Duginism, a Primer Alt-Right and Identitarian links to Aleksandr Dugin, the weird satanic Bolshevik Contents Page 2 Introduction Page 3 Who is Aleksandr Dugin Page ! What is "Duginism# Page $% Dugin#s &ngers in every (ie Page $$ Alt-Right, Radi), Richard *(encer, Keith Woods, etc, Page $- Arktos .edia and AltRight Corporation Page $/ 0auren *outhern Page $1 Traditionalist Workers Party, TheRight*tu33,4i5 Page $6 7uropean Identitarians, 8eneration Identit' Page 2% Dugin on Identitarians, French :ew Right, Alain de Benoist Page 2$ Alain de Benoist on Dugin Page 22 Crypto-Communism Page 2/ What#s going on with these (eople Introduction The (urpose of this PDF is sim(ly to demonstrate that the main nationalist coalition in the West – consisting o3 the Alt-Right, :ew Right, Identitarian .ovement – has direct links to Aleksandr Dugin, in addition to demonstrating that Dugin is a com(lete 3reak and almost certainly a 3ed, Who is Aleksandr Dugin? Aleksandr 8elyevich Dugin is a Russian (olitical strategist with ties to some of the most (owerful (eople in Russia< various oligarchs, 4illionaires, Kremlinites, military men, and even Putin himsel3, This includes (eople such as *erge' :aryshkin =Director of the Foreign Intelligence *ervice>, Igor Rodionov =De3ence .inister), and 8ennadiy *ele5nyov =Chairman of the *tate Duma>, Dugin#s 3ather was a colonel-general of Russia#s .ain Intelligence Directorate =8R?>, which is essentially the Russian militaries# +8B@ a 3oreign-intelligence agenc', 8R? was originally esta4lished in the ?**R 4' 0eon Trotsk'#s de(ut', Due to the 3act that Dugin#s 3ather was an e)tremely high ranking glow-in-the-dark, Dugin was 4orn into spookdom@ the num4er o3 inAuential +8B agents that Dugin has colla4orated with is too long to list here =see< htt(<//archive,vn/iCvC2>, There are a 3ew common misconce(tions a4out Dugin in the West, largely (ropagated 4y the l'ing mainstream media, 4ut also 4y clueless =or su4versive > nationalists. These include claims that Dugin is… • A Fascist, • :ationalistic, • Anti-im(erialist, • Anti-0i4eral, • Pro-Christian =speci&cally Crthodox>, • Traditionalist =ca(ital-T Traditionalism of RenF 8uenon and Gulius 7vola>, • *omehow 4ene&cial to White nationalists within the West, These claims are not Hust Islightly untrueJ or an Ieasy mistake to make,J the'#re Kuite literally a (olar inversion of the truth, All of the a4ove can generally 4e de4unked in under ten minutes via a Kuick we4 search, or 4y reading Dugin#s own words. Contrary to the 3act that every media esta4lishment in the West la4els Dugin a LFascist,L he is $%%%, uneKuivocally A:TIFA, Ne was an early mem4er of the Communist ":ational Bolshevik# =:a5Bol> (art' and assisted in the (art'#s organi5ation, Ne adores 0enin, *talin, etc, In addition to 4eing a Bolshevik, Dugin is wholesale anti-White =having openly advocated 3or Iwhite genocideJ> and a deranged *atanist, obsessed with Chaos .agic, Ka44alah, and Gewish 7schatology, among other things. Ne#s also (romoted canni4alism numerous times. All things considered, he is the last (erson that IPro-WhiteJ and IAnti-*emitic,J IWhite :ationalists” would 4e associating with, Oet, he is connected to almost every single maHor, inAuential Alt-Right and Identitarian &gure, Wh' Oour guess is as good as mine, 4ut it ma' have something to do with this Kuote 3rom his 4ook "Foundations of 8eopolitics<# There is sim(ly 3ar too much incriminating evidence against Dugin to include it all, 4ut the (ages 4elow contain a 3ew select e)am(les, The anti-White Kuotes, which are (roba4l' the most relevant, can 4e 3ound on (age 1, The chaos star is Dugin#s of&cial em4lem, It#s also 3ound on the Tarot deck of Aleister Crowley, of whom Dugin is a huge 3an, Dugin is su((osedly a IChristian,J 0ook u( *a44atean-Frankism, *ome of the Dugin Kuotes a4ove are highly similar to stu33 that the Prime .inister of Israel has said in the (ast, Dugin#s anti-Whiteness, It#s im(ortant to note that to Dugin, White/WestB7uropeanB0i4eral are one and the same, What is ‘Duginism# Duginism is, in short, :eo-7urasianist Third Worldism, When you stri( 4ack Dugin#s many layers of (sychoba44le, his ideology is sim(ly a revival o3 Bolshevism and the ?**R =Russian im(erialism>, merged with later Western .arxist theories on Pthe deconstruction o3Q race and gender, and so on, Ne com4ines all of that with Ithe (lanet must unite in the hatred of Whites” style Third Worldism, which he (oorly disguises as Ianti- 0i4eralism,J Oou could sa' that Duginism is sim(ly "Bolshevism 2,%,# Nis ideology is laid out mainly via two related, 4ut very distinct works, which are key to understanding Dugin#s (olitical theories and strategies, "The Foundations o3 8eopolitics: 2he 8eopolitical Future of Russia# ="FoG,# $RR!> and "The Fourth Political Theory’ ="-PT,# 2%%R>, Foundations o3 8eo(olitics is 4y 3ar Dugin#s most im(ortant work, Dugin himsel3 descri4es it as an Iindispensa4le guide 3or all those who make decisions in the most im(ortant spheres o3 Russian (olitical li3e – 3or (oliticians, entre(reneurs, economists, 4ankers, di(lomats, analysts, (olitical scientists, and so on,J In FoG, Dugin outlines his ":eo-7urasianist# geopolitical strategy, which includes a multitude of instructions on how to su4vert, mani(ulate, and conKuer various countries in order to create a 7urasianist em(ire, Ne descri4es his ideology as Ithe 4attle 3or the world rule of Russians,J stating that Ithe ma)imum task is the "Finlandi5ation# of all of 7urope,J Dugin has re3erred to *talin as a "7urasianist elder 4rother:# I*talin was not a se(arate individuality, 4ut a collective (erson, an 7lder Brother, a mani3estation o3 7urasianism in its communist variant,J =htt(<//archive,vn/IPR*e (g. $-%>, In a 2%$2 interview, Dugin said< II#ve 4een struggling with this 3or 2/ years P,,,Q wanting to unite *oviet and Russian (atriots P,,,Q We are on the side of *talin and the *oviet ?nionJ =htt(<BBarchive,vn/oC:!s), In 2%$-, Dugin (u4lished an article titled "Nori5ons of our Revolution, From Crimea to 0isbon# via his -PT we4site =htt(<//archive,vnB)Am2H>, in which he stated< IWe aren#t going to limit ourselves 4y anne)ing Crimea, 2hat 3or sure, P,,,Q our revolution will not stop in Western ?kraine, It must go 3urther in 7urope, P,,,Q It is the goal o3 3ull 7urasianism – 7urope 3rom 0isbon to Sladivostok, 8reat 7urasian Continental 7m(ire, And we will 4uild it, 2his means 7uropean Revolution will 4e 7urasian Revolution, This is our last hori5on,J Cne da' a3ter Putin came to (ower in 2%%%, Dugin em4raced his glowie heritage and (u4lished an article stating that the +8B should 4e Ithe 4ack4one of the 7urasian Renaissance,J =htt(<//archive,vnBHlHgv), As Dugin said, the 4ook is highly inAuential among Russian elites, including the military, who used it as a te)t4ook in their Academy o3 the 8eneral *ta33, It was co-dra3ted 4' Colonel- 8eneral 0eonid Ivashov, head of the International De(artment of the Russian .inistry of De3ence, A3ter writing FoG, Dugin was hired as a guest lecturer 4y the military, to e)(lain his geopolitical :eo-7urasianist theory to Russian o3&cers and the likes. *ele5n'ov, a 3ormer Russian *tate Duma speaker and a 4uddy of Dugin, urged that FoG should 4e incorporated into the Russian school curriculum, The most im(ortant thing a4out FoG is that it is, essentially, straight-to-the-(oint and com(letely Imask-of3,J Ne declares his :eo-7urasianist agenda openly =a summary of 9,o.8 is 3eatured 4elow), Fourth Political Theory, on the other hand, couldn#t 4e more di33erent, Oou ma' have seen -PT 4eing (raised 4y various nationalists in the West, as it has 4een heavily marketed to Westerners 4y organi5ations such as Arktos .edia =which (u4lishes and translates Dugin#s work 3or Western consum(tion>, as well as other I:ew RightJ or IAlt-RightJ inAuencers. -PT is not designed 3or Russian consum(tion, 4ut to 4e read 4y ha(less Western nationalists. Dugin#s aim with -PT is to ideologically su4vert nationalists in the West, making them more mallea4le and likely to assist =(assively or activel'> him in achieving the (olitical goals he laid out in Foundations of 8eopolitics, -PT is overflowing with (sychoba44le, verbose gob4ledygook, and com(lete 4astardi5ations o3 various historic right-wing thinkers — (articularly nota4le is the manner in which Dugin mutated and inverted the Traditionalist *chool of thought, For an idea o3 the sort of nonsense included in the 4ook, cha(ter $3, I8ender in the 9ourth Political Theory,J is devoted to arguing in 3avor of a-se)ual transgenderism, Behind the shoddy and transparent mask of (hony ITraditionalism,J nothing se(arates Dugin#s 9ourth Political Theory 3rom the e)tant ideology o3 the :ew World Crder that he claims to op(ose, In summary: FoG is Dugin#s (olitical strategy document, in which he outlines highly detailed (lans on how to create a 7urasian em(ire 4y su4verting 3oreign nations, it was written 3or 7urasianists, to 4ene&t 7urasianists. -PT is an im(lementation o3 FoG#s (olitical strategy, in that -PT is a su4versive 4ook written 3or Westerners and disseminated in the West, to channel Western nationalism towards 7urasianist ends. In 4rie3< FoG = .ask C33 = Duginism-For-.e =For 7urasianists) = InAuential among elites o3 Russia, -PT = .ask Cn = Duginism-For-Thee =For the enemies/su4Hects of 7urasianists) = Promoted in the West 4y the Alt-Right, :ew Right, and Identitarians =speci&cally 7uropean Identitarians), FoG summary. .uch of this aligns with the agendas (romoted 4y the Alt-Right V Identitarians.
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