USOO63651.86B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,365,186 B1 Huval et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Apr. 2, 2002 (54) COMBINATION THERAPY FOR TREATING EP 326386 8/1989 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA EP 329 124 8/1989 EP 36932.3 5/1990 (75) Inventors: Chad Cori Huval, Somerville; Stephen EP O 375 350 A2 6/1990 Randall Holmes-Farley, Arlington; EP 380392 B1 8/1990 John S. Petersen, Acton; Pradeep K. E. 3. B1 3.1991/1991 Dhal, Westford, all of MA (US) EP 464.845 B1 1/1992 EP O 580 O78 A1 1/1994 (73) ASSignee: GelTex Pharmaceuticals, Inc., EP O 580 O79 A1 1/1994 Waltham, MA (US) EP O 665 245 A1 8/1995 GB 86O303 2/1961 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this GB 2 O90 605 A 7/1982 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 GB 227.0312 3/1994 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. GB 2329 334 3/1999 JP 56-51992 5/1981 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis- E. 3.E. claimer. WO WO 90/OO897 2/1990 WO WO 98/291.07 7/1998 (21) Appl. 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