Three “other” diseases impacting avocado productivity in Australia EK Dann and LE Parkinson Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION to our knowledge, in South Africa. In avocado, slow Phytophthora root rot is undoubtedly the single most root-to-root spread results in successive death of important constraint to orchard productivity in Aus- trees along the row. The disease is most effectively tralia (and probably South Africa too). However, in managed by removal of the dead tree and its im- recent years the industry in Australia has also faced mediate neighbours, and installation of root barriers. significant tree deaths and/or yield reductions result- Macro-injection with fungicides is problematic and ing from other fungal pathogens, viz. black root rot, not commercially feasible for avocado orchards. Our brown root rot and branch dieback. The purpose of recent research efforts have evaluated susceptibility this article is to heighten awareness in the South Af- of macadamia, mango, passionfruit and citrus to P. rican industry to these disease problems. noxius, and tested Trichoderma spp. as potential bio- Black root rot is a severe disease of young avoca- control agents, and is described below. do trees caused by soilborne fungal pathogens in the Beetle-vectored branch dieback was first observed Nectriaceae family (Dann et al., 2012; Ramírez Gil, in southern Queensland in 2010. The disease vector 2013; Vitale et al., 2012). The most severe symp- was identified as a small (1-2 mm) ambrosia beetle toms of black root rot include leaf wilt and chlorosis (a type of borer), Euwallacea fornicatus. This insect and rapid decline and death of young orchard trans- can carry two fungi, Fusarium sp. and Bionectria sp., plants. Affected roots have distinct brown to black, which are pathogenic to avocado seedlings (Geer- sunken lesions. There have been several reports of ing and Campbell, 2013). This beetle-fungus sym- fungi associated with avocado black root rot, how- biosis is causing significant damage to both declining ever, there is considerable confusion with respect and healthy trees in north Queensland (Geering and to taxonomy and nomenclature (names) of causal Campbell, 2013), California and Israel (Freeman et agents. Ilyonectria destructans associated with avo- al., 2013). In California, more than one beetle and cado was first reported by Joe Darvas (1978) and fungal species are associated with die-back symp- subsequently others as Cylindrocarpon destructans toms (Eskalen et al., 2013; http://ucanr.edu/sites/ (Besoain and Piontelli, 1999; Ramírez Gil, 2013) and pshb/files/238252.pdf) and further research on epi- as Neonectria radicicola (Zilberstein et al., 2007). demiology, causal organisms and management op- Species confirmed by pathogenicity tests as the tions is necessary in Australia. Current management cause of black root rot in avocado include Calonectria involves pruning and removing affected branches ilicicola in Australia (Dann et al., 2012), which also from the orchard. This beetle-disease complex will caused severe stunting, and Dactylonectria macrodi­ not be discussed further in this paper, and the read- dyma (as Ilyonectria macrodidyma) in Italy (Vitale et er is referred to the relevant publications for more al., 2012). Ilyonectria liriodendri, and an undescribed information. Gliocladiopsis sp. were not pathogenic to avocado seedlings in glasshouse pathogenicity tests (Dann et RESULTS AND DISCUSSION al., 2012). A clear understanding of the taxonomy Black root rot and pathogenicity of these fungi is necessary for ac- A recent PhD study in Australia examined more than curate diagnosis and management strategies. 150 isolates of fungi from the family Nectriaceae, Brown root rot is caused by the basidiomycete which were collected from symptomatic avocado fungus Phellinus noxius, and is characterised by rapid roots from nurseries and orchards, and from other leaf wilting and tree death, with a fungal crust or host species. Bayesian inference and Maximum Like- “stocking” sometimes evident on the trunk (Dann lihood phylogenetic analyses of concatenated ITS, et al., 2013). This fungus has an extremely wide β-tubulin and histone H3 gene loci were used to clas- host range amongst woody species in tropical and sify the isolates into six genera, viz. Calonectria, Dac­ subtropical environments, and has been reported in tylonectria, Ilyonectria, Mariannaea, Cylindrocladiella many African countries including Cameroon, Kenya and Gliocladiopsis. Three new species of Gliocladiop­ and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, but not, sis have been described, G. peggii, G. whileyi and 24 SOUTH AFRICAN AVOCADO GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION YEARBOOK 40, 2017 G. forsbergii (Parkinson et al., 2017). Over 20 pu- cultivated to peanut are increasing. This could be tative novel cryptic species in these genera were a risky practice if the peanuts had Cylindrocladium discovered and remain to be formally described. Ily­ black rot (CBR) disease, also caused by Ca. ilicicola. onectria destructans was not associated with Austra- Conversely, Dactylonectria species are more com- lian avocado trees. monly isolated from avocado of all ages, health types Glasshouse pathogenicity tests on avocado cv. and geographical regions, and more than 50 isolates Reed seedlings demonstrated Calonectria ilicicola were collected. While their impact in nurseries may isolated from avocado, papaya, peanut and custard be obvious, further research is necessary to deter- apple were severely pathogenic to avocado, caus- mine whether they are causing tree decline or reduc- ing wilting and stunting, or seedling death, within 5 ing productivity in established orchards, either alone, weeks after inoculation (Fig. 1). Calonectria sp. iso- or in combination with other pathogens, such as Phy­ lated from blueberry caused significant root necro- tophthora cinnamomi. Mariannaea spp. have not yet sis but not stunting. Dactylonectria macrodidyma, been tested for their pathogenicity to avocado. D. novozelandica, D. pauciseptata and undescribed Dactylonectria sp. were also pathogenic to avocado, Brown root rot causing severe root necrosis but not stunting. De- A glasshouse trial determined the relative sus- spite the relatively high frequency of isolation from ceptibility of other horticultural woody species to symptomatic avocado roots, the tested Ilyonectria, Phellinus noxius. The rationale for this was to provide Gliocladiopsis and Cylindrocladiella spp. isolates from information to industry about alternative horticultur- avocado, and Ilyonectria sp. from grapevine were not al crops may be planted in sites heavily infested with pathogenic (data not shown). the brown root rot fungus. The alternate host seed- Calonectria ilicicola as a pathogen of avocado re- lings evaluated were passionfruit (Passiflora edulis) mains restricted to trees originating from one source, rootstock #172, Kensington Pride mango, macada- and there were only 4 isolates collected in the recent mia rootstock Beaumont, citrus rootstocks Troyer, study. However, avocado plantings into land previously Flying Dragon and Cleopatra, hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), with Reed avocado included as a sus- ceptible control. Ten percent of passionfruit seedlings died within one month after inoculation, but there were no further deaths. Within three months of in- oculation all avocados had succumbed to Phellinus, and at the termination of the trial 6 months post- inoculation, almost 40% of macadamia seedlings had died (Fig. 2). No deaths occurred in mango, citrus, or hoop pine. Interestingly, despite Phellinus being a significant cause of tree death in commercial hoop pine plantations, inoculation with the avocado isolate used in this experiment failed to result in hoop pine seedling death, although it significantly (P<0.05) re- duced seedling height compared to non-inoculated plants. Surviving plants from the trial were assessed for further indications of damage to root systems and/ Figure 1. Effect of soil amendment with Calonectria and or reductions in plant vigour. The presence of the Ilyonectria spp. on root necrosis in avocado cv. Reed characteristic Phellinus stocking (mycelia and soil seedlings 5 weeks after inoculation. encrusted areas on plant root systems), varied con- siderably among hosts. Stocking was absent on all surviving passionfruit, present in 19-35% of citrus (excluding Citrus – Flying Dragon) and mango, and 75% of surviving macadamia plants. In a small num- ber of hoop pine and macadamia plants, tissue dis- colouration was evident underneath the stocking, po- tentially indicating early stages of pathogen growth into the plant. However, no discolouration was ob- served in internal tissues of mango or citrus roots underneath the stocking. The alternate host trial data indicate that macada- mia would not be a suitable alternate tree crop to re- place avocado orchards affected by Phellinus. Although no stocking was observed on the surviving passionfruit seedlings, the deaths of two plants is consistent with a Figure 2. Mortality of avocado, passionfruit and macada- report from Thailand indicating that Passiflora edulis is mia following inoculation with Phellinus noxius. susceptible. The presence of stockings on mango and SOUTH AFRICAN AVOCADO GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION YEARBOOK 40, 2017 25 citrus, despite the absence of plant death in the glass- house trial, warrants further investigation under field conditions before providing recommendations
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