July 25, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1069 Killeen branch of Union State Bank, where the Protect Medical Innovation Act of 2017; Jan’s tremendous energy and bright smile. she has served on the Board for many years. and H.R. 6311, the Increasing Access to Her upbeat attitude and persistence will con- At every stop along the way, she’s built Lower Premium Plans and Expanding Health tinue to live in each and every person she bridges of friendship and has worked tirelessly Savings Accounts Act of 2018—yes. touched. to support and enhance her community. (Roll No. 372) On passage of H.R. 184, the f Sis also exhibits a passion for education Protect Medical Innovation Act—yes. DR. BENJY FRANCES BROOKS that has contributed greatly to the prosperity of f Central Texas. Inspired by her niece who CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL GME SUP- didn’t have easy access to a local library, Sis WELCOME SAMANTHA JOSEPHINE PORT REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF worked to establish a library in Florence, CROWE 2018 Texas, which is now named after her. Sis also SPEECH OF aided in efforts to fund the creation of both HON. JOE WILSON Central Texas College and Texas A&M Cen- OF SOUTH CAROLINA HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE tral Texas. Young and old alike are thankful OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the positive contributions Sis has made to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES literacy and education in her community. Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Monday, July 23, 2018 Some people go through life wondering if Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in they made a difference. Eula L. Beck doesn’t er, I am happy to congratulate Major Andrew strong support of H.R. 4100, the Foundation of have that problem. Her inspiring and extensive Crowe, former Military Fellow of South Caro- career leaves no doubt that Central Texas is the Federal Bar Association Charter Amend- lina’s Second Congressional District, and his ments Act of 2017. a better place because of her. I celebrate her wife, Major Michelle Crowe, of Alexandria, Vir- life and devotion to her beloved community H.R. 4100 amends title 36 of the United ginia, on the birth of their new baby girl, States Code to revise the Federal charter for and wish her nothing but the best in the fu- Samantha Josephine Crowe. Samantha Jose- ture. the Foundation of the Federal Bar Association, phine Crowe was born on July 23, 2018, at to prohibit the use of race, color, religion, sex, f Fort Belvoir Community Hospital. Samantha disability, age, sexual orientation, or national weighed seven pounds and 15 ounces and CONFERENCE REPORT TO H.R. 5515, origin in determining eligibility for service as THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AU- measured 22.2 inches long. an officer or director. THORIZATION ACT OF 2019 I would also like to congratulate Samantha’s The Federal Bar Association is the nation’s grandparents, Carol and Donald Long, Edward premiere association for practitioners of fed- Brunt, and Cheri and Robert Crowe. Congratu- eral law and as such should be open to all re- HON. MAXINE WATERS lations and best wishes to the entire family as gardless of sexual orientation or gender iden- OF CALIFORNIA they are blessed with their newest addition of tity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pure pride and joy. Currently, the FBA recognizes the impor- Wednesday, July 25, 2018 f tance of nondiscrimination and has adopted a diversity statement that includes race, gender, Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. Mr. IN LOVING MEMORY OF JANET ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, dis- Speaker, I would like to acknowledge the work MARIE TORRISI-MOKWA ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity. of Financial Services Committee Democratic Diversity statements are valuable but they staffer Daniel McGlinchey on the title of this do not carry the weight of law. bill pertaining to reforms to the Committee on HON. ANN WAGNER The addition of a nondiscrimination provi- Foreign Investment in the United States. OF MISSOURI sion to the FBA Charter is an important action IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f and when gender identity is an enumerated PERSONAL EXPLANATION Wednesday, July 25, 2018 protected characteristic in the law, transgender Mrs. WAGNER. Mr. Speaker, it is with a people will be protected from discrimination. HON. BILLY LONG heavy heart that I rise to honor the passing of Discrimination on the basis of gender iden- Janet Marie Torrisi-Mokwa. Jan was a dear tity is a form of sex discrimination, and laws OF MISSOURI friend and a dedicated leader in the St. Louis prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES protect transgender people. community. While we mourn this tragedy, I Numerous federal circuit and district courts Wednesday, July 25, 2018 would like to celebrate Janis life and her many opinions have held that our nation’s nondis- contributions to Missouri. She was a pas- Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, July crimination laws that prohibit discrimination on sionate advocate for an array of issues she 24, 2018, I was unable to vote on any legisla- the basis of sex protect transgender people held near and dear to her heart, including the tive measures. Had I been present, I would from discrimination, including Title VII of the protection of animals, the empowerment of have voted the following: Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Credit Op- women, and care for those in need. (Roll No. 368) On ordering the previous portunity Act, and Title IX of the Education question providing for consideration of H.R. Jan recently celebrated 25 years of mar- Amendments of 1972. 6199, the Restoring Access to Medication and riage to her husband Joseph Mokwa. She is The EEOC determined in Macy v. Holder Modernizing Health Savings Accounts Act of also survived by her mother, Marie Torrisi; that Title VII’s prohibitions on sex discrimina- 2018; providing for proceedings during the pe- brother John Torrisi and his wife Claudia; tion also prohibit discrimination on the basis of riod from July 27, 2018, through September 3, nieces, Kaci and Amy; stepdaughter, Aimee gender identity. 2018—yes. Goodrich; and grandchildren, Danny, Julia, This decision is binding on the federal gov- (Roll No. 369) On adoption of the rule pro- and Josephine. ernment with respect to employment practices. viding for consideration of H.R. 6199, the Re- Jan was one of those people who was truly Our laws work best when there are clear ex- storing Access to Medication and Modernizing larger than life. She had a warm presence, an pectations. Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018; pro- infectious positivity, and an unparalleled effect While gender identity will be covered by the viding for proceedings during the period from on others. Today we honor her insatiable spirit sex nondiscrimination provision, it is better to July 27, 2018, through September 3, 2018— her countless contributions to our community, enumerate gender identity. yes. and the lasting impact she had on people from Listing out protected characteristics helps (Roll No. 370) On ordering the previous all walks of life. those making determinations about member- question providing for consideration of H.R. In His Sermon on the Mount, we are re- ship understand their obligations and those 184, the Protect Medical Innovation Act of minded by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, seeking membership understand their rights. 2017; and H.R. 6311, the Increasing Access that those who mourn are blessed and will be By passing H.R. 4100, we can prevent dis- to Lower Premium Plans and Expanding comforted. I pray that during this difficult time, crimination by ensuring gender identity is a Health Savings Accounts Act of 2018—yes. the Mokwa family, their friends, and neighbors protected characteristic. (Roll No. 371) On adoption of the combined are graced with that blessing from the Lord. I urge my colleagues to join me in voting for rule providing for consideration of H.R. 184, Mr. Speaker, our community will dearly miss H.R. 4100. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:14 Jul 26, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.029 E25JYPT2 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E1070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2018 HONORING GERALDINE JAMES ish her memory, her devoted daughters, and in January 2009, he joined Comcast Cor- PETTIE Deborah Pritchett and Jan Whitley; four poration’s Washington Federal Government grandchildren, Kimberly Pritchett, Derek Affairs office where he continues to serve with Whitley, Dara Whitley Champ, and Dana HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Whitley; one great-grandchild, Anthony distinction as their senior public policy rep- OF CALIFORNIA Champ, Jr.; one sister, Lucille J. Younger; resentative on Capitol Hill. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one brother, Morris E. James (Rosa) and one Over decades of work, Mr. Jones has devel- Wednesday, July 25, 2018 son-in-law, Michael Pritchett; one grandson- oped strong relationships with members of in-law, Anthony Champ; two nephews, Ron- Congress and their staff. This is particularly Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise ald Turner (Rita) and Lindell Younger; one true among members of the Congressional to remember Geraldine James Pettie, a long- niece, Lisa Turner; and a host of other rel- Black Caucus who regularly seek his advice time Washingtonian, a dedicated public serv- atives and friends. and counsel. ant, a devoted spouse, a loving mother, an at- Mrs. Pettie was laid to rest at Fort Lincoln Mr. Speaker, I have had the high honor of tentive grandmother and great grandmother, a Cemetery in Brentwood, Maryland alongside knowing and working with Mr.
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