1111 > lVaVj. wi Vsurui I ft *^JM/ = AIRCRAFT EDITION = nil. -~*- B AMERICA FIRST IN THE AIR Vol.4 AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1944. No. 6 Victory Up To Workers on Production Line, "Tom" Harmon Tells Aircrafters » ■"»-"" "««. "" -^. o-vn"«"».**■"""». a" -tm "«*. "»■"», " "'^. "s-^.""■"^,"" '"a. ■» ""as,«» vi'X.ivi-x.ixh vmNi>v>ivn'viiXtPXii>.iiVii'xii'viF>..>virv BOND DRIVE Lieutenant "Tom" Harmon Shows Spot Where He Was "Lost" \ LIEUTENANT CASH SALES HERE WITH OVER $70,000 FILM STAR Employes On List As Members Of Captain Frank Baldwin Of "$1,000 Club" Jap Fighting Fame Aids "QuotaShip"Kickoff The Fourth War Loan drive SBBBBtM^H .MM SBBBsW at Aircraft is well on its way over the quota of 90 per cent Speaking with the "purjcji" participation, according to word and sincerity of men who aVOfjit from campaign headquarters. ally have met and beaten the As of Monday 85 per cent of finest pilots and planes the Axis the employes were on the has to offer, Lieutenant "Tom.'8 wagon," with 1,300 new sav" v3! IE V. ri "bond sW.\sO^H mW i If J Harmon, former All-Americah applicants for deductions, and football star, now of the army 7,000 already having increased ""' air forces, and Marine Captain their pledges. W* ssssssB*^* r sRK>Jaaaaaa<P ■ a^SBBBsi *' ,_^M■■ mmM Frank has Cash sales have been large RRRJ^TIF 'iS^H HP^: " ' -JlaaaRI mmmmmmW' a^aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi Baldwin, who com- so far in the campaign. The at- pleted 186 combat missions est figures show that over $70,- Vj|fl against the Japs, while flying 000 has been pledged withabout ssssssssl raK Corsairs, opened Plant D's Feb- 45 being of the $1,000 variety. ruary "Quota Queen" and "Vic- Spurting cash sales was a $5,000 tory Queen" production drive, .purchase by "Matt" L. Taylor, last Friday. ■Ril. 276, training division, Vmt B. Upper photo shows First Lieutenant Tom Harmon, former "Our planes and pilots are One of the first Aircraft star, the best in the worldanda quick All-American football pointing on the globe to the spot in and victorious conclusion to the plants to go over its quota was China where he was reported BSSsT *.'-£'* 1 the Millersburg plant, which lost several months ago. Left to war rests entirely in the hands went "over" after a week'scam- right in the picture are Harold J. "Mouse" Harmon, brother of of you people who build planes paigning. Its goal was for $10,- Tom, who is general foreman of the final inspection department and other implements," Lieu- 000. at tenant Harmon told workers in Aircraft's Plant D; Lieutenant Harmon; Elyse Knox, Holly- Plant D, where the Corsairs are With the campaign closing starlet, Blythe, February 15, bond sellers are wood and Harry vice president and general man- built, and later in Plant C, striving to send participation ager of Aircraft. Lower picture shows Lieutenant Harmon as he where parts for planes for the over the quota before this week is talking to Aircrafters. army air forces are constructed. is completed. The formerfootballstar came KEEP EM FLVINO to Aircraft as the guest of his Squadron Alumni! brother,Harold J. "Mouse" Har- "PRIDE OF YANKEES" mon, general foreman of Plant NEXT BIG DANCE PROGRAM ON SUNDAY "SomethingCooking" D's final inspection department, and was accompanied here by ONFEBRUARY 18 "Pride Of the Yankees," Calling all Squadron Alumni! Elyse Knox, Hollywood starlet, the life story of the im- You are requested to keep the who also spoke briefly in both Anotherof the populardances mortal Lou Gehrig, is the date of March 18 free, says Don Relief Association Plant D and Plant C. for employes of Goodyear Air- story chosen to be broad- Hardestv, one of the "boys." It Captain Baldwin, winner of craft and Goodyear Tire and cast Sunday night, Febru- is hush-hush still,but there are Meeting Today the Goodyear farm essay con- their will at ary 18, "big doings." friends be held the on the new Good- reports— of meeting test in 1937, when he still was Akron Armory on Friday, Feb- year radio show, "The KEEP EM FLYING The annual of high The Goodyear Relief Asso- in school, praised the Cor- ruary 18, from 9 p. m.until mid- Star and The Story." With sair as the best fighter plane night. the Goodyear host, Walter ciation will be held this afternoon at 12:30, Akron now in action. As a Corsair pilot Music will be furnished by Pidgeon, the guest star he destroyed nine Jap zeros in Harold Nelson's Aircrafters.In- for this.program time, in the Goodyear The- will be ater, to elect four trustees the Solomons area, winning the vitations for. the dance have Teresa Wright, talented Flying Cross in the process. been extended to service wom- actress who winning to fill vacancies of four is whose terms expire, also to Lieutenant Harmon, Captain en and men in the Akron area wide recognition in Holly- Miss on assignment or furlough. wood. The program is transact any other business Baldwin and Knox were per that properly may be pre- the guests of Aircraft manage- Tickets are 50 cents per- heard on WADC at 7 p. ment, including Litchfield, son and will be on sale at the m., Akron time. sented. P. W. KEEP 'EM FLVING Harry Blythe and A. C. Personnel offices of Plants B, Michaels, C and D; the employes activi- First shift members of the superintendent of KEEP EM FLYING notice force of Plant D3 and Plant D, at luncheon in the ties offices at Aircraft and D dining Friday. Goodyear: the Goodyear gym Charlotte Sandridge, Dept. Plant 8 and their families had Plant room office, and Robert Goodall's of- 538, labor and personnel, Plant a chicken dinner party Satur- In the evening Lieutenant fice day night at the Motor Inn. Harmon and Miss Knox were in Plant D3. — D. has just returned froma visit i <\fter the dinner the partv the guests of Aircraft KEEP 'EM FLYING in New York, spent ad- execu- where she journed to the home of Mabel tives at dinner at the Mayflower BuyMORE War Bonds part of her vacation. Smith. Hotel. THE WINGFOOT CLAN.- 2 $550,000 COUNTY SLUSSER SAFETY QUOTA IN COMING British Government Officials Goodyear Guests TROPHY FOR 1943 RED CROSS DRIVE TOST.HYACINTHE Cedartown Second, With Or. Walter F. Tunks, Who Guided BBBJBBH BBB1 BpC^BBBsW- 1 SBBBBBBBBBI Third 1943 Campaign, Chosen Again Award To Cartersville. At Man At Helm ** Both In Georgia ■* Goodyear's St. Hyacinthe, v 1 Akron and Summit county H«'f N«fl ■|Fii*WfiP?r\ vKw^tiiis^iisssssslsssBi *"■"' MawM sssB m -9mJ Quebec, Canada, cotton mills todaybeganmobilizingfor their R\ WtH LR al R\ JR1 aRARea plant is the winner of the 1943 the job providing part of of 200 SSSSk. J>W BBB^'"~ ■ SSsT' {"'^M Slusser Safety Award trophy. million Red Cross dollars for In the final facts and figures, the service of ten million fight- pertaining to plant safety, at ing men and women and their forty different Goodyear operat- -families. "Your Red Cross is at \m\mmm\m\\\\\m\^Mm^mm^ ing units throughout the world, his side"is the campaign slogan. this Canadian plant edged out Dr. Walter F. Tunks, rector all others. Date of presentation of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of the trophy willbe announced who successfully guided last later. year's Red Cross War Fund Cedartown and Cartersville, campaign, will again serve as bothinGeorgia, won second and chairman of the 1944 drive, ac- third place respectively. cording to WilliamG. Roderick, St. Hyacinthe had but five chairman of the Summit county Surveying American war production, high officials of the British government last Thursday accidents during the entire pe- chapter. visited Goodyear plants, including Plant D, at Aircraft, where they watched FG-1 navy fighter riod of 1943. The second place Sherman H.Dalrymple, presi- planes roll off the production line. winner, Cedartown, recorded dent of the United Rubber In the above picture, taken at Plant D,left to right, are Harry E. Blythe, vice president and but seven, and Cartersville had Workers of America, C.I.O.; general manager of Aircraft; Sir Andrew Duncan, British minister of supply; P. W. Litchfield, nineteen. It is noteworthy that Mrs. Dudley Maxon, George Goodyear board chairman, and Sir Charles Hambro, chairmanof the British war materialmission these three highest on the list Nobil and J. R. Silver Jr. will in the United States. all are cotton mills. serve as co-chairmen. Campaign All Goodyear units, with the headquarters have been estab- exception of the plant in Swe- lished at 141 South Main street, den, figured in the competition. with J. B. Dannemiller asoffice More Money Goes War conditions prevented nor- manager. "Matt" Taylor Buys Heavily of Bonds To Employes For mal operations at the Swedish The county chapter's share of plant. the national fund quota,includ- Good Suggestions Other Plants' Ratings -ffc ing the annual Red Cross roll Following arethe other Gcfla year operating call, will be $550,000, compared Employes of Plants A, B, D units and me with a heavily oversubscribed ratings they were given: No. 4 and Millersburg shared in sug- Houston 5, Goodyear quota of $357,000 in1943. gestion cash awarded by RRC: No. "It is a privilege to again ' '' the Eng. Corp; 6, Rockmart; 7, Eng- IIBBBBBBBBBBBKB^BBBBBBBbVSdF' 1■ OSM ,Lj*"B BBH?^' mm small award committee last land; 8, Bowmanville; 9, serve as chairmanof the great-— week. Top awardof $35 went to St. est of -all campaign efforts Marys; 10, New Toronto; 11, ■ssssssssssssh^BssssssssbbSk- Bstr aK? mm C.
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