Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 1 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Room 400, City Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tuesday, April 4, 2017 10:35 a.m. PRESENT: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DARRELL L. CLARKE COUNCILWOMAN CINDY BASS COUNCILWOMAN JANNIE L. BLACKWELL COUNCILMAN ALLAN DOMB COUNCILMAN DEREK S. GREEN COUNCILMAN WILLIAM K. GREENLEE COUNCILWOMAN HELEN GYM COUNCILMAN KENYATTA JOHNSON COUNCILMAN CURTIS JONES, JR. COUNCILMAN DAVID OH COUNCILWOMAN CHERELLE L. PARKER COUNCILWOMAN MARIA D. QUINONES-SANCHEZ COUNCILWOMAN BLONDELL REYNOLDS BROWN COUNCILMAN MARK SQUILLA COUNCILMAN AL TAUBENBERGER BILLS 170195, 170196, and 170197 RESOLUTION 170213 - - - STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 2 1 2 COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLARKE: Good 3 morning. We're going to start now. 4 Thank you. 5 This is a public hearing of the 6 Committee of the Whole regarding Bills 7 No. 170195, 170196, 170197, and 8 Resolution No. 170213. 9 Mr. Stitt, please read the 10 titles of the bills and resolution. 11 THE CLERK: Bill No. 170195, an 12 ordinance to adopt a Capital Program for 13 the six Fiscal Years 2018 through 2023 14 inclusive. 15 Bill No. 170196, an ordinance 16 to adopt a Fiscal 2018 Capital Budget. 17 Bill No. 170197, an ordinance 18 adopting the Operating Budget for Fiscal 19 Year 2018. 20 Resolution No. 170213, 21 resolution providing for the approval by 22 the Council of the City of Philadelphia 23 of a Revised Five Year Financial Plan for 24 the City of Philadelphia covering Fiscal 25 Years 2018 through 2022, and STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 3 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 incorporating proposed changes with 3 respect to Fiscal Year 2017, which is to 4 be submitted by the Mayor to the 5 Pennsylvania Intergovernmental 6 Cooperation Authority (the "Authority") 7 pursuant to the Intergovernmental 8 Cooperation Agreement, authorized by an 9 ordinance of this Council approved by the 10 Mayor on January 3, 1992 (Bill No. 11 1563-A), by and between the City and the 12 Authority. 13 COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLARKE: 14 Thank you, Mr. Stitt. 15 Today we continue the public 16 hearing of the Committee of the Whole to 17 consider the bills read by the Clerk that 18 constitute proposed operating and capital 19 spending measures for Fiscal 2018, a 20 Capital Program, and a forward-looking 21 Capital Plan for Fiscal 2018 through 22 Fiscal 2023. 23 Mr. Stitt, today we hear 24 testimony from the following departments: 25 Mayor's Office, Mayor - Community STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 4 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 Schools/University Pre-K, Managing 3 Director's Office, City Rep, Commerce and 4 OEO. 5 Mr. Stitt, the first person to 6 testify is? 7 THE CLERK: Jane Slusser. 8 COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLARKE: Jane 9 Slusser. 10 (Witness approached witness 11 table.) 12 COUNCIL PRESIDENT CLARKE: 13 Welcome back. 14 MS. SLUSSER: Good morning, 15 Council President and members of City 16 Council. I am Jane Slusser, Chief of 17 Staff to Mayor Jim Kenney. Joining me 18 today are other members of the Mayor's 19 Office as well as members of the Mayor's 20 Office of Labor, and I'm pleased to 21 provide testimony on behalf of the 22 Mayor's Office FY18 Operating Budget. 23 And with your permission, I 24 will provide a slightly shorter version 25 of my testimony than what was provided to STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 5 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 Council. 3 This year, the Mayor's Office 4 was among the departments which 5 transitioned to program-based budgeting. 6 We identified six major programs in our 7 office: the Executive and Chief of 8 Staff's office; the Communications and 9 Digital Office; the Office of Diversity 10 and Inclusion; the Chief Integrity 11 Officer; the Offices of Policy, 12 Legislation and Intergovernmental 13 Affairs; and the Office of Public 14 Engagement. 15 Together our office is 16 committed to promoting the Mayor's 17 priorities of, first, improving 18 educational opportunities and outcomes 19 for all of Philadelphia's children; 20 second, improving economic opportunities 21 for all Philadelphians; third, developing 22 a diverse workforce that looks like 23 Philadelphia and treating that workforce 24 with respect; four, improving public 25 safety for all Philadelphians while STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 6 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 treating residents with respect and 3 dignity; and, five, operating government 4 efficiently and effectively and always 5 with integrity. 6 The proposed FY18 budget 7 provides our office with the necessary 8 funding to carry out our operations and 9 to oversee and guide the Administration's 10 pursuit of these goals. The overall 11 proposed FY18 General Fund budget totals 12 $4,494,141, an increase of $145,258 over 13 FY17. This increase is primarily due to 14 the addition of funds for an ADA study as 15 well as additional funding for lobbying 16 services. 17 The proposed budget includes 18 $3,735,550 in Class 100, a $55,408 19 decrease over FY17 and a full 45 budgeted 20 positions, following the transfer of some 21 positions over to the Mayor's Office of 22 Labor and the Mayor's Office of 23 Education. This funding will also allow 24 us to hire additional staff in the Office 25 of Diversity and Inclusion, including a STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 7 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 training coordinator and a disability 3 constituent services coordinator, as well 4 as an additional coordinator in the 5 Office of Public Engagement. 6 The Mayor's Office is committed 7 to employing a staff that represents the 8 diversity of our city. Approximately 59 9 percent, or 24 members of the Mayor's 10 Office, identify as African American, 11 Latino or Asian American. Our office 12 employs 56 percent women, or 23 women. 13 With our executive team, including 53 14 percent women. Eight employees, or 20 15 percent of our employees, are bilingual, 16 speaking a total of six languages. Of 17 the seven new hires this year in our 18 office, five are African American and two 19 are white. Of two executive level 20 positions hired this year, both are 21 African American women. 22 In Class 200, the proposed 23 Operating Budget includes $703,046, a 24 $199,366 increase over FY17. This 25 funding reflects additional money for an STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 8 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 ADA accessibility study, language access 3 and interpreter services, and additional 4 funds for lobbyists. 5 For FY17, the Mayor's Office 6 has a participation goal of 35 percent 7 for M/W/DBE contracts. Unfortunately, 8 our office is currently at 13 percent 9 year to date for participation. Several 10 contracts were transferred to other 11 departments in FY17, reducing the overall 12 contract amount as well as our 13 participation rate for the year. As it 14 stands now, the only contracts in the 15 Mayor's Office are for state and federal 16 lobbying services, and the OEO directory 17 includes very few M/W/DBE firms that 18 provide these services. 19 Because the Mayor's Office is 20 committed to striving to reach the 21 participation goal set by the City, we've 22 been working with OEO to communicate 23 opportunities for firms and, where 24 necessary, encouraging that firms become 25 registered with the Office of Economic STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 9 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 Opportunity. 3 We are currently reviewing 4 proposals for an additional state 5 lobbying contract, and we will be issuing 6 a new RFP for federal lobbying services 7 as well. The Mayor's Office remains 8 committed to making sure that its current 9 and future contracting opportunities 10 reach qualified M/W/DBE vendors. 11 In Class 300, we propose a 12 budget of $53,154, a $1,300 increase over 13 FY17, and in Class 400 a budget of 14 $2,391, which is the same amount funded 15 last year. 16 In FY18, the Chief of Staff and 17 Executive Office will continue to provide 18 leadership to the Administration. The 19 Office of Communications and Digital will 20 continue to facilitate press access to 21 the Administration to ensure that 22 Philadelphians have the information they 23 need from their City government. The 24 Digital team will continue to work to 25 expand the City of Philadelphia's STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Committee Of The Whole April 4, 2017 Page 10 1 4/4/17 - WHOLE - BILL 170195, ETC. 2 presence and following on social media to 3 ensure that more Philadelphians have 4 access to important information about 5 City services. 6 Since its launch last year, the 7 Office of Diversity and Inclusion has 8 developed and conducted diversity and 9 inclusion trainings for the executive 10 staffs of 23 departments and offices, and 11 the support of a new training coordinator 12 will further advance this work.
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