Circulation 14,000 Free December 9, 2016 “Fiasco” Finally Finished As Classics Return to Schools By Linda Cicoira discussion,” attended by various peo- The Accomack School Board voted ple listed by last name only, discussed unanimously Tuesday to permanently the parent’s complaint form. The rec- return the classic books, “To Kill a Mock- ommendations were to have a more ing Bird” by Harper Lee and “The Ad- diverse selection of novels and to form ventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark a committee with English teachers to Twain, to school shelves. The board also select new novels. voted to form a committee that will re- Local folks and those around the examine its policy for books when a com- world have voiced outrage over Hol- plaint is made about content. land's actions. Just after the session, The action involved 40 volumes of activist Connie Burford of Bloxom said, each book that were taken out of all 11 "Common sense should have prevailed schools. The school board met at Chin- over an antiquated policy.” coteague Elementary School. The cur- Chairman Ron Wolff, who has been rent policy calls for books to be removed an opponent of the school board, used a immediately after a formal complaint is quote from Samuel Clemons, also known made. as Mark Twain, to express his displea- The members agreed the books sure. “In the first place, God made idi- would be available to students Wednes- ots. That was for practice. Then he made day. The two titles had been withheld school boards.” for a week started on Nov. 29 just after “The whole thing was a fiasco from the a parent filed the complaint. The white start to the finish,” said Wolff. “It could mother of a bi-racial student at Nandua have been dealt with in a much better Photo by Linda Cicoira High School first spoke out about re- way … it grew beyond a school board is- peated racial slurs in the books during a sue to a county issue. I read posts that Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Lean Your Ear This Way... public participation portion of the school were in Chinese, in Hebrew, in German, A boy tells Santa his Christmas wishes at the Cape Charles Christmas board’s Nov. 15 meeting. in Arabic, in Spanish … once it hit the Parade held last weekend. More photos of holiday fun begin on page 29. Minutes from a “learning resource (Continued on Page 18) INSIDE Miner Makes Major Announcement Classified/Legal Ads .............Page 39 By Linda Cicoira to work for a consulting and advisory The Eastern Shore is a Community Notes ............... Page 35 Accomack County Administrator firm. It was implied that Miner plans great place to celebrate Court Postings .....................Page 9 Steve Miner submitted his resigna- to move. He did not answer an email Christmas, and the Post Obituaries .............................Page 10 tion late last week from a job he’s held by press time Thursday. has your guide to (most- Opinion/Letters ....................Page 46 Post Times Calendar ...........Page 38 for about a dozen years. “Although I will miss the board, as ly) free family fun for In a prepared statement released well as this special place and its peo- Property Transactions .........Page 8 Monday by Chairman Ron Wolff of the ple, I am happy that I (will) leave the the holidays. See Page 35 Puzzles ..................................Page 23 Board of Supervisors, it was report- county with a group of managers and for details. Sports ...................................Page 12 ed Miner will retire from public ser- staff in which I have deep confidence,” Tides ....................................Page 22 vice effective Jan. 31, 2017. He plans (Continued on Page 3) 2 • EastErn shorE Post • DEcEmbEr 9, 2016 Morgan Makes First Hire As Commonwealth’s Attorney: Elizabeth Wolfe By Linda Cicoira York lawyer from is not just about wills and educational law.” Accomac lawyer Elizabeth Wolfe 2005 to 2009, an winning a case, For a year, she was the business started work this week in the pros- intern for a Wash- but about listen- manager for District of Columbia ecutor’s office, according to Common- ington attorney ing to the client Public Schools handling an annual wealth’s Attorney Spencer Morgan. in the summer of and discovering budget of more than $1 million and Wolfe graduated with a bachelor of 2006 and being a what it is they re- overseeing all financial transactions arts degree from Ohio Wesleyan Uni- contract attorney ally want to ac- for the school where she developed versity in 1997 and got a juris doctor from 2010 to 2013. complish when all and implemented school operation- (law) degree from Hofstra University She opened her is said and done.” al policies, including safety, bullying in New York in 2008. office in Accomac “I approach and school uniforms. She was admitted to the Maryland in 2013, offering the practice of “Established resources within Bar in 2009, the Washington, DC, bar family law, civ- law with a sense the school for community organiza- in 2011 and both Virginia and Penn- il litigation and of compassion, a tions to provide academic support sylvania bars in 2013. Her experience guardian ad li- willingness to lis- and social services to students and includes being a law clerk for a New tem and she has ten to the whole their families; wrote a grant propos- served as interim story, an under- al, which resulted in the school being town attorney for standing that as awarded $5,000 to start a parent lit- MAKE SURE YOUR Accomac. Wolfe an attorney I am eracy program; (and) provided dai- AD IS SEEN BY AS In her LinkedIn a ‘counselor’ in ev- ly mentoring to a group of sixth and profile, Wolfe states, “Since opening ery sense of the word, and a deter- seventh grade at-risk students.” MANY READERS my practice on the Eastern Shore, mination to do the best I am able for Wolfe is a member of the Chin- AS POSSIBLE I have had the opportunity to work each and every one of my clients,” she coteague Kiwanis; is a vestry and Advertise in the Post with many amazing people: clients, wrote. On that site, Wolfe states her choir member at St. James Episcopal Call 789-7678 attorneys, and court support staff. practice includes “matrimonial law, Church, and is a lead singer in “The I believe that representing a client family law, general civil litigation, Swing Project.” Need Health Insurance? Get quality insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace! Open enrollment is Nov. 1 through Jan. 31. Those who enroll by Dec. 15 will have coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2017. Need help enrolling? Eastern Shore Rural Health offers free enrollment assistance. Call for an appointment! 442-4819 x362 787-7374 x767 824-5676 x637 Or email [email protected] Go to www.healthcare.gov for information about the plans available. 2 Locations: Chincoteague Island and Oak Hall (Food Lion Shopping Center) December 9, 2016 • eastern shore Post • 3 Brenner Says His Resignation Was Requested By Linda Cicoira thinks it should be done with me election … that each of us would keep Brenner said he wants to con- Former Commonwealth’s Attorney looking over his shoulder,” Bren- the other on. I can tell you that no tinue to live on the Eastern Shore Matthew Brenner, who lost the elec- ner said. “He seemed to think that such agreement was ever even talk- since he loves it here. “I’m looking at tion last month to colleague Spencer he and I had different philosophies ed about. He is obviously trying to or- some other possible opportunities,” Morgan, left his office for the last about prosecution,” Brenner add- chestrate things to make it look like he said. “One opportunity, while the time Tuesday, about two weeks after ed, Morgan did not tell him why he I quit over sour grapes. Not true, I firm is not local, would allow me to Morgan took over and Brenner was thought that. would have happily stayed on, but he stay local,” he added. “I may open up asked to resign. “I heard Spencer supporters say plainly does not value my experience.” a firm.” Morgan “told me that he did not prior to the election that he and I had “I gave him my two-week notice Morgan refused to comment. “It’s feel that he could do the job how he an agreement that whoever won the prior to Thanksgiving, so my last a personnel decision that has been day in the office is Tuesday, Dec. 6,” made,” he said. Brenner continued. He got paid for The case load will be managed. undisclosed amount of accumulated “We’re going to paw through it as we Zeb B. Barfield, Inc. vacation days, he said. always have.” PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SALES GOOD OLE FASHIONED LIVE ESTATE AUCTION & Miner has worked for county gov- CUSTOMER APPRECIATION NIGHT ~ Miner ~ ernments in Virginia for 32 years. He started as Lee County’s attorney in OPEN CONCESSION ALL NIGHT (Continued From Front Page) 1984 and did that job for about four FRIDAY DEC. 9 @ 5:25 PM Miner said in the statement. “It has years, staying in his native area. For ZEB. B. BARFIELD, INC AUCTION FACILITY been a great pleasure and person- the following five years he was coun- 12100 MEARS STATION RD HALLWOOD, VA al honor to have served the various ty attorney for Culpeper County. In boards, but also to have served with 1993, he served as a county admin- 2005 BUICK LACROSSE CXL 120K MILES. SALESMAN’S SAMPLE ICE such a dedicated and great group of istrator in Culpepper, doing that job BOX & COAL STOVE, HESS TRUCKS, LOTS OF LOCAL & NATIONAL employees.” until 2001.
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