COLORADO PARKS AND WILDLIFE 2017 Southeast Colorado Hunting Guide Includes: • Detailed GMU Descriptions • Public Land in SE GMUs • 2016 Harvest Statistics/Success Rates • Phone Numbers & Contact Info COLORADO PARKS AND WILDLIFE Southeast Region • 4255 Sinton Rd., Colorado Springs 80907 719-227-5200 • www.cpw.state.co.us 2017 Big Game Season Dates & License Fees ARCHERY SEASONS Deer/elk (west of I-25 and Unit 140) Aug. 26-Sept. 24 Plains Deer or Whitetail Only Oct. 1-27, Nov. 8-30, Dec. 15-31 (east of I-25, except Unit 140) Moose Sept. 9-24 Pronghorn (bucks only) Aug. 15-31 Pronghorn (either sex) Sept. 1-20 MUZZLELOADING SEASONS Deer/elk/moose Sept. 9-17 Plains Deer or Whitetale, except Unit 140 Oct. 14-22 Pronghorn Sept. 21-29 RIFLE SEASONS Moose Oct. 1-14 Pronghorn (by draw only) Oct. 7-13 Separate limited elk (1st season) Oct. 14-18 Combined deer/elk (2nd season) Oct. 21-29 Combined deer/elk (3rd season) Nov. 4-12 Combined limited deer/elk (4th season) Nov. 15-19 Plains Deer (east of I-25, except Unit 140) Oct. 28 – Nov. 7 Whitetail Only (Plains) Oct. 28 – Nov. 7 Whitetail Only (West of I-25) Dec. 1-31 Whitetail Only (Plains Late) Dec. 1–14 Late Plains Deer east of I-25, except Unit 140 Dec. 1–14 BLACK BEAR SEASONS Rifle limited (by draw only) Sept. 2-30 Archery (over-the-counter w/cap) Sept. 2-30 Muzzleloading (over-the-counter w/cap) Sept. 9-17 Rifle Bear (over-the-counter w/cap)* Concurrent with deer/elk rifle seasons. East Plains Regular Rifle Sept. 2-Nov. 19** *Note: To participate in the Over The Counter w/cap rifle bear seasons, a hunter must also hold a deer or elk license for the same unit(s), season, and manner of take. ** See Official Colorado Big Game Hunting Regulations Brochure for list of GMUs. Deer Elk License Prices*** Buck/Doe Bull/Either-sex Cow Adult $31 $46 $46 Resident Youth $10.75 $10.75 $10.75 Adult $386 $641 $481 Non-Resident Youth $100.75 $100.75 $100 .75 ***Prices include 25-cent search/rescue fee and 75-cent wildlife education fund fee. Prices do NOT include $10 habitat stamp fee or $3 online application fee if applying through the draw. PLANNING RESOURCES Colorado Parks and Wildlife Southeast Region GMUs 59, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, Colorado 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 719-227-5200 Springs 119, 511, 512, 581, 591 GMUs 59, 69, 84, 85, 86, 123, 124, 128, Pueblo 133, 134, 140, 141,142, 147, 851, 861, 719-561-5300 691 GMUs 48, 49, 56, 57, 58, 59, 69, 86, 481, Salida 719-530-5520 561, 581, 691 GMUs 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, Lamar 129, 130, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 719-336-6600 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 U.S. Forest Service Pike / San Isabel National Forest Pueblo 719-553-1400 District Office Leadville 719-486-0749 District Office Colorado Springs 719-636-1602 District Office Salida 719-539-3591 District Office Canon City 719-269-8500 District Office Fairplay 719-836-2031 Comanche National Grasslands Pueblo 719-553-1400 District Office La Junta 719-384-2181 District Office Springfield 719-523-6591 Bureau of Land Management Front Range Center Canon City 719-269-8500 Arkansas Headwaters Salida 719-539-7289 Royal Gorge Field Office Canon City 719-269-8500 1 GMU INDEX GMU DAU/GROUP Pg GMU DAU/GROUP Pg 48 Collegiate Peaks 6 126 Las Animas 54 49 Buffalo Peaks 11 127 Cheyenne Wells 65 56 Collegiate Peaks 7 128 Apishipa Region 40 57 Buffalo Peaks 11 129 Apishipa Region 41 58 Buffalo Peaks 12 130 Las Animas 54 59 Cripple Creek / Pikes Peak 14 132 Two Buttes 67 69 Wet Mtns./Sangre DeCristo 22 133 Apishipa Region 42 84 Wet Mtns./Sangre DeCristo 23 134 Apishipa Region 43 85 Trinidad-La Veta 29 135 Apishipa Region 43 86 Wet Mtns./Sangre DeCristo 24 136 Kim Area 57 103 Burlington 61 137 Kim Area 58 105 Kiowa – Deer Trail 32 138 Two Buttes 68 106 Kiowa – Deer Trail 32 139 Two Buttes 68 107 Big Sandy Drainage 48 140 Trinidad-La Veta 28 109 Burlington 62 141 Apishipa Region 44 110 Calhan/Chico Basin 35 142 Apishipa Region 44 111 Calhan/Chico Basin 35 143 Kim Area 58 112 Big Sandy Drainage 48 144 Kim Area 59 113 Big Sandy Drainage 49 145 Two Buttes 69 114 Big Sandy Drainage 49 146 Las Animas 55 115 Big Sandy Drainage 50 147 Apishipa Region 45 116 Burlington Area 62 481 Collegiate Peaks 6 117 Burlington Area 63 511 Cripple Creek / Pikes Peak 17 118 Calhan/Chico Basin 36 512 Cripple Creek / Pikes Peak 18 119 Calhan/Chico Basin 37 561 Collegiate Peaks 8 120 Big Sandy Drainage 50 581 Cripple Creek / Pikes Peak 18 121 Big Sandy Drainage 51 591 Cripple Creek / Pikes Peak 16 122 Cheyenne Wells 64 691 Wet Mtns./Sangre DeCristo 22 123 Calhan/Chico Basin 37 851 Trinidad-La Veta 30 124 Calhan/Chico Basin 38 861 Wet Mtns./Sangre DeCristo 25 125 Las Animas 53 2 WHAT’S NEW FOR 2017 Changes to License Refunds: If you would like a refund and/or preference point reinstatement for a hunting license, the license must be returned to CPW or postmarked at least 30 days prior to the start of the season for which it is valid in order to be eligible. A $15 processing fee will be charged on all refund requests except for youth licenses, or in the event of a CPW error. Preference point restoration requests are exempt from the processing fee. Please see the CPW website for the most up-to-date information on license refunds and reissues: cpw.state.co.us/Licenses » CPW Licensing system changes: CPW is transitioning to an upgraded licensing, pass, registration and reservation system in 2017/18. All customers will need to have an individual email address and password to apply for, or purchase, CPW products with the new system. Make sure your contact information and email are correct now when you apply for your license. CPW is also going paperless for hunting license applications in 2018. The final year for paper hunting license applications is 2017. Find more nformation on our website soon: cpw.state.co.us/CPWshop » Hunter Pink legal: It is now legal for hunters to wear solid fluorescent pink clothing as an alternative to solid daylight fluorescent orange garments.This law applies to those who take deer, elk, pronghorn, moose or black bear with any firearm. Read more at cpw. state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages/Hunt.aspx » Free mandatory Chronic Wasting Disease testing: To better gauge the presence of CWD in select deer herds, CPW will require mandatory submission of CWD test samples from some hunter-harvested bucks and does during the 2017 archery, muzzleloader and rifle seasons. Any notified hunter will be required to present their deer for testing at a CPW facility. Details about sumbitting a sample at cpw.state.co.us/bg/CWD » ELK Elk license changes: All antlerless licenses in GMUs 59, 511, 512, 581 and 591 are now list A (except for private-land-only); muzzleloader licenses are specified for both cows and bulls; and OTC archery list B antlerless licenses no longer apply for these units. » PRONGHORN Rifle doe season in extended: The December rifle season for pronghorn does has been extended from 9 days to the entire month of December (Dec. 1–31) in GMUs 110, 111, 118, 119, 123 and 124. Private-land-only rifle hunts added: in GMU 135 for bucks and does (Oct. 7–13) and to GMU 951 for does (Nov. 1–Dec. 31, late season). » MOOSE GMU 161 open for hunters with unfilled 2016 licenses: Some, or all, of the 2017 moose license quota may be used by 2016 hunters opting to hunt in 2017. The portion of the 2017 quota available to these hunters will be determined by the Parks and Wildlife Commission. Check the website for updates: cpw.state.co.us 3 COLLEGIATE PEAKS: UNITS 48, 481, 56, 561 DEER HARVEST STATISTICS Total Total Unit Season Buck Doe Fawn Percent Success Harvest Hunters Last Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 48 Archery 5 3 0 8 77 10 24 24 48 Muzzle 11 7 0 18 30 60 46 44 48 Early 6 0 0 6 10 60 50 51 48 2nd Rifle 14 0 0 14 106 13 30 29 48 3rd Rifle 20 0 0 20 44 45 40 33 481 Archery 7 2 0 9 35 26 17 18 481 Muzzle 2 0 0 2 14 14 15 27 481 Early 3 0 0 3 5 60 38 25 481 2nd Rifle 30 19 0 49 106 46 52 54 481 3rd Rifle 29 21 0 50 130 38 52 52 56 Archery 6 3 0 9 35 26 29 23 56 Muzzle 8 0 0 8 21 38 33 31 56 Early 2 0 0 2 4 50 54 50 56 2nd Rifle 44 2 0 46 137 34 48 42 56 3rd Rifle 52 14 0 66 125 53 47 45 561 Archery 0 3 0 3 23 13 18 20 561 Muzzle 6 0 0 6 28 21 35 32 561 Early 1 0 0 1 2 50 50 20 561 2nd Rifle 41 0 0 41 89 46 35 37 561 3rd Rifle 31 0 0 31 63 49 41 32 4 COLLEGIATE PEAKS: UNITS 48, 481, 56, 561 ELK HARVEST STATISTICS Total Total Percent Success Unit Season Bull Cow Calf Harvest Hunters Last Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 48 Archery 14 0 0 14 95 15 17 17 48 Muzzle 9 2 0 11 61 18 30 27 48 Early 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 48 1st Rifle 18 0 0 18 64 28 34 42 48 2nd Rifle 13 23 2 38 131 29 22 23 48 3rd Rifle 3 8 0 11 46 24 19 20 48 4th Rifle 0 4 0 4 39 10 26 25 481 Archery 7 0 0 7 93 8 9 13 481 Muzzle 7 4 2 13 60 22 14 18 481 Early 0 28 6 34 78 44 40 36 481 1st Rifle 29 0 0 29 63 46 38 39 481 2nd Rifle 29 13 0 42 212 20 24 22 481 3rd Rifle 8 0 0 8 109 7 21 17 481 4th Rifle 0 0 0 0 28 0 9 10 56 Archery 6 3 0 9 90 10 5 6 56 Muzzle 12 1 0 13 53 25 19 16 56 Early 0 24 0 24 45 53 42 46 56 1st Rifle 6 0 0 6 43 14 27 20 56 2nd Rifle 11 3 0 14 91 15 11 11 56 3rd Rifle 14 8 0 22 97 23 22 19 56 4th Rifle 12 11 0 23 47 49 46 31 561 Archery 1 0 0 1 65 2 15 17 561 Muzzle 5 0 0 5 49 10 13 12 561 1st Rifle 5 0 0 5 27 19 31 26 561 2nd Rifle 2 3 0 5 47 11 25 23 561 3rd Rifle 5 0 0 5 52 10 8 10 561 4th Rifle 0 2 0 2 28 7 13 15 PRONGHORN HARVEST STATISTICS Last Yr 3 Yrs 5 Yrs 48 Archery 2 0 0 2 46 4 2 2 48 Muzzle 2 0 0 2 7 29 11 23 48 Rifle 2 0 0 2 5 40 40 40 481 Archery 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 481 Muzzle 1 0 0 1 5 20 44 38 481 Rifle 3 2 0 5 7 71 67 75 56 Archery 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 56 Muzzle 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 27 56 Rifle 4 0 0 4 7 57 53 54 5 COLLEGIATE PEAKS: UNITS 48, 481, 56, 561 GMU 48 Location: Portions of Lake and Chaffee counties bounded on N by the Continental Divide; on E by Tennessee Creek and the Arkansas River; on S by Clear Creek and the South Fork of Clear Creek; and on W by the Continental Divide.
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