LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Attorney: Mary Ann Snell, Es- Notice is hereby given that, in the quire, 4510 Bath Pike, Suite estates of the decedents set forth below, 201, Bethlehem, PA 18017. the Register of Wills has granted letters testamentary or of administration to Troiani, Margaret H., dec’d. the persons named. Notice is also Late of Bethlehem City. hereby given of the existence of the Executor: Peter J. Troiani, Jr., trusts of the deceased settlors set forth 33 S. 3rd Street, Frackville, PA below for whom no personal represen- 17931. tatives have been appointed within 90 Attorney: James Fiorentino, days of death. All persons having Esquire, 425 W. Broad Street, claims or demands against said estates Bethlehem, PA 18018. or trusts are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to Wolfe, Virginia P., dec’d. said estates or trusts are requested to Late of Allentown. make payment, without delay, to the Executor: Kevin R. Logan, 73 executors or administrators or trustees River Rd., Ocean Ridge, FL or to their attorneys named below. 33435. Attorney: Karl J. Maehrer, Esq., FIRST PUBLICATION 1555 Brookside Rd., Wescos- Endy, Randy L., dec’d. ville, PA 18106. Late of Allentown City. Executrix: Cathey Cruz c/o Yeakel, Zelma C., dec’d. Carolyn M. Marchesani, Es- Late of the City of Allentown. quire, Wolf, Baldwin & Associ- Executors: Larry C. Yeakel and ates, P.C., P.O. Box 444, Potts- Eileen M. Belzner c/o Gregory town, PA 19464. R. Reed, Esquire, Attorney-at- Attorneys: Carolyn M. Marche- Law, 141 South Broad Street, sani, Esquire, Wolf, Baldwin & P.O. Box 299, Nazareth, PA Associates, P.C., P.O. Box 444, 18064-0299. Pottstown, PA 19464. Attorney: Gregory R. Reed, Es- quire, Attorney-at-Law, 141 Kostiuk, Betty H. a/k/a Betty South Broad Street, P.O. Box Mary Kostiuk, dec’d. 299, Nazareth, PA 18064-0299. Late of Upper Macungie Town- ship. SECOND PUBLICATION Executrix: Danielle Casamento, 1 Steffanie Pl., Landing, NJ Abruzzi, Alfonso C., dec’d. 07850. Late of Coplay. Attorney: Wendy J. Ashby, Esq., Trustee: Dennis Abruzzi c/o 314 West Broad St., Suite 118, HighPoint Law Offices, 200 Quakertown, PA 18951. Highpoint Drive, Chalfont, PA 18914. O’Hora, Olive M., dec’d. Attorney: Peter J. Gilbert, Esq., Late of the City of Bethlehem. 200 Highpoint Drive, Chalfont, Executrix: Jennifer Caplinger PA 18914. c/o Mary Ann Snell, Esquire, 4510 Bath Pike, Suite 201, Badesso, Savina, dec’d. Bethlehem, PA 18017. Late of Allentown. 23 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executors: Louis Badesso and Horlacher, Curtis D., dec’d. Julian V. Badesso a/k/a Gi- Late of Allentown. uliano V. Badesso, 1018 Plum Executrix: Judy Cole c/o Traud Drive, Danielsville, PA 18038. Law Offices, 3055 College Heights Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allen- Bingaman, Catherine M. a/k/a town, PA 18104. C.M. Bingaman, dec’d. Attorney: T. Benjamin Traud, Late of Whitehall Township. Esq., 3055 College Heights Administrator: Keith Brian Blvd., Ste. 2A, Allentown, PA 18104. Bingaman c/o Jon A. Swartz, Esquire, 7736 Main Street, Fo- gelsville, PA 18051. Johnston, Gerry S. a/k/a Gerry dec’d. Attorney: Jon A. Swartz, Es- Johnston, Late of Salisbury Township. quire, 7736 Main Street, Fogels- Executrix: Sallie J. Zahour c/o ville, PA 18051. Craig B. Neely, Esq., 209 Main Street, Emmaus, PA 18049. Crawford, Lawrence B., dec’d. Attorney: Craig B. Neely, Esq., Late of Allentown. 209 Main Street, Emmaus, PA Executrix: Mrs. Barbara M. 18049. Crawford. Attorneys: John D. Lychak, Lentz, Richard F., dec’d. Esquire, Law Offices of John D. Late of 2904 W. Highland Street, Lychak, P.C., 60 W. Broad Allentown. Street, Suite 98, Bethlehem, PA Personal Representative: Laury 18018. L. Lentz c/o R. Nicholas Nan- ovic, Esquire, Gross McGinley, Eaton, Rex A. a/k/a Rex Allen LLP, 33 South 7th Street, P.O. Eaton, dec’d. Box 4060, Allentown, PA 18105- Late of Upper Macungie Town- 4060. ship. Attorneys: R. Nicholas Nanovic, Executrices: Carly N. Smith, Esquire, Gross McGinley, LLP, 428 South Main Street, Jersey 33 South 7th Street, P.O. Box Shore, PA 17740 and Dakota 4060, Allentown, PA 18105- 4060. Lee Eaton, 320 Church Street, Boonton, NJ 07005. Attorney: Frank S. Miceli, Es- Nester, Robert C. a/k/a Robert dec’d. quire, 146 East Water Street, Charles Nester, Late of Allentown. Lock Haven, PA 17745. Executor: Lynn C. Nester c/o Emily A. Zettlemoyer, Esquire, Habib, Rehman, dec’d. Zettlemoyer Law Office, LLP, 53 Late of Macungie. North 3rd Street, Emmaus, PA Executrix: Khalida Habib c/o 18049. Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia Attorneys: Emily A. Zettlemoy- K. Snyder, Esq., Young & er, Esquire, Zettlemoyer Law Young, 119 E. Main Street, Office, LLP, 53 North 3rd Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Emmaus, PA 18049. Attorneys: Rebecca M. Young, Esq. and Lia K. Snyder, Esq., Prospal, Patsy E. a/k/a Patsy Young & Young, 119 E. Main Elizabeth Prospal, dec’d. Street, Macungie, PA 18062. Late of Schnecksville. 24 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Executrix: Renee P. Yesutis, Stoner, John Kise a/k/a John 125 N. 5th St., Hamburg, PA K. Stoner, dec’d. 19526. Late of the City of Allentown. Executrix: Beverly R. Baldinger Scott, Francis Xavier, Jr., dec’d. c/o Norris McLaughlin P.A., 515 Late of Allentown. West Hamilton Street, Suite Administratrix: Joanna F. Scott 502, Allentown, PA 18101. c/o Richard W. Shaffer, Jr., Attorneys: Judith A. Harris, Esquire, Swartz & Associates, Esquire, Norris McLaughlin 7736 Main Street, Fogelsville, P.A., 515 West Hamilton Street, PA 18051. Suite 502, Allentown, PA 18101. Attorneys: Richard W. Shaffer, Jr., Esquire, Swartz & Associ- Zuber, Jarett W., dec’d. ates, 7736 Main Street, Fogels- Late of 5126 Pine St., Allen- ville, PA 18051. town. Administratrix: Shirlene L. Zu- Sheftel, Milton S., dec’d. ber c/o Ronald E. Corkery, Late of Allentown. Esquire, 352 Fifth Street, Suite Executrix: Ronnie L. Sheftel c/o A, Whitehall, PA 18052. Wiener and Wiener LLP, 512 W. Attorney: Ronald E. Corkery, Hamilton Street, Suite 400, Al- Esquire, 352 Fifth Street, Suite lentown, PA 18101. A, Whitehall, PA 18052. Attorneys: Wiener and Wiener LLP, 512 W. Hamilton Street, THIRD PUBLICATION Suite 400, Allentown, PA 18101. Bellis, David C., dec’d. Late of Allentown. Sieger, Doris Adele a/k/a Doris Administratrix: Bridget A. Weiss Adele Fox a/k/a Doris A. c/o Robert A. Nitchkey, Jr., Sieger, dec’d. Esq., Hemstreet Nitchkey & Late of Coplay. Freidl, 730 Washington St., Executrix: Stacy L. Beichey c/o Easton, PA 18042. Stephen A. Strack, Esq., Steck- Attorney: Robert A. Nitchkey, el and Stopp LLC, 125 S. Wal- Jr., Esq., 730 Washington St., nut Street, Suite 210, Slating- ton, PA 18080. Easton, PA 18042. Attorneys: Stephen A. Strack, Esq., Steckel and Stopp LLC, Bergenstock, I. Betty Jean a/k/a 125 S. Walnut Street, Suite 210, Betty Jean Bergenstock Slatington, PA 18080. a/k/a I. Betty J. Bergenstock a/k/a Irene Betty J. Bergen- Smith, Leslie J., dec’d. stock, dec’d. Late of 5914 Meadow Drive, Late of Lower Macungie Town- Orefield. ship. Executor: Scott A. Smith c/o Co-Executrices: Donna J. Ker- Ronald E. Corkery, Esquire, shner a/k/a Donna Bergen- 352 Fifth Street, Suite A, White- stock Kershner and Janine A. hall, PA 18052. Skokan c/o James R. Wish- Attorney: Ronald E. Corkery, chuk, JD, Esquire, 2310 Wal- Esquire, 352 Fifth Street, Suite bert Avenue, Suite 103, Allen- A, Whitehall, PA 18052. town, PA 18104-1360. 25 LEHIGH LAW JOURNAL Attorney: James R. Wishchuk, Executrix: Amanda K. Hudock- JD, Esquire, 2310 Walbert Av- Staver c/o Law Office of Michael enue, Suite 103, Allentown, PA Prokup, 2030 West Tilghman 18104-1360. Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18104. Carl, Francis K., dec’d. Attorney: Michael Prokup, Es- Late of Whitehall Township. quire, 2030 West Tilghman Administrators: Renee Olewine Street, Suite 201, Allentown, PA and Elie Jabbour. 18104. Attorneys: Gladys E. Wiles, Esquire, Snyder & Wiles, P.C., Meyers, Geraldine A., dec’d. 7731 Main Street, Fogelsville, Late of 815 E. Walnut Street, PA 18051, (610) 391-9500. City of Allentown. Executor: Raymond J. Meyers c/o The Roth Law Firm, 123 Flounders, Ann Marie a/k/a North Fifth Street, Allentown, Nancy Flounders, dec’d. PA 18102. Late of South Whitehall Town- Attorneys: Larry R. Roth, Es- ship. quire, The Roth Law Firm, 123 Executrix: Amy Baker c/o North Fifth Street, Allentown, Douglas J. Tkacik, Esquire, 18 PA 18102. East Market Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Patrei, Gildo P. a/k/a Gildo Pa- Attorney: Douglas J. Tkacik, trei, dec’d. Esquire, 18 East Market Street, Late of Allentown. Bethlehem, PA 18018. Executor: Aaron Lesko a/k/a P. Aaron Lesko a/k/a Paul Aaron Gallagher, William A., dec’d. Lesko, 6837 Patterson Court, Late of Lehigh County. Allentown, PA 18106. Executrix: Shannon M. Galla- Attorneys: Mark H. Scoblionko, gher, 2101 Eaton Avenue, Esquire, Scoblionko, Scoblion- Bethlehem, PA 18018. ko, Muir & Melman, 2030 West Attorney: William K. Malkames, Tilghman Street, Suite 105, Esquire, 509 Linden Street, Al- Allentown, PA 18104. lentown, PA 18101. Pickel, Mae, dec’d. Hinkel, David, dec’d. Late of Macungie. Late of 4741 Linda Lane, Em- Executrix: Nancy Gernerd c/o Noonan Law Office, 526 Walnut maus. St., Allentown, PA 18101. Executrix: Sharon Kile, 4741 Attorneys: Noonan Law Office, Linda Lane, Emmaus, PA 526 Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18049. 18101. Howells, Christine, dec’d. Pieroni, Ralph J., dec’d. Late of Whitehall. Late of Lehigh County. Executor: David Howells, 1460 Co-Executrices: Lisa G. Barlok Beverly Hills Road, Coopers- and Annette M. Van Dien c/o burg, PA 18036.
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