MK This Issue: 1986 Gift Guide T § i WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading *nd Mo$t Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County USPSMOX NINETY-SEVENTH YEAR, NO. 18 Stcond CUll Po»M> PiM Published 20 Pages—30 Cents WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1986 Every Thursday Tree Lighting Ceremony Schools Issue Progress Report First December Sunday On Monitoring/Certification Choral arrangements of holi- present choral selections of "With the cooperation of town day music will herald Santa's ar- familiar holiday music, begin- police, fire, and public works Mark C. Smith, Westfield's for the record that the State's Westfield schools in May, found rival at the annual tree lighting ning at 5:15 p.m. This group of departments, the Chamber of superintendent of schools since decision on certification has the school district's policies, ceremony sponsored by the West- approximately 40 men from all Commerce is pleased to arrange Nov. 1, announced today several nothing to do with the quality of practices and procedures "ac- field Area Chamber of Com- walks of professional life in and this townwide event," says Mitch steps that have taken place and education in Westfield's schools. ceptable" in 46 indicators and merce at the Westfield Train Sta- around the Westfield area, under Evans. "We hope that having this several that are scheduled in the "Certification simply means "unacceptable" in five in- tion on North Ave. Festivities the direction of Patrick Clynes, traditional event on a Sunday will monitoring/certification proc- that a district is in full com- dicators. These five indicators have been scheduled for a Sun- will contribute their carols to this enable many young families to cess. pliance with all necessary in- are in the general areas of bi- day — Dec. 7 — this year, to community event. Meanwhile, share the joy and anticipation of lingual education for Japanese- avoid the safety hazzards incur- A 12-member Level II self- dicators in the state monitoring they are preparing for their 62nd the holiday season at this com- study team, composed of six process," said Dr. Smith. speaking students; the use of red during commuter traffic of a annual Christmas Concert which munity celebration." instructional aides vs. certified weekday. community representatives and "The indicators where will be held Saturday, Dec. 13, at The tree lighting ceremony is a six staff members, is scheduled disagreement exists are not teachers in the Basic Skills Ceremonial lighting of the the First Congregational Church part of the Holiday Lights Proj- to meet on Tuesday (December related to Westfield's basic Improvement Program for large evergreen tree is planned in Westfield at 8 p.m. and Sun- ect sponsored by the Chamber. 2) with Linda Levine, county educational programs or the elementary mathematics for 6 p.m. Chamber President day, Dec. 14, at the Calvary Installation of six-foot artificial monitor, and Theodore Kozlik, achievement level of Westfield students; and the identification Mitchell Evans will introduce Lutheran Church in Cranford at 8 trees adorned with red or- Westfield's new director of students. On the state's High of education in some resource members of the Town Council p.m. naments and lights throughout special services. The team has School Proficiency Tests, for ex- rooms as supplemental rather and other town officials, one of Two businesses located near the central business district is ar- met previously with three other ample, Westfield's ninth graders than special education. whom will throw the switch to the train station will contribute to ranged by Chamber member Bill county monitors: Archie Chiles, achieved scores well above the Level I monitoring includes the light the tree. As the tree is il- the festivities again this year: Moore of Classic Studio. The Dorothy Dalian and Midge Nigro. level of the state as a whole and visit of county monitors to the luminated, Santa Claus will ar- Fine Toys, Ltd. will distribute project depends on the financial Dr. Smith, who has met with among the best in Union schools and a review of rive on a fire truck. He will greet balloons to the children and support of businesses, organiza- Union County Superintendent of County," he added. the assembled youngsters and (Continued last page, this section) Homeward Bounty will offer free tions, and individuals whose Schools Vito Gagliardi, is County monitors, who visited distribute candy canes. samples of their wares to Santa contributions to the Chamber's scheduled to go to Trenton this The Westfield Glee Club will enthusiasts of all ages. (Continued last page, this section) week to meet with other state of- ficials on questions raised by the monitoring team. Miller-Cory House Museum Dr. Gagliardi has notified Westfield that he has rejected its appeal of the Level I monitoring To Host Candlelight Tour process which resulted in Westfield's loss of certification at The second annual Bayberry A first person interpretation of the State Board of Education's Candlelight Tour of the Miller- Samuel Miller, the first owner of October 1 meeting. The appeal, Cory House Museum, 614 Moun- the Miller-Cory House, will be begun by the Westfield School tain Ave., will be held Sunday, played by local actor and Board in September* now moves Dec. 7, from 6 to 9 p.m., with a volunteer, Jack Petersen, who on to the second level, the State sample of holiday celebrations, will greet the guests when they Department's Division of County 18th century style. The 1740 farm- enter. and Regional Services. house is listed on both the State A "groaning board" of foods Both Dr. Gagliardi and School and National Registers of His- typical of the 18th century will be Superintendent Smith have noted toric Places and is restored and served in the Visitor's center and furnished in the period. will include corned beef cured by ~" Visitors will take a candlelight the Cooking Committee, and Town Council to At the annual P.B.A. West field Local 90 dance, IVit. Charles P. tour of the historic house with smoked turkey, breads, fruits, Convene Dee. 2 Ross, center, a life-long resident of Westfield was presented with a holiday interpretations of ethnic mulled cider and chestnuts. silver life time P.B.A. card by President Donald Fuentes, left, and decorations of the period Refreshments are under the State Delegate Patrick C. Gray, right. representing the Dutch, Swedish, direction of the Mae Franz and Town Council will convene English and Germans who set- Phyllis Anderson with Museum Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 8:30 p.m., in tled this West Fields of Eliza- cooks and volunteers partici- the Municipal Building. This is a Charles Ross Honored bethtown. They symbolism of the pating. While enjoying this co- regular session, to which the For 30 Year's Service decorations such as the advent lonial repast the guests will be public is invited to attend. wreath, the apple tree and the entertained by music of the Flo Malcolm is ready to welcome Charles P. Ross, a lifelong resi- ed 15 years as captain. lilac branch will be described by guests to the Miller-Cory dent of Westfield, received a Westfield's Policemen's authentically costumed docents. (Continued last page, this section) Bayberry Candlelight Tour. Library Closes for silver lifetime P.B.A. card for 30 Benevolent Association Local 90 years' service to the police honored Ross at their recent Thanksgiving department as a member of the dance. P.B.A. President Det. special police. Donald Fuentes and Officer Bd. Approves Staffing, The Westfield Memorial The special police is a Patrick Gray, a P.B.A. delegate, Library will close Wednesday, volunteer organization that presented the award to Ross. November 26 at 5 p.m. and Thurs- assists the police department "I was very surprised when I Congratulates Retirees day, Nov. 27 for the Thanksgiving with duties such as directing Sun- received the award," said Ross. holiday. The Library will reopen day church traffic. Of his 30 "I do this because I just love to The Westfield School Board dated himself though study." jazz band advisor at Edison; Friday, Nov. 28 at 10 a.m. years with the group, Ross serv- help people." met Nov. 18 in regular session Dr. Smith congratulated William Mathews, drama ad- and approved several personnel Carolyn Holman for having visor, Edison; and Randi Citron, matters. developed a commendable bus duty advisor at Wilson. Retirements were accepted for outreach program at the library Approval was voted for the ap- Boothe Explains Background, Reasons John Givens, an elementary and reported that she would be pointments of the following lun- teacher at Jefferson and Carolyn missed at Edison. chroom aides; Pamela Brug at For Mandatory Recycling Ordinance Holman, a librarian at Edison. The following staff appoint- McKinley; Valorie Intrabartola Superintendent Dr. Mark Smith ments were approved by the at Wilson; and Mary Olsen and (The Westfield Town Coun- Meadowlands. Thus the entire pality would have to enact an acknowledged that he was not ac- board: Benedette Graf as Geoffrey Basarab at Franklin. cil adapted a mandatory county now goes to Edgeboro, ordinance requiring recycling quainted with these staff Washington nurse/health The following aides were ap- recycling ordinance Nov. 5 outside of New Brunswick, As of one material. members but had inquired about educator; Margaret Roedel, proved to work an additional two after a public hearing. Coun- other landfills to the north The state ultimately them of associates in order to Wilson resource room; Betty Ann hours per week to do clerical cilmau Garland "Bud" closed, the state also ordered adopted its own proposed solu- note their retirements with Kaltneckar, special services- work for the new hot lunch pro- Boothe, a member of the Morris and Somerset Counties tion.
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