Annex-Figures Annex-F 2.1.1 Distribution of Elevation Zones in the Study Area ANF-2-1 Annex-F 2.1.2 Distribution of Slope Category in the Study Area ANF-2-2 Annex-F 2.2.1 Principal Sub-basins in the Study Area ANF-2-3 Bamban R. Baliwag R. Pasac R. RCH01 52.8 64.0 Talavera R. 0 0 9.7 44.9 158.4 Rio Chico R. PAM02 PAM04 PAM05 Masiway PAM06 Calumpit 45.6 45.8 0 101.5 117.6 149.2 172.6 182.9 Dam 71.2 0 21.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208.2 214.9 264.6 Pantabangan Dam 58.3 72.4 30.6 58.5 32.2 PAM01 PAM03 Massim R. San Tabualing R. Cabu R. Digmala R. Miguel R. Penaranda R. 25.4 0 67.2 67.2 PEN01 Coronell R. Sumacbao R. COR01 72.7 Angat R. Note: Number shows distance in km from downstream end of a river. Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.2 Schematic River System in Pampanga Main River System 1000 PAM01 PAM02 PAM03 PAM04 PAM05 PAN01 less than 1/10,000 - 1/5,000 - 1/2,500 - 1/1,000 - more than 900 1/10,000 1/5,000 1/2,500 1/1,000 1/400 1/400 800 Bamban R. Digmala R. Pampanga R. 700 Rio Chico R. Sumacbao R. incl. Talavera R. 600 m Coronell R. 500 San Miguel R. Penaranda R. Elevation ( 400 Elevation (m) Cabu R. Pantabangan Dam 300 Massim R. Baliwag R. Masiway Dam 200 Tabualing R. 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Distance (km) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.3 Longitudinal Profile of the Main Rivers in Pampanga Main River System ANF-2-4 Pampanga R. Bagbag R. Bayabas R. 37.9 Bustos Labangan Angat Weir 0 Ipo Dam Floodway Angat R. Dam Angat R. 0 16.5 45.5 56.1 83.1 91.1 152.7 ANG01 ANG02 ANG03 Note: Number shows distance in km from downstream end of a river. Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.4 Schematic River System in Angat River System 800 ANG01 less than ANG02 ANG03 1/2,000 1/,2000 - 1/300 more than 1/300 700 Angat R. 600 Bayabas R. 500 m 400 Elevation ( Elevation Elevation (m) 300 Angat Dam 200 Bus tos Weir Conf. with Bagbag River Ipo Dam 100 Labangan Floodway 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Distance (km) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.5 Longitudinal Profile of the Main Rivers in Angat River System ANF-2-5 Gumain R. Porac R. PAS01 Pasig-Potrero R. 56.4 43.6 81.8 Abacan R. 0 71.7 21.3 0 Guagua R. San Fernando R. 8.1 11.0 0 Pasac R. 0 0 5.0 Manapi Mesapinit R. 37.7 Bebe-San Esteban Cutoff Channel Pampanga R. Note: Number shows distance in km from downstream end of a river. Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.6 Schematic River System in Pasac River System 1200 Porac R. 1100 Gu a g u a R. Gu ma in R. incl. Pasig-Potrero R. 1000 1/25 1/50 1/100 900 800 m 700 600 Elevation ( 500 Elevation (m) 400 300 Pasac R. incl. Abacan R. 200 100 0 0 102030405060708090100 Distance (km) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.2.7 Longitudinal Profile of the Main Rivers in Pasac River System ANF-2-6 ANF-2-7 Annex-F 2.3.1 Location of Meteorological Stations Annual precipitation (mm) Source: JICA Study Team based on PAGASA data on PAGASA based Team Study Source: JICA 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1951 Annex-F 2.3.2 Annex-F 2.3.2 To Annual Change in 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 Cabanatuan 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 ANF-2-8 1973 Science Garden 1975 1977 tal Precipitation at Key Stations Key at Stations tal Precipitation 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 Infanta 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 Iba 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 TypeⅡ TypeⅢ TypeⅠ Annex-F 2.3.3 Climate Zones ANF-2-9 Annex-F 2.3.4 Spatial Distribution of Annual Total Precipitation ANF-2-10 Annex-F 2.3.5 Spatial Distribution of Precipitation in Dry Season ANF-2-11 Annex-F 2.3.6 Spatial Distribution of Precipitation in Wet Season ANF-2-12 2.1 Hydrology Annex-F 2.4.1 Location of Hydrometric Stations ANF-2-13 0.12 P-PET<TRO<P Angat Dam Catchment 1951 - 1973 0.10 TRO<P-PET ) 0.08 2 m /s/km 3 0.06 q (m q (m3/s/k 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A (km2) 0.12 P-PET<TRO<P Angat Dam Catchment 1974 - 2007 0.10 TRO<P-PET ) 0.08 2 m /s/km 3 0.06 q (m q (m3/s/k q 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A (km2) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.4.2 Specific Discharge ANF-2-14 1.0 0.9 Angat Dam Catchment P-PET<TRO<P 1951 - 1973 TRO<P-PET 0.8 0.7 0.6 -) 0.5 C(-) C ( 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A (km2) 1.0 0.9 Angat Dam Catchment P-PET<TRO<P 1974 - 2007 TRO<P-PET 0.8 0.7 0.6 -) 0.5 C ( C(-) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 A (km2) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 2.4.3 Runoff Rate ANF-2-15 2.2 Geology Annex-F 2.5.1 Geological Map ANF-2-16 2.3 Hydrogeology Annex-F 2.6.1 Hydrogeology Map ANF-2-17 2.10 Annex-F 2.10.1 Flood Area in Typhoon Marce, August 2004 ANF-2-18 Annex-F 3.1.1 Population Density of Each of Municipalities in the Study Area ANF-3-1 Annex-F 3.3.1 Land Cover in the Study Area ANF-3-2 Annex-F 3.4.1 Location of Water Permits for Surface Water ANF-3-3 Annex-F 3.4.2 Location of Water Permits for Groundwater ANF-3-4 Annex-F 3.6.1 Status of AD/AL (Ancestral Land) Delineation and Titling in and around the Study Area as of March 9, 2010 ANF-3-5 Angat Inflow 1) Self-catchment Qin=59.3m3/s (1,869MCM/y) Angat storage dam (observed average in 1968-2007) 2) Umiraytrans-basin Effective storage volume Qin=11.7m3/s(370MCM/y) = 850MCM (observed average in 2001-2003, 2006-2007) Umiray R. ANG0203 Catchment of Angat storage dam Intake3-Sumag R. A=546km2 (not yet completed) Intake2-Alia R. (not yet completed) Main tunnel Intake1-Umiray R. T_UMI03 T_UMI02 ANG03 To Bustos dam A3 A2 Angat R. A1 T_UMI01 ANG0204 Catchment of N diversion point of Umiray trans-basin A=161km2 2 To MWSS A1=130km W E 2 Ipo dam A2=6km 2 A3=25km S 0 5 km Angat dam EL 219m (V =894MCM) Surcharge volume eff 156MCM EL 212m (Dry season) Flood control volume 42MCM Supplied either EL 210m (Wet season) (Veff=738MCM) by main turbine (Veff=696MCM) or through Ipo Conservation volume 532MCM 490MCM (Domestic & Irrigation & Power) dam EL 180m (lower limit of operation H=131m of main power unit) (Veff=206MCM) 206MCM Supplied only through Ipo dam EL 160m (Veff=0MCM) Dead volume Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 4.1.1 Location and Dimension of Angat Storage Dam ANF-4-1 Catchment of diversion point of Casecnan trans-basin Abaca 2 A=570km Casecnan R. CH0104 T_CAS Catchment of Denip Pantabangan storage dam + Masiway dam 2 Pantabangan Inflow A=869km 1) Self-catchment +Aurola trans-basin 3 Pantabangan PAN01 Qin=38.4m /s (1,195MCM/y) (observed average in 1980-2008) storage dam 2) Casecnan trans-basin Effective storage volume Qin=23.8m3/s(752MCM/y) = 2,775MCM (observed average in 2002-2008) N Catchment of diversion point of W E Aurola trans-basin A=68km2 T_AUR S PAM0503 Aurola trans-basin channel Masiway dam 0 5 km Diayo PAM0502 Aguang R. Canili Pampanga R. PAM0501 Rizal dam To Bongabon dam Pantabangan dam EL 230m (Veff=2,775MCM) Surcharge volume 688MCM Flood control volume 330MCM EL 221m (Dry season) EL 216m (Wet season) (Veff=2,087MCM) (Veff=1,757MCM) Conservation volume (Irrigation & Power) 1,757MCM 2,087MCM H=107m EL 170m (Veff=0MCM) Dead volume (225MCM) Source: JICA Study Team Annex-F 4.1.2 Location and Dimension of Pantabangan Storage Dam ANF-4-2 Annex-F 4.1.3 Location of Proposed Large Storage Dam Sites ANF-4-3 Annex-F 4.2.1 Location Map of Existing NIS ANF-4-4 Talavera Dam Pantabangan Dam UPRIIS Div-I Masiway Dam (4,120ha) Chico River Chico Super Diversion Canal Taris Dam Tarlac River Rizal Dam TASMORIS (4,200ha) UPRIIS UPRIIS Div-V Div-I UPRIIS (16,879ha) (16,400ha) Div-II (22,591ha) Bongabon (Atate) Dam Aulo Dam Smoris Dam Talavera River Talavera UPRIIS Aulo River Div-III O'Donnel River (25,881ha) Aulo SRIP (810ha) Penaranda Dam Penaranda River UPRIIS Div-IV (19,924ha) Cong Dadong Dam PDRIS (6,604ha) M aasim River Porlac River r Porlac Dam AMRIS Porlac RIS Solib Dam Rive Pampanga Right Bank (1,458ha) (16,663ha) Bustos Dam Angat Dam Gumain River Angat River Gumain Dam AMRIS Gumain RIS Left Bank (1,629ha) (10,128ha) Manila bay Source : JICA Study Team Annex-F 4.2.2 Schematic Flow Diagram of Existing NIS ANF-4-5 Annex-F 4.2.3 Location Map of CIS ANF-4-6 Annex-F 4.2.4 Location Map of Small Scale Irrigations under BSWM ANF-4-7 Annex-F 4.2.5 Location Map of Projected NIS ANF-4-8 Talavera Dam Pantabangan Dam UPRIIS Div-I Masiway Dam (4,120ha) Chico River Chico Super Diversion Canal Taris Dam Tarlac River Tarlac Rizal Dam TASMORIS (39,150ha) UPRIIS UPRIIS Div-V Div-I UPRIIS (37,200ha) (16,400ha) Div-II (22,591ha) Bongabon (Atate) Dam Aulo Dam Smoris Dam Talavera River Talavera UPRIIS Aulo River Div-III (25,881ha) O'Donnel River Aulo Balintingon SRIP Balog-Balog Dam (14,900ha) (810ha) Diversion Dam Penaranda Balintingon Dam Dam Penaranda River UPRIIS Div-IV (19,924ha) Cong Dadong Dam PDRIS (6,604ha) Maasim River Porlac River Porlac Dam AMRIS Solib Dam Porlac- River Pampanga Right Bank Gumain (16,663ha) Bustos Dam Angat Dam Gumain Reservoir (16,750ha) Angat River Gumain Dam Gumain River AMRIS Left Bank (10,128ha) Existing Dam M anila bay Proposed Dam Source : JICA Study Team Annex-F 4.2.6 Schematic Flow Diagram of Projected NIS ANF-4-9 Annex-F 4.3.1 Present Coverage of Water Supply Facilities for Access to Safe Drinking Water ANF-4-10 Annex-F 4.3.2 Present Coverage of Level 3 Water Supply Facilities with Safe Water Access ANF-4-11 Annex-F 4.3.3 Present Coverage of Sanitary Toilet ANF-4-12 Release to Bustos 1- HPP (Main Unit) Main Pipe Angat Storage Dam Angat river To Bustos dam Main Unit Auxiliary Unit (46MW) (200MW) Release to Ipo 1- HPP (Auxiliary Unit) 2- Bypass 3- Lower discharge pipe 4- Spillway N W E Ipo dam S 0 1 km To MWSS Casecnan Hydropower plant (150MW) n a in n s c a e b s - a s l n e C a n Pantabangan tr n u Storage Dam t Power house-1 (100MW) PAM0503 N W E S Masiway dam Power house-2 0 1 km (12MW) Pampanga river Source:
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