The Leaguer USPS 267-840 The Official Publication of the University Inter scholastic League VOL. LXIV. NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1979 AUSTIN, TEXAS Four incumbents back on council Four incumbents and an equal number Region II-A—Bob Johnson, China of newcomers were in attendance when Spring; Guy Whitaker, El Dorado; Cal­ the League's Legislative Council was vin Stone, Hubbard; Larry Tucker, called to order, Saturday and Sunday, Leonard; and Jack Johnson, Southlake. November 3-4 in Austin. Region III-B—James Worsham, Ava­ Reelected in a preferential ballot elec­ lon; G. W. Tillerson, Celeste; A. H. Asby, tion conducted earlier this fall were Jack Mildred; B. C. Essary, Petty; and R. D. Johnson of Southlake (Carroll), repre­ Elsom, Trinidad. senting Region 11-A; C. N. Boggess of Region II-AAAA—B. J. Murray, Trin­ San Antonio Harlandale, representing ity HS (Bedford) ; Linus Wright, Dallas Region IV-AAAA; Bill Farmer of Bar­ ISD; Thomas Kelly, Thomas Jefferson bers Hill (Mont Belvieu), representing HS (Dallas); Ralph Poteet, Mesquite Region III-AA; and Bill Vardeman of HS; and Johnny R. Johnston, Nacog­ Levelland, representing Region I-AAA. doches. Newly elected members of the council include Glen Pearson of Bridge City, elected to fill the Region III-AAA seat Full results of the November Legislative vacated by M. J. Leonard of Liberty; and Council meeting will be published in the Ralph Poteet of Mesquite, elected to re­ place W. H. Byrd of Ducanville for the December issue of the Leaguer. Region II-AAAA seat. Also, James Worsham of Avalon, who defeated incumbent R. D. Elsom of Trini­ Region IV-AAAA — Forrest Kline, dad for the Region III-B seat; and Jack Crockett HS (Austin); Gus Guerra, Frost of Georgetown, who was elected to Pharr-San Juan-Alamo; Edgar 0. Will- fill the unexpired term of Joe B. Scrivner. helm, Rosenberg; C. N. Boggess, Harlan­ Scrivner, serving as council chairman, dale HS (San Antonio); and Jack Hall, Coming On... moved during the summer from Taylor San Benito. to Irving, forcing him to relinquish his Region I-AAA—Easton Wall, Dumas; In early December, the state's attention Region IV-AAA seat. Bill Vardeman, Levelland; and Harold turns from football to cross-country and Each of the newly elected members ex­ Beam, Vernon. cept Frost will serve a four-year term, Region III-AAA—Edwin H. Casburn, girls' volleyball. The state's finest run­ ending in 1983. Frost will serve the re­ Brenham; Glen Pearson, Bridge City; ners will assemble December I at South­ mainder of Scrivner's term, which is Don Smith, Cleburne; Kenneth Almond, western University in Georgetown for scheduled to end in 1980. Dayton; and Tom Pickett, Wharton. "The elections to the council posts were Region IV-AAA—C. H. Evans, Bas­ the grueling overland meet. The lady unusually close," said Dr. Bailey Mar­ trop; Clyde Teague, Calallen HS (Corpus spikers converge on Austin the following shall, League director. "I think this indi­ Christi); Jack Frost, Georgetown; Clyde weekend for the state volleyball tourna­ cates a growing concern among our school Greer, Kerrville-Tivy HS (Kerrville); people in the direction the League is mov­ and A. E. Garcia, Rio Grande City. ment, to be held in Gregory Gym on the ing and the goals we as school people are Region III-AA—Bob Brezina, Fannett; campus of the University of Texas at setting for educational competition." Milton Denham, Manor; Bill Farmer, Austin, December 7-8. The nominees (winners in italics) in Barbers Hill HS (Mont Belvieu); the respective regions and conferences are Thomas E. Golson, Sealy; and Fred as follows: Gottlieb, Teague. Major changes made in UIL tentative calendar The UIL's tentative calendar for the 1980-81 school year was recently released. November 1—First day for Boys' and Girls' Basketball interschool scrimmages, all conferences (one per week). Administrators and contest sponsors should plan events accordingly to avoid confusion November 1—First day for Boys' Basketball practice, Conferences AAA and AA. and the possibility of disqualification. November 1—Last day for accepting Boys' Baseball Plan. November 1—Last day for filing One-Act Play Enrollment Cards. August 6—First day to issue football shoes and socks, Conferences AAAA, AAA, AA, A, and Sixman. (No November 1—Last day for district Cross Country Meets. conditioning drills or organized instruction permitted.) November 1-2—Legislative Council meets in Austin. August 11—First day for volleyball workouts, all conferences. November 8—Last day to certify District Volleyball Champions, all conferences. August 11—First day for fall football conditioning, Conferences AAAA, AAA, AA, A, and Sixman (No November 8—Regional Cross Country Meets. contact equipment or contact activities permitted.) Contact equipment may be fitted and placed in November 10—Last day for filing One-Act Play double representation notification to the State Office. lockers. November 16—First day for Boys' and Girls' mterschool basketball games, all conferences. August 13—First day for issuing football shoes and socks, Conference AAAAA. (No conditioning drills or November 15—Last day for making corrections of eligible schools list for Music competition. organized instruction permitted.) November 15—Deadline for submitting issues of school newspapers for ILPC criticism. August 16—First day for issuing football contact equipment and conducting contact activities, Conferences November 15—Last day to certify district football champions, all conferences. AAAA, AAA, AA, A, and Sixman. November 15—Last day for holding Regional Marching Band contests. August 18—First day for volleyball scrimmages or games, all conferences. November 15—State Cross Country Meets. August 18—First day for fall football conditioning. Conference AAAAA. (No contact equipment or contact November IB—Regional Volleyball Tournaments. activities permitted.) Contact equipment may be fitted and placed in lockers. November 21-22—State Volleyball Tournaments. August 21—First day for football interschool scrimmages, Conferences AAAA, AAA, AA, A, and Sixman. November 27—Thanksgiving. August 22—First day for issuing football contact equipment and conducting contact activities. Conference December 1-2—State Marching Band Contest. AAAAA. January 23—Earliest day for holding Regional Solo and Ensemble contests. August 28—First day for football interschool scrimmages, Conference AAAAA. February 1—Last day for organizing Spring Meet districts. September 1—Last day for accepting Football Plan. February 1—Last day for receipt of newspapers for rating by ILPC. September 1—Last day for accepting Girls' Volleyball Plan. February 1—Last day for reciept of ILPC individual Achievement Awards entries—both newspapers and September 1—Last day for filing Music Acceptance Cards. yearbooks. September 4—Last day for submitting final Music Regional Organization Reports. February 2—First day for baseball practice, all conferences. September 4—First day for playing football games, all conferences. February 2—Last day for requesting additions to basic set and submitting plays NOT on Approved Lists for •October 1—Last day for paying Interscholastic League membership fees. consideration as One-Act Play contest entries. October 1—Last day for organizing Boys' and Girls* Basketball districts. February 6—Last day for submission of proposed amendments to ILPC Constitution and By-Laws. October 9—First day for Regional Marching Band contests. February 14—Last day for holding district swimming meets. October IB—First day for Girls' Basketball practice, all conferences. February 16—First day for baseball inteschooi scrimmages. October IB—First day for Boy's Basketball practice, Conferences AAAAA, AAAA, and A. February 21—Last day to certify District Girls' Basketball champions, all conferences. October 15—Last day for accepting Boys' and Girls' Basketball plans. February 23—First day for Bi-District and Regional Girls' Basketball playoffs, all conferences. October IB—First day for organizing Spring Meet districts, all conferences, and director's planning meeting February 23—Last day for fling One-Act Play Title Entry Cards. for One-Act Play. February 27-28—Regional Swimming Meets. October 20—Last day for receipt by judges of yearbooks for ILPC ratings. February 28—Last day for Regional Girls' Basketball playoffs, all conferences. November 1—Entry deadline for State Marching Band Contest. March 1—Last day for organizing baseball districts, all conferences. November 1—Last day for enrolling in Interscholastic League Press Conference. March 2—First day for playing interschool baseball games, all conferences. November 1—Last day for accepting Boy's and Girls' Swimming Plans. (See CALENDAR, page 7) inside Regional Summer School The 1980s Elsewhere Directors from each region Help is available for journal­ How will the UIL confront Editorials Page 2 met in Austin to discuss com­ ism teachers who don't have the myriad problems the next Journalism page 3 mon problems and successes. a journalism background. For generation poses. Dr. Bailey Drama page 4 See page 8 for full story. details, turn to page 3. Marshall has some sugges­ Music page 5 tions. Page 6. Athletics page 6 editorials Page 2 Director's corner Director's job to uphold rules, not make them By BAILEY MARSHALL opinions of the League rules. to change. forced either indirectly by threat of a League Director One superintendent stated, "I am con­ ". Not only will the UIL lose in lawsuit or directly by one. Boy, we sure Evidently, my recent letters and arti­ cerned about the lawsuits and the atti­ courts
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