![The Hilltop 8-28-1981](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 8-28-1981 The iH lltop 8-28-1981 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 8-28-1981" (1981). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 26. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/26 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • .' • • • Friday August 28, 1981 Volume 64 Number .I • • 1 The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper • Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 ' • ' • 8)· Jamts Dodso n O\ · ~·r 10 years Ho ....· ard Uni\•ersit)' has fo r the statements ii made,'' said Julius spent by ihe federal gO\'ernmen1 o n col­ 0 H illtop Sia ff Writc-r But Jio program - incl uding Howard suppor1 of the lltli\·ersit)' '> reciren1en1 gone to the \\'hite House, told the Presi­ Hobson, assistant for federal affairs 10 leges and universities. according to the - gets a free ride fro1n Congress, said ~ program. de11t "·hat it Y.'anted, and come. back the Vice President for Development and Since e11tering office in Ja11uary, Ron­ most recent National Center for Educa­ Hobson. And Howard justifies itself by · Be sid~s P resider1t Cl1eek's a11nual sal ­ \\'it l1 less tlian y,·Jiat was asked for. University Relations. But, ''Ho ....· ard ald Reaga11 t1as suffered fe w defeats . tion Statistics' surve}'. Bu t the differ­ beirig !he only black college in the coun­ R ary of 5 101,432 pllts t1ou'se; r.:ar a11d He's managed to pass major Republican The reality of all this is chat HO\\"ard has had good relationships y,·ith " 'ho­ ence between Howard and Johns Hop­ try with a public celevisio11 station, a l"\'er the President has been, a11 d has i $_25 ·?00 f·XP~n se allo\~· ar1ce, ~H o"' ard · ha ~ policies through a Den10.:ra1ic House of "'ill still recei\·e $12 million more chan kins is in hoy,· the mone)' can be spent. commercial radio staiion and being the / s1.x \•1ce fresidencs 11•ho are paid be1"ee11 friends in most co1nn1ittees. in both par- Represent ali\·es. and 10 SUT\'i\·e an last )·ear's budget "'hich ....· as a little O\'er The bulk of Johns Hopkins' federal producer of the majority of black doc­ $74.750 and $92,279. according to 1l1e $13-l million. Things c'ould ha\·e bcer1 a 11es. 1 alrnost fatal assassination attempt. funds n1ust be used for a defense re­ tors, taw)'ers, physicists , and leaders Washin.;ron Post. 1 But earl}' ; l1is r11011th 1!11.' Presider1c lot " 'orse considering <tuts made in other Ho .... ·ard began getting a separate fed­ search laboratory projec1. Ai Hov.·ard, and officials of 111a1l)' Caribbean and eral appropriatio11 from Congress in Local ~·: colkge presideilts i.'arn an (i11all~· ttli.'1 defeat "'• l1t•t1 Ill' f:1ill'(\ to per­ federal education prokrams. But HO\\'­ federal fu 11ds pa)' for t\\'O-tt1irds of the Africa11 countries. I suadt.' Co11gress to pass :1 $14.2 r111llior1 . ard k11ows it pa)'S to l1ave friends i11 che 1867, a privilege it 110\\' shares .,.ith uni\•ersity's academic expenses, as y,•e ll Fede!al funds prO\'ide 58. perctt1t of a\•erage ft $67 ,000. ·rhe pret ide11t of tl1e. 1 i11t'Tl'ase ir1 f11 11d i11g ior Ho"ard U11i\er­ ri&ht places. 0111)' two small colleges for"tl1e deaf. _as r.:onstruc1ior1 of the uni,'ersity's hos­ ihe cot ! operating ('OSts for Howard's U11i\•ersi ~· of Califor11ia, v.;110 t1ead~ a sys1e n1 ni11c .:an1puses v.·i1t1 !30.000 s l t ~ • And friends it has. All otlier u11i\•ersities can get federal pital . academic progra1ns. Tlie rnoney has qr • stude11ts j is. paid $88,000. Reagan a!> ked for a f1111d111g li111i1 of Last spring-;: Vi ce- Presidenc Gt'<>rge contracts, grants and student aid - of '" Ho v.·ard just does11'1 prese11t any been used generall)· to kt'ep tiJicion rela­ $153.199.000 for HO\\'ard i11 fisi.:al ,·ear Bu sh cold Ho .,•:ard graduates tha1 1l1e Y.hich Ho\\ard recei\•ed an additional problems in Congress,·· said Cheryl tive!}· lO\\' - $2 ,000 compared to \\1ash­ Ho ....· ard's ren1air1ing $6.(f20,000 \\itl 1981, bl1t \\'as gi,"e11 :L li111it of onl)· ''adn1i11istration's incentions y,·ere 11ot to $22.300,767 in 1979 - but 011ly Ho" '· Smith, legislative assistant fo r appropri­ ington's 01her large pri\ale uni\·ersities. be used for progra1n imprO\ · erne111~ co $145.000,000 b~· Co11gfl'S~ " 'hl'll it l'UI, but to increase'' fu11di11g for nor 011- ard and the tv.·o colleges for che bli11d ations 10 Rep. Louis S1okes. D-Ohio. This year, $8,436,000 will be used for 111eet acdredi1a1io11 defil'i en ~le~ i11 \·ari- passt'd ics rt'cor1ciliat ior1 bill . ly Ho" ·ard, but all black colleges. have a reg11lar appropriatiot1. ''Every year begi11 11 ing in 1973 tt1r ough increases in facult\' and staff sal aries - ous aca 'en1it· areas i11c!udini comn1t111i- Tl1e t"\'t•nc 111arked :1 dt'feat for Rea ­ ''T\1ere's no question about tl1e ad­ Hov.·ard is topped only by • Johns 198 l, Co11gress approved \vhat Howard whicl1 Jlready are so r11e of the highest ir1 cations, b1 isincs ..,, a11d allied t1eAl1l1 sci· ~11. but also r11arked t)1e fir~! ci111e ir1 n1ir1i stration's putting itself on the linl' Hopkins Uni\•ersil)' i11 th~ total amount asked y,·itl1 no de,·iations. ·· the country - and to provide partial e11ces. I • ' ' ' •' • n 1na1• • I' The leader, 8)· Pamela Sutton scholars ip . B1•t)1c added fhe Un1\e1 - Hilltop Sraff Wrirer sity did[ o ffer t1im a Supj,let11e11tar~ · the man ''Nexl year is goi11g to be a bad )"ear Edu(·ati()n Oppor1u11it~· Grar1t · arid • for Stl1dents receivi11g fi11ancial aid,'· y,·ork-s14d)'. ' 8)' ()arr~ I 1--ears y,•arns Hti ..,.·ard U11i\'ersit)•'s fir1ar1cial ''!'111 laki11g 18 credits. so 1111a\ t1a\C Hilltop Sraff Writer aid· di rector Goldie Claiborne. a pr\1blef 1 with tt1a1.·· Dl1r1c:111 said . But, ber.:a11 se soinc r.:h a r1ge s n1ade in Althoµgh !1e applied for a guara11teed He has bel·n - duri11g t11s ler1gth~, ten­ federal fit1a11cial <tid programs arc a! ­ loa11 and ar1 en1ergenl'}' lq_ar1. tie ~a}' S tie is 1101 su.\- e110'' Ill' y,·ill n1ee1 hi~ defl·rred • ure in the public e)·e - the l101tes1 thing read)' i11 effect. chi~ )'ear ina)' pro\•e to 1 co hi1 the Georgia Capitol Hill since l·of­ be a bad one as .,,,·ell for so111t• HoY.ard pa)'n1et11 deadline. fee . student s. ''I '_i;t jusc_ " 'aici11g a_11d l1~pir1g righr A literary gusher, a political hell ­ The Reaga11 ad111ir1 is1 ra1ior1 reduced 110\\. t-le said . · , raiser, a state representative wh o oddly \ the max i111ur11 Ba sic Educati,inal Oppoi­ .>\ stuiler11 i11 till' c..·t)llege of 1~ ir1c Arc ~ · cracks jokes about his profession and cunity Grant fro1n $1750 to $1670 1l1i s fro111 Fq. \V orcl1. l ' l•xa~. said t1i ~ B :1~ic { Grant i1 being l1eld lip bel·.:i u~e !1 e ·1~ 011 who tell s his )'Outh-rich black audience l- ' I /" yea r, made good acatlen1ic standi11g a crammed 1n Howard University's I • ' requiremen! for BEOG eligibilit)' a11d :1l'adem 1c pro ba1io r1. C ramton Auditorium Tuesda)' night federally insured st udent loan al1th or­ The 1tude11t, Y.h o ask.eJ not !O bt• that black citizens are persistent wilh ization and 1nade cha11gcs in the Basic identified, said he .,,,as eligible tor a11 trice c.omplaints for their political Gra11t's eligibiticy formula that y,·ill SI JOO gf ant but y,·ill not recti\l' ic 111111! leaders, but are never will ing to set tle knock marginal!}' t'ltgible st uder11 s off he is ba ~ k i11 good :1cade111ic ·sr ar1d111g . down and follow. the rolls. reported federal and U11iver ­ ''Tt1ef' do11't gi\e }'OU :1r1~1hir1g , .. t1e11 . d ' b 1 . '' I Cercainl)·. he's an origi11al. \Vhile jok­ sity fina11cial aid o fficers. you re 011 al·a l'!lllt' pro acior1. lC i11g once of rhe oft-perple.xing business About 55 perce111 of all Howard stu­ sa1. d . ' of big league politics. Julian Bo11d dents recei,·e Basic Granls and ''jus1 a ,\ scuder11 ca11 rl·cei\·e Hh\\'ard arid spoke a few " ·ords that S\\ a~·e d and jab­ small percentage are affected'' by the federal )id 1he sen1es1er after he i ~ rt•- bed the arc of po!itici...i11g right smack in neY.' good academic standi11g regulatior1, 1110\·ed .rron1 acadt'111ic probatio11, t'~ ­ th{' ribs., said Claiborne. plains financial aid director Qlaiborr1c . ''/ 'r11 just pro11d, ··fie said, ··ro kno""' M ean~hi!e, tl1e Fit1e Arts slt1dl·r11 $aid Clianges in the, BEOG eligibility for. - thar I f>elong to 1J1e finesr bod.1• of 111en mula made Howard stude11t Regi na he will jfinance hi s t'duca1il ~ !l ct1rl)t1gl1 1ha1 n1one.1· can bu.1» '' The a11dien£'e Allen ineligible for a grant this year.
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