The Clinton Independent. ^NO. &L/ ST. JOHNS MICH. THURSDAY, OCTOBEK 23, 1902. WE VOL. XXXVt=-NO*L/ WHOLE NO.—1863 MR. YOUMANS READY. DR. R. S. MORRISON DEAD A RED LETTER HE WON’T DO IT WAS A I. 0. 0. F. Wna an Old Soldier Who Had Served HU Partlow Doaen ’t Appear to Want Meeting of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Country Long and Well. ''Argun” With Pattereon. Assembly at Port Huron. He is Waiting for Congressman Dr. Robert Gillroan Morrison died Was Last Saturday for St. Hon. H. J. Patterson, Democratic John W. Merrihew, of Olive Only 14 tickets were sold at this at his residence on North Clinton candidate for the state legislature last station last Monday for the special Fordney to Accept the Avenue, St. Johns, Mich., Friday, Johns and Clinton week issued the following challenge Lived to Pass the Cen­ train from Grand Rapids to Port - Challenge October 17, 1902, from a combination County Maccabees to Hon. Levi. W. Partlow, Republican tury Mark. Huron to convey delegates and of troubles, some of which were con­ candidate for the same office: visitors to the meeting of the I. O. O. tracted while in the army and con ­ St. Johns, Oct. 16, 1902. F. grand lodge and Rebekah assembly tinued to grow more troublesome un ­ Hon. Levi W. Partlow, Eagle, Mich.: in that city. Among the number til they finally caused bis death. Dear Sir—The Democratic county were: G. W. Johnson and wife, W. FOR THE JOINT DEBATE Dr. Morrison was born at Wheelock WAS BEAUTIFUL WORK ermmittee has asked me to speak at A PIONEER OF OLIVE. G. Holmes and wife, Geo. L. Tinkham, Hollow. Caledonia county, Vermont, DeWItt on Tuesday evening next, at J. C. Ilughus, C. B. and Mrs. G. L. January 8, 1838, therefore lie was 64 Wacousta on Wednesday evening and Morrill, of fcjt. Johns. There were a years old last January. at Eagle on Thursday evening on the number who went Tuesday morning. He Declares that the People At the age of 23, while a resident of That Done by Degree Team of issues of the campaign, and especially Roanoak, Huntington county, Ind., on the question. “Should the Repub- He Was the Father, of Olive Want to Hear Views on he enlisted in the union army of the Oriental Tent of Grand can Party be Continued in Power in Township and Gave it Democratic Meeting" the Live Issues. war of the rebellion, and was captain Rapids Michigan.” I would be pleased to The following Democratic meetings of the Morton Rifles. Was later com ­ have you attend these nuetings and its Name. have been arranged for and will be missioned lieut. colonel, and -later occupy one-half the time. If you will held on the dates named: colonel, which last position lie held do so please let me know, Yours truly. Elsie, Monday, Oct. 27, II. J. Patter­ up to the close of the war. He had H. J. Patterson ." son speaker. Congressman Fordney lias had plenty been in the service 4 years, 5 months The visit of Oriental Tent degree So far Mr. Partlow has returned John William Merrihew was born in Ovid, Tuesday, Oct. 28, H. J. Pat­ of time In which to accept the chal­ and 16 days, and had served longer team, of Grand Rapids, to St. Johns no answer to the invitation and It is Olive township, Ulster county, New terson speaker. lenge for a joint debate issued by his than any member of Grisson Post, G. tent last Saturday was an event which not expected that lie will accept. The York. January 19,1802, and died in Forest Hill, Wednesday, Oct. 29, H. A. R., of which he was a member. will long live In the memory of Clinton Republicans are not discussing state J. Patterson speaker. opponent, Hon. Henry M. Youmans, He studied medicine before he went issues at present. Olive township, Clinton county, Mich., Sutton school house, Thursday, Oct. but up to the present he has not ac­ into the army, finishing his course and county Maccabees. October 16,1902, at the ripe old age of 30, H. J. Patterson speaker. cepted. Mr. Youmans stipulated that commencing practice in Indiana at By noon of that day the avenue was 100 years, 8 months and 27 days. Maple Rapids, Saturday. Nov. 1, H. he would like to have the debate take the close of the war. alive with Sir Knights who had come COMMISSIONER’S SECTION Mr. Merrihew, the subject of this J. Patterson speaker. He was united in marriage with from the remotest recesses of the Eagle, Thursday, Oct. 30, J. Earle place by Oct. 25, in order that each Miss Alma Seleck. of Allegan, Mich., sketch, was united in marriage with Brown and D. W. Kelley speakers. candidate might have the last week of September 4, 1881. and came to St. county. Every tent in thecounty was Teachers, 1'uplln and Patrons. Miss Belecho Bishop, May 5, 1827. She Westphalia. Saturday, Nov. 1, J. the campaign for personal work: but Johns in October. 1886. where he con ­ represented, and long before the open­ The following are the Instructions finished her life work and preceded Earle Brown and D. W. Kelley will it is very evident how that the con­ tinued to practice medicine until his ing hour arrived the K. O. M. M. hall just issued by the superintendent of him to the new and better life in speak. health became so poor that he was was packed.. public instruction to the commission­ Round school house, Lebanon, Tues­ gressman does not propose to meet the obliged to abandon it. He had not ers of the stBte, relative to eighth September, 1873. Through this union day evening, Oct. 28. honest old farmer. His secretary has been able to visit his patients at any The fame of the visiting degree staff grade examinations: three sons were born to them, one of Fowler, Friday evening, Oct. 31. sent the reply printed below which in­ time during the last five or six years. had preceded it and the big crowd was The county board of school examin ­ whom, Peter H., died at the age of 21. dicates us much: and the machine In early years and while a resident drawn together In the hope of seeing ers shall look over and mark all papers The other two, John M. and William Wanted. irgan in Saginaw replied for the of Indiana he was made a member the beautiful and impressive work of written by applicants for diplomas. congressman with fl^pcHtorlal utter­ and was a close attendant upon the An average standing of 80 percent, J., still reside in Olive township, the A trustworthy gentleman or lady in ance that indicated that it, too, was meetings of the Masonic Lodge. But the ritual performed for once as it and not less than 70 per cent, in any former on the old farm and the latter each county to manage business for an tearful of the result if the debate since he came to St. Johns he gave should be. And they were not disap ­ branch shall be required. on a farm near by. old established house of solid financial should take place. Mr. Youmans is but little time or attention to the pointed. The diploma shall bear the signa ­ In 1836 Mr. Merrihew with his fam­ standing. A straight, bona fide week­ still waiting for the congressman ’s order and its work. He had no child­ At nine o ’clock sharp the piano ture of the county commissioner and ily left the state of New York and ly cash salary of $18.00 paid oWcheck friends to push him into the ring and ren. and his relatives have nearly all struck up a lively march, the large teacher of the one to whom diploma came to Michigan and for one year Wednesday with all expenses direct meanwhile he offers the following for died, save two or three nephews. double d«>ors were thrown open and Is granted. lived in Wayne county and from there from headquarters. Money advanced the machine organ to digest: This is also true of Mrs. Morrison ’s the sixteen knights composing tiie Only those pupils who have pursued moved into the wilderness of Clinton for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton To the Editor of the Saginaw Evening kinsmen. Therefore, she is left al­ team marched in clad in the gorgeous the studies of the eighth grade at least county and settled upon and cleared Bldg., Chicago. 44-16 News: most alone, aside from good neighbors six months shall nave tiieir papers up the farm upon which he died. He robes suitable to tiieir several parts. forwarded to tiie examining board. was prominent in the organization of Sir.—In the Courier Herald of the and friends It was difficult indeed to believe that BUSINESS LOCALS. fifteenth of October an editorial seeks Dr. Morrison was a very proud Sir Knight Williams was not the real But one examination will be held the township and was accorded the to give me pointers for a joint discus ­ spirited man, and exceedingly neat in during tiie year, said examination to right and honor of naming it. He Antiochus Eplphanes, king of Syria; be held during t wo dajs, on tiie second chose the name of the town in New Money To Loan At Lowest Rate of Interval sion. It consists of a column of figures his personal habits and in his home. or that Sir KnightGreenhaum was not II.
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