TVr^r FRTDAT, CEGBMBWl 11, W «f dlattrbrif^ lEttrafno fEmtlft . w ' • ■ ■ ^ * 1 * 11 ATMrafft Daily Cireulatioii T h a W s a t lM r WSIf M M m 9m nOTCIBDVrf IVM * H ftonsnsts8P.8.WMh« Ummm . '^ - v . > , J f ' ^; k * 7,814 Membes nf Iha AndK J lw h noMss bsnlgbfl. ,1 CUMatlena Manehoster-rr^ Ctay of VUlago Chtarm # ' ■**)' ''*< ’ (Ctaasiae* AivertMag an rags U ) MANCHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY, DECEBIBER 12,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CKr / *■ , V()L. LXIL, NO. 62 g&'ih>*ii<irabttlPi^T#^i'r w Tygfijnvtr Crewmen of U. S. S. San Francisco Line Rail Upon Arrival DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS j Battle for Elbow Bolsters Arm y f x i • • ____ . f Given In Dry Goods Dept’s. Oply, on Saturday | Of Don Renewed; I unisia Battle; mm0tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm»untnmim»uiimmmmMmmmmmmmm Soviets Advance Full Fashioned | Perfect Fitting I Axis Forces Launch Re­ Bad Effects Stand Point Unsurd RAYON peated Attacks on East Bank of River; O f Tornado San Francisco Allies Face Hard anc Reds Gain on Sec­ Babies Join Bloady Struggle tors of Both Stalingrad M ay B e Cut Story Proves Things War Foes’ Force of 28,( HTOIERY And Central Fronts. ki She«f'-qr 8emt-Sh««r weighta. Being Steadily Rein^ Cotton reinforced foot for extra forced; Probing wear. Moscow, Dec. 12.— {/F)— Hundreds of Volunteers Training Good Cuts Short The third battle for the el­ To Aid Weather Bu­ Line aV El Aghei bow of the Don river west of reau in Reporting Many. Orphanages . in Raises Possibility < Stalingrad appeared to be un­ Cruiser Home from Sol­ No Resistance Tht C der way today with Axis Approach of Storm, omons for Repair of Chicago Metropolitan forces launching repeated at­ Damage Suffered in Area Lack Enough Kansas City, Dec. 12— (Jt)— The London, Dec. 12.- tacks on the east bank of the Infants for Adoption. Bay Near for GIfto! river but Russian advices United States Weather Bureau Battle with Japanese. Confronted with a steadii from the front said that the will battle the tornado, one of reinforced Axis Army of 2 8,| San Francisco, Dec. 12—(P) — Chicago, Doc. 12— )— A fter a Rsd Army was repulsing aU as- the most brutally efficient meteor­ UP 000, the Allies faced a. oaults. The Russians declared ological killers of the prairie coun Battle-scarred but proud, the year of war, there’s not much sui^ and bloody struggle today their' own advance continued on try. cruiser San Francisco la home prise evinced by most customers the Battle for Tunisia but thi aectora o f both the Stalingrad and Washington headquarters chose from the Solomons for the repair when they get a side-ways shake first cautious probing of central fronts, Including a point Kansas Oty as the first battle o f damages she suffered while of the head from store clerks—in­ west of Rzhev where they forced enemy’s newly - establishc ground, Re^onal Director John A. sinking a Jap cruiser and destroy a water crossing and captured dicating thr.,. the article being line at El Agheila in Liby Riley said today, partly because er and starting a Jap battleship sought Is unavailable. enemy frontline trenches. on its way to the bottom. raised the possibility that Ma The Don elbow, which the Ger­ people In this area are weather The groc ry clerks oegan their Rommel may not make a conscious— and success o f the plan The story of the San Francisco Gcnalne Leather mans occupied last August, was negative head shaking prior to there. The Germans and It depends upon popular undersUmd- Members of the crew of the cruiser San Francisco cheer and wave their hats as they line the is proof of the N avy’s way of sugar rationing, became experts reconquered by Soviet troops In training men. were pouring air-borne relnfo Simulated Pigfskin ing and cooperation. r ^ when the fighting ship, which defeated a Japan ese battleship off the Solomons, sailed Into San before the country Wi:nt on a cof­ menta into Tunisia to bob a sweeping push that got under A 31-year-oId officer, Lieut. fee budget. Could Minimize EflOcta * Francisco harbor for repairs forces already holding the adv / Grain Unlined aray In force Nov. 19. Comdr. Bruce McCandless of Long Then the butchers stacted shak­ Nobody's going to try to stop tege of occupying a weil-for"' Object to Believe Garrisons tornadoes, Riley hasten^ to add. Beach, Calif., took charge of the ing ^helr heads the same way, and Or Wool Lined vessel, flagship of its task force, so did the attendants Ir gasoline compact area and dispatches The main German object now But effective warning systems, that North African front she appeared to be to strike back in the Weather Bureau believes, and fought the critical moments stations. “ None,” and "al' out ’ be­ af a great battle off Savo Lsland in came the outstanding comebacks plainly that the Allies were this sector to relieve garrisons at could minimize the effects of even Protest Made for a bitter struggle to win . which the Russians are pounding. the worst storms. Allied Bombing Fleets the So'omons early in the morn­ of 1942. The list of things not pur­ GLOVES ing of Nov. 13. chasable this (Christmas season is and Bizerte. In a campaign marked by swift Hundreds o f volunteei^^ in this ROBES For Sport Or DriYin^ turns and stirprtslng maneuver, area will aid regular weather men On Hii’injrHall Command was handed down long, but merchandise leaders as­ Air Might Growing the Red Arm y had pushed south in reporting Instantly the first Blast 2 Italian Cities successively from Rear Admiral J sert there’s always a substitute. Offsetting the Axis advant FLANNEL ROBES $1 A a q m. ^ t Colors; Black, cork and from Serafimovich afid then turn­ glimpse of an approaching black, Callaghan through 11 officers, and No Babies for Adoptiou somewhat was the growing FuUeut,si^slSto44. natural. ed cast toward Stalingrad. funnel-like cloud. By Steel Firm by the moment’s peculiar demands, Added to the Hat o f "all outs," air might in Tunisia and tb* The Germans replied by attack­ As soon as the first report ar­ finally came to McCandless. it was disclosed today, were tire Mediterranean area, OOUniBOT ROBES DRESSES ing westward from Stalingrad al- rives, the warning system swings -------- A Leaders Eye Senior Suraiving Officer babies for adoption at many of phosised by the one-two pu Fins wak^ aieslr fitted. Blue and Greet your beau in dresses like these.. .invoked with mough they continued to hold the into action, with radios, newspa­ ught and Turin Given J Admiral Callaghan, C!apt. (tassin the orphanagec in the Chicago yesterday in new and deV siege before the city against vi­ pers, public utilities, public and Inland Asserts Review­ metropolitan area. Some of the raids by American bombsn rose. ' all the cheery spirit of the holiday season. You’ll want a Young, and three commanders $ \ .69. and $2.25 cious assaults by Red Army troops private office buildings, police and ing PanePs Ruling Vio­ Blasting After Dark were the senior officers. All but U stitutlons retorted that Ml re­ Naples and by another ettodt couple of them. We now have a splendid selection in within the factory area and on the firemen notified of the reported Third Party quests for adoption could not be home-based British bombera CHENILLE ROBES RfiO.M.EiWl«V#»CI one commander was killed. He was tailored and dressy styles, just in time for Christmas oouthem fringes. path of the storm. If they know late Promise Made Despite Ooud Layer. badly wounded. McCandless granted for a year or 18 months. night on Turin. EodI and laxurkKUk Rosa, cbernr, The Cradle lii suburban Evan- yinsr. Despite the repeated counter-at­ it’s coming, much damage and Senior surviving officer on' the The Tunisian picture 'was bhM. MaasU tollL tacks of the Germans on the Don On No Closed Shop. Threat Now bridge. onced too by the Brltlsk London, Dec. 12.— (/P)— (Coutinaed ou Page Two) beiid, the Russians said that they (Continued on Page Two) Allied bombing fleets, roar­ The command passed automa­ East announcement today tlu k j BEACON ROBBS HANDKERCHIEFS held them stlU confined to the east Chicago, t > ^ 12.— (JPi—Inland tically to the senior lieutenant the related Battle for Libya ing over the Alps and the WaaluUa and vary waim. Siiea 14 bank. Steel Company said last night Watch Midwest and commander, H. E. Schonland of velopmenta ore proceeding Pre-war all linen. All || One Battery Isolated Mediterranean in a two-way Portland, Me. But he was deep in The double etitched Manu inmre long wear. Tailored ^ 9 8 to $10.98 that It had telegraphed the War ing to plan wltbsut. inteife white, hand embroid­ Pravda, the Communist party Raisers Vote 8»8Milt,-gaTe Italy another Deep South as Huddle the ship, directing damage control Trying to Get from the enemy.’*^ to perfection and trimmed with fine imported newspaper, reported that A t)at- Labor Board protartlag a WLB work, and sent this word to Me- one^-two punch yesterday, Develops in Wake of Some quarters in LoDdoff ered handkerchiefs that Alencoa type lace. Fine quality ci;epe-back raron tallon of German Infantry, with 28 reviewing panel’s ruling which It Candiess; gested this meant Rommel b£ ^ nboSbs $2*98 to SATIN woven with CFLANESE* yam. tanks In the van, attacked and blasting the Naples water "I have a Hell of a lot of water Free of Trap M b m fi ta 1 « will please most any­ Upon Control said violated a presidential prom­ Critical Rumblings.
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