JUNE 1995 £2.20 011 SERVICINGVIDEOSATELLITEDEVELOPMENTS Inside the Panasonic Alpha 4 Chassis Satellite Servicing the Pace PRD800/900 s4 &Li ( Digital VHS 4 Jr& 491r. I s Pa Service Notes on ogefr .0" the JVC HRD53O pp, Ferguson Service Briefs The Philips/Sony tl 4 Digital Video Disc /I Servicing the Loewe C8001 CTV Chassis 0 6> CABLE & SATELLITE SHOW REPORT 97700324704 WILLOW VALE ELECTRONICS LIMITED Willow Vale givesyou more... More technical know-how More flexibility More commitment to higher stock levels More peripheral product support More dedication to customer care Willow Vale supplies parts for all these householdnames, with over 230,000 different spares available on our C.O.RS. database system. Being Willow Vale, we don't just guarantee the quality ofour spares. We also pride ourselves on our prices...and our genuinely friendly and knowledgable staff. N. SANSUI L: N. qo 4k kis" (-) . N. N. N. I L. qt NIK KAI s . -' (-)4 o (-) 44.ke o 4 4''' w o qZq'' o so THOMSON 4' -k --'Z' (-) 4 .k. (-)0 (-v$' 4 -k vq. PACE (-)0 4) 4,c, (-)44 ti , ;APP,3:' A ,$?,` /Zs /a. WILLOW VALE ELECTRONICS LIMITED 'The Better Choice' Reading (0734) 876444 Manchester (061)682 1415 JUNE 1995 On Sale May 17th Vol. 45, No. 8 Issue 536 542 Ferguson Service Briefs 574 Installing a CD-ROM Drive, Part 2 David Botto Servicing know-how on recent Ferguson products, in particular the ICC9 TV chassis. Mainly the sound card, its software and uses. 544 The Philips/Sony High Density CD Format 578 JVC HRD530 Fault Guide John Coombes Owen Exeter A guide to faults encountered with this VCR, which was also dis- Technical details of this new CD format which can be used for tributed as the Ferguson FV14T. digital video discs. 580 At Cable and Satellite '95 Peter Brough 548 Inside the Panasonic Alpha 4 Chassis, Part 1 Ray Meadows New ranges and products showed at the 1995 Olympia cable and satellite exhibition. Features of the chassis, the chip complement and the operation of the power supply circuitry. REGULAR FEATURES 551 CD Fault Finding Fault reports of CD players. Camcorner 546 557 VHS Goes Digital George Cole Help Wanted 565 Details of the latest VHS format, for digital/data recording, also Leader 541 other new developments - the dynamic drum system, the 3D Al Super Colour system and BES tuning to optimise performance Letters 584 with different types of tape. Long-distance Television. 562 560 Servicing the Loewe-Opta C8001 Chassis Chris Watton Next Month in Television 573 A run-down on the chassis and the faults most frequently Teletopics 552 encountered. Test Case 390 545 566 Servicing the Pace PRD800/PRD900 Jack Armstrong TV Fault Finding 570 How to tackle faultsexperienced with this series of satellite VCR Clinic 554 receivers. What a Life! 582 The July issue will be published on June 21st COPYRIGHT Wilpshire,Blackburn BB19LF. 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