7 ^ •daw iw titut VOL. 72, NO. 19 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Fridoy, March 6, 1953 Cast Performs With Polish in 'Othello' Production by Cloak Play to be Given Again Tonight, SEC Carnival Tomorrow With Curtain at 8:15 Pictures on Page 5 BY VERN WEI1IFR The Lawrence College Theater, apparently recovered from last Committees Set fall's unfortunate production of “'The Adding Machine,” opened a three night run of Shakespeare's “Othello” last evening. The play, which will be presented again tonight and Saturday at 8:15, received Janet Wullner, Bob an enormous ovation from last night's capacity crowd. Haumerson Will Shakespeare revivals are always prevalent; no Broadway season is without several. Frequently these productions are immature and Direct April Event ill-conceived. Thus, it is most unusual when a college group presents a thoroughly successful Shakespearian tragedy. Under the brilliant Plans for the SEC Carnival direction of F. Theodore Cloak the Lawrence College Theater has brought life to the gigantic and powerful drama ‘‘Othello. which will be held from 8 to 12:30 ‘‘Othello” is the story of a man’s failure. It is a play that deals Four Stradivarius stringed instruments will be played by in the evening April 18 were be- with contrasts. The contrast of aristocratic, noble, virtuous Othello the Paganini quartet at the Artist Series program, Friday, gun and committee chairmen and Iago, cruel, treacherous, a scoffer at virtue, who’s only religion were announced. Janet Wullner is *’u‘ uor shl,) ,us ego. March 13. Members of the quartet are Henri Temianka, I Moreover, there is the contrast between good and evil; belief and Gustave Rosseels, (fharles Foidart and Adolphe Frezin. and Bob Haumerson are in charge truth; and. in abstraction, between appearance and reality. of the event. By deceitful action and the insidious manipulation of Cassio T ho chairmen nf thp nnin rnm- (Othello’s lieutenant!, Emilia (Iago’s wife), and Roderigo (a dis- mittees a r e a P P °in t ed suitor of Desdemona >. who all trust in him. Ioga convinces Paganini Quartet to o j (• i k Othello that his wife, Desdemona. is unfaithful. booths- Verm-1 Believing this, Othello is a tnani~ ---- -— --------------- ——- oooms, verm , . Maxwell plays Cassio with a ta A n d e r s on, I transformed and possessed. He . , . , ... , , , j great amount of conviction and food; M arilyn loses faith in the inherent good . ..... L, Give Program Here Sandrock Dub-I - l. , j J insight. His performance is high- aanarocK, puo-!of humanity and concludes that , , ^ licity; Dick ,, , . _ . ly satisfactory. c0ii finance only by murdering Desdemona I „ . _ . Fourth Artist Series of 1952 won special praise from bell, finance, .. Peter Peterson, a comparative and Vickv Wen- can he Preserve bis honor and * Program|ram to be Given wllole h„ _ zel entertain- »,revent her from furlher sin new comer to the Lawrence stage me'nt Subsequent to the murder it Is gives a fresh interpretation to the often acclaimed by critics. Th March 13 at Chapel Proceeds of revealed to him. by Emilia, that role of Roderigo. Peterson, a following statement appeared in V t h e carnival he ha* been kicked by Iago. sincere and intensely realistio The Paganini quartet will pre- the Seattle Times, “Stradivarius M iss W ullner will be used to Heallilng what hU lack of faith at tor. shows much promise, •ent the fourth in the series of violin, viola and ’cello once own- heln Dav the Union dent T he has caused. Othello condemns Robert Smith, as Desdemona s Artist series programs for t h i s ed by Paganini have come into elp pay the I ., Ai . • Iago and stabbing himself falls lather; Wayne Honold, as a school year at 8:30 Friday eve- worthy hands.” event will be held 1 at the feet of his unjustly niur- clown; Karen Meyer, as Bianca; ning, March 13. The program will Tickets for the program are ander gymnasium. A wild life rfered wife. Cassio, discovering and....................... Michael Ham m ond‘ as Lodo-‘ be held at the Memorial chapel, still available at Belling's Drug show may be available as one of Ugo's wicked deeds and true na- vlco deserve praise for exception- Members of the quartet are store, the sideshows at the carnival. iure, commands that he shall be al performances in supporting are Henri Temianka. first violinist; A letter was sent asking the pUnlshed. 1 roles, Gustave Rosseels, second violinist; faculty to stage a variety show., Robert Sonkowskv. as Othello. Many Other Actors Charles Foidart. violaist, and SEC received a reply stating that is completely poised and at all Other actors, filling a variety Adolphe Frezin, violincei- To Hold Annual as an entire group, the faculty Ume| a matlin. brilliant actor. "r 1"los' a,e; Nel1 Davids..a, loist. The instruments played by could not stage such a show. In- „ is delivery, aided by his these artists were all made by dividual faculty members, how-graye mellow voice adds a touch (Turn to page 5* the famous Stradivarius more ever, may elp. of magic to Shakespeare's poet- than 200 years ago. Prize Contest The booths at the carnival will H|f formance approaChe. The instruments were at one be run by fraternities and soror- ' f rf ftn time the possession of the virtuo­ Lawrence Students it.es and each group will have"e' *9^ met c.mp|ete|, Entry Date (or so, Nicolo Paganini, from whom one representative on the earn.- Roger chri,tia„ in the role o( the quartet takes its name. Eligible; April 18 val committee. Iago, proves himself to be a ver­ The first appearance of the Pa­ The represen­ Is Entry Deadline satile, perfectly controlled actor. | ganini quartet in 1946 attracted tatives a re Contributor Set Christian assumes the role com ­ overflow audiences. A national The department of English has Phylis Thomp­ recording company paid th e announced the annual prize con- son, Alpha Chi pletely. never losing any of the All Manuscripts group the signal honor of releas- test for original compositions of Omega; Merry [subtleness of Iago’s character ing its first three albums. Beet- Lawrence students. The prizes to Belle Kirch e r, jand gives an excellent perform­ To be in March 26 hoven’s three Rasumofskv quar- be awarded are the Hicks prize Alpha Delta ance. tets, simultaneously. in the short story, the Hicks prize P hi; Sue M or­ Desdemona, the sincere, syin- Thursday, March 26 has been Since then the Paganini quartet in poetry, the Alexander Reid gan, Delta pathctic wife of Othello, is skill- set as the deadline for all m an­ has played hundreds of concerts prize in the essay and the Tiche- Gamma; Betty fully played by Lois Tomaso, uscripts to be submitted for the throughout the United States. Ca- nor prize in English literature, Guerin, Kappa Miss Tomaso displays deep in- June edition of the Contributor, nada and Europe. The Tichenor prize is given for Alpha The t a; j sight into the role; she is an act- Lawrenac literary magazine, Haumerson Henri Temianka studied in Bel- ^ie best single paper written in Janet Schaefer, ress of great talents. Short stories, formal and in- Georgia Hester is convincing formal essays, sketches and poe- gium for many years. He has had any literature class. Manuscripts Kappa Delta; Hellen Williams, Pi io lo appearances with m any fa- m ust be handed in to the Eng- Beta Phi; Ed Rubovits, Beta The- as Emilia, the quiet, charming try will be accepted. Contribu- tnous orchestras and conductors departmental office. Room ta Phi; Harry Gronhotm, Delta wife of Iago. Miss Hester’s per- tions may be submitted to Joan throughout Europe and the Unit- Main hall, on or before Ap­ Tau Delta; Frank Svoboda, Phi formance is authentic, competent English, editor, or any member Delta Theta; Ken Krueger, Phi and meaningful, as well as re- of the editorial board which con- ed States and has given sonata Kappa Tau, and Don Jorgenson, ’ freshing. sists of: Don Carlsen, John 1 a t- performances with George Szell Prizes will be announced at Sigma Phi Epsilon. The Indepen- In his first role with the Law- ge, Sally Teas, Dick Knuth. El- ■nd Leonard Shure. He also has commencement time and winning tnade solo and chamber music re- entries will be published in the dent group has not yet organized, rence College Theater, Ronald lie Shaw and Ken Meyer. — _____________________ i The entries must be typed dou­ wordings. spring issue of the Contributes ble-spaced and only one side of a Gustave Rosseels, Charles Foi- William Groninger won both the dart and Adolphe Frezin are na- Alexander Reid prize and theOetting Defeats Tippet; to be ?;?: live Belgians. Roesseels has ptav- ^*r *ts prize last year. The Hicks uscript on a separate slip of pa- ed in quartets since 1933. Since Prl*e P0* " 1 u a s written by Cal- World war II he has been on the v*n Atwood and the Tichenor New Student Body President 'jeL ^ f«r JUne ^ e i. faculty of the Royal Conservatory Pri*e winner was Ted Kunyon. also being accepted according ie in Brussels. He gave the Brus- Compositions m ay be submit- In a general election Monday! He recently completed his term Barfoara i;n,ley. art editor. •els premiere of the violin con- by all students enrolled at George Oetting defeated Ralph as president of his fraternity and All students are urged to sub- certo by Chevreuille. who h as Lawrence and all manuscripts Tippet for the student body pres- ag y frcshman served as esi.
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