^TEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEB, 6, IMT t w b n t t Avnaga Daily drenlatian The Waather Mmtrbpstrr £itimino lirrallt ■V r«e the Mooth*or October. 1M1 Poeamat ot 0 . B. Weathor Mmau VMday Idra. Marilyn Jonaa Sana haa re­ The aaator choir of Cteanuet Rev. Russell Clintdiy. pastor of Meetly eleady tealgMt turned to Manchaatar after s p a c ­ Uitheran church has already'begun the Center Congregational church, 9,311 variable cleudlaem with e«no ratal About Town ing the paat aaven montha 'in rehearsals for the concert at the Hartford, urlll be the guest speaker fftaaber of the Aoffit likely Friday nights little ehaage church Sunday evening. December at the meeting of Center church WANTED Seattle, Waah., britb her huaband, Atlantic RANGE AND FUEL OIL Boraoo ef CIreoiattaaa la temperatare. 14 whan Handel’s Messiah will be Women's Federation this evening s Pfc. Gilbert Saaa, who la aUtlonad c TIM usual Wednesday eveninf at Fort Lowton, In the poet signal presented. For the present the re- at eight o*rh<ck. His 'subject, Manchester--“A City of ViUage Charm prayer and teaflmony mceUng will office. Mrii. 8aas traveled east by hMrsals are In connection with "Living In Bntatn Today," Is one Rongt aiul Fuel GIRL take rtace thi* evening at 7:30 at the Wednesday evening practice that he is well qualified to speak ; Wholesole Gotoline , the Northweat Airlines and enjoy- Affrertlelog ao rO fe 16} (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS the Churi-h of the Naiarene. T€>- I ed a comfortable trip. For the periods. Mrs. Elsie Gustafson, so­ upon as he has visited Britain { For tjiiinit and ircneral VOL. LXVII., NO. 32 MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1947 morrow eranlng at the same hour ; present sbe will make her home prano, and her slater, Mrs. Elean­ twice since the cessation of hoetlll- : office work. Good workinif will mark the flrrt of the aeries or Johnson, contralto; Roger ties. This Piuit five months- ho OIL of denicra t> be conducted by with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. conditionn and wagee! * Paul Jones of Wellington road. Her Lioucks, tenor, and Ralph Astnger, spent In Edlnourgh. Rr.otland, as ; General Suferintendent G. B. baritone, will be the soloists. exchange pastor of Morningalde I Bantly Oil Company Williamaon. of Kanaaa City, No- husband will Join her within a few Honrs 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Eisenhower Unveils Rogers Statue 'months after his discharge from church that city. All Federation | L. T. WOOD CO. .T'll Main Street TeL 529S or S-1057 •vember 6 Uirouph #, to which all members are uiged to bring their i Write Box U Former Manager are welcome ' the serilce. A most delightful birthday sup-1 Oppoeltc the Armory Molotov Sees Bases husbands, and all men of the .'ll BinwII 8t. Tel. 4496 per was given at the home of Mr. | church are invited. Gnmp B mem- ' C O T h e Herald and Mrs. Ramon Pere* on Rst- bers will serve refreshments. ; urday evening In honor of Mrs. Perer.’s mother, Mrs. l*_E. OeVall. The rummage aale of the Amerl- ! Without Control ’The table was tastefully decorated.' can Legioh Auxiliary will open to- | United States Holds j the centerpiece being a large morrow morning In the store at ' HALE'S SELF SERVE birthday cake presented to her by TilT Main street. The Ways and The OriRiiuil In New hngland her daughter. Many friemls and .Means commit let will be in charge. Of Publicity Man neighbors were present to help ...Haleys have the Fabrics Mrs. DeVall spend a most pleasant Mrs. Marie Fontana of 177 Oak I and HEALTH MARKET birthday. Gifts received were street is a patient In 8t. Francla ' A s ^Aggression’ Sign many and beautiful. hospital, Hartford. Perelle Says He Dis­ Deputies Begin charged Meyer Be­ THURSDAY SPECIALS Just Received! Declares Secret of Atom cause He Cpuld Not To Succeed Bilbo Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! On Spadework Formal Policy Bomb *Has Long Beautiful 24” x48” Reversible Fine Chenille Find Out What Pub­ licity Man Was Doing Ceased to Exist' and As­ Lb. F or Treaties For Meeting Aborn's Coffee 59c For Hughes Aircraft sails United States Beardsley’s For Trying to Keep Meet in Atmosphere o f Not Revealed Bathroom laid Washington, Nov. 6.—^/P) Secret; Asserts Brit­ Can 1 5 C Pessimism to Tackle Codfish Cokes — A former general manager ain Collaborating in Broadcast of Howard Hughes’ Aircraft Problems Concerning Mounting American De­ Acquisition of Bases Makp Up Your Own Drapes! Bedroom RugS\ company told a Senate com­ Germany and Austria mands for Early Set­ Corned Beef Hash C .n 33c mittee today he fired Publici­ tlement o f Peace May London, Nov. 6,— (/P)—So­ ty Man John W. Meyer “be­ London, Nov. 8— (O —Deputy cause I had no control over viet Foreign Minister V. M. foreign ministers of the Big Four Result in Showdown p k g . 18” Printed Toweling him.” Charles W . Perelle, who Molotov declared today the Minute Tapioca 14c met today—In an atmosphere of was hired by Hughes at $75,- Washington, Nov. 8.—(ffj— United States was establish­ $2.98 pessimism—L> tackle the tough, 000 a yestr to take over manage­ Mounting American demands for ing new Naval and air bases deadlocked problems involved In ment of the Hughes Aircraft Oo., an early peace aettlement In Eu­ dose to Russia “as a prepa­ p k g . 17c Special BStld be diacharged Meyer because Writing peace treaties for Ger­ Rain Drops iC yard Floral patterns that are reversible and washable. he couldn’t find out what the pub­ many and Austria. rope seem certain today to force ration for aggression.” He Rose, blue and green. licity man was doing. The deputies, charged with do­ a United Statee-Rusalan show­ declared in a Moscow address Vaa Oamp'a N. E. Style Cut Off rayroH In 1045 ing the spadework for a meeting down In the Big FV)ur Foreign the secret of the atom bomb /CRDfESECRtO* Two .smart floral patterns that will make colorful He said he does not know under of the C?ouncil of Foreign Minis­ drapes, place mat.a, .‘icarfs and towel.s. Ministers’ meeting at London has long ceased to exlat" and Beans Can 19c what terms Meyer • remain^ In ters here on Nov. 25, convened later thla month. then aoaalled the United Btatea Hughes’ employe, but that he was aralc reporte that Britain, France, Some authorities believe that if for trying to keep the oecraL cut off the Hughes aircraft pay­ la eeffwonlee at tlm WUI Rogers Memorial coUaeum at Ft. Worth. Tex., Oen. Dwlgkit D. dsenlMwer nn- Russia and the United States were the London conference falla to Secret Known Soma H bm ' roll In the fall of 1045. vetla a Ufe-siM bronse atatne of the late humorist. Will Kngera. A Rogers portrait ako was naveiled badly split as ever on' the aad Rogen* fax-orlte song, "Horn; on the Range,” \ias sung by fflargnret Truman, daughter of the presl- make definite progress on a Ger­ Perelle, now president of the major Issues In the two treaties. (A Polish official attending'tha Fresh Spinach s u. pk. 21c Nev^Patterns In Classic deuL (AP wlrephoto). ___ ___________________________ ______________ man peace treaty and to complete United Natlona General Asaambly SElFlSMO#THiNO 36^^ Striped Oar Wood Industries at Wayne, Some Informants, unofficial but an Austrian settlement, the last Mich., appeared before a Senate a:. Lake Success aald the secret of usually reliable, said the rift had vestige of great power unity the atom bomb had been known War Inveatigatlng aubcommittee developed ao far that the United aymbollzcd In the conferences of Circuit Judge John A. Stennie which la Inquiring Into 140,000,000 (above) took a lead la Mleeleelppl for soma Ume, but the technique States already had drafted a plan the foreign ministers may be de of producing the bomb—putting tt Bun. Outing Flannel worth of wartime plane contracta which would amount to a peace Russia Will Resist Any Attempt Democratic primary returae wMch Pascol Celery I9c Paper Drapes stroyed. together—reihalnod a aecrcL m o - awarded Hugbea. apparently aeaured lilm of tlw U. pact with that portion of Germany Forma) Policy Not DIacleoed lotov did not apedfy whether Run- Meyer told the committee last outside the Russian-occupied Formal American policy for the S. Senate ecat formerly held by summer that be spent nearly the late Senator Theodore a slan sdentlata bad learned thla eastern region. A t Ousting From United Nations London meeting remains to be dis technique). Bun. $184,000 of Hugbea’ money enter- Beady to Adqpt Moderator Role closed. But It appears certain that BUho. Fresh Carrots 10c LUSTAQUIK'ENAMEi tatnbig high government and Ar- Molotov aald Britain waa ed - Ic yard Britain was pictured as ready Secretary of State Marshall will laboratlng with the Americana In To tboMaedt — LUSTAQU1K meant the .my officiala before the contracta to adopt the role of moderator be­ give serious weight to proposals «v*y to radnith aad renew chairt, tablet, wood- 98® were awarded Hugbea. The publi­ the acqulaton of haaea which wore weira—all inccrior turftcet m tmait modcra tween R'lssla and the United by former Secretary James F. "not designed for defonae purpoa- Diamond Walnuts L b. 48c Good looking stripes in green, rose and blue for night city man la reported ready to testi­ States In iuiy disputes which de­ Byrnes and Senator Vandenberg Steiiiiis Adds colort. h metnt a u lf tm—thing enamel. A rich ’ fy again If be la wanted.
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