---------- -- ----------- ---- ----- jumh. 17. 575 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928. ·Jluhli:s~th b!,l '.autqoritp. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928. INLAND MAIL-SERVICES, NORTH IbLAND, 1g2s-so. SOUTH ISLAND. 1g25-28. 576 THE NEW ~EALAND GAZETTE. [No. 17 lnl,and Mail aerviua, North laland, 1928-30; South Island, 1926-28. POBt e.nd Telegraph Department, General Post Office, Wellington, 25th February, 1928. THE following list of mail-services within the Dominion in operation as on let J&11uary, 1928, is published for general information. __ G. McNAMARA, Secretary. POSTAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND. Servlre. fuquency, co!:;a':fce. of Contractor, 8~i:;/'ty1 I Name I . ,T~t:a'tf~of Contract. ----~~. I £ •. d. [ I Ahuroa and Glorit I 20 Weekly Horse I D. C. Woodcock 39 0 0 , Albany and Red Vale Twice weekly 2 1 13 Mf,:!orry or I E. Wright 35 o o I I 3 0 0 3 Amodeo Bay, steamer, and Post-office 1,012 As required .. Foot and boat S. C. L. McCal\ .. yd. 4 Aranga Railway-station and Post-office 3 Thrice weekly Wagon Bourke and Co. 20 0 0 5• Aratapu, steamer, and Post-office 200yd. As required Foot Miss J.E. Daniel Auckland and Bayswater . 4 ~ 6 { Auckland and Devonport . 4 As uired Ferry steamer Devonport · Steam Auckland, Northcote, Birkenhead, and 6 req 180 0 0 Ferry Co., Ltd. Chelsea J 7 Auckland and Buckland's Beach 34 Daily Motor-bus .• Passenger Trans­ 28 0 0 port Co., Ltd. 8 Auckland : Clearing receivers within a As required Motor-vans (Deptl. officer) .• radius of 4t miles of Chief Post-office rAuckland: Delivery of postmen's extra · As required 1 ~ bags Motor-vans (Deptl. officers) .. 9 [ Auckland: Delivery of parcels in city Twice daily in city;~ and suburbs daily in suburbs J IO Auckland, junction of Coatesville 71 Thrice weekly Motor-car .. R. A. Lister 350 0 0 31/12/30 Road, Dairy Flat, Silverdale, Orewa, Waiwera, and Puhoi · ll Auckland, junction Orakei Road and 18 Twice daily, and daily Motor-bus .. L. J, Keys 120 0 0 31/12/30 St. Heliers parcels 12 Auckland and Onehunga 16 Daily out, 5 times weekly Electric tram. Auckland ~ity 6s. 5d. per in car Council week 13 Auckland, Panmure, Pakuranga, and 29 Twice daily Motor-bus .. H. and J. Crawford 120 0 0 31/12/30 Howick 14 Auckland Railway-station, wharves, As required Motor-lorries (Deptl. officers) .. and Chief Post-office 15 Auckland suburban post-offices and 8 times daily, Monday to Electric tram Auckland City 515 13 4 Chief Post - office (Dominion Road, Friday ; 5 times Satur- Council Edendale North, Epsom, Green Lane, day-Newmark et, Greenwood's Corner, Grey Lynn­ Newton, Ponsonby, Upper Symonds Street. Arch Hill, Kingsland, Mount Albert, 6 times daily, Monday to Friday ; 3 times Saturday - Do­ Mount Eden, Newmarket, Newton, minion Roa.d, Epsom, Grey Lynn-Arch Hill, Kingsland, Parnell, Ponsonby, Remuera, Royal Mount Eden, Parnell, and Remuera. Oak, Upper Symonds Street, and Thrice daily, Mount Albert. West Lynn) Twice daily, Greenwood's Corner, Edendale North; twice daily, Monday to Friday ; once on Saturday- Green Lane, Royal Oak, and West Lynn 16 Auckland, Tryphena,. Okupu, Whanga- 120 Weekly Steamer Northern Steam­ 300 0 0 31/12/30 para, Okonga, and Port Fitzroy ship Co., Ltd. 17 Avondale Railway-station and Post- As required Handcart (Deptl. officer) office 18 Awanui, unction Waiharara Road, 60 Fortnightly Motor-car or Hl~tley Bros. 84 IO 0 31/12/30 Pukenui, and Houhora motor-lorry Awanui and Kaingaroa . 10 Thrice weekly '\ 19 { Kaingaroa and Lake Ohia .. 8 Twice weekly j Coach B. Rivers 95 0 0 31/12/30 Lake Ohia and Matthew's Homestead 6 Weekly 20 Awanui Landing, Awanui Post-office, IO Weekly Motor-car . ! Hutley Bros. 48 0 0 31/12/30 and Kaitaia 21 Awanui and Waipapakauri .. 6 Thrice weekly Horse and trap! J. N. O'Brien 20 0 0 22 Awbitu Central and Manukau Heads .. 12 Weekly Horse F. Hall 15 0 0 23 Awhitu Wharf, Awhitu, and Awhitn ll 4 times weekly Horse and gig J, T. Morgan 70 0 0 31/12/30 (',antral Babylon Railway-station and Post-office 20 yd. As required .. Foot J. H. Gossett Batley Wharf and Post-office 600yd. Twice weekly Foot A. F. Hoadley Bayswater Wharf, Bayswater, and 7 Daily to and from Bays­ Motor-van North Shore Trans- 250 0 0 31/12/~0 Takapnna water ; thTice daily port 0o., Ltd. from and twice daily to Takapuna 27 Beachlands Wharf and Post-office I Twice weekly Foot A. Doidge 5 0 0 28 Birkenhead, Glenfield, and Albany 18 Daily Motor-bus Marine Suburbs 105 O 0 31/12/30 (part rural delivery) Bus Co., Ltd. 29 Birkenhead Wharf and Post-office 1 As required .. Motor-bus Marine Suburbs 30 0 0 Bus Co., Ltd. 30 Bombay and Paparata 9 Twice weekly Horse P. Wvatt 26 0 0 31 Broadwood and Runaruna .. 16 Twice weekly .. Motor-car F. Holland 35 0 0 32 Buckland Railway-stat.ion and Post- 200 yd. As required .. Foot J. Milligan IO O 0 office 33• Chelsea Wharf and Post-office t Daily Foot W. Carson 3i Clevedon and Maraetai Road (rural 16 Thrice weekly Motor-truck A. Smith 30 0 0 delivery) 35 Clevedon and Moumoukai (rural <le. 30 Thrice weekly Horse I J. Murtagh 90 0 0 31/12/30 livery) * Service performed by non-permanent officer. Payment included in salary. MAB. 1.· THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 577 POSTAL DISTRICT OF AUCKLAND-continued. Date of Mode of Annual ! llemce, l!'requency. Name of Contractor. :Termlmttion Conveyance. I Subsidy. Iof Contract. £ s. d. 36 Clevedon and Wha.katiri 14 Twice weekly Motor-truck S. Bryers and Co. 5 0 0 37 Colville and Poihakene (rural delivery) 46 Weekly Pack-horse I F. H. Purdom , . 52 0 0 31/12/30 38 Colville and Port Charles 20 Weekly Horse I E. A. Florance .. 40 0 0 39 · Colville Wharf and Post-office 5! As required .. Wa.gon . J, Meredit,h .. 3s. 6d. per trip 40* Cor~len steamer and Post-offic11 1 or 2 Twice weekly Foot 1 ,J, H. Keenan •• 41 Coromandel, Amodeo Bay, and Colville 29 Weekly, with additional Motor-car R. 8. Goudie 58 10 0 fortnightly trip when plus 17s. 6d. Colville steamer fort­ per trip nightly for fort­ I nightly service 42 Coromandel ann Driving Creek 3! Daily Bicycle I (Dept!. officer) 43 Coromandel and Kennedy's Bay 17 Weekly Horse Kapa Potae 20 0 0 44 I Coromandel, Te Rerenga, and Whanga­ 10 Weekly Horse Denize Bros. 32 10 0 poua. 45 Coromandel Wharf a.nd Post-office •• As required Motor-ell r, Denize Bros. (;2 0 0 31/12/30 motor-lorry or cart 46 Coromandel and Whitianga. 44 Weekly, with additional Motor-car L. F. White 117 0 0 31/12/30 trip fortnightly when no direct steamer 47* Cowes steamer and Post-office l!OOyd. As required .. J!'oot H. L Insley 48 Darga.ville and Bradley's La.nding (rural 13 Thri® weekly Bicycle T. H. Aiken 65 0 0 , 31/12/30 delivery) 49 Da.rgaville, Ma.ngawhare, Arata.pa, Miti- 40 Daily (twice weekly to Steamer Northern W airoa 200 0 0 31/12/30 tai, Te Kopuru, Toke.toke., N auma.i, Tangaihi) Co-op'~ive Dairy Tikinui, Raupo, Tangaihi., and Rua.wa.i Co., Ltd. 50 Da.rgaville Railway-station and Post- ! As required Handcart (Dept!. officer) office 51 Dargaville, steamers, Railway-station, 500yd. As required Cart D. McKenzie 100 0 0 31/12/30 and Post-office 52 Dargaville, Tangowahine, HoangaNorth 62 Thrice weekly Steamer Northcm Wairoa 200 0 O :H/12/30 Wharf, Kirikopuni, and Tangiteroria. Co-op'tive Da.iry Co., Ltd. 53 Da.rgaville and Waibue (rural delivtiry) 21! Thrice weekly Motor-lorry Northern Wa.iroa 35 0 0 Co op'tive Dairy Co., Ltd. 54 Devonport Wharf and Post-office 110yd. As required .. Handcart (Dept!. officer) 55 Donnelly's Crossing, Mangatu, and Ma­ 4 Twice weekly Cart J. Gamble 20 16 0 ngatu School 56 Donnelly's Crossing and Oranoa 4 Twice weekly Cart W. T. W. Hall 26 '() 0 57 Donnelly's Crossing, Tutamoe, and Wai­ 26 Twice weekly •• Motor-oar or C. McAllister 75 0 0 31/12/30 matenui pack-horse 58* Drury Railway-station and Post-office 1,000 As required Foot C. Thornton yd. 59 Drury Railway-station, Runciman, Ra- 14! Twice daily Motor-car J. H. Carter 212 0 0 31/12/30 marama, and Bombay 60* Drury Railway-sta.tion-Runci.man l Daily Foot Miss D. L. Maxwell 61 Ellerslie Ra.ilway-sta.tion a.nd Post-office 600yd. As required Handcart (Deptl. officer) 62 Glen Eden a.nd Ka.reka.re 32 Weekly Horse or Badham and 20 0 0 buggy Farley 63 Glen Eden a.nd Nihotupu (rural delivery) 11 Thrice weekly, 1 Nov. Motor-car H. Lloyd 30 0 0 to 30 April; twice weekly, 1 May to 31 Oct. 64 I Glen Eden and Oratia. 5 Daily Bicycle or foot Miss M. Naden 18 0 0 65 i Glen Murra.y and Ka.awa 20 Twice weekly Motor - car or S. Miller 50 0 0 31/12/30 horse 66 Greenhithe Wha.rf and Post-office ! Daily Foot G. W. Coulam 10 0 0 67 Helensville and Parakai 4 Twice daily, except Thurs­ Motor-oar W. T. Beagle 35 0 0 day, when one trip only 68 Helensville, Ponto, Ta.ngaihi, Ruawai, 128 Weekly to Pouto and Steamer KaiparaSteamship 1,250 0 0 31/12/30 Raupo, Naumai, Tokatoka, Te Ko­ Tangaihi; 5 times Co.
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