Development potential exploitation of the Bratislava rural region according to Goal 2 Vyuitie rozvojového potenciálu vidieckeho regiónu Bratislava pod cie¾om 2 I. PAUHOFOVÁ Institut for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic Abstract: The objective of the article is to describe the possibilities of the rural development in the Bratislava region. The rural region is represented by 71 municipalities in districts Malacky, Pezinok, Senec and by parts of the city Bratislava Záhorská Bystrica, Vajnory, Jarovce, Rusovce and Èunovo. The analyses of the rural region are the segments of the Single Programming Document (SPD) for the 20042006. It aims to support the areas with the main economic and social problems according the Goal 2. The article deals with the development possibilities in industry, market services, tourism and agriculture. The branch structure, main economic parameters of effectiveness and production, employment, wages are analysed in period 19992002. The article contains also the results of SWOT analysis and the short-term activities to supporting rural development. Key words: rural region, economic potential, SWOT analysis of region, industry, agriculture, tourism, market services, short- term activities to support regional development Abstrakt: Príspevok je zameraný na zistenie moností vidieckeho rozvoja v Bratislavskom kraji. Vidiecky región je repre- zentovaný 71 obcami, ktoré sú lokalizované v okresoch Malacky, Pezinok, Senec a mestskými èasami Bratislavy Záhor- ská Bystrica, Vajnory, Jarovce, Rusovce a Èunovo. Výsledky analýzy sú aj súèasou Jednotného programového dokumentu SPD 1 pre roky 20042006. Ide o tie oblasti v rámci regiónu Bratislava NUTS II, pre ktoré sú charakteristické váne eko- nomické a sociálne problémy a je moné podporova ich pod¾a Cie¾a 2 zo trukturálnych fondov EÚ. Príspevok sa zaoberá rozvojovými monosami v priemysle, trhových slubách, cestovnom ruchu a v po¾nohospodárstve. Za obdobie 19992002 je analyzovaná truktúra odvetví v ekonomike vidieka, hlavné ekonomické parametre efektívnosti a produkcie, zamestna- nos a mzdy. Príspevok obsahuje výsledky SWOT analýzy a niektoré krátkodobé aktivity na podporu vidieckeho rozvoja. K¾úèové slová: vidiecky región, ekonomický potenciál, SWOT analýza regiónu, priemysel, po¾nohospodárstvo, cestovný ruch, trhové sluby, krátkodobé aktivity na podporu rozvoja regiónu INTRODUCTION problems can be supported from the European funds of regional development. The Goal 2 covers this kind of The success of the transformation process of Slovak support. The Ministry of Construction and Regional economy depends to a great extent on the effectiveness Development of the Slovak Republic has presented a of a balanced development of individual regions. The proposal to draw aid from structural funds of the EU for readiness of the country to be able to receive help from the period 20042006 and became the administrative body the European Union (EU) structural funds should be a for the realization of the Single Programming Document part of regional policy. of Bratislava NUTS II Object 2 (SPD). The document, Except for the Bratislava region (NUTS II), the other re- developed in accordance with the requirements specified gions fell in with the criteria for getting help from the by the European Commission, contains description of the funds according to the Goal 1. As there are also some regional industrial base characteristics and its influenc- areas within the Bratislava NUTS II that are characterized es on the employment market formation, it also contains by remarkable structural problems, showing certain eco- strategies and priorities of regional development with the nomic decline and influencing the living standard of ru- survey of actions and financing with its complement pre- ral people, solutions to support economic and social verifying. Before the document was developed, the ar- change in these areas are being searched. Possible eas that fulfill the criteria and requirements of the EC and changes in the areas that are undergoing social and eco- at the same time belong to the Goal 2 within the Bratisla- nomic transformation in industry and services, also in va NUTS II region, had to be specified. The following declining rural areas and in town districts with specific were suggested as the target regions: Senec, Pezinok and AGRIC. ECON. – CZECH, 50, 2004 (4): 161–168 161 Malacky, as well as city districts of Bratislava III: Vajno- years, there has been a shift of their interest to the outer ry, Bratislava IV: Záhorská Bystrica, and Bratislava V: zones with the services market and industry concerns. Rusovce, Jarovce and Èunovo. The proposal was ap- Despite very good climatic conditions for agricultural proved by the EC. activities, the companies in this sphere indicate stagna- tion. In the context of processes of Slovakia accession to the EU, it is necessary to expect principal changes in METHODOLOGY the structure of the crop and livestock products produc- tion. The intention of the study is to present more detailed individual study results dealing with the contemporary state of industry, agriculture and tourism, than the ones Industry that had been published before, as well as to give a broad- er view on rural region development possibilities. Anot- In the economy of the given region, the industrial pro- her aim is also to state individual priorities in the area with duction and employment of people in industry has had a various relations among the given actions, especially in long tradition and dominant position, mainly in the region the area of sustainable development of rural regions in of Záhorie represented by the towns of Malacky and the transition process. Stupava. The analysis was based on the official published data The whole rural region shares only 3.2% of revenues released yearly and half-yearly, on own findings and cal- from their own realized output and goods in the Bratisla- culations. The results from questionnaires and expert va County, and 1.1% of the whole Slovakia. But the inte- estimations were used in the research of regional charac- resting fact is that the status of Bratislava county in the teristics on the NUTS V level where there has been a lack Slovak economy is very important, representing nearly of economic statistical data. Besides the year 1999, which 20% share of the county industry in gross value added was assigned as referential year by the European Com- of the whole Slovak industry. mission, the data from the years 2000 and 2002 were used. The region contains 325 industrial enterprises, out of which 90% are limited liability businesses. The average nominal wage is 14 841 SKK what is only 79% of the in- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION dustry worker wage of the examined county. The highest level of labour productivity based on industrial business Basic characteristics of rural region economy activity sales is reached in the district of Malacky. The export orientation of industrial activities is located main- Since the beginning of transformation changes, it has ly in the industrial enterprises in the Malacky district and been possible to notice the deepening differences in eco- shares 57% of the whole rural region export. nomic results of the center, i.e. the city districts of Bra- The rural region contains mechanical engineering, tislava and the outer districts of Malacky, Pezinok and electrical engineering, textile, chemical, food, wood-pro- Senec. Declining revenues of industrial enterprises, dra- cessing, and construction materials industries. The dis- matic drop of agricultural revenues and insufficient sup- trict of Malacky includes the following: mechanical port of new economic activities in the tertiary sphere engineering industry, textile, electrical engineering, created the substantial differences. Only the center com- chemical and construction materials industries. The do- prised new companies with substantial share in the mar- minant position is taken by mechanical engineering and ket services. Foreign investors preferred the central electrical engineering industries in the district of Senec. zones to the outer ones not only because of economic Food industry, wood-processing and mechanical engi- reasons but of administrative ones as well. In the recent neering industries are set in the Pezinok district. The Fig- Senec Senec 17.4 36.9 40.2 Malacky Pezinok 15.5 67.1 Malacky 22.9 Pezinok Figure 1. The share of districts on the total receipts in industry Figure 2. The share of districts on the construction output in in rural region (%, 2002) rural region (%, 2002) 1Share of industry of the districts of Vajnory, Rusovce, Jarovce, Èunovo and Záhorská Bystrica on rural region is app. 2.5% in industry and 5% in building construction. 162 AGRIC. ECON. – CZECH, 50, 2004 (4): 161–168 ures 1 and 21 show the share of districts in the industry inhb.]: 64.4%, corporate entity/1000 inhabitants [CE/ and construction of the rural region. inhb]: 13.4%).4 The contemporary industrial base of rural region is undergoing changes of industrial production structure. The kind of process brings higher demands on the Agriculture transfer of new technologies in industry, product inno- vation and increasing quality parameters. From the en- Agriculture of the rural region shares 6.9% of the total terprises economy point of view, it requires a Slovak agriculture added value, 6.4% of the realized sales substantial increase in added value and revenues. The and 6.3% of costs. Gross agricultural production of gross industrial and technological parks in the Záhorie region sales covers more than 81% of the Bratislava district in- can continue in the successful activities of the Volk- dex. The ratio between crop and livestock production is swagen company. They will enable to allocate new for- 33 : 67, the district covers 37 : 63. The best soil-climatic eign investments. After a new transport infrastructure conditions are in the district of Senec. is finished within 20022006, the chance of cross-bor- In the area of agriculture, forestry and fishing, 116 com- der co-operation will arise together with better division panies run a business, they are mainly limited liability of labour.
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