COFO NSWS RELEASE January l6,1961i 1017 Lynch Street 35?-960$ Jackson,Mississippi HfECCWEST OF 18 ACCOSH) WRW5R15W JACKSON. Civil Rights workers in Mississippi exor#essed"guarde'* optimism"and some doubts about the indictment and arrest of the 18 men ac­ cused of murdering James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Mickey Sowerner last June. ^ome COFO and FDP leaders today(3ata) doubted whether the indictments would result in any convictions since the Federal Jurors like,the state jurors are composed almost exclusively of white persons,The '/bssibility that an all white jury would convict white men for murdering a Negro or White Civil Rights workers is seen here as"extremely doubtfultf It was also felt that the indictments would take the Ifetional spotlight off the other activities of the civil rights movtnrent. Ironically,the three slain men had worked diligently on these activitiesjnow their death* may serve in some ways to divert attention from cause they were Sighting for,Right now,for example,the FD? and COFO are directing i$$ their energies to challenging the firve segregationist Mississippi Congressmen. FT chairman,Lawrence Guyot and other FDP members from Aberdeen,McComb,and Jackson complained about the"viciously diseriminstpry" bonds set for the 18 alleged conspiratorsi" A Negro,1' one Aberdeen man said, "would never have been set free on $£,700 bond for killing a white man, Ke might have been lynched before that ever happened, •"• A Fhiladej phiayP^iCher / Treacher said that" nothing ha3 changed much since the arrests(of Fainey,Price and the other accused conspirators)", "They(lccal toughs) still beat up folk*, and when we #all the sheriff's they tell us to go call the FHToAbout a »|Mrth ago there was a Negro man shot in a cafe.,..,.., there was a fight there.We called Sheriff Painey about it but they never did investigate the shooting." G>ewev«.l *+»•+© mants -* Iw4we».+/»h /kJjJf^^ >ui...r.;.. TIZEN3 CCU: *T ! LIST »*«ref missing civil rigfate worker MloJsry gnhwerner wis oat of 136 oars 11*tod on a Hot curtained recently from th« Canton White Citizens Council, the list was of "fAJtt OBStXVED Dl TXCCTrY or com AND KMC? wanraiae m CAITPOM, mfsmiPfi". AH importer local government officials lo Canton, ani all State representatives that city are known to too Oitisens Oevnoll sweaters. list bod obviously boon circulated to nak* widely .mown tho oara and nanos of civil rlghta workers and looal people active 1A elvil rights of fairs. Canton has recently boon the sjsawsjnaj ecv eerleta vigilante activities. A oar of elvll rights workers drttn frosi Canton to Jackson was stopped on Ana _. Ihe driver, a Paklatanl who la teaching at Tomes loo College neor Jaokaon, was beaten, and tho oocupants felt that they only narrowly escaped with their Uvea. • Ant* is good reason to expect that llata ouoh as this one amy have boon circulated over a largo area, and that suoh llata night have boon used to Identify and way-lay tho Sohvorner oar. It IS against this kind of aotivity that civil rights workers la tho state have almost no protection, beoauae looal law enforoenent] offioere Jo not offer protection to workers and are often themselves Involved in tho most pruts1 forme of harassment. Pol loo in some areas of the atate are japans said to bo members of tho Cltlaons Oounoll and tho Ku CLux flan. fa gala protection against suoh vigilante activity, it would bo necoGoor for federal courts and federal agencies tot l) Either enjoin local officials to give reel protection to N1 £Eivi l righta workers end locsl wegroes setlvt in civil rights, or [8) Bring In sufficient federal idrsballs and FBI agents is offer federal protection to thoee working in the stste. $ • • - • Soo^Wl&H G e*ev«. I VU"te m a H*T s Iv(4t>VMiaT/»H tsf QBSWTO ti ticiarrr or OOK «B * • V*? $-#» Slaughter, 227 Hsrle S >et 1959 Qa^vrolaf fcfe* 1955 rerd lef; g... ;i„ |orrl|M 231 i»t aaatesi * 19^0 Psatisc M*it*y PslsssAl) amemc If >J * 1957 Peatlse 6 am flaadvrtt, jj^ ( I«-J .»-> «set;qaaaea S Cksvrolat T <<•# •;•?. Osatec i960 l***i* K «4«ic*tt, 4oi Casteae 0tr*eVt. i\ e%: ; 19*1 Qurrrolet B»m Jft^ksst-ra,, Boots 1, Hedlwe* ;„*. 1955 ror4, Crw tt B*i..; £9tbo£gr Bordgsrs,. Beat el v-<?&**'*: fts 1959 Gbavrolst 195* Ckavrolst *kerrolat /e&any Eajte l*sfcatt, */22 K* I****,, sjaj t#»;> 4 195% F**las Ivy, Oo*t«U» 559 C0»r«c 81 **«»•*, i^?.t«C •FV av p«*icev» }*3 *<•*«- ju»a#«y ^ • dajsmtc r»r4 «st«r; ft«xt**j.e, 713 rf**t Uie* 3i^*v 1*4 »t lea ' "tee llftaaell, 5&? C*m*t>* «Ct*e*t' Sitvrelet tarson, . ftoate 1, Box £09,: Ossr ? Willises, Dor*l» 1; K«Aio«st • m !*, dm t hi \-» JaskaeaY Ce»t«u* 1955 £ei^k r Willieaa, 35* ». w#*t Stirea^.' Ijfiao* jaM^Oft ' , t uaa osjarroiot *5-u95* .*V Stokee, otto street-, .Ofe#**» 1999 yJT*m fCaleea 61 ©]**#, St*r -j street, '.;is*fe«at - >U3Z "aV'K* Jacmeoa, MM*- Covwc $fer*etf fjpa&e^ Kprrjelet tf»0^~-•O^Ceaaa ' , 2»•"• , Ceate•' ' m :' •",'' ' /."' fv;}.*/.- 1938 Qievrolet j%2104 ease Airith, 718 Ad*lin« »tteet> VakCea' l)M bp^trelot 2ea«e i f5-2138 saklf' Gid-?vr-, K>8 Cowwi strw^ti,- (7C»teK r* 195^ Bn.lck 13^-292 <Jfc*r3de HawitUe, "V»«. nj«al Street)" OamtAS - 2939 Chiirrolat ^-i?08 £«; S* fsaasr, *36 Covae atree*}'4a*t*n ' 3950 rerd ^5*2588 SOVart hr±&&mm, 'UJllI c^aion >1- 19W Chevrolet £-2601 lyiwar ta« J«4ksJ»' < '••'»/d aUHMit^ 0»jf»s#»' 1940 Ch«rrol«t G^srlla Lov«, Bout* ' Box 20¥? Caetww Chrrrolet >5-^*89 raltea laylsr, 3^» WtiU^ ftree^^^O^tew;:'- 19J4 p H» ^tmlaia cu Oosli«r v) t* a.Hac„ »*«? .e««esm ' flwsvrelat •2591 ; ; i*a 5-^71*., i^au .ite»omaiaf *«ua<i ';.< -JU^-; •; nevre%ea' 5*^719 r.CW-ar Kalgmt» 853 w» ?«><'i|%^^^|^'"Oa^^list -93T a k * Qaldwallt Jr., H«ut» 3» T -- - .^ »r* *x IBS F<VH .1 . Chevrolet ejru : •aarjfy'-s^tarea 8tt*at, ..„_^^,.... .963 &seays#a»>,B»ai« ^>'gajst jTjfotfeaf»n Oaevoelet B*ov 1963 •P *swmai,Sarl«rt. ^^aO*C»sJe^ta^ 1959 Xs»ertt «» aoatf ;^aB>#Vrvrf^ X9$0 f »at;t*' aoa^atca. 3U S'oata? aattca 195$ 1 jK.«nal ;Hae Basics^ T< ' 7 .-«! > "i 1959 • 9««iaa4> 558 ttbt 1956 rss-«j Ori«4v.*O7-0«a44ea 1961 Cba^rola* , Bleat# neat«>fBe« 1992 FariS •t XavloT, t08 V. .*do.;aV 195© Poatsio '»e^ WvyV^aw Hill ,<Tar^ 1956 Clu>vro< -* •: ttrsaty temta 1* &cdi 19M Cka^r-': 1**,' 4Jeoaa>.CcBto«i 1999 J*t>oti *e 1999 ft-.:. iis Jt, fipkolsf *****/..$; poft"*«d, v^ca.Jf ^v'^Sejjr Les aeeVed«r« |)eete 1957 ?ord Orfiteo 4 •C^^aia&o tlUf •&& f*Tirt' 195 * oa*Tr»l »* tOWar Brewa,, 225' 0 h*&* J^57 PlraT-m- ft 4bcsa Has. freWi, 5U Ia«9l 19*C' Pol d /^elsate ^a.tiiiv W8 8ata'jw.. it. n 1*»9? > ^-aMvfsadera, • lr,,- 1*9 «Cea%jj WattaaJ m- 1359 ' -' v * > • '•»' It* '•*»'*'• m •<**\m, <v*»l&A* < ScJuoevaer, CkcLHty, *• SeoeWii Ge*eveJ $**•***« eats ** Iw4ovaia+/»h Heade aalamem, 256 Boyd Street, Canton \ » 1957 B«iekt.areen I*7» Charlie Scott, 3l6 lennady Street, Centos . • I955 Beat* •82 3ere*nen Sample, 4l6 Isabella street, Gaston - .. I05? Oeauiee Sraaot PerfcLnaV,'73*. Vest . Aeedeey *•**•£I <Wm: %' 19c* ?e>*lao 0^ee*e Woodruff, 512 Oov«e Street, Csatos 1955 sutok Teaea Xvaaa,. Cssteo & * ;'**&&&&.. Hobinnen, 3?0 Canal Street Canton i .£'• • 195? Postiae J8 h X. >iahoi«. SAnaa. #siW», iae*eeL-isWcSk.-*:•Vi - i «" fi^aa^ Ma'VfMAeo' f ™" *•* a> in Sgfi^^^^^ V712 , Hsate 3, Canton ,J|o%Ie^:te*-.e^ Plckua Plekap Pickup etiensi The Berts Corp., Rankin CO*. 1964 Ford, Black Ante Beatai Company of Plate 1964 Oldsmobile, nTuo Into Beatai Company of Dixie, Jackson, Miss. 1964 Olds, Black Jl The Harts Corp,, Rankin Co. Airport 1964 Poato, Oro 6 Cr» (439 The Hertz Corp*, Rankxn Co, Airport 1964 Cher-, Owes* k>74 The Herts Corp:., Rankin CO Jl Airport >« 1964 Bulek, Cream (Bed Connaly) I?55 Hesi Hiaftsoa, Tonaaloo 1953 Ford Congress of fiaeial Equality ''..**, 1963 Pord, Blue Sta­ tion Wagon J* Dudley Lehew, Box 4^5., Jackson 1963 Chevrolet, Whi't . i - Convertatie Target Photo Tiniah, l?i2 K. Mill Street, Jackson Blue Ramblers J.. Ho MeAlUly, 664 Stat* Street, Jackson 1960 White Plynoutl Pa 0, Russell, 139 T^nAostiee Avenue, Jackson Blue 1962 Fc*d Janes Franklin. Rout.e 5; Jackson 1961 Plynoatt W, £. To3*rT 3130 A4/i»ne Street, Jackson 1959 Poafrl* Clark Escc, fit Wo Fulton, Canton 1963 Chevrolet J«at*s Jchmf^Uj Boat 107. Carton 1954 Bnick ffagenfa Patteraea, I»3l>*ii* Surest, Canton 1955 Chevr-let MM shell C. Janes, 1730 Hocurd Street, Jackson 1963 Pcntxac Eunice King, Bout* 3f BJX S7-A. Vicksburg »- i960 Stttdebskex F<ixl Rogers Guntown, Mississippi 1959 Pontiao Jaaios H, Bust, 1923 Highway 4$, Columbus 1959 ^igfr •39 1964 Chevrolet ? I'r.iv*n by Frank G. Schvelb, Washington r>„ C». (Justice M*T '. >7$l Chevrolet C^nvsrtib3#» J90 HB-8270 - Plus Chevrolet U 113 C'raan Valiant Sckvotvaer, Cheney,' &ooo\wi4H G e*nv*. I Vta'to m a *+•s Iw4bvmaT/»H \ • -? • Peg* 3 •i0~>69 White Plyaouth P9122 Wh^te Ooevrolet A 5:590 Bine Bnlak y ] 01699 Unite Chevrolet Tesneeeec 1W9664 - Bine Pontiac • • ,*••. .• • -. • • >'i?rlde 2CW1468 - i960 Chevrolet ConvertiWletitts,, White .. ; '."imeeeee 18W737 * ' * i. • • Tennedses 2TA-29.
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