July 17, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1325 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SAVE THE CHATTAHOOCHEE quality issues, but has also dramatically in- partnerships in protecting vital natural re- creased the need for expanded recreational sources and in increasing recreational oppor- areas. The Chattahoochee River is currently tunities for citizens. Expanding the Chat- HON. NEWT GINGRICH one of the most visited recreation areas in tahoochee National Recreation Area will en- OF GEORGIA the country. Given the rate of growth in this sures that future generations will have clean IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES area, increased acreage is essential in order water to drink and will be able to enjoy the Thursday, July 16, 1998 to relieve stress on the current recreation beauty of this nationally significant re- area and to dramatically improve the qual- source. Mr. GINGRICH. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ity of life for hundreds of thousands of Amer- In closing, I'd like to share a quote from commend to the attention of my colleagues icans. ``The Riverkeeper's Guide to the Chattahoo- the following testimony before the Committee I have had the opportunity to see first- chee,'' a book written by Fred Brown and on Resources Subcommittee on National hand the excitement of schoolchildren en- Sherri M.L. Smith with the support of my Parks and Public Lands on the modification of gaged in testing the Chattahoochee water as good friend Sally Bethea: ``Only God can part of their science studies, the coming to- the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area make a river. And He's not making any gether of diverse groups of young people more.'' boundaries. I urge all my colleagues to read helping with river clean-up, and the joy of this testimony and take advantage of this op- We have the power to help save one of His children from near-by apartments who have greatest rivers and to do it in a way which is portunity to save the Chattahoochee so that its discovered, on the banks of the Chattahoo- not a Washington-based solution but which beauty and resources might be enjoyed by fu- chee, a place to run and play. The Chat- involves a partnership with the people of ture generations. tahoochee is for so many of Georgia's chil- America. I hope that each of you will join me dren more than just a river and more than a in this endeavor. TESTIMONY OF HON. NEWT GINGRICH BEFORE source of drinking waterÐit is an outdoor Thank you for your time and consideration THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS AND classroom, a community melting pot and, for of this legislation. I look forward to working PUBLIC LANDS, COMMITTEE ON RESOURCES, those whose parents don't yet own a house, with the members of the committee on this JULY 16, 1998 the only backyard they know. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, This greenway project will serve as a important project. At this time I would be I come before you today to save a river that model for future conservation efforts, as we glad to take any questions. is not only near and dear to my heart, but is continue to work toward our vision of a part- the life blood of my district and most of the nership with the people of America, as op- STATE OF GEORGIA, State of Georgia. The river I speak of is the posed to a centralized bureaucracy. Public OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, Chattahoochee River. From its source in the and private cost sharing will ensure local in- Atlanta, GA, July 9, 1998. North Georgia Mountains until it joins the volvement in the expansion of the park Hon. BOB LIVINGSTON, Flint River on its way to the Gulf of Mexico, boundary. This is a truly historic agree- Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, citizens along its path drink its water, use it mentÐfederal appropriations provided in Washington, DC. for recreational purposes, and enjoy its beau- this proposal will be matched by funding DEAR CHAIRMAN: The Appropriation Com- ty. With this legislation, today we have a from private foundations, the State of Geor- mittees in the House of Representatives and chance to ensure that its gifts, including gia, local governments, corporate entities, the Senate have completed action on their most importantly the gift of safe, life-sus- private individuals, and other sources. In respective Interior Appropriations bill. I taining drinking water, are protected and fact, the federal effort will be immediately wish to respond to the initial actions of each preserved for our children and grandchildren. matched by a private foundation. All other committee by acknowledging some impor- H.R. 4141 will modify the boundaries of the funding sources, such as the $15 million tant realities about three of the line items Chattahoochee River National Recreation which Georgia's Governor Zell Miller and the within the Land and Water Conservation Area to protect and preserve the endangered state legislature have committed, will re- Fund section of the bills. Chattahoochee River and provide additional duce the federal share of the project. The Each of the acquisitions represent major recreation opportunities for citizens. Yet one cost to the federal government will be less conservation actions in protecting signifi- of the most important aspects of this legisla- than half of the estimated cost of the effort cant sites previously recognized by Congress. tion is the way that this will be done, as the and will almost certainly be much less. support and funding will come not just from I have with me today letters, from a wide And the inclusion of funding for two of these federal sources, but from a partnership of range of Georgians in support of expanding projects complements funding actions that I, federal, state, local, and private entities. the boundaries of the Chattahoochee Na- as Governor, have initiated. The State of The Chattahoochee River, ranked as one of tional Recreation Area, which I will submit Georgia is willing to dedicate funds to land the ten most endangered rivers in the coun- for the record. These letters are from mayors acquisition which will serve over the long try, provides the drinking water for the At- of local cities, country commissioners, the run to reduce the need for federal spending. lanta metropolitan area and almost half of Lt. Governor's office, and Governor Zell Mil- It is important for the Federal Government the population of Georgia. The Chattahoo- ler. These letters illustrate that in addition to work closely with the State of Georgia to chee is the smallest river basin to serve as to the funding aspects, there is a more im- achieve common goals, while sharing the the major water supply for a metropolitan portant partnershipÐone of political sub- costs. area in the United States, which makes the divisions, private entities, and neighbors The three line items which are important challenge and the impact of growth and de- coming together with the common goal of to the State of Georgia are the Savannah Na- velopment even greater. Runoff from con- saving our river. tional Wildlife Refuge, the Chattahoochee struction and the overdevelopment of areas Finally, I would like to comment on the River National Recreation Area, and the surrounding the forty-eight mile stretch of balance between property owners and the Cumberland Island National Seashore. I wish the river north of the city have resulted in U.S. Park Service. This legislation ensures to address each of them individually. pollution, silt, and sediment build-ups. private property rights are protected by only A very important item for the State of This bill authorizes the creation of a allowing lands to be acquired with the con- Georgia is the Chattahoochee River National greenway buffer between the river and pri- sent of the property owner. At the same time Recreation Area. In the most recent state vate development to prevent further pollu- it gives the Park Service flexibility by al- budget approved by the Georgia General As- tion from continued development, provide lowing a temporary interim map to be used sembly, $20 million was appropriated for the flood and erosion control, and maintain until a comprehensive map can be drawn. In RiverCare 2000 Program dedicated to protect- water quality for safe drinking water and for addition, the Park Service will have a 2000 ing and preserving river front property for the abundant fish and wildlife dependent on foot corridor on each side of the river to en- public use. I have reserved $15 million of that the river system. Protecting this valuable able the acquisition of larger properties amount to be directed to land acquisition resource is vital to the future of the State of when necessary for achieving our conserva- along the Chattahoochee River corridor Georgia. I personally consider it to be one of tion goals. This legislation will ensure a shared with the National Recreation Area. the most important things that I can help working partnership between the Park Serv- This approach is consistent with legislation accomplish in my public career. ice and private property owners as we create (HR 4141) introduced by Speaker Gingrich The massive influx of peopleÐmore than a greenway along the river. which expands the boundaries and the acre- 400,000 since 1990Ðinto the Atlanta metro- I am very pleased to testify on behalf of a age to be acquired as part of the National politan area has not only impacted water proposal that will promote private/public Recreation Area. One major component of · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.
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