KIDS KINGDOM CONVENT SCHOOL SINGHEWALA 3rd Standard ENGLISH CH-1-IF I KNEW Answer these questions. a. How does the poet want to give smiles to the children? Find out and numbers the sentences in sequence. i. (3) Scatter the smiles ii. (1) Find the box iii. (4) Children smile for many days. iv. (2) Open the lock. b. How does the poet plan to get rid of all the frowns? i. By putting them in a box and locking them in the sea. ii. By putting them in a box and locking, it and them, throwing it. iii. By putting them in a box and after locking it, hiring a giant to throw it in the deep sea. (✓) USE GRAMMAR A. Arrange each set of words in alphabetical order. a. Mumbai Delhi Kolkata Chennai Chennai Delhi Kolkata Mumbai b. Dog bear monkey cat Bear cat dog monkey c. Ship bus aeroplane cycle Aeroplane bus cycle ship d. Table sofa chair bed Bed chair sofa table e. Peacock parrot sparrow eagle Eagle parrot peacock sparrow B. Arrange the names of flowers in alphabetical order a. Sun flower ,rose ,lily ,daisy, tulips Daisy, lily, rose, sun flower, tulips Question/Answers Q.1 'Then, folding and holding, I did pack them in,' Why does the poet say this? Ans The poet say so because he wishes to remove all frowns from everywhere. Q.2 Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem? Ans Play-day, meet-street Q.3 Which face do you like and Why? I like the smiling face because it looks good. CH-2 NATURE’S GIFT 1. Tick The correct groups of words to complete these sentences. a. The baya weaver bird and the baby elephant live. i. In a form ii. In a forest (✓) iii. In a zoo b. The baya weaver bird keeps on thinking as he does not want to hurt i. His father ii. His mother iii. His friend (✓) c. The elephant gets excited because his friend i. Is with him ii. Books after him iii. Works hard to help him (✓) 2. Who said the following? a. “ If I had wings like you, I would have flower……” The baby elephant b. “Don’t feel said.” The baya weaver bird c. “Are you ready to fly?” The baya weaver bird d. “ Thank you my friends.” The baby elephant USE GRAMMAR A. Tick (✓)the sentences and cross (×)the ones that are not. a. Elephant animal big. (×) b. My shoes are dusty. (✓) c. The dog is sleeping in his basket. (✓) d. Squirrel not eating. (×) e. Dry colour blue. (×) f. Birds fly in the sky. (✓) Opposites a. Above - below b. Fast - slow c. Foolish - wise d. Truthful - liar e. Found - lost Question/answer 1. Why does the baby elephant wish to have wings? Ans The baby elephant wishes to have wings, so that he might fly high in the sky. 2. Who helps the baya weaver bird to collect a heap of feathers? Ans All the other birds 3. Why do you think the baya weaver bird weaves the pair of wings? Ans The baya weaver bird weaves the pair of wings for the baby elephant. 4. What lesson do you learn from the story? Ans We learn that the nature gives us different abilities but at heart, we are all the same. 5. Do you like friendship between the baya weaver bird and the baby elephant? Why not? Ans Yes, I like the friendship because the baya weaver bird works hard to help the baby elephant. Answer the questions with reference to context. “You have been given the gift of strength.” i. Who said these words and to whom? Ans The baya weaver bird said these words to the baby elephant. ii. Who has been given the gift of strength to the listener? Ans Nature has given the gift of strength to the listener iii. Did the listener agree with the speaker? Ans Yes, the listener agreed with the speaker. GRAMMAR -CH-1 -ALPHABETIC ORDER 1. Arrange the names of these games in alphabetical order. i. Hockey ii. Football iii. Cricket iv. Badminton Answer- i. Badminton ii. Cricket iii. Football iv. Hockey 2. Arrange the names of these characters in alphabetical order and write them in the blanks. i. Red riding hood ii. Pinocchio iii. Thumbelina iv. Cinderella v. Snow white vi. Goldilocks Answer i. Cinderella ii. Goldilocks iii. Pinocchio iv. Red riding hood v. Snow white vi. Thumbelina GRAMMAR- CH-2 SENTENCES A. Tick( ✔ ) the sentences and cross ( X )those which are not. 1. Suhana is my best friend. (✔) 2. happy I am very today. ( X ) 3. The phone is ringing. (✔) 4. in the market. ( X ) 5. is not jyoti neighbor my. ( X ) 6. Birds are singing. (✔) 7. singing birds. (X) 8. calling is mother Rohan. ( X ) 9. What is your name? (✔) 10. The door is open. (✔). B. Match the groups of words given in the two columns. Column 1. Column 2 1. Rohan (a) walks with a stick (3) 2. Reena and Veena (b) build nests in trees (4) 3. My grandfather (c) cooks good food (5) 4. Birds (d) studies in my school (1) 5. My mother (e) are good dancers (2) C. Rearrange these words to make sentences. 1. my best friend Rohit is Rohit is my best friend. 2. in this I study school I study in this school. 3. Have dosa will for lunch I I will have dosa for lunch. 4. you do have book my Do you have my book? 5. is what your name What is your name? D. Complete the sentences with words of your own choice . 1. I am scared of monkey. 2. My mother cooks good food. 3. I play with a football. 4. The stars shine brightly. 5. Birds build nests in trees. HINDI pwT-1- hm nNhy< nNhy< bÇcy hY pRÜn: Awp kYsy bÇcy hY>? aËqr: hm infr AOr swhsI bÇcy hY<[ pRÜn: nNhy-nNhy bÇcy #Xw-#Xw krny ky ikE kh rhy hY<? aËqr: nNhy-nNhy bÇcy ihmigir pr cFny AOr jnnI kI jX-jXkwr krny ky ikE kh rhy hY pRÜn: es kivqw my< ‘Ívjw’ iksy khw gXw hY? aËqr: es kivqw my< ‘Ívjw’ Bwrq ky iqr<gy J<fy ko khw gXw hY[ pRÜn: nNhy<-nNhy< bÇcy< kYsy hY? aËqr: nNhy<-nNhy< bÇcy< nwdwn amr ky AOr ApnI Dun ky sÇcy hY<[ pRÜn: nNhy< bÇcy iks pr cFny ky ilE kh rhy hY<? aËqr: nNhy< bÇcy ihmigir pr cFny ky ilE kh rhy hY[ pRÜn: Apny dyS kI kOnsI bwq sbsy AÇCI lgqI hY? aËqr: Apny dyS kI Anykqw my< Ekqw vwlI bwq sbsy AÇCI lgqI hY[ pRÜn: es kivqw ky kiv kOn hY<? aËqr: es kivqw ky kiv ‰I sohn lwl dRivvydI jI hY[ pRÜn: es kivqw kw s<dyS #Xw hY? aËqr: Xh kivqw hmy< Xh s<dyS dyqI hYik dyS pRym AmUØX hY[ pRÜn: bÇco< ky mn my< dyS ky pRiq kYsI Bwvnw hY? aËqr: bÇco< ky mn my< dyS ky pRiq ÎXwr AOr ËXwg kI Bwvnw hY? pRÜn: kivqw my< ‘ihmigir’ SÑd kw #Xw AQ~ hY? aËqr: kivqw my< ‘ihmigir’ SÑd kw AQ~ pv~q hY[ 1- uhps fn, x, “kCnksa ds lekukFkZd “kCn NkWaVdj fyf[k, & (tSls % tuuh & ekrk) 1 ekrk ioZr jkLrk izfrKk “kfDr >aMk Mj fj”rk tuuh & ekrk /otk & >aMk iFk & jkLrk iz.k & izfrKk rkdr & “kfDr fgefxfj& ioZr Hk; & Mj ukrk & fj”rk 2- fn, x, “kCnkas ds nks&nks leku rqd okys “kCn ds nks&nks leku rqd okys “kCn dfork esa ls <Waw<dj fyf[k, %& cPps & dPps lPps NksM#axs & rksMsa#xs tksM#saxs Mksysaxs & cksysaxs rksysaxs 3- fn, x, “kCnkas ds foykse “kCn esa fu”kku yxkb,%& 1- viuk & lxk ijk;k vius 2- lPpk & >wBk lR; lp 3- vf/kd & cM#k vusd de 4- detksj & Hkkjh rkdroj gydk 4- ckWDl esa fn, x, “kCnksa dh lgk;rk ls uhps fy[ks okD; iwjs dhft,& ck?k eksj frjaxk Hkkjr 1- gekjs ns”k dk uke Hkkjr gSA 2- gekjs ns”k dk >aMk frjaxk gSA 3- gekjs ns”k dk jk’Vªh; i”kq ck?k gSA 4- gekjs ns”k dk jk’Vªh; i{kh eksj gSA pwT-1 Bw†w pRÜn: Bw†w iksy khqy< hY? aËqr: Apny mn ky Bwvo< qQw ivcwro< ko pR#t krny kw swDn ko Bw†w khqy hY[ pRÜn: Bw†w ky ikqny }p hoqy hY? aËqr: Bw†w ky do }p hoqy hY[ mOiKk Bw†w, iliKq Bw†w[ pRÜn: ilip iksy khqy hY<? aËqr: Bw†w ky ilKny ky F<g ko ilip khqy hY<[ pRÜn: hmwrI rwàtöBw†w kOn sI hY<? aËqr: hmwrI rwàtöBw†w ih<dI hY[ pRÜn – ‘ih<dI idvs’ kb mnwXw jwqw hY? aËqr -‘ih<dI idvs’ ‘14 isq<br’ ko mnwXw jwqw hY[ pRÜn: pUry dyS my< bolI jwny vwlI Bw†w ko #Xw khqy hY<? aËqr: rwàtöBw†w[ pRÜn: ih<dI kI ilip kOn sI hY? aËqr: dyvnwgrI[ pRÜn: p<jwbI kI ilip kOn sI hY? aËqr: gu{muKI 1- fn, x, okD;ksa esa ;k dk fu”kku yxkb,& d) Hkk’kk ds rhu :i gksrs gSaA [k) i= fy[kuk Hkk’kk dk fyf[kr :i gSA x) pqVdqyk lqukuk Hkk’kk dk fyf[kr :i gSA ?k) fgUnh Hkk’kk dh fyfi nsoukxjh gAS M) iatkc dh Hkk’kk caxkyh gksrh gSA p) gj lky 14 flrEcj dks fgUnh fnol euk;k tkrk gAS 2- Hkk’kk ds lgh :i esa dk fu”kku yxkb,A d) Qksu ij ckrsa djuk& ekSf[kd Hkk’kk fyf[kr Hkk’kk [k) dfork fy[kuk & ekSf[kd Hkk’kk fyf[kr Hkk’kk x) dgkuh lqukuk& ekSf[kd Hkk’kk fyf[kr Hkk’kk ?k) fy[kuk& ekSf[kd Hkk’kk fyf[kr Hkk’kk 3- feyku dhft,A Hkk’kk fyfi laLd`r Qkjlh fgUnh jkseu vaxzsth nsoukxjh mnwZ xq:eq[kh iatkch nsoukxjh 4- fn, x, “kCnksa dh lgk;rk ls [kkyh txg Hkfj, d) Hkk’kk ds nks :i gksrs gSaA 14 flrEcj [k) fy[kus ds <ax dks fyfi dgrs gSaA fyfi x) gekjh jk’VªHkk’kk fgUnh gAS fgUnh ?k) fgUnh fnol 14 flrEcj dks euk;k tkrk gSA nks pwT-2 mY< #Xw bnU> pRÜn: hm AÇCy e<swn kYsy bn skqy hY? aËqr: hm sc bolkr, dUsro< kI mdd kr AÇCy e<swn bn skqy hY[ pRÜn: plk AÇCI tIcr #Xo< bnnw cwhqI hY? aËqr: plk AÇCI tIcr es ilE bnnw cwhqI hY #Xo<ik AÇCI tIcr AÇCy kpVy phnqI hY, khwinXW sunwqI hY AOr bÇco< sy ÎXwr krqI hY[ pRÜn: AÇCI ns~ kOn hoqI hY? aËqr: AÇCI ns~ vo hoqI hY jo AÇCI eNswn hoqI hY[ pRÜn: Xid Awp plk kI jgh hoqy qo ipn kw #Xw krqy? aËqr: Xid hm plk kI jgh hoqy qo nInw ko askI ipn lOtw dyqy[ pRÜn: AÇCw eNswn bnny ky ilE #Xw krnw cwihE? aËqr: AÇCw eNswn bnny ky ilE hmy< sc kw swQ dny w cwihE[ pRÜn: Gr Aw kr plk bwr-bwr #Xw soc rhI QI? aËqr: Gr Aw kr plk bwr-bwr Xh soc rhI QI ik asy nInw ko ipn lOtw dynI cwihE QI[ 1- fn, x, “kCnksa dh lgk;rk ls [kkyh txg Hkfj,& lqanj bUlku lkgl Nw&earj d) ,d vPNh Vhpj og gkrs h g S tk s ,d vPNh bUlku gksA [k) ;s pkVs rks Nw&earj gks tk,xhA x) rqEgkjs ckykas dh fiu cgqr lqanj gSA ?k) rqeus lp cksyus dk lkgl fd;kA 2- lgh txg ij vuqLokj (ka) ;k vuqukfld (kWa) yxkdj fyf[k,%& lqnj & lqanj cuwxh & cuwWaxh iln & ilan Nw&erj & Nw&earj dgkfu;k & dgkfu;kWa pkn & pkWan 3- vc vki o.kkZsa dks feykdj “kCn cukb, vkjS lgh feyuk djks & i~+v+y~+v+d~+v uhuk n~+vk+n~+vk fiu u~+bZ+u~+vk cLrs i~+bZ+u~+v nknk c~+v+l~+r~+, iyd 4- fn, x, “kCnksa ds
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