HORSE, SOLD RECENTLY IN ENGLAND FOR Interest Grows IN THOROUGHBRED in Race PLUCKY SKIPPERS $200,000, WHICH WILL SOON MEET AUGUST BELMONT'S TRACERY Big Al Intereat In rarlna rlrclea. not only «n ln 1 a thla counlry but abroad, now centrea SOUND Paletlae. 1HE of Prinee ON meetlng RACES the probable reaaatty "old for 6200.000. and Auguat Horse Show Exhibitors Belmont'a Trweery In the Joekey Club Well In Rtakes over one of the rlaaslc rouraea Pleased with Awards of "Butterflies" Have Lively Time Kngland. riBBIB ralatine. by I'eralmmon.I.^ly the Blues. in Heavy Sea in Bayside Mghtfoot. U- ranked among the greateat horaea ever breil and developed ln (ireat Fall Regatta. Krlteln. and. ad courae. holda the reeord price for the tranafer of a thoroughbreil. L M. NEWGASS TAKES TWO He won the 40084 <i«ld CUP ln 1»'2 and THE JOSEPHINE A WINNER agaln thla .rear. after Tracerj had been brougbt down when leadlng In the stretih Victory of Butwell in the Chara. by a man who. It waa aald. was ln BBfla. the outrages niah- pion Hunters' O'ass Meets for the pethy wtth aiiffragette Carries Oflf Cup Largest Ing on the trark. Popular Favor of Class, Defeating John Mnce then opinlona have dlffered on the rrlallvr merlta o. the two horaea. the Gallery. Crowley's Ediana IVInee I'nlatlne waa unplared In the ra<-r with Ease. for the (ioodwnnd ( up. and there la a One of the most auceeasful exhihltiona well deflned feeling. partlenlarly In thi* that the WBBtclMBtar Horse Show Aaao- will lake hla mrua- clatlon ha.* ev.-r staged 88888 to an Tha Taefcrt <iub weaad up the aaaatePi bhad Tre<-ery end at Pajatii uro If nothlog prevents tlielr meetlng twlllght yeaterday afternoon on the falr on lxmir Ialand Sound yes¬ raclns season neit m mih. BTOUada at Whlte Plains. Deapite tha terday with a reeord number of starters faot 'hat the day waa dull and drear a ln thelr flrat annunl regatta K!fty-oin falr crowd tUTBOd out for the Judglnp, and the Of thr atiiniiils that raebta ln twelve classts crossed the Bjaallty «>;..¦ put aad all ln the lipts was far auperior to that of atartlag Haa ofl Baecutbw Ugbt, "th.-r years, so that tbe day wns well two of them finished. whb-h b Ol s worth while. Practl. BXOapt ally every champlon Haeit b raeord, far thtrty-foor of the tli.it has appeared darlBg the lummer, ln than tw.tity-hv.- feet the BMtropolltaa dletrlct a» least, wa» atarter« w.-r<- |88B the breezc entered and jinlges had a hard Vmt lot.*. and a fr< Ba east northrast MATCH ln their CLOSE CRICKET maklng selectlona. for had kicked up quite an Bgty ma There waa a deal of satlsfaction among small craft thl i-xhibltors over the awarj of tha championship ribbons. f.>r the About is plucky an . xhlhition 88 bM hlg prlzea Defeats Kings County for Sec¬ of the day were so w. 11 dlstributcl that thia aummer was tba ractng ot been eeea only ln two of the seven elasses did one own- ond Section Title by Mar- the little ¦¦hutterily" class by their atabta aoQulre 1j1u.-h. l m. Newga<<s was era over a ahort 608888 S..m.- of them gin of Five Runs. the fortunate one an.l he ecored hla half futlaof water, but wlth their dOUble tliumph wlth the brown Kolding iwturned aad the Liack .\ M. Btollwerck'a Caaibrldga King geiding aklppera uadauated. Ifidnlgbt, the former wlnnlng ln the claia that class, Alberta provtd the w inru r ln WOOLLARD KILLS BATTING for barneaa borsea over 16.2 handa in with J. Adam'a Vaaeaai Becond. holght and the latter ln the BBBM claaa Ad.iison G. Hanan'a ?ioop Joeephlna for horse over 11 J baada and not . xceed- Ing 15 2 liands. ln the P class -the bWgeBt that Bensonhurst Downs Manhattan Waa The fBet that the show waa held aa 8 was Joba Btarted. )i>* only ceaasatttor in League Game, Oautier part of the annual Weatchester Uounty Crowbry'a Kdiaaa, and in oorering an Bowling Four for fair probably detiacted a little frotn tha tleven-mlle OOUJBB. Wlth PareOBBge POBlt importanc- arblcb horaemen and lovtri Four Runs. of wi-11 hr.-d h..rsrs attached to it ln- and Weeks Folat as tBIBblg m.irka. BUOyi de<d, lt would seetn that the ahow would her rival by * the Joaephlne defeated in a Btlrring flnleh, wbleti wm ptayed he more BUCCBBBful frotn the point of thl minutes 23 seconds. ln the m-xt class. ln the rain. tha Mrooklvns won the BBC* tiiimh. r of paraOBB attcndlng If it wara < tion of the N. V Y. C 'nMrttaB.'' H s DOO*'1 ond a champlonoblp tbe Ifetro- dlvorced fr. 'tii tbe radellera nlck. lodeon jioiii.ui Laagaa by dafaatlng Klaara Coua* vaudeville. barkera and "hot dog" pur- liowdy waa the winner. Bbe won from ty al Proepaet Part yaatarday. The mar- veyors who literally crowd.-d the placa. 2 minutes 23 eeooada IB the Okea by gta was ;he narrow one of .'. rUBB, and Tba <i':allty of the exhibltlon Itaelf wu the Sound achooner class W. H. Judson'a the fortunes of the game ehanged <om- far abora that of the counter attractiona the n.inutes of won from Clarkson OOWl'a Moira pletely durtag ia*t tweatp BOd as a si parate entity, with the aama Rival ptaj by 24 eeconds. aalling ov. r the BBBM PALATINE. aetUng ln the garnlshed autumn Weat- PRINCE The Hrookl' ns. strengthenfl conslder- eheeter tandtrapt. 't would probably be aa the (lasaP and the "thlrUea." K V run a .881*8 ably by WooUard, had up one of the most attractive horae showi of the tirst scored Another close race was that total of 97. but their opponent? had of the acason. class. ln which GeorK" TO SLAPS tO, with only five wl.k.-ts down, and a One of the most vlctoiies of tha divialon handicap GOLFER RESORTS WooUard popular Over I ktory seemed Immlii.nt. waa of brown H. R Sail afternoon that Pavld bows's won from Yachts P Granbery'e Joker 'Barely so however. that the laat Ray Buffets Reid in a Fracas bowlod well, geldlng Butwell. ln the champion huntera* Ktoddard's Amada by only 20 88008)08, flva man produced only a dozen runs. were . lafa. The Doari famlly haa been proml- The winners ln the other claaaea Due to Bitter Feeling. Uli re. ord ana the remarkable one of Harbor BBBt among the resldenta of Weatchester Twinkle. the Whlb ta Tba Trll Round at 'Belle tfja Red Wtag, the B| T« laaraphi I seven wlckets for 15 runs. V. H. t'ocke- tor years, and whh'h laa fap. the Yuron, the Skylark. th^ F'ixy. Boetoa, Bept »* Taaataon in Bngland, ram, O. Learto and J. Rodgers rild the CoBBty DBtBreQ, the star Paraeray. so< ial'srn anl w.ie the BUl sixteen-ycar-old gelding, haa become well the virainia. the Gar. Rolf ....:¦ to ftnl raa beaten on b.-*t batttBg for Hrooklyn. while bt R the Kdna J.. the Scarab h-d to warfare in the pritish can P ol known to Westcheater folk. In one of the the Sllver Heada orn "-I tlnv VI .1 B illlvan'a Aletn de Bobob, W. Baparaa and P, Rodgers who are In Boaton takinu- paui In MotorBoats Have All the Better by prellmlnary alassea he had to Imvrr Ms nnd the Alberta. Roirvrs II aaa third »i na r. thi New Feclcration battad Bpleadldly for Klnga County. which held steady the golf touraaaieal that aadad to-daj Although Hudson County colors to Kdward McLean'i brown gr-.l- The breeze. pretty of Weather Conditions. r..|.. rt-. of H i ui aoi The acore followa: tbe ya< hts t<> WUfred B. Beld, who waa Ing Overall. When tha rhamplon claaa from atart to flnish. ftave Aeoordtng laur | d Has Ausplcious Beginning wlndward work for th'lr flrst leir. a reach "alappad" tri th.- faoe bv Bdward Bay In BBOOBXTM ii. cama around, however. Butwell waa on for thelr aecor.d and a rub for the third. the oafd of the Oopley Bojaare Hotei at West Side Park. it coekeraat, b gftra. 24 hla begt beliavlor, and romped away wlth H . Soon after the flnlah of this ra<e a Tburaday night, his woit yeeterday anu THE VITESSE HOME FIRST' v. l W. Klng, b Bat the blue. leaving the reserve to Overall Wil- of .-. ,t ¦. Tba B» laty of st. Paul of tba <'roes. of E. V. Woollarl. b l)t Knutui . BOCOad race from the flnish Une to denioiallaed a.- a raault tha fracaa 'J I-inrle. b w. b I>e t«oiiaa. 1H The class for harneaa horsea under 15.2 in t b ets Toint. about eitfht mllcs. was started. "The trouhle <ii<i n< t ^tar t OVer anv- Jeraey Clty, ^on tba polat tropby rt Putschs n WUIIama, b Iieiip-av*. handa brought out aome keen eompctitlon. ~ \: p h TTa fjiraaa. I because of the to aald Beid ba aa Ii.a' I H M H M of tbe Huda.in rhariea and lha awards were !t wtih called "the ftlght" thtng pertaintng gobV L. M. Pcarsall's Catboat Wins the traeh and field Kanies B, ti Bewaa. run uut . a announced only wer* BOme III, II i. u/eflh 4 i 1-. 0:40:16 took in lt.
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