High Performance Technical Textiles High Performance Technical Textiles Edited by Roshan Paul University of Beira Interior, Portugal This edition first published 2019 © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by law. Advice on how to obtain permission to reuse material from this title is available at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. The right of Roshan Paul to be identified as the author of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with law. 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Neither the publisher nor authors shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data Names: Paul, Roshan. Title: High performance technical textiles / edited by Roshan Paul, University of Beira Interior, Portugal. Description: First edition. | Hoboken, NJ, USA : Wiley, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Identifiers: LCCN 2018049413 (print) | LCCN 2018050917 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119325055 (AdobePDF) | ISBN 9781119325031 (ePub) | ISBN 9781119325017 (hardcover) Subjects: LCSH: Industrial fabrics. | Geotextiles. | Synthetic fabrics. Classification: LCC TS1770.I53 (ebook) | LCC TS1770.I53 H54 2019 (print) | DDC 677/.6–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018049413 Cover design: Wiley Cover Images: Sailboats © De Visu/Shutterstock, Express train © Leonid Andronov/Getty Images, Astronaut © Dima Zel/Shutterstock, Workers in protection suits © sandyman/Shutterstock, Background © pirtuss/Shutterstock Set in 10/12pt WarnockPro by SPi Global, Chennai, India 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 v Contents List of Contributors xi 1 High Performance Technical Textiles: An Overview 1 Roshan Paul 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Application Areas of Technical Textiles 1 1.3 Technical Textiles by Functional Finishing 2 1.4 High Performance Technical Textiles 3 1.5 Conclusion 9 2 Household and Packaging Textiles 11 Pelagia Glampedaki 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Textile Materials, Properties, and Manufacturing 11 2.3 High Performance Applications 20 2.4 Testing Methods and Quality Control 23 2.5 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 26 2.6 Conclusion 32 References 32 3 Sports Textiles and Comfort Aspects 37 Ali Harlin, Kirsi Jussila, and Elina Ilen 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Textile Fibres 37 3.3 Developments in Yarns 42 3.4 Developments in Fabric Structures 43 3.5 Special Finishes 45 3.6 High Performance Applications 46 3.7 Active Textiles 57 3.8 Smart Textiles and Garments 58 3.9 Testing Methods and Quality Control 61 3.10 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 62 3.11 Conclusion 62 References 62 vi Contents 4 Medical and Healthcare Textiles 69 Nuno Belino, Raul Fangueiro, Sohel Rana, Pelagia Glampedaki, and Georgios Priniotakis 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Textile Materials, Structures, and Processes 70 4.3 High Performance Applications of Medical Textiles 72 4.4 Nanotechnology in Medicine and Healthcare 76 4.5 Thermo‐Physiological Comfort of Medical Textiles 81 4.6 Biocompatibility – Bioresorbability – Biostability 83 4.7 Intelligent Medical and Healthcare Textiles 85 4.8 Antimicrobial Textiles 93 4.9 Testing Methods and Quality Control 95 4.10 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 98 4.11 Conclusion 100 References 100 5 Textile Materials for Protective Textiles 107 Ningtao Mao 5.1 Introduction 107 5.2 Performance Requirements of Protective Textiles 109 5.3 High Performance Fibres 110 5.4 High Performance Textile Materials 115 5.5 Thermal Burden and Thermo‐Physiological Comfort 131 5.6 Testing Methods and Standards 138 5.7 Sustainability and Ecological Issues 148 5.8 Conclusion 148 References 149 6 Personal Protective Textiles and Clothing 159 Sumit Mandal, Simon Annaheim, Martin Camenzind, and René M. Rossi 6.1 Introduction 159 6.2 General Aspects of Textile Based PPC 160 6.3 Fibres for PPC 162 6.4 Yarns for PPC 167 6.5 Fabrics for PPC 173 6.6 PPC Fabrication 183 6.7 Key Issues Related to PPC 187 6.8 Conclusion 189 References 189 7 Textiles for Military and Law Enforcement Personnel 197 Christopher Malbon and Debra Carr 7.1 Introduction 197 7.2 Ballistic and Sharp Weapon Protection 197 7.3 Protection from Heat and Flames 203 7.4 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Protective Clothing 206 Contents vii 7.5 Functional Finishing 210 7.6 Conclusion 210 References 211 8 Industrial and Filtration Textiles 215 Tawfik A. Khattab and Hany Helmy 8.1 Introduction 215 8.2 Synthetic and Nanotechnical Fibres 216 8.3 Natural Fibres for Technical Applications 219 8.4 Manufacture of Technical Textiles 221 8.5 Functional Finishing 225 8.6 Textile Reinforced Composite Materials 227 8.7 High Performance Applications 228 8.8 Testing Methods and Quality Control 229 8.9 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 232 8.10 Conclusion 233 ­References 234 9 Geotextiles and Environmental Protection Textiles 239 Jiří Militký, Rajesh Mishra, and Mohanapriya Venkataraman 9.1 Introduction 239 9.2 Structure and Performance 240 9.3 Fibres for Geotextiles 243 9.4 Geotextiles and Soil 254 9.5 Manufacturing Techniques 260 9.6 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 272 9.7 Conclusion 274 ­References 275 10 Agrotextiles and Crop Protection Textiles 279 Adriana Restrepo‐Osorio, Catalina Álvarez‐López, Natalia Jaramillo‐Quiceno, and Patricia Fernández‐Morales 10.1 Introduction 279 10.2 Fibres for Agrotextiles 280 10.3 Textile Structures for Agrotextiles 284 10.4 High Performance Applications 285 10.5 Testing Standards Applicable to Agrotextiles 295 10.6 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 311 10.7 Conclusion 312 References 313 11 Building and Construction Textiles 319 Jordan Tabor and Tushar Ghosh 11.1 Introduction 319 11.2 Architectural Textiles 320 11.3 House Wraps 327 11.4 Insulation 334 viii Contents 11.5 Textile Reinforced Concrete 341 11.6 Sustainability and Ecological Issues 347 11.7 Conclusion 349 References 349 12 Automotive Textiles and Composites 353 Bijoy K. Behera 12.1 Introduction 353 12.2 Mobiltech 354 12.3 Application Areas of Automotive Textiles 355 12.4 Textile Composites for Automobiles 369 12.5 ­3D Fabrics for Automotive Applications 372 12.6 Comfort Properties of Automotive Interior 376 12.7 Conclusion 379 References 380 13 Marine Textiles and Composites 385 Chi‐wai Kan and Change Zhou 13.1 Introduction 385 13.2 Textiles for Marine Applications 385 13.3 Properties of Textiles for Marine Applications 394 13.4 Marine Textiles and Quality Standards 397 13.5 Sustainability and Ecological Aspects 403 13.6 Conclusion 403 ­Acknowledgement 403 ­References 403 14 Aeronautical and Space Textiles 407 Sadaf A. Abbasi, Lijing Wang, Mazhar H. Peerzada, and Raj Ladani 14.1 Introduction 407 14.2 Synthetic and Nanotechnical Fibres 408 14.3 Natural and Bast Fibres for Technical Applications 413 14.4 Manufacture of Technical Textiles 415 14.5 Textile Reinforced Composite Materials 420 14.6 Textile Composite Material Finishing 425 14.7 High Performance Applications 426 14.8 Testing Methods and Quality Control 428 14.9 Self‐Healing of Composite Materials 431 14.10 Sustainability and Ecological
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