Acknowledgements 81 2. Background 84 2.1 The National Development Plan 85 2.2 Training Programme 86 2.2.1 The ACDO Course 86 2.2.2 Agricultural Demonstrator Training 88 2.2.3 RIO Training 88 2.2.4 Remote Area Development Cadre 89 2.2.5 Additional Training Considerations 90 iv 2.3 Training Related Issues 91 2.3.1 Attitudes Towards the Basarwa 2.3.2 Decision-Making 91 Capability 93 2.3.3 Political and Legal Awareness 2.3.4 Egalitarian 94 Leadership Skills 97 2.3.5 Literary 97 2.3.6 Community Technical Skills 98 4. Phase ]: District Training 99 4.1 Community Awareness 100 4.2 Field Work Motivation 100 4.3 Community Issues and Resource Assessment 101 4.4 Tools for Problem Analysis - Codes 102 4.5 Adult Learning Techniques 104 4.6 Leadership in the Community 104 4.7 Action Planning 105 4.7.1 The Plan 4.7.2 106 Problem Considerations 106 4.7.3 Implementation 106 4.8 Evaluation 106 4.9 District Participants 107 4.9.1 Community Development Staff 108 4.9.2 Remote Area Dweller Staff 109 5. Phase 2: Village Training 110 5.1 The Drift Fence Case i1 6. Other Training 114 Appendix 8.1 Terms of Reference 115 Appendix B.2 Those Consulted During Tribal Guidelines Preparation 118 Appendix B.3 Sample District Seminar 119 PAR 'C Ghanzi Seminar on Plannirg for Remote Area Communities: i'inal Report, by Gary Childers, Kathryn Rick, Joyce Stanley 120 1. Introduction 120 v 2. Syllabus 121 2.1 Institutions Report Recommendations 121 2.2 Job Description and Motivation 122 2.3 Village Organisation Methods 122 2.4 Actioi Planning 122 3. Benefits 123 4. Problems 124 5. Recommendations by Participants 126 6. Recommendations by Facilitators 128 Appendix C.l Seminar Agenda 130 Appendix C.2 Seminar Materials 141 Bibliography 144 GLOSSARY ACDO Assistant Conunity Development Officer ALDEP Arable Lands Development Programme BAC Botswana Agricultural College CD Commurity Development CFDA Communa, irst Development Area CPO Council Planning Officer DAEO District Adult Education Officer DAO District Agricultural Officer DO(L) District Officer (Lands) kgotla community meeting; the place where such a meeting is held LUPAG Land Use Planning Advisory Group PTA Parent-Teachers Association RAD Remote Area Dweller RADA Rerote Area Development Assistant RADO Remote Area Development Officer RIO Rural Industrial Officer VDC Village Development Cormituce vii Preface This study is part of the Applied Research Unit's research on the role and strencjthenirig of local institutions in communal area resource management and land use planning. This particular study took place between December and May 1982 at the request of the Ghanzi District Administration as part of the district's Communal First Development Area programme. Ghanzi District personnel strongly expressed the desire that the research and the resulting recommendations be of relevant use to district planners. This led to an investigiation into the npecific training needs of district extension staff, particularly of the Remote Area Development and Social and Community Development departments and the development of methods which could lead to implementation of the recommendations. A four-day workshop invo],ing district planners and extension workers was held from 10-13th May 1982 as the final input of this phase of the research. The three following reports include, (a) research findings and recommendations; (b) training guidelines which were developed from district needs; an] (c) review of the problems, benefits and recommendations for follow-up training for extension staff involved ini the Communal First Deveiopment Aree ai-0 other remote area settlements. It is our view that reseairch can serve as an important tool for development if properly uti]ised h,:distiict personnel. This was an viii essential goal of the institutions training workshop--to integrate the research with district planning and to provide a situation that enabled district planners to study ano take action upon research recommendations. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance and cooperation cf all the Ghanzi District personn'y involved in this institutions develonent project. It is hoped that the work done thus far is only the first step towards making local institutions a viable and important part of developuc t, particularly in newly estahlished remotc area conmunities of Ghanzi District and that this initial effort be continued and be enhanced by district staff in cooperatioi wit!, the Applied Research Unit. Gary Childers Joyce Stanley Kathryn Rick 22nd June 1982 a' m ry fRearecolruendationis , '' Yh foIntiutiOnSiDevelc ment rori.thd ~Ghanzi~ DistrptColmmunalr Frrs't' n Aeo rea and zer,'Remote Ares Co unities 1kEfforts should "be maeto "rein t-t Btwrcaf-6's prhs of local' a"ahafldwork'-. tasin'eBot wan t purchase' [P."2] ,a a '­ a',.jhor~na in~t oit" L and Wat Tha ''4'4 a -a"'aa' a 'a e' a' a Wate1enzor fleveloprint ++i+++,i++++ d++++. Praoject settlement aby Basarwa ,people 'who ,have lost their' rights'to a'a,-a .­ '~a.,traditional land areas'due to the' devel'pinent of'th6 Ghanzi F~reehold ~,,. a" ~ Frm--e ~ritl~-olowed.' This should be taao criteribn for allowing'stlemnent' at Westa Elanahai andth futur sites atEast < ' ,' na1adG?oot Laagte. [p.' 19] a 'a3'. Second priority be given to no .Basarwa people who h'ave're'sided in -­ the' Ghanzi area for the majority of their' live~s and who doanot have presenit access to land on the farm block or 'in other 'traditional a village areas. 'Such persons should o'nly be' allowed to settle at these sites ite'aefound+ ++: ,+++;?++ to beina ea" -+++++++ iey"qaa, situation" 14++ +++,a+:+++ +i ++ + + .aa+.+ :,+.+4 .+++:++V ++++ ++++++ .+:+++ ++ii+!+~ + t a'++"+.++++ m+aahmi+ ? o+ +S ++-'![+ +.++ a +k+:+++ ++! a++,+ as theamajority 9 ++ i++:!!;+;++'+,:-,++- .++ ++++ .'++, a a a. +4.++: of setemn+ +..+,++ inhabitants. [p. 19] ++: : +ilSi+ ++ 'i:+++ , 4.All ++ -- + ,++'+++ people wo w-sb>++to++++++:+: +++move-to++++++:+++t++ ?+the+q+ +£+.++++ a' '. PAD (Remote! - aArea Dweller)++ ++.+++++.+++++++''a ;++ ++'+ a++. settlements be required to make aniapplication~ for residential and aa-fil sie to the Gnanzi Lard Board.~ These applications .+++:++++++'+ a t',:,+++a + e+ aeen snould. be referred to the Senior" RADO for investigation'into the' "..ha'~++ .. .a'K 'a.. ""'0 4,a'aa ,'4a.[economic 'A ai i p situationhO + + and typeo e of'characterto,". of each . ... ....applicant. [p. 19] a : ++ '... ... .".. ,'.. ..... ........ .+.. 'a'n aappiaio L fra e "n~ala'' ''a-a.'. -"'-?'-."4a , a',. .... a.. +::+.,+a:+,.++ ...... ++++:+.+++ +;; -+ " ...a". ]+; : /a+ ?++'+4"''(a, '' "a a a, ? .+i+,;+ +;a,' :+ i + <a . +''" + . .....+ +' .+a1++' # + '++.+++ ++a+!!',+!a.+* ++ ++ + a'maa 'a- + '...++"a'a+ a ++a ++ a4,he aU 4' 'o' ;.Sena'4' + " "a ao "nes~at on ? to ta .:+,a' ,+; : -' :. .. : } + :: -- 4­ i;!,,:n mc: c lu tin a '"peof,' ''" Ifa(ea~ char -~a 'a ''er' pl'a nt.a'[D 19a! + x 5. A committee be set up to include local residents as well as representatives from the Ghanzi RAD Office and the Ghanzi Land Board for the purpose of evaluating the above applications. [pp. 19-20) 6. An existing institution at West Hanahai, such iasa sub-group of the VDC be used as a committee to deal with these settlement matters. The decision of this connittee should then ke referred to the Land Board for allocation of lanx], if appropriate, according to the settlement land use plans which should ovontually fm drawn up by the Ghanzi DO(L) in cosultation with the ADs. [p. 20] 7. The agreed umon policies and procedures for settlement at RAD comunities be submitted in written form to the Ghanzi Diu';rict Courcil and District Development Cormittee for approval .
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