AMERICAN STRING TEACHER May 2006 | Volume 56 | Number 2 MAY 2006 MAY National Conference Highlights Inside! Plus: 5HJLRQDO2XWUHDFK7RXUVIRU $/HVVRQIURP9LRWWL <RXU6FKRRO2UFKHVWUDV DQGPXFKPRUH 0XVLFDO)LFWLRQIRUWKH 6WULQJ3OD\HUDQG7HDFKHU 2 American String Teachers Association www.astaweb.com AMERICAN STRING TEACHER CONTENTS May 2006 | Volume 56 | Number 2 Features and Forums Exploring Musical Fiction for the String 38 Player and Teacher Sitting down with a good book can be a welcome retreat from the mental and physical fatigue of teaching and performing, and it can also be a source for continued musical growth for KQNOPQ@AJPO=J@BKNKQNOAHRAO EBSA?DKKOAIQOE?=Hł?PEKJ by Kellie Brown Regional Outreach Tours for Your School 42 Orchestras: Instilling a Sense of Servant- hood, Pride, and Musicianship Regardless of the size or the venue, the chance to bring orchestral music to schools and students that have never had =JKN?DAOPN=LANBKNI?=J>AKJAKB=PA=?DANOCNA=PAOPFKUO This article provides helpful material, based on the author’s ATLANEAJ?A BKN@ENA?PKNOSEODEJCPKQJ@ANP=GA=PKQN by Brian Cole Singing Strings: National Content Standard 46 No. 1 in the School Orchestra Rehearsal National Conference Highlights: 64 This informative article considers published teaching strate- .DQVDV&LW\6QDSVKRWV gies and research studies related to singing in instrumental (from top to bottom) National Orchestra music education and suggests ways in which these resources Festival participants take the stage; ASTA may be used to enhance beginning and advancing levels of staff and board members get into char- acter for the exhibit hall grand opening; KN?DAOPN=EJOPNQ?PEKJ students have fun with the Wizard of Oz by H. Christian Bernhard exhibit hall theme. Rally the Troops 51 Music education advocates mobilize to ensure that no arts are HABP>ADEJ@&JPDEO=NPE?HA SDE?DłNOP=LLA=NA@EJSymphony magazine last year, the author explains how orchestras can CAPEJRKHRA@KJPDAHK?=HHARAH by Karin Brookes Violin Forum: A Lesson from Viotti 58 &J OARAN=H S=UO $EKR=JJE =PPEOP= 3EKPPE D=O @N=I=PE?=HHU EJŃQAJ?A@PDAS=UEJSDE?DSALH=UPDAREKHEJPDNKQCDPDA example he set with his playing, his compositions, and through About the Cover “Homage to a Great Violist,” an original paint- DEO PA=?DEJC L=OOA@ KJ PDNKQCD DEO OPQ@AJPO =J@ BKHHKSANO ing by Emanuel Vardi, is featured on the cover by John A. Thomson RI $67$·V ODWHVW EHQHÀW &' Ultimate Strings, Volume 2: Classical Virtuosity (see page 20). Licensed courtesy Emanuel Vardi. www.astaweb.com | 5 AMERICAN STRING TEACHER CONTENTS May 2006 | Volume 56 | Number 2 Columns Special Sections Inspirations AHA>N=PEJCHPANJ=PERA 10 As the school year comes to a close, our emphasis shifts Strings: The Alternative from the classroom to the more relaxed atmosphere of Styles Awards OQIIAN1DEOMQEAPANLANEK@EO=JE@A=HPEIAPKBK?QOKJ advocacy and creating a plan for building community sup- +=PEKJ=H KJBANAJ?A LKNPBKNUKQNIQOE?LNKCN=I Highlights Member2Member 0QIIAN KJBANAJ?AOġ 34 Wood More 2006 Previews by Dudley Laufman Joan’s Retirement Poem 83 ASTA National Solo by Joan Hemmerich Lunsford KILAPEPEKJ Teaching Tips Mission Statement 62 1DA6AHHKS0DAAP LDKNEOIOBKN AHHEOPO The American String Teachers Association promotes excellence in string and orchestra by David Littrell teaching and playing. ASTA pursues its mis- sion through: DQRSHQVKDULQJRILGHDV My Turn EHQHÀWVVHUYLFHVDQGDFWLYLWLHVUHVSRQVLYH 92 -ANBKNIEJC=?DO0KHK AHHK0QEPAO to the needs of all members; by Jeffrey Solow GHYHORSPHQWRIVWURQJVWDWHOHDGHUVKLS and chapters; HQKDQFLQJWKHLPDJHDQGYLVLELOLW\RIVWULQJ teaching and study; DGYRFDF\IRUVWULQJHGXFDWLRQDQG Departments DQLQFOXVLYHFRPPXQLW\RIVWULQJWHDFKHUV and players. Association News Message from the President, award and grant announce- American String Teacher (ISSN: 0003-1313) 14 is published quarterly by the American String ments, new publications, and other association-related in- Teachers Association (ASTA). American String formation Teacher (AST) is available exclusively to ASTA members; the annual subscription price is included in membership dues ($89). Known Notes RIÀFHRISXEOLFDWLRQLV$PHULFDQ6WULQJ 80 7HDFKHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ&KDLQ%ULGJH5G News of people, places, and events of interest to string Fairfax, VA 22030. Periodicals postage paid teachers and players at Fairfax, Virginia 22030 and additional PDLOLQJRIÀFHV Showcase 32/,&<$VWKHSULPDU\PHDQVRISURIHVVLRQDO 82 The latest news from members of the String communication of ASTA, the American String TeacherUHSUHVHQWVDQGUHÁHFWVWKHPLVVLRQRI &J@QOPNU KQJ?EH the association. It is not the intention of AST to promote or endorse any particular person or commercial product. The ideas and opinions Reviews expressed are those of the writers and not 86 Of books, music, software, and videos necessarily those of ASTA or AST. ASTA reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason. No article or editorial matter in AST may be photocopied or reprinted without written permission from ASTA. Visit www. In Every Issue copyright.com for more information. 73 Advertisers Index 32670$67(56HQGDGGUHVVFKDQJHVWR American String Teacher-RXUQDO&KDLQ 74 Membership Application %ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$E\ 78 ASTA Publications Library American String Teachers Association. 84 Leadership Directory 6 | American String Teacher | May 2006 Inspirations E\'RQQD6L]HPRUH+DOH $67$([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUV President5REHUW*LOOHVSLH School of Music, The Ohio State University :HLJHO+DOO&ROOHJH5G As graduation approaches and another school year comes to a &ROXPEXV2+ close, our emphasis shifts from the classroom to the more relaxed [email protected] President-Elect 0DU\:DJQHU atmosphere of summer. Many students and teachers take part in &RYH/DQGLQJ5G summer music camps and festivals. Educators also spend time %XUNH9$ 0V&HOOR#FR[QHW planning for the coming school year. Past President'DYLG/LWWUHOO This quieter period is also an ideal time to focus on advocacy &HGDU&UHHN5G Manhattan, KS 66502 and creating a plan for building community support for your music [email protected] program. One of the best resources for advocacy is SupportMusic.com. Secretary0LFKDHO3DOXPER SupportMusic is a national public service program of the Music 5463 S. 125 E. Ogden, UT 84405-6959 Education Coalition. The time to create and nurture support for your [email protected] own music program is before you receive a call from the school board Member-at-Large0LGRUL*RWR :WK6W1HZ<RUN1< that your program may be in jeopardy. Too many music educators [email protected] make the fatal mistake of only utilizing advocacy when they are in Member-at-Large:LOOLDP/D5XH-RQHV trouble. In too many cases, this is simply too late. The University of Iowa, School of Music ,RZD&LW\,$ The time to build support for your own program is when things [email protected] are going well, the students participating in strings are increasing, and Member-at-Large.DWKDULQH .LS 0DVRQ :H[IRUG5G%RXOGHU&2 you have a cadre of committed and supportive parents to lead the way. [email protected] I have heard so many teachers say that they are too busy teaching to Member-at-Large-HIIUH\6RORZ spend time on community relations, partnership building, and music 7914 Park Ave. Elkins Park, PA 19027-2629 advocacy. I suggest that building community support is just as vital 6RORZ&HOOR#DROFRP as time spent in the classroom teaching. There are many resources Publications Chair%DUEDUD)(DGV 5XVWLF*DWH5G available to help you. LaPorte, TX 77571-3997 Just this year, National School Board Association President Joan [email protected] Schmidt wrote a very compelling article, “Music Advocacy: Dancing String Industry Council President-RKQ5HHG Mona Lisa Sound, Inc. with the School Board,” which appeared in School Board News. She 7ZR0DULQHUV&RYH(GJHZDWHU1- talks about six basic steps that any music educator can take to help -05HHG#QMUUFRP Executive Director'RQQD6L]HPRUH+DOH position the arts as a key component of any school curriculum. Her $67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH article focused on important matters, such as advocating not only &KDLQ%ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$ [email protected] at the local level, where implementation occurs, but also at the state level, where funding is controlled. Schmidt talked about seizing American String Teacher Editor7DPL2·%ULHQ opportunities to place your program at the forefront of your own Articles Editor .ULVWLQ0RUWHQVRQ community, such as when new research is released or when compelling Reviews Editor0DUJ6FKPLGW Design and Layout 6WHSKDQLH/HZLV human interest stories evolve. Survival is not the goal. The real prize is Production&RUSRUDWH3UHVV long-term stability and growth. Advertising Representative6WHYH'L/DXUR Correspondence Subscriptions, change of address Imagine a school where children only learned to read, write, (send mailing label), individual issues, billing, add, and subtract. Such a place would rob our children of the joys membership, and other business matters should be GLUHFWHGWRWKH$67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH&KDLQ of wonder and discovery that music and art provide. Of course, it is %ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$WHO important to have accountability in our schools. We certainly want FAX 703-279-2114; Email: [email protected]. $GYHUWLVLQJ'HDGOLQHVare: August issue—June 5; our schools to prepare children for the future workforce and to make a November issue—September 5; February living in our competitive society. However, it is equally important that LVVXH³'HFHPEHU0D\LVVXH³0DUFK,QTXLULHV VKRXOGEHGLUHFWHGWR$67$1DWLRQDO2IÀFH we show them how to live. To learn more about what you can do, be &KDLQ%ULGJH5G)DLUID[9$ tel. 703-279-2113; FAX 703-279-2114;
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