Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 695 Recueil des Traites Traites et accords internationaux enregistres ou classes et inscrits au repertoire an Secrtariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations a Nations Unies New York, 1972 Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 695 1969 I. Nos. 9951-9969 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 13 October 1969 to 20 October 1969 Page No. 9951. Denmark and Afghanistan: Agreement relating to air services (with annex and exchange of notes). Signed at Kabul on 24 May 1967 ...... ....................... 3 No. 9952. Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden : Agreement concerning population registration. Signed at Oslo on 5 De- cember 1968 ......... ......................... .... 41 No. 9953. Denmark and United Arab Republic : Agreement on a Danish Government loan to the United Arab Republic (with annexes and exchange of letters). Signed at Cairo oft 12 April 1969 . 67 No. 9954. Bulgaria and Syria : Cultural Agreement. Signed at Damascus on 28 June 1962 ........ ... 87 No. 9955. Bulgaria and India : Agreement concerning cultural relations. Signed at New Delhi on 20 February 1963 ............ ............................ ... 101 No. 9956. Bulgaria and Syria : Agreement concerning scheduled civil air services (with annex). Signed at Damascus on 13 December 1964 ...... ................ ... 115 No. 9957. Bulgaria and Cyprus : Agreement on commercial scheduled air services (with annex). Signed at Nicosia on 8 May 1965 ....... .................... ... 135 No. 9958. Bulgaria and France : Air Transport Agreement (with annexes). Signed at Paris on 4 August 1965 . 157 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classis et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 695 1969 I. Nos 9951-9969 TABLE DES MATIMRES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds du 13 octobre 1969 au 20 octobre 1969 Pages No 9951. Danemark et Afghanistan: Accord relatif aux services a~riens (avec annexe et 6change de notes). Sign6 a Kaboul le 24 mai 1967 ...... ......................... 3 No 9952. Norvege, Danemark, Finlande, Islande et Suide: Accord concernant l'enregistrement de la population. Sign6 a Oslo le 5 d~cembre 1968 .......... ....................... 4 No 9953. Danemark et Republique arabe unie: Accord relatif Aun pret du Gouvernement danois h la R~publique arabe unie (avec annexes et 6change de lettres). Sign6 au Caire le 12 avril 1969 67 No 9954. Bulgarie et Syrie: Accord culturel. Sign6 Damas le 28 juin 1962 ... ............ ... 87 No 9955. Bulgarie et Inde: Accord sur les relations culturelles. Sign6 ANew Delhi le 20 f~vrier 1963 101 No 9956. Bulgarie et Syrie: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens civils r~guliers (avec annexe). Sign6 A Damas le 13 d~cembre 1964 ...... .. .................. 115 NO 9957. Bulgarie et Chypre: Accord relatif aux services ariens commerciaux r~guliers (avec annexe). Sign6 A Nicosie le 8 mai 1965 ..... .................. ... 135 No 9958. Bulgarie et France: Accord relatif aux transport ariens (avec annexes). Sign6 Paris le 4 aofit 1965 157 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Page No. 9959. Bulgaria and Syria: Agreement concerning scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Damascus on 8 November 1965 .... ................. .... 189 No. 9960. Bulgaria and United Arab Republic : Agreement for co-operation in the field of tourism. Signed at Cairo on 17 November 1965 ...... ..................... ... 195 No. 9961. Bulgaria and Syria: Agreement concerning co-operation in the field of tourism (with annex). Signed at Damascus on 12 June 1966 ...... .............. 201 No. 9962. Bulgaria and United Republic of Tanzania: Agreement concerning scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Dar es Salaam on 15 July 1966 ........ .................... 221 No. 9963. Bulgaria and United Arab Republic: Agreement on plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine. Signed at Sofia on 29 August 1966 ....... ...................... .. 229 No. 9964. Bulgaria and Italy: Agreement on economic, industrial and technical co-operation. Signed at Rome on 20 September 1966 .......... ........... ... 243 No. 9965. Bulgaria and Iraq: Agreement on air transport (with annex and related letter). Signed at Sofia on 15 November 1966 ...... ..................... ... 251 No. 9966. Bulgaria and Sudan: Agreement on scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Khartoum on 6 March 1967 .... ... ... ................... .... 271 No. 9967. Bulgaria and Turkey: Veterinary Convention. Signed at Sofia on 30 May 1967 .... ........ 277 No. 9968. Bulgaria and Sweden: Agreement on the practising of Bulgarian physicians and dentists in the Swedish medical and dental services. Signed at Stockholm on 19 October 1967 ..... .... ............................ ... 305 No. 9969. Bulgaria and Finland: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the abolition of visas. Sofia, 14 December 1967 ...... .................... 313 1969 Nations Unies - Recuedi des Traitds V Pages No 9959. Bulgarie et Syrie: Accord sur la cooperation scientifique et technique. Sign6 A Damas le 8 novembre 1965 ...... ....................... .... 189 No 9960. Bulgarie et Ripublique arabe unie: Accord de cooperation dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 au Caire le 17 novembre 1965 ...... ....................... ... 195 No 9961. Bulgarie et Syrie: Accord concernant la collaboration dans le domaine du tourisme (avec annexe). Sign6 Damas le 12 juin 1966 ...... .............. 201 No 9962. Bulgarie et Ripublique-Unie de Tanzanie: Accord de cooperation scientifique et technique. Sign6 A Dar es-Salam le 15 juillet 1966 ..... .. ........................ ... 221 No 9963. Bulgarie et Republique arabe unie: Accord relatif la protection des v~g~taux et h la quarantaine phytosanitaire. Sign6 ASofia le 29 aofit 1966 ....... .................. 229 No 9964. Bulgarie et Italie: Accord sur la cooperation 6conomique, industrielle et technique. Sign6 h Rome le 20 septembre 1966 ..... ................... ... 243 NO 9965. Bulgarie et Irak: Accord relatif aux transports a~riens (avec annexe et lettre connexe). Sign6 A Sofia le 15 novembre 1966 ...... ................... ... 251 NO 9966. Bulgarie et Soudan: Accord de cooperation scientifique et technique. Sign6 Khartoum le 6 mars 1967 ..... .... ............................ ... 271 NO 9967. Bulgarie et Turquie: Convention vt&rinaire. Signe ASofia le 30 mai 1967 .. .......... ... 277 NO 9968. Bulgarie et Suide: Accord relatif A 1'exercice de la m6decine et de l'odontotechnie par des praticiens bulgares dans le cadre des services m6dicaux et dentaires su6dois. Sign6 a Stockholm le 19 octobre 1967 .. ........... .... 305 NO 9969. Bulgarie et Finlande: tchange de notes constituant un accord sur l'abolition des visas. Sofia, 14 d6cembre 1967 ....... ....................... ... 313 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Page etc., concerning treaties and ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 891. Convention between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at London on 27 March 1950: Supplementary Protocol to the above-mentioned Convention, as modified by the Protocol signed at London on 7 July 1966. Signed at London on 18 December 1968 ....... ...................... .. 321 No. 3306. Agreement for co-operation between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington on 25 July 1955: Amendment to the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Washington on 7 June 1968 ........ ......................... ... 344 No. 7310. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961: No. 7311. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, concerning Acquisition of Nationality. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961: Statement by Israel regarding the declaration made by the United Arab Republic on accession to the above-mentioned Convention and Protocol. 364 No. 7515. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961. Done at New York on 30 March 1961: Ratification by Belgium ....... ...................... .. 366 No. 8132. Amendments to the Charter of the United Nations Amendment to Article 109 of the Charter of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in reso- lution 2101 (XX) of 20 December 1965: Ratification by Greece ...... ....................... .... 367 1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites VII Pages etc., concernant des traitds et ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, accords internationaux enregistrds au Secrdtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies No 891. Convention entre le Gouvernement du Royaume de Danemark et le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord tendant a iviter les doubles impositions et a prevenir l'ivasion fiscale en matiire d'imp6ts sur le revenu. Signee A Londres le 27 mars 1950: Protocole additionnel A la Convention susmentionn~e, telle qu'elle a 6t6 modifi~e par le Protocole sign6 h Londres le 7 juillet 1966. Sign6 A Londres le 18 dcembre 1968 ..... .................. ..
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