APPENDIX Holdings in Napoleoniana at the State Library of Victoria This listing of books and microfilms to do with the life and times of Napoleon I and his immediate family follows the order of the Dewey Decimal Classification. It does not include imaginative works of which he is the subject. S 012 NI6KB Kircheisen, F., Bibliography of Napoleon, 1902. S 012 NI6K Kircheisen, F. M, Bibliographic <lu temps tie Napoleon. V.I; v.2, pt.l, 1908-12. S 016.944 H7X Horward, Donald D., The French Revolution ami Napoleon Collection at Florida Stale University: a bibliographical guide, 1973. S 016.94404 S56S The Sandier Collection: an annotated bibliography of books relating to the military history of the French Revolution und Empire in the library ofJohn Sandier, 1996. S 016.94405 W55I Whaley, Leigh Ann, The Impact of Napoleon, IH00-IM5 an annotated bibliography, 1997. *LT 097 H66 (V. I) Lockhart, John Gibson, The History of Napoleon Buonaparte: with engravings on steel and wood, 1830. S 133.3092 N84R Robb, Stewart, Nostradamus on Napoleon. Hitler and the Present Crisis, 1941. SLT 133.30932 N16D Napoleon Bonaparte's Egyptian Oracle. 11993? | S 296.44 AN2 Anchel, R., Napoleon et lesjuifs, 1928. S 308.1 NI6M Napoleon I, The Mind of Napoleon: a selection from his written and spoken words, 1955. 327.1170903 B64P Bond, Brian, The Pursuit of Victory .from Napoleon to Saddam Hussein, 1996. S 327.42 B411 v. I Delderfield, R. F., Imperial Sunset: the Fall of Napoleon. I8U-I4, 1969. S 327.44 P97N Puryear, Vernon John, Napoleon and the Dardanelles, 1951 S 328.4409 C69 Collins, Irene, Napoleon and his Parliaments. IS00-IHI5. 1979. S 332.09 W69 Wilson, Robert McNair, The Mind of Napoleon: a study of Napoleon, Mr.Roosevelt, and the money power. 1934. S 349.44 F84CR Code Napoleon, | I824?|. S 349.44 SCH9 Wilson, R. McN., The Code Napoleon and the Common-law World. 1956. S 354.44 P36 Pelot, de la, Londre, P. J. O., cointe, Napoleon in Council: tr. 1857. 29 S 355 L6I Liddell Hart, B. H., Sir, The Ghost of Napoleon, 1I93O|. S 355 YK (V. I) Wartenburg, Y. von. Count, Napoleon as a General: |tr.|, 1902. 355.0092 G76G Grabsky, Phil, The Great Commanders: Alexander, Caesar. Nelson, Napoleon. Grant, Zlnikov, 1993. S 355.0201 NI6D Napoleon I, The Military Maxims of Napoleon, 1987. S 355.09 W65 Wilkinson, H. S., French Army before Napoleon. 1915. SF 355.140944 IM7 The Imperial Guard of Napoleon Bonaparte, 11969, c 19681 S 355.4 N16N Napoleon I, Napoleon and Modern War: his military maxims. 1943. S355.4 VI3 Vachee, Colonel, Napoleon at Work.tr., 1914. S 355.415 C67 Colby, Elbridge. Masters of Mobile Warfare. 11943|. 355.420944 N84B Nosworthy, Brent, Battle Tactics of Napoleon and his Enemies, 1995. S 356.0946 G98B Guye, Alfred, Le Bataillon de Neuchatel. dit des Canaris. an service de Napoleon 1807-1814: avec 16 illustrations, 1964. S 382.0973 C57 Clauder, Anna Cornelia, American Commerce as affected by the Wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 179.1-1812, 1972. S 382.0973 C8X Crosby, Alfred W., America. Russia. Hemp and Napoleon : American Trade with Russia ami the Baltic. 178.1-1812, 1965. SF 391.00944 B85M Bucquoy, E.L., La Maison de Vempereur : collection du Cdt E.L. Bucquoy. |I984|, cl977. S 391.00944 KI4MF La Mode en Frame, 1715-1815 : de Louis XVa Napoleon ler, c1990. *SEF 394.4 NI6 Ceremonies el fetes du sacre et couronnemenl de leurs Majestes Imperiales Napoleon ler et son augusle epouse, 1806 S 506.244 C88 Crosland, Maurice P., The Society of Arcueil: a view of French science at the time of Napoleon, 11967|. *LT 508.94 P42Vp PeVon, Franjois, A Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, performed bv order of the Emperor Napoleon during the years 1801,1802,180.1 and 1804, Ivoluine 11, 1975. *LT 508.94 P42Vp PeYon, Franjois, A Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere, performed by order of the Emperor Napoleon during the years 1801, 1802, 180.1, and 1804, IH09. CC 508.94 P42VP Peron, M. F., A Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere- performed hv order of the Emperor Napoleon during the years 1801, 1802, 180.1. and 1804, 1809. 30 A 7(14.94935 NI6L La Legende napoleonienne, I796I9IH), Paris, 111 juin 20 octobre] 1969. A 704.94935 NI6M Napoleon: Grand Palais, juin-decembre 1969. A 708.4 F47 (V. 1) Filhol, A. M., Galerie du Musee Napoleon 1804-15. A 708.4 L23 (I. COLL. T. I) Landon, Charles-Paul, Aiwules tlu musee el tie I'ecole moderni ties beaux-arts: Recueil cle gravures au trait, cuntenanl la collection complete ties peintures el sculptures tlu Musee Napoleon: el tie celui tie Versailles: Les objels les plus curieux tlu Musee ties mominiens francais: les principales productions ties artistes vivans, en peinlure, sculpture el architecture, edifices publics, etc.: avec ties notices historiques el critiques, 1800-1824. A 708.436 G73 Gould, Cecil, Trophy of Conquest: the Musee Napoleon and the creation of the Louvre, |I965|. A 709.034 B63A (V. 2) Boime, Albert, Art in an Age ofBonaparlism, 1X00-1X15, 1990. A 709.44 D79 The Arts under Napoleon: an Exhibition of the Department of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, with loans from the Audrey B. Love Foundation and other New York collections, April 6-July .10. I97X, c 1978. A 709.44 W67 The Taste of Napoleon: a loan exhibition, 1969. A 720.944 W69N Wilson-Smith, Timothy, Napoleon ami his Artists. 19%. 726.80944361 D83A Driskel, Michael Paul, As befits a legend: building a tomb for Napoleon, IX40-IX6I, c\993. AF 737.2 M62 Millin, A. L., Hixtoire medallique tie Napoleon, 1854. A 738.27 V66S The Sevres Egyptian Service. IXI0-I2. cl982. A 741.5 K68R Klingender, F. D., Russia - Britain's ally. IXI2-I942. 1942. AF 746.920944 AG3B The Age of Napoleon: Costume from Revolution to Empire, I7X9-IXI5, cl989. A 759.4 P9IN Prendergast, Christopher, Napoleon and History Painting : Anloine-Jean Gros's "La Bataille d'Eylau". 1997. A 791.4372 NI6B Brownlow, Kevin, "Napoleon", Abel Game's classic film, 1983. A 791.4372 NI6K Kaplan, Nelly,Napoleon, 1994. S 844.F88 (V.I3) Warden, W., Letters written on board H.MS. Northumberland and al St. Helena in which the conduct and conversations of Napoleon Buonaparl and his suite are faithfully related. S 848.6 N16M Napoleon, 1, Maximes tie Napoleon. | v. 11.1922. 31 S 848.6 NI6P Napoleon I. Political aphorisms, moral and philosophical thoughts of the Emperor Napoleon collected from upwards of eighty original works = Aphorismes politiques, pensees morales et philosophiques de I'Empereur Napoleon, 1848. S K9I.73 KX6N Krasnov, P. N., Napoleon ami the Cossacks. 1932. S 904 R72 Rose, J. Holland, Pitt and Napoleon: essays ami letters. 1912. SLT 919.4 SC08T Scott, Ernest, Terre Napoleon: a History of French Explorations anil Projects in Australia, 1910. SLT 919.4 SCO8T Scott, Ernest Terre Napolton: a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia, with eight illustrations and maps, 1911. LTP 919.40074 T27A Terre Napoleon: an encounter: An exhibition presented by the Alliance Francaise de I1 Australie du Sud to celebrate the 150th anniversary of South Australia. 11986|. S 920.7 B64m Martineau, Gilbert, Madame MOre: Napoleon's Mother, 1978. S 920.7 B64W Wilson, Robert McNair, Napoleon's Mother, 1933. S 920.7 C15M Montagu, Violette M., The Celebrated Madame Campan, Lady-in-wailing to Marie-Antoinette and Confidante of Napoleon, 1914. S 920.7 C44 Chimay, E. M. F. J de Riquet, princesse de, A Daughter of Napoleon, 1922. S 923.14356 J4KS Sergeant, Philip W., TheBurlesque Napoleon: being the story of the life and the kingship ofJerome Napoleon Bonaparte, youngest brother of Napoleon the Great, 1906. S 923.144 A121 Creston, Dormer, In Search of Two Characters; some intimate aspects of Napoleon and his son, 11945| S 923.144 A57N Masson, Frederic, Napoleon el sonfils. 1904. S 923.144 B64GE Geer, W., Napoleon and his Family, 1927. S 923.144 B64T Turquan, J., Sisters of Napoleon. S 923.144 H16BU Home, R. H., The History of Napoleon. 1840-1841. S 923.144 J77c Cartland, Barbara, Josephine: Empress of France. 1961. S 923.144 J77C Cole, Hubert, Josephine. 1962. S 923.144 J77G Geer, W., Napoleon and Josephine 1924. S 923.144 J77K Knapton, Ernest John, Empress Josephine, 1963. S 923.144 J770Ober, Frederick A. Josephine: Empress of the French, 1901. S 923.144 J77S Sergeant, Philip W., The Empress Josephine: Napoleon's Enchantress, 1908. 32 S 923.144 M337C (V. I) Culhell, Edith E, An imperial victim: Murie-Louise, Archduchess of Austria, Empress of the French, Duchess of Parma, | 19111 S 923.144 M337F Farinelli, Leonardo, Maria Luigiu, iliichessa ili Parma, cl983. S 923.144 M337M L'lmperatrice Murie-Louise, IHO9-IHI5: Marie-Louise. Empress Consort of Napoleon I, Paris: 1902. S 923.144 M337P Marie-Louise, Empress Consort of Napoleon I. The private diaries of the Empress Marie-Louise: wife of Napoleon I, 1922. S 923.144 NI6AB Aubty, Octave, The Private Life of Napoleon, 119471 S 923.144 NI6AD Adye, J., Sir, Napoleon of the Snows, 119311. S 923.144 NI6A (V. I) Abbott, John S. C, The History of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1895. S 923.144 NI6A Abbott, John S. C, The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte: to which is added a sketch of the life of the late emperor Napoleon the Third and biographies of the members of the Bonaparte family, 119()9| S 923.144 NI6A Abbott, J.
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