tm\gm l *«!▼• lili\ tlil/ii',\ AhVKKllMhH. Al HI UN. N V. KK1DAV. HKHHi AKY Jl. l!*4? tiunmrown indoor A AC trai k •lianipl<>.i«lili>» »in<« h>> aire* ijr YOUNG SS. PETER AND Kleiber's Cagers Hope to has <>iiuall<>d (he world record fnr EAGLES STtLi Border HO yard high lunll^o aiui i* fw.icr SPORTS over the lows. From observation Mils winter. It aeoins that Dlllard PAUL HOOPSTERS WIN Down Perm Yan Again li a *hadp sltiw on Marts for the League H0va;d diMtaiice. And Hrindley of the Uaske*.ba!l Knickerbockers ROUNDUP and Colby Gunth<>r of the Pitts­ CATHOLIC LOOP FLAG With 10 victories In li games burgh Ironiwn, who ela-h fnlght, Babble thus far this season, Paul Kleibers New York. Feb. 21 —(/P) Dis­ Auburn High Schools hoopnien will patches Iforu the Giants' Phoenix. were high school teammates at PlAY Mil 1* out to better their record at SHIFTS IN HOLY Ariz., training camp tell how Hank Rwkvlll,. centre. Lone Island. s\x 3urg« Through Season Undefeated — St. Alphocutu My LKO PINCKNEY H :30 o'clock Saturday night when Gowdy has discovered a couple of years ago .The national down- Cooperstown. the home of Base­ Penn Yan Academy brings its rnngy flaws in Bill Volsolle's pitching hilt and slalom ski race-* at A lie. Sweeps into Second Place as Holy Family and St. Mary's Winsome Girls Continue to ball's Hall of Fame, will be the eourtsters to Central High School style which may account for his and Snow Basin, Utah, next week, site of the spring training camp court bad season la»t year. This again will be timed with five "tuper- Falter — But Exciting Play-Offs Are Coming Up Win on Court — Swings of the Auburn Cayugas. All ar­ FAMILY FIVE FOR acrurate stopwatches that cost The Yates County boys have a leads to wondering why baseball rangements for the squad to take players don't learn one of the first $2,500 apiece to make end are and Romaaettes Swish over the well-equipped Double- good |>all club and will he eager to revenge for the 49-42 setback that lessons of gol---- when there's only rented for such occasions. Belliner was high man with eight Along into 17-17 Tie day Field were made by Joe To- something wrons; with your game, SS. Peter-Paul basketeerB won bin, local business manager, who Auburn dished out on their home the pennant in the Catholic points. "Platter" Krause stared court last month. Ted Greisinger, DIE TONIGHT go to a pro. While we're at it, Just returned from Cooperstown. wonder If the Oiants cnose Phoe­ Church Basketball league by de­ for the Irish quintet with 11 Mr. Tobin stated today "That it elongated ptvotman of the PYA, is Widener Handicap feating Holy Family Thursday counters. The Eagles increased their hold one of the top scorers of the club. nix so they can, (ike the fabled on first place in the Girls Basket­ will be as good a setup as any Coach Crowley, who in spite of bird of njythology. rise from the night at the Roman A. C. court Holy Family battled SS Peter- minor league club in the country He has missed the double figure by a 42-25 score. Since the league Paul on fairly even terms the ball League by drubbing the column only once this season and two victories in three starts last ashes. Orlainly Giant fans have Aired Tomorrow Dairy Girls, 26-7, Thursday in the will have." The spacious Alfred week with his Holy Family High was late in starting ony one first half but in the last two quar­ Corning Clark gymnasium, which he is supported by Armstrong and been burned UD for the last couple round was played and the Uk­ ters "Hap" Hulik's boys fired in opening game of the four-game Reilly. both consistent point School basketeers, has been of years . .When th-- Dodgers program at Fulton Street School adjoins the field, will be avail­ spending long hours devising rainian quintet went through the baskets from all angles of court able to the players during the bad makers. reached Cuba, they found they schedule unbeaten. and the second team saw action court. Playing with the Eagles formations he believes will halt were required to have transient were Gertrude Cooper, Stella Kol- weather and also for sporttng Leroy Smith and Paul "Red" the Fulton High School cagers In the opening contest last most of the final frame. Lefty events such as bowling, shim­ Rlngwood were the scoring uces cards which state: "The bearer Joe Warobick continued his dead­ cznski, Josephine DeBottis, Ann when they Invade Central High compromises himself to do no -% night, St. Aphonsus wound up In ming, handball, squash and many in the last meeting with Penn Yan, here this evening. ' second place by trouncing St. ly one-handed marksmanship and Keough, Joe Rizzo, Eunice Cooper work during stay In the country.' and Dally Keough. The Dairy out­ other athletics. H. J. Lippett. netting. 18 and 15 points respec­ The HF mentor in particular Marys 43-28. The first four teams took scoring honors with 14 chairman of the Doubleday Field tively. The Maroons better-than- That ou^ut to si'.jt the Bms. points. Don Doyle was the top fit was composed of Jane Ryan, has been drilling his Purple and of the circuit will start a Shaugh- Peggy McLane, Pat Pethybridge, Committee, welcomed Mr. Tobin average performance at the 15-foot No Worries nessy system playoff next Thurs­ man for HF with eight markers. and showed him every courtesy Gold warriors in the direction of Pat McLane. Ellen Shaw, Belle line played a big part in the initial Ed Tracz who has been setting Ribs Eaysln?er, Syracuse U. foot­ day night. SS. Peter-Paul and Final Standings in making the arrangements. The victory with the academy. SS. Peter-Paul 4 0 Mosher, and Margaret Keating. hoops on fire with his perform­ ball coach whose son. Reaves. Jr., Holy Family will meet in the first boys will be boarded at the A fast preliminary game between ances. The 16 points the Fulton tilt at 7:30 o'clock and St. Al- St. Aphonsus 3 - 1 The second game of the eve­ Hickory Grove Inn over-loo-king quarterbacked the Navy team ning was a real thriller that end­ the Javee teams of both schools is artist scored a week ago and his against Army last fall, insists he phonsus and St. Francis will clash St. Francis 1 3 historic Otsego Lake about six slated for 7 :30 o'clock. A program court work had a lot to do with In the 8:30 o'clock duel. The two ed In a 17-17 tie with the Swing miles from Uhe field. Manager wasn't tbp traditional perturbed St. Mary's 0 4 Club and the Romanettes furnish­ of dancing will follow the main the drubbing the North Streeters parent during that exciting game winners will collide for the Barney Hearn and his candidates clash. Summaries: ing the action. The Romanettes will work out daily from April took last week. .Ribs explains after sitting on league championship on the fol­ AH Indications at the close of lowing Thursday. SS. Peter-Paul (42) lineup included Frances Iacobelli, 25 to May 10. Several exhibitions the bench throughout Navy's ear­ Rita Losanl, Chirs DeVoe, Jose­ Thursday's practice drill were lier gniue against Columbia the Fred Salzef's St. Aphonsus five B F T will be slated before the season phine Fantasia, Margaret Gian- opens at borne on May 14 against that Bob Gallo may be assigned youngster vas called upon for an opened up with a sensational last Joe Warobick 7 0 14 none, Joan Rudick, Charlotte Pul- Watertown. the Job of riding herd on the explanation.. ."I haven't shown * period rally to register 19 points Curtin 2 0 4 len, Pauline Leschak, Angela De- Fulton star. Coach Crowley them anything yet," he replied. • * • - For good listening, hear Bryan Field and vanish the hopes of " St. W. Hulik 4 0 8 Njro, Carolyn Iacobelli and Jane plans to move Gallo from the "When I do I'll get my chance ' Mary's chances of getting in the berth he regularly has held to and Bill Coram report the Widener John Warobick 3 17 Ehresman. The Swing Club team Some of Auburn's old timers ..."After the first few p'.ays playoffs. The winning cagers had was made up of June Post, Har­ will enjoy this little yarn passed place him against Tracx and Dick Handicap on Gillette's Cavalcade of Cymbrak Oil agajnst Army," pop adds, "I sew Sports over Mutual and Station ony a four point margin going riet Jones, Ida Jones, Edith Dale. on to us by Ernie J. Lanigac, Woods seems likely to start in a the boy still had his feet on the into the last frame but sparked Androsko 0 0 0 Joan Dale, Barbara Copes and now director of the National Base­ GETS REVENGE guard spot. Capt. Johnny Mohan WMBO dial 13 40 at 4:30 Saturday ground 20 eat back and enjoyed by "Fritz" Ferris and Jerome Kokowsky 1 13 Mary Williams. ball Hall of Fame and Museum. has been laid up with a swollen the game." atternoon. This Hialeah classic is the • Belliner, they coasted to an easy Jaw (tooth trouble) but it is ex­ South's richest race of the winter sea­ Namisnak Oil After leading through the first It concerns Carlton Molesworth, At West High School Gym triumph.
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