March 27, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S2929 and dedication that his parents had to footprints on the sands of time. matter which onesÐon with great, their family and their community. And Ed Muskie's footprints remain on great determination. he spoke of the love and devotion that those sands. They are there as a guide But I want to close by saying that his fatherÐa Polish immigrantÐhad for those of us who would follow in his one of the things I will never forget for his new Nation. path. They are big footprints, not eas- about him is that he saw me as a young He spoke of how much his roots in ily filled. But we would all do well to Senator from New Mexico. I had a very the small town of Rumford, ME, meant try. large family. He got to meet them and to him. It was those deep roots, along Mr. President, I yield the floor. know them. On a number of occasions with his strong sense of family, that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- he personally said that he would very gave Ed Muskie the foundation upon ator from New Mexico. much like to make sure that we did not which he would stand as he became a Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I do things around here to discourage leading figure in American political think we are still waiting for the dis- young Senators like DOMENICI from life. And he cherished his father's tinguished senior Senator from West staying here. I think he was sincere, roots, and from the standpoint that he Virginia, Senator BYRD. And while we even though I was on the Republican viewed it as America giving every op- wait, I would like to ask consent that side. I think he saw us with an awful portunity to anybody who sought to I be permitted to speak for 5 minutes lot of feeling ourselves up here in try- achieve. as if in morning business. ing to establish rules that were very I was struck with a very real sense of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without difficult, and he used to regularly say, history listening to his reminiscences objection, it is so ordered. ``I hope this does not discourage you. during that visit. I do not think it is f We need to keep some of you around.'' possible for any Maine politician, re- So to his wonderful family and to all FORMER SENATOR ED MUSKIE gardless of party affiliation, to have of those close to him, you have suffered come of age during the Muskie era and Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I can- a great loss, but I can say that his life not have been influenced in some way not speak about Senator Ed Muskie has been a great legacy for the coun- by his presence. He was that pre- with the depth of knowledge that Sen- try. That ought to lend you in these eminent in the political life of my ator SNOWE had of his background and days of sorrow a bit of consolation, be- State. his impact on his beloved State of cause that legacy is great. Death is ob- Ed Muskie was a towering figure in Maine. But it has fallen to me to be, at viously inevitable. He accomplished every sense of the word. In his physical every stage of my growth in the Sen- great things before that day occurred. stature, in his intellect, in his presence ate, on a committee with Senator With that, I yield the floor. on Capitol Hill, in the extent of his im- Muskie. f pact on the political life of Maine, and My first assignment was the Public in the integrity he brought to bear in Works Committee. I was the most jun- LEGISLATIVE LINE-ITEM VETO everything he did. ior Republican, and Senator Muskie ACT OF 1995ÐCONFERENCE RE- And Ed was thoroughly and proudly a was the third-ranking Democrat and PORT Mainer, with the quiet sense of humor chaired the Subcommittee on the Envi- The Senate continued with the con- associated with our State. Each year, ronment. I also served on that sub- sideration of the conference report. the distinguished senior Senator enter- committee. I saw in him a man of tre- Mr. DOMENICI. Parliamentary in- tained guests at the Maine State Soci- mendous capability and dedication quiry, Mr. President. What is the pend- ety lobster dinner at the National when he undertook a cause. He learned ing business? Press Club by rubbing the belly of a everything there was to learn about it, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The con- live lobster, causing it to fall asleep, and he proceeded with that cause with ference report on the line-item veto. something only a real Mainer would the kind of diligence and certainty Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, for know how to do. that is not so often found around here. the information of the Senate, we have Personally, I will always remember There were various times during the just discussed the matter of a unani- and be grateful for the warmth, friend- evolution of clean water and clean air mous-consent agreement with Senator ship, and encouragement that Ed statutes in the country that we could BYRD, and he indicated he is not pre- Muskie gave me over the years. When I go in one of two directions, or one of pared to enter into that time agree- entered the U.S. House of Representa- three. Senator Muskie weighed those ment just now and would like to use tives in 1979, I was the newest member heavily, and chose the direction and some time and get a better feel for of the Maine congressional delegation. the course that we are on now. himself as to where we are. I have no Ed was the dean of the delegation. We No one can deny that Senator Muskie doubts we will enter into a similar were congressional colleagues for only is the chief architect of environmental agreement to the one our majority a year and a half, but our friendship cleanup of our air and water in the leader indicated, but it will not be lasted throughout the years. And when United States. Some would argue about forthcoming at this point. I think that I was elected to the seat which he had its regulatory processes, but there can is fair statement. held with such distinction, I was be no question that hundreds of rivers Mr. President, I note in the Chamber touched by his kindness, and grateful across America are clean today because the presence of Senator MCCAIN. It is for his advice and counsel. of Ed Muskie. There can be no doubt our prerogative as proponents of the Throughout his life, he never failed that our air is cleaner and safer and conference to lead off, and I wonder if to answer the call of duty. He answered healthier because of his leadership. I he would like to make a few opening the call from the people of Maine * * * really do not think any person needs remarks, and then I would make a few, He answered the call from America's much more than that to be part of and then perhaps we would yield the rivers and streams * * * And he an- their legacy. floor to Senator BYRD for his opening swered a call from the President of the But essentially he took on another remarks. United States and a worried Nation job, and a very, very difficult oneÐto Since there is no time agreement at when Senator Muskie became Sec- chair the Budget Committee of the this point, I yield the floor. retary of State Muskie in a moment of U.S. Senate. Again, it fell on me as a Mr. MCCAIN addressed the Chair. national crisis. very young Senator to be on that com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. President, 75 years before Ed- mittee. I have been on it ever since. I ator from Arizona. mund Muskie was born, another fa- was fortunate to move up. He became Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I thank mous Mainer, Henry Wadsworth Long- chairman in its earliest days. the Senator from New Mexico for ev- fellow, captured what I believe is the I might just say as an aside that the erything he has done on this issue. The essence of the wonderful man we re- Chair would be interested in this. When Senator from New Mexico has been member today. Longfellow wrote: we moved the President's budgetÐ$6 around here for a long time and is fully Lives of great men all remind us billion in those daysÐthat was a big, appreciative of the magnitude of what we can make our lives sublime, big thing, and we had a real battle for we are about to do. He also has been And, departing, leave behind us it. He would take the PresidentsÐno one who continuously has sought to S2930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 27, 1996 improve and to make more efficient, surgically eliminate Federal budget ob- delaying tactics including but clearly and indeed constitutional, this effort, ligations. The cancellation authority not limited to filibuster, extraneous and I am grateful for his continued does not permit the President to re- amendments, repeated quorum calls, support. write the underlying law, nor to motions to recommit, or motions to in- I also appreciate the very tough and change any provision of that law. struct conferees. very cogent arguments that he made The terms ``dollar amount of discre- When the President's message is re- while we were arriving at this com- tionary budget authority,'' ``item of ceived, any Member may introduce a promise which I think will prevail new direct spending,'' and ``limited tax disapproval bill.
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