National Morgan Horse Show Issue Lot 37 - FUNQUEST April 19, 1964 Ma re: Bay; no white KNOX MORGAN SENATOR KNOX SENA TA SENA TOR GRAHAM TIFFANY PUKWANA FAN ITA BENITA JUBILEE KING PENROD NELIZA DAISETIE ALLEN KING NELLA LIZA JANE FLYHAWK GO HAWK FLORETTE FLYHAWK 'S BLACK STAR ALLAN ALLAN 'S STAR TEHACHAPI STAR OF CORNWALL JANE L. COLONEL'S BOY CORNWALLIS GILL CORNWALLIS PAT LADY PATCH COLONEL PATCH JANE L. Lot 38 - FUNQUEST April 24 , 1964 Mare: Chestnu; star; bo ot on both hind feet SUNNY HAWK GO HAW K BOMBO FLYHAWK ALLEN KING FLORETTE CHIEF RED HAW K FLORENCE CHANDLER PENROD JUBILEE KING NELIZA DAI SETTE ALLEN KING NELLA LIZA JANE ASTRAL JONES UPWEY KING PEAVINE OLD HOCKADAY UPWEY KING BENN BENNINGTON AUDREY FUNQU EST BENGARET CAROLYN COLONEL'S BOY LARRY COLONEL LISABELLE MARGARET COLONEL TEHACHAPI ALLAN MARGARET ALLEN MAGGY LINSLEY Lot 39 - FUNQUEST April 28, 1964 Ma re: Chestnut; half stocking on each hi11d fo,t. KNOX MORGAN SENATOR KNOX SENATA SENATOR GRAHAM FANITA TIFFANY PUKWANA BENITA JUBILEE KING PENRO D NELIZA DAISffiE NELLA ALLEN KING LIZA JANE FLYHAWK GO HAWK THE BROWN FALCON FLO RETIE ALLAN 'S FANCY L. TEHACHAPI ALLAN FUNQUEST FALITA MAGGY LINSLEY LUCKY GENIUS FELIX LEE GENITA ELBERTY LINSLEY COLON EL'S RACHEL CO LONEL'S BOY RACHEL LEE Lot 40 - FUNQUEST RED SUN 12573 May 4, 1959 Gelding Chestnut; connected star, strip and snip; TEHACHAPI ALLAN SUNFLOWER KING 15.0 hands. A gentle horse well broke to - I SOBEL stock saddle . Will be exhibi ted under saddle LARRY COLO NEL at 4 :30 P.M. Consigneay Charles H. Ho­ MARGARET COLONEL MARGARET ALLAN bart subject to pri or sole and option to reject bids received . ~ FUNQUEST MORGANS STUART G. HAZARD 1308 College Avenue, Topeka, Kansas BIl !J Jl D W 11 11 f JlH JJl We are especially proud of Meg Ferguson's win of Reserve Champion Equitation Rider on Broadwall Trumpeter by Parade out of Debutansque (T heis mare). He also placed 6th in Children's Harness. Our faith in the purchase of the western mares from Theis Co. in Kansas has been proven at this year's National Show BROADWALL REVEILLE, Parade - Broadwall Mayfield (Theis mare) Reserve Jr. Champ., lst-3 year old colts, lst-3 year old under saddle, 2nd-3 year old in harness. RROADWALL RYTHM, Parade - Lyndrita (Theis mare) 1st-Trail Horse, English or Western, 5th-Road Hack mares, under 18. BITTERSWEET SUE, Parade - Ruthven's Victoria. )st-Stock Horse, 2nd-Western Pleasure Horse, 6th-Trail Horse, English or Western BAYFIELD BONNIE LASS, Parade - Especially (Theis mare) 1st-Road Hack mare, under 18. SYNDICATES ANASTASIA, Parade - Upwey Casablanca 3rd-Mares f.our and over that have foaled. BROADWALL DRUMMERBOY , Parade - Debutansque (Theis mare) 5th-Colts, one year old. BROADW ALL PA TTY LYN, Broadwall St. Pat - Lyndrita (Theis mare) 1st-Pleasure mare, English, under 18. BROADWALL PATENA, Broadwall St. Pat - Adlyndra (Theis mare) 5th-Pleasure mare, English, 18 and over. MORNINGSIDE FANFARE, Parade - Lippitt Hepsibcth 5th-Geldings, 15 and over. BROADWALL DRUM MAJOR, Parade - Debutansque (Theis mare) 4th-Harness Special, 1st-with Parade in Cavalcade Americana, 2nd-with Parade m Saddle Pairs, 3rd-with Parade in Harness Pairs. He was shown in all classes with 16 ounce shoes, 41/g inch toe and no pads. BROADW ALL RINGMASTER , Parade - Raymond's Lyn (The.is mare) 6th-Stallions 15 hands and over. He was also shown with 16 ounce shoes, 4~ inch toe and no pads. PARADE, placed 3rd in the new Dressage class this year as well as the above mentioned classes with Broadwall Drum Major. The Junior Champion Stallion and Reserve Champion of the show, Here Tiz, was out of Waseeka's Thisizit by Parade. We are cutting dnwn on our Morgans and are selling some of our good mar~s. some with foals at side. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson SISSON ROAD, GREENE,RHODE ISLAND The Answer to the Big Question . • • CHAMPIONS qoadeeka'd qtzocturne 11181 Stud Fee: $300 to approved mares JOHN J. LYOON, trainer MRS. D. D. POWERS MR. and MRS. E. KEENE ANNIS owners Waseeka's Nocturne has the answer to the big question ... Champions! He can be the answer with such stars to his credit. WASEEKA'S NOCTURNE . with Star Crest Music Maid, Waseeka's Overture, Waseeka's Wild Orchid , Waseeka's Here Tiz 1964 "Nationaf' Records of Waseeka's Nocturne's Get Closs 1 3 Fillies 1 Yeor Old Closs 3 5 Soddle Poi rs Closs 7 Junior Champion Colt 1st, WASEEKA'S MELODY 013317 1st, WINDCRESTMUSIC MAN 12458 WASEEKA'S HERE TIZ Dom : Corine 08140 ORCLAND DONDARLING 12261 Dam : Waseeko 's Thislzit Closs 34 Combination Closs 3 Colts 2 Yeors Old Closs 37 Mores & Geldings in Horness 1st, WASEEKA'S HERE TIZ 14011 WASEEKA'S MEMORY LANE010928 2nd WASEEKA'S MEMORY LANE Dam : Sterling Velvet Dom : Woseeko's Thisizit 09179 Dom : Sterling Velvet 07783 4th, WINDCREST MUSIC MAN Closs 10 Mores 4 Yeors Old & Over Dom : Windcrest'• Delight Closs 12 Fillies 2 Yeors Old (More s thot hove not fooledl 2nd, WASEEKA'S WILD ORCHID 2nd WASEEKA'S THEME SONG 012094 010474 Class 44 Lodies' More or Geldings in Harness Dom : Deerfield Leoding Lody 07965 Dom : Monnequin 05915 4th, MY SWEET SUE Closs 20 Geldings, 4 Yeors Old & Over Dam : Rose Bowl Closs 19 Gelding s 3 Yeors & Under 5th, WASEEKA'S FIRE DANCE 12394 4th, DARK PATRICIAN 13281 Dom : Windcrest Sentimentol Lody 07729 Class 30 Junior Saddle Stake Dom: Rose Bowl 08398 Closs 14 Filly Fools 3rd BIRCH HILLBEATRIX Dom : U. C. Panella P. 09708 Closs 41 Fillies ond Geldings 2 Yeors Old 6th, BROADWALLPATTY LYN'S Foal in Harness Class 1 8 Grand Chompion Mare 1st WASEEKA'S WILD ORCHID Closs 45 Poirs in Horness Reserve WASEEKA'S THEME SONG 1st MY SWEET SUE - DARK Dam : Mannequ in PATRICIAN Closs 88 $500 Soddle Speciol Closs 36 Stollions in Horness Cla ss 8 Grand Champion Stallion The Old Man Himself - Reserve WASEEKA'S HERE TIZ WASEEKA'S NOCTURNE 4th, WINDCRESTMUSIC MAN Dom : Windcrest 's Delight Dam : Waseeka 's Thisizit Closs 25 Mores 15 Honds ond Over Class 85 Gelding Saddle Stoke Closs 22 Stollions Under 1 5 Honds 1st WASEEKA'S THEME SONG 5th, WINDCRESTMUSIC MAN 12458 Dom : Monnequin 5th DARK PATRICIAN Dam : Rose Bowl Dom : Windcrest's Delight 07621 2nd WASEEKA'S BAND BOX 010081 Dom : Monnequin Class 31 Champion ship Saddle Stake Closs 38 Colts 3 Yeors Old in Horness 5th STAR CREST MUSIC MAID 6th, WASEEKA LEADING MAN 5th WASEEKA'S THEME SONG 010879 Dom : Mannequin 13612 Dom: Pionkeshow Juzono 07195 Dom : Deerfield Leoding Lody 07965 Closs 32 Lodies ' More Class 6 Sire and Get Closs 29 Fillies ond Geldings 3 Yeors Old 1st WASEEKA'S BAND BOX Sire: WASEEKA'S NOCTURNE Under Soddle Dom : Monnequin Star Crest Music Maid, Waseeka's 3rd DARK PATRICIAN 4th, MY SWEETSUE Overture, Waseeka's Wild Orchid Dom : Rose Bowl 08398 Dom : Rose Bowl Waseeka's Here Tiz MORGAN ARISTOCRACY SINCE 1932 ::,CH·====~~1-r::::~wu-c:::::~~~1-tc::::::>ewK-::::~M H-====~w1--====~Mct-c:::::~w41-tc::::::>eM--:::::::>1wtc: Crabapple Valley Farms will have their regular inventory adjustment sale as usual starting September 1st. This year we have thirty-five stallions and geldings that we will offer at reduced prices. These Devan Mor­ gans are priced for this sale at least 20 per cent below the regular listed price that has been maintained on our farm for years. Long term credit payments are available . Write for brochure, prices and credit terms. In the jargon of the medical profession a (Booster Shot) is (any substance that increases the effectiveness of a medicant). As some of our brood mares are in the third and fourth generation from the old Gentleman Mansfield, we were beginning to wish that we had the old fellow back on this earth to help us out. But since that was obviously impossible, the next best thing of course, would be a son with as much of his blood as possible. Through the generosity of Elise 8. Heinz. an attorney in Washington, D. C., we were able to purchase the answer to our dream. We have our (Booster Shot) and he is going to be a busy boy for as long as his age permits. Look at the Pedigree: Sire: Bennington AMHR 5693 Sire: Mansfield AMHR 7255 Dam: Artemisia AMHR 02731 PAYDAY AMHR 9208 Sire: Mansfield AMHR 7255 Dam: Glady AMHR 05020 Dam: Lady Sealect AMHR 04587 and after you see his Mansfield blood look at the dam. She is out of Lady Sealed by Sealed and you can't get better than that. The sweet part of the whole affair is that our herd has a great quantity of Lady Sealed blood in it, so actu­ ally Pay-Day has perfect blood to mix with our herd. This is the first Morgan we have added to our herd in 19 years and we can't wait until Pay-Day's offspring begin to foal next year. OWNER MANAGER MERLE D. EVANS, SR. ALFRED McCONAGHY CAPTOR AMHR 7789 MANSFIELD AMHR 7255 NARISSA AMHR 04132 CRABAPPLE VALLEY FAR~S OFFICE: 2037 WALES RD. N. E. MASSILLON, OHIO • 833-6015 FARMS LOCATED AT WILMOT, OHIO OFF U.S. RT. 62 • 359-3312 TOWNSHENDMORGAN-HOLSTEIN FARM BOLTON, MASSACHUSETTS We are very happy over the 27 ribbons won by our horses at this year 's National. Many thanks to all of you who helped us at the show. This includes all the Johnstons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gill, Elsie Schneider and the Barrys - Caisse and Gough. Again congratulations to the owners of Orcland Vigildon 's get who won their classes .
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