October 23, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1547 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING AND COMMENDING look to pivot to the Asian Pacific region, I feel CONGRATULATING UNITED NORTH THE 165TH AIRLIFT WING OF THE that National Day deserves an appropriate ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN ALEX- GEORGIA AIR NATIONAL GUARD commemoration from Congress. I believe it is IS, IL vitally important for the U.S. to continue to bol- HON. JACK KINGSTON ster Taiwan’s efforts as they are one of the HON. CHERI BUSTOS OF GEORGIA most promising democracies in the region. OF ILLINOIS Such stable regional partners should be val- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 23, 2013 ued and held in the highest regard. This significant anniversary also provides an Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to opportunity for this Congress to reflect on the Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the 165th Airlift Wing of the Georgia Air current state of our bilateral relationship with congratulate United North Elementary School National Guard, marking their tenth anniver- Taiwan and to take proactive steps to en- in Alexis, IL, which has been recognized as a sary of mobilization for wartime missions. hance it. 2013 National Blue Ribbon School and will be Since 2003, the 165th Airlift Wing has As the 10th largest trading partner with the honored next month at a ceremony here in served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation United States, Taiwan’s economic importance Washington. Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn, is continuing to rapidly increase in a growing As the mother of three sons who were edu- with more than 80 percent of the wing’s 900 21st century global economy. As longstanding cated by our public schools, I know firsthand airmen deploying during that time. Over the friends and allies, I am pleased to add my the importance of a high-quality education and last ten years, the eight C–130H2 aircraft op- voice to congratulate Taiwan on this momen- I am proud that students in our community are erated by the wing have seen 11,363 flying tous occasion. learning at one of the best schools in the na- hours and 7,441 combat sorties. tion. United North Elementary has imple- When the 165th Airlift Wing was activated f mented several programs that identify strug- for the first time since the Korean War, its unit gling students early and provide them with in- members responded admirably. Their first unit IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- dividual attention to make sure all students aircraft dispatched within 72 hours of notifica- NIVERSARY OF THE BUSINESS have an opportunity to succeed. They have tion. In 2004, the 165th Airlift Wing was the AND INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF seen great results in students’ math and read- first C–130 unit to deploy and operate out of NEW HAMPSHIRE ing abilities and I am happy they have been Iraq, flying under the famous ‘‘Red Tail’’ mark- recognized for their achievements. ings of the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing. HON. ANN M. KUSTER In 2005, the 165th Airlift Wing had the sol- United North also succeeds in involving the OF NEW HAMPSHIRE emn honor of supporting the rescue mission of whole community in education. Along with reg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the 16 Navy SEALs and Army Special Oper- ular parent-teacher conferences and an active ation Aviation Regiment troops whose MH– Wednesday, October 23, 2013 PTO, the school hosts classroom visits during 47D was shot down while attempting to rein- American Education Week and recently start- Ms. KUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ed a Very Special Person Day for students to force four SEALs under attack by the Taliban. celebration of the 100th anniversary of one of The 165th continued its tradition of excel- bring adult visitors to the school. my district’s finest institutions: the Business Mr. Speaker, I again want to congratulate lence in 2011 as a part of the 774th Expedi- and Industry Association of New Hampshire. tionary Airlift Squadron, during which time the United North Elementary School and Principal For one hundred years, the BIA has rep- Sue Wilson for this remarkable achievement 774th was recognized as the only squadron in resented and protected the interests of New the United States Central Command Area of and I thank them for their service to students Hampshire’s business community as the state- in our community. Responsibility tasked at 100 percent. All 15 wide chamber of commerce. Over that time, it squadron aircraft flew every day for over 60 has helped to strengthen the Granite State’s f days. robust economy, and it has played an essen- In tribute to its outstanding service during tial role in creating and upholding the state’s IN RECOGNITION OF YVONNE wartime mobilizations, I am honored today to unmatched pro-business climate. WRIGHT recognize the 165th Airlift Wing and its con- First known as the New Hampshire Manu- tributions to the United States of America. facturer’s Association, the BIA was born in HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING f 1913 from the minds of several small business OF MASSACHUSETTS 102ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE NA- leaders concerned about government legisla- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion and over-regulation of business. Since TIONAL DAY OF THE REPUBLIC Wednesday, October 23, 2013 OF CHINA (TAIWAN) that time, the Association has grown to rep- resent more than 400 businesses across New Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in HON. ADAM KINZINGER Hampshire’s strongest industries. Together, recognition of Yvonne Wright, who celebrates those businesses employ more than 86,000 her 100th birthday on October 23, 2013. OF ILLINOIS workers across the state’s manufacturing, Yvonne Angelle Vigeant was born on Octo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES technology, health care, and financial services ber 23, 1913 in Brookline, Massachusetts. Wednesday, October 23, 2013 sectors, among many others, and they con- Growing up with twin sister Helene, she grad- Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Oc- tribute more than $4.5 billion each year to the uated from Brookline High School and was tober 10th marked the 102nd Anniversary of state economy. working at Boston State Hospital when she the Wuchang uprising, which led to the estab- Through the strength of its advocacy, the met Lewis Wright, who she married in 1935. A lishment of the Republic of China (Taiwan) on BIA has helped to shape public policies that twin himself, Lewis and his brother were local January 1, 1912. National Day of the Republic encourage businesses to succeed and the entrepreneurs, purchasing English’s Dairy and of China marks a significant day for the Tai- community to prosper, now and into the future. establishing Wright Brothers’ Sports Center, wanese people as they celebrate each year On October 23rd, the Association will cele- the popular Holbrook bowling center and golf with parades, fireworks and military regalia. brate its 100th anniversary with a dinner and driving range. Together, Yvonne and Lewis The United States and Taiwan have been for- awards ceremony. As New Hampshire busi- raised four children, and went on to welcome tunate to share such a dynamic friendship that ness leaders mark this special occasion, I nine grandchildren, fifteen great-grandchildren, I believe will only continue to grow. urge all Granite Staters and all Americans to and three great-great-grandchildren. As the U.S. seeks to rebalance our com- join them in honoring this essential community Mrs. Wright has expressed a lifelong pas- prehensive foreign policy strategy, and we institution. sion for art, having become an accomplished ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:10 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K23OC8.001 E23OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 23, 2013 oil painter. She is also well-known in her com- had risen to the highest level of officiating in IN TRIBUTE TO HAROLD SHARP munity as being passionate about the environ- the MLB. Wally was another great sports prod- ment, often advocating for greater environ- uct of the Mahoning Valley. I extend my heart- HON. DAVID SCHWEIKERT mental protections and voicing her opinion in felt sympathy to all of his friends and family. OF ARIZONA local newspapers. Yvonne loves to spend time I submit the following article that appeared IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with her large family, and is often be found at in the New York Daily News on October 15. her grandchildren’s soccer games and school Wednesday, October 23, 2013 events. [From the Associated Press, Oct. 15, 2013] Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Yvonne MLB UMPIRE WALLY BELL DIES OF APPARENT today to recognize Mr. Harold Sharp for his 44 Wright on her 100th birthday. I ask that my HEART ATTACK AT AGE 48 years and 3 months of dedicated government colleagues join me in wishing her many more service. Arizona is in sincere gratitude for the NEW YORK.—Major League Baseball umpire years of health and happiness. Wally Bell, who worked the NL playoff series assistance, guidance, and leadership you f between the Pittsburgh Pirates and St. have provided for the Federal Aviation Admin- Louis Cardinals that ended last week, has istration for so many years. IN HONOR OF WORLD POLIO DAY died.
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