City Group Launches $103,000 Drive For Lincoln Hospital * * * * * * \u2605\u2605\u2605 \u2605 \u2605\u2605\u2605 \u2605\u2605\u2605 Dick Gregory Announces Vietnam Fast Until Christmas Comedian Joins Che Ciroes Opposition to CarSaInigfuuTHJWBI>IO£EB*/7 U.S. War Effort CHICAGO-(LDA)-Dick Grego- VOLUME 44?No. 46 DURHAM, N. C.?SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1967 PRICE: 20c ry, declared independent candidate for President of the United States in 1968, announced last week that he would fast beginning on Thanks- giving Day and lasting until Christ- Arsonists Burn Negro Church, mas. There was much excitement in the Continental Room of the Knic- kerbocker Hotel here as the some- what gaunt comedian explained to Homes In Tennessee Towns reporters, radio and television news- men the philosophical reasons and technical details of his demonstration. - %m inwifeiß.' 1 9 "1 am determined to set an exam- £BP Wave of Fires ple as an individual American, law- fully protesting against my govern- (Dak So, X ** \u25a0«? ENTRENCHED To North Vietnamese Army 173rd Airborne Brigade Nov. <\u25a0*"%'./' /?. *\u25a0 \u25a0, , , _J ?..-,- bunk-1 ment's policy in Vietnam." He sip- Vietnam)? With the first part ers before the next stage in began up 22 a final assault the ped on a glass of water, his only Follows U. S. of the battle for Hill 875 over, the fight for the hill Nov. bloody slopes of Hill 875. 21.) form of sustenance during the 32- of S. Army paratroopers of (UPI Stone) members the 173rd Airborne U. the j Radiophoto by aay last. About ten days prior to the Brigade entrench themselves in press conference, Gregory was exis- A ' . AjS :.;,- K Court Order ting on water and orange juice. The even BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.-The fast eliminated the vitamins j :,: found in the fruit juice. '-? \u25a0 ft/*fK>"WjjMKSSI \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 homes of 11 Negro families in Hay- Massive Registrat He continued: "From Thanks- _.:.» ijf M wood County have been set afire giving Day until Christmas, 1 will since August 4. These are in addition fast in sympathy with the millions of to four house burnings in the spring, Americans who are also opposed to the burning of a church in July, and Danville, I!a. Continued In the war in Vietnam. 1 will not eat, the bombing of 13 Negro homes juice or in 1966. drink take prepared vitamin; or other food supplements. 1 will The latest wave of fire followed a Atty. Harvey drink only distilled water." U. S. District Court order to place Gregory fielded a barrage of 10 Negro teachers in five previously pointed questions asked by white white schools and 10 white teachers Urges as newsmen on assignment who felt the by Ballot was a stunt. in four schools attended black demonstration publicity children. Having worked with Dick Gregory i The decision by Judge Bailey for the past two years, it is my con- lONGRATULATIONS (Cle- tion Board when a recount of Tory over Taft. Taft who had ! Brown of Memphis made no pro- Power Means sidered opinion that whatever Gre- \u25a0eland, Ohio)?Republican Seth last week's mayoral election asked for the recount, picked vision for increasing the number of j gory does-regardless of how it may up a of only 19 votes. ;. Taft (R) congratulated Ma- was completed November 17 net gain black children in mostly white | DANVILLE, Va.-Attorney Ruth seem to spectators-is done with sin- (UPI Telephoto) >or Carl B. Stokes at the Elec- giving Stokes a 1,679 vote vic- schools,j or vice versa. Interracial 1 L. Harvey, recent candidate for the cere conviction and a deep and abid- attendance is now about 2 per cent. Virginia State Legislature, announces ing concern for his fellow man. Mrs. Virgie Hortenstine, coordi- that one of the good side effects of To add further emphasis to his nator of the Fayette-Haywood Work- 1 her campaign is the amount of inter- demonstrative fast, Gregory asked for John W. and Pitt- that who, are Testimony the Last Rites Held camps, said: "Some of fires were est the citizens of Danville "all those like myself, set to the property of Negroes who sylvania County have shown in now w opposed to war to demonstrate their were active in civil rights or who; launching a massive Voter Registra- determination by not buying a tur- Bailey Joseph's served as witnesses in court for the 1 tion drive. Y key for Christmas dinner. I suggest I I at St. Ctanth for On I school cases. Some were old people Attorney Harvey, speaking that true Christians and humani- Given League, Funeral services for John William and people handicapped by illness." j the Dan River Civic stated tarians celebrate Christmas this year jBailey were held Monday, November JMF She reported that the home of i that "ballot power is the key to the in simplicity and sacrifice, and, in 'V wk l unregistered 27th at Saint Joseph's A. M. E. Dan Nixon, west of Brownsville, has future, and every black sympathy with the suffering on both woman years old and the war, I Church. A life-time resident of Dur- 1 been set afire twice. Nixon is one of man and 21 sides of avoid traditional decorations, trees, Disorders ham, Mr. Bailey attended local public two Negro magistrates in the older must register and participate in Christmas lights the affairs of city, ornaments, toys exchange of schools and was graduated from county, the first to be elected in, the political the and the county, state, nation. We have presents until on Howard P. Leary North Carolina College where he this century. and gifts and peace received the Bachelor of Science de- Haywood and neighboring Fay- allowed other folks to take us for earth and good will to men become we must not only register a reality." Explains How It- gree in Commerce. ette County have been the scene of a granted, M we must our own | Mx. Bailey was married to the former long struggle for human rights. In the I and vote but have 100 per Worked In N. Y. , Miss Bernadine Stoneham Smith of early 60's hundreds of Negro fami- candidates and back them key ATTY. HARVEY Richmond, Virginia, who survives lies were driven off the land because cent. We hold the to changing Dentist May Negroes are tired of WASHINGTON, ?The ' him. Also surviving are two sisters, j they registered and voted. Massive! this nation. The Pittsylvania County Voter tered black citizens. turn a our surest way to limited Mis. Thelma Bailey Lanier and Mrs. 'support from throughout the nation j left-out-ism and political power League is organizing every precinct The drive will continue until the civil disturbance into full- j ' helped in that crisis. Mrs. j can wake up the power structure." and has declared war on all unregis- scale riot is to send in a hand- ' Addie L. Bailey, both of Durham; them books close in 1968. Enter Race protests ful of police, according to several other relatives, and many | Hortenstine said that are| to the Governor of the chief of the nation's big- l friends. | now needed gest police force. BAILEY I Tennessee at Nashville. For more than twenty years, Mr., For Governor response The proper is in- Bailey sang the \ NCM President in choir of Saint stead make an early show to Joseph's A. M. E. Church. He was WITH ABUSE CHARLOTTE?Dr. of massive force, New York j j j5 ALA. COPS CHARGED Reginald Commissioner a member of the Beta Phi Chapter | Hawkins, dentist and civil Police Howard MONTGOMERY, Ala.-The Na-| arresting officers. R. Leary believes. I of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; a mem- 30-Day rights leader of Charlotte, an- ! Raising Effort Association for the Advance- Fund tional nounced this week that he is in ? ber of Doric Lodge, No. 28 of the The complaints, which were filed Leary outlined his theory j ment of Colored People has filed seriously considering entering testimony before President ! Free and Accepted Order of Masons; I ' with the Civil Division of the complaints against five Montgomery ! governor Johnson's National Advisory a member of the Advisory Commit- 'U. S. Department of Justice, the Drive Expected To the race for in the policemen alleging brutality, and the 1968 Democratic Primary. Commission on Civil Disor-| j tee for Troup 105 of Saint Joseph's I Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Explore Every Harlem Leader Named Deputy Sept. Excerpts violation of the civil rights of ders on 20. | ' A. M. E. Church, Boy Scouts of i Mrs.' the Commissioner of Police are ac- released Thursday. | Warner. The complaints were Dr. Hawkins is widely known were i America; and one of the founders of Edna companied by copies of a local Segment City filed upon her behalf by the Rev. K. of throughout North Carolina as NEW YORK, which averted' the John Avery Boys' Club. j physician's statement asserting that With Asa T. Spaulding, president Buford, Housing City a fearless civil rights leader, rioting past sum- L. NAACP field director for, Administrator ! N. Y. serious the has eulogy was delivered by the Mrs. Warner been treated three of N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Com- as a mer, followed the rule that The Alabama. well as highly respected Philip R. Cousin, Pastor of r times since the incident for "nume- pany, as chairman, a campaign to NEW YORK-Dr. Eugene S. Cal- "if a street must be cleared,) Reverend citizen. He stated emphatically Mrs. Warner states that she was rous bruises and contusions of the a $103,000 ender, sent to do it, | Saint Joseph's.
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