ANNUAL REPORT 2007 CONTENT 1. FROM THE PRESIDENT 5 2. GOVERNING BOARD AND HONORARY BOARD 7 3. VISION AND MISSION 8 4. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 9 5. ABOUT THE IPC 10 6. THE YEAR IN SPORT 11 7. STRATEGIC PLAN (2006-2009) 14 8. HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION 15 9. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 23 10. RESOURCE CREATION 27 11. GAMES SUCCESS 31 12. GLOBAL RECOGNITION 35 13. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 41 Photo ©: Lieven Coudenys IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 I 3 I I 4 I IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 FROM THE PRESIDENT “I look forward to seeing all of the planning go into effect at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games” Photo ©: Lieven Coudenys I feel proud to be reporting to you from to this side of the world, at the IPC Head- January to December of 2007. It was a quarters. Headed by Liu Jingmin, Execu- very eventful year for the International tive Vice President of BOCOG, the visit Paralympic Committee (IPC). We saw the showed their dedication to making this very successful continuing implementation of thoroughly planned and on course Games. our Strategic Plan, which allowed such im- It was an opportunity for the IPC to further pressive results from our hard work and strengthen our relationship and enhance performance. It has been my honour to the Games planning process. As a result, I lead IPC’s membership body through the think we will see the Beijing 2008 Paralym- last 12 months and I welcome, with great pics surpass all of our expectations. anticipation, the new challenges ahead. In the same month, the IPC Headquarters It certainly gives me a great deal of plea- also courted the visit of Paul Deighton, sure in reflecting on the achievements in Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Or- 2007. In preparation for the monumental ganizing Committee for the London 2012 Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, our IPC Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG). Headquarters in Bonn was fervently busy We welcomed him and the delegation of in accomplishing a string of tasks with ab- seven staff from London 2012, discussing solute dedication and spirit from our staff the ceremonies, marketing and education and volunteers all around the world. possibilities of the Games. I was able to visit Beijing during the offi- We are definitely pleased with the prog- cial one-year countdown festivities. On ress made by London 2012. These early this occasion, the Beijing 2008 Organizing discussions and official meetings have al- Committee of the Olympic and Paralym- ready built a common understanding of pic Games (BOCOG) and the IPC formally the Paralympic project and expectations. extended invitations to the National Para- We see London as a great opportunity to lympic Committees (NPCs) to attend the further develop Paralympic sports and to Games. position the Games as a distinctive and at- tractive event for the public, sponsors and In the beginning of the year, I was excited media. to welcome the delegation of BOCOG over IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 I 5 I FROM THE PRESIDENT We also congratulated Sochi in July, as it complishments of 2007 would not have became the winning bid for host city of been possible without funding, generated the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter through successful marketing of the Para- Games. I attended the election in Guate- lympic Brand and through corporate part- mala, where the impressive bids of Salz- nerships. The IPC recognizes and thanks burg (Austria) and Pyeong Chang (Korea) its Worldwide Partners Otto Bock, Sam- were thoroughly considered before the fi- sung, and Visa, as well as its Gold Patrons nal decision. Allianz SE and Deutsche Telekom AG. A previous site of the Paralympics, Seoul My sincere thanks go to the staff of the hosted our General Assembly in November. IPC, our Governing Board and all the vol- Around 250 delegates from NPCs, IOSDs, unteers around the world who have made regions and sports attended the landmark Paralympic Sport the steadily growing event with a number of stimulating dis- phenomenon it is today. Support for the cussions arising during the meetings. The work of the IPC’s member organizations is approval of the official IPC Classification ongoing and I would like to thank them for Code was one of the highlights, as it will continuing to play such a vital role within set the norm for the further development the Paralympic Movement. of classification in the Paralympic Move- I look forward to seeing all of the planning ment. go into effect at the Beijing 2008 Para- Our continued medium of information dis- lympic Games. We will see our expecta- tribution, in the form of online resources, tions transcended at the event, and utilize our magazine The Paralympian, and the In- our knowledge in preparation for London ternet television channel www.Paralympic- 2012. Sport.tv show the growing readership and Due to the intense work carried out in 2007, reception of the Paralympic Movement. the IPC was in excellent shape to conquer We saw a further increase in the number the challenges presented. We will continue of visitors to our website, and thus can this ongoing tradition in the upcoming year recognize the progress every year. and will constantly showcase our network Furthermore, I am pleased to report that of talent for the world to experience. 2007 was also successful in terms of se- curing the IPC’s financial status. The ac- Sir Philip Craven, MBE President International Paralympic Committee I 6 I IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 IPC GOVERNING BOARD AND HONORARY BOARD IPC Governing Board 2005-2009 IPC Honorary Board President (in order of acceptance) Sir Philip Craven MBE Vice President HRH Princess Margriet of the Netherlands Miguel Sagarra HRH Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg Members at Large: HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden Mr. Zainal Abu Zarin HSH Prince Albert of Monaco Mr. Masoud Ashrafi Maria Guleghina, International Opera Singer Mr. Jose Luis Campo James Wolfensohn, former President of the Ms. Ann Cody World Bank Mr. Alan Dickson HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Mr. Greg Hartung Jordan Mr. Patrick Jarvis Mr. Karl Vilhelm Nielsen Dr. M. Nabil A. Salem Mr. Zhifei Shen Athletes’ Representative Ms. Ljiljana Ljubisic IPC Chief Executive Officer Mr. Xavier Gonzalez Co-opted Member Mr. Fred Jansen Photo ©: Lieven Coudenys IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 I 7 I VISION AND MISSION To guarantee and supervise the or- To promote the self-governance of ganization of successful Paralympic each Paralympic sport either as an in- Games. tegral part of the international sport To ensure the growth and strength movement for able-bodied athletes, or of the Paralympic Movement through as an independent sport organization, the development of National Paralym- whilst at all times safeguarding and pre- pic committees serving its own (NPCs) in all coun- identity. tries and support “TO ENABLE PARALYMPIC To ensure that to the activities in sport practiced of all IPC member ATHLETES TO ACHIEVE within the Para- organizations. SPORTING EXCELLENCE lympic Movement To promote AND INSPIRE AND EXCITE the spirit of fair play prevails, vio- and contribute to THE WORLD” the development lence is banned, of sport opportu- the health risk nities and compe- of the athletes titions, from initiation to elite level, for is managed and Paralympic athletes as the foundation fundamental ethical principles are up- of elite Paralympic Sport. held. To develop opportunities for female To contribute to the creation of a athletes and athletes with a severe drug-free sport environment for all Par- disability in sport at all levels and in all alympic athletes in conjunction with the structures. World Anti-Doping agency (WADA). To support and encourage educa- To promote Paralympic sports with- tional, cultural, research and scientific out discrimination for political, religious, activities contributing to the develop- economic, disability, gender, sexual ori- ment and promotion of the Paralympic entation or race reasons. Movement. To ensure the means necessary to To seek the continuous global pro- support future growth of the Paralym- motion and media coverage of the Par- pic Movement. alympic Movement, its vision of inspira- tion and excitement through sport, its ideals and activities. I 8 I IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE General Assembly International International Sport National Paralympic Regional Organizations of Sport for Federations (IFs) Committees (NPCs) Organizations (ROs) the Disabled (IOSDs) IOSD Sports* IPC Regions* IPC Sports* *Speaking and Voting Rights Standing Committees Councils Governing Board Athletes’ Management Team Anti-Doping Council Committee Sport Technical IOSDs’ Committees Athletes with High Support Council Needs Committee Regions’ Audit and Finance Council Committee Sports’ Classification Council Committee Development Committee Education Committee Legal and Ethics Committee Paralympic Games Committee Sports Science Committee Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee Women in Sport Committee IPC ANNUAL REPORT 2007 I 9 I ABOUT THE IPC During World War II traditional methods of with the International Olympic Committee rehabilitation were recognized as inade- (IOC) and other global organizations. quate to meet the medical and psychologi- The International Paralympic Committee cal needs of large numbers of soldiers and (IPC) is now the global governing body of civilians with a disability. At the request of the Paralympic Movement and is respon- the British government, Sir Ludwig Gutt- sible for co-ordinating the organization of mann, a German neurologist and neurosur- the Paralympic Games, while acting as geon who had fled the Nazi regime to Great the International Federation for ten IPC Britain, set up a Spinal Cord Injuries Cen- Sports. Founded in 1989, the IPC is an in- ternational non-profit organization with an extensive membership base, composed of National Paralympic Committees (NPCs), International Organizations of Sport for the Disabled (IOSDs), International Fed- erations (IFs), and Regional Organizations (ROs). Since 1999 the Management Team has been located at IPC’s HQ in Bonn, Germany.
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