fCWSftfl 4 Strip Comics, Page ^ ; Sports, Page WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1925 PRICE THREE CENTS Ashley Heard 1008 Cases ksfadjs lew -.; May ..Re-establish In Year Just Ended Woodhidge Pupils Did Township Mortality Rate Lower In ? One thousand amJ eight cases Not Win Essay-Contest p And iasParty Olcl Alumni As$ n. were disposed of in the local 1924 Thau At Any Time In Last Santa Claus police court last year, according Carteret Students Take 34 of 41 Treasurer's Report Shows Do- . At the ffigh Sch@@I to a report rendered by Record- Prizes Offered By Public Ten Years Shown In Annual Report nations To Each of Four Program er Martin G. Ashley. Total Service To Youth Of Libraries In The rcfeestra Concert Survey <rf Sentiment Finds Uni- fines in the amount of $6,008.25 Potter Praises Work of Garbage Collector, Expressing Hope This Section Township form Approval of Move To< were imposed and collected. Of That Citizens In Sections Where System Is Not Now Oper- Of [or the ensuing year -were Bring to life Club That this total '$2,864.25 went into the townsEp treasury while the Pupils of Woodbridge Township ative Will Petition To Have Service Started; Concurs Witfc .y; Woodbrjdge Council, Formerly Held High The annual meeting of the trustees .am, at a meeting in-Ma- rest, $3,144.00 was turned over schools fared badly in the home light- Neufcerg In Calling Trunk Sewer For First Ward One of of the Free School Lands was held Social Standing in the Municipal Building on Tues- onday nighfe Following to the State. ing essay contest for this district, the Vital Necessities results of which were announced to- day night. The chairman, Mrs. Mar- a soeial $ras told at* All fines for violations of the day by Public Service Corporation. gueriate P. Randolph, presided. Re- and sisters^ of members DISBANDED DURING WAR motor vehicle law revert to the ports of the secretary, Mrs. M. State. Court charges for 'such Evelyn Nonnenbsrg, of Fords, -was That 1924 witnessed the lowest number of deaths in Wood- .. A Sant* Claus,' dis-! " ' ——— cases as -well as fines for vari- Franees Boos, and of the treasurer, the only township contestant that bridge Township of any year in the last ten, is stated in theMrs. Catherine D. Flanagan, were :ts to .each-one present. Squabble Between Older And ous misdemeanors outside the succeeded in winning an award and ts of sandwiches and Younger Alumni Proved To scope of the motor vehicle sta- she is a student at Piscataway school. report of Health Inspector Potter submitted to the Board of read. The latter having been duly serve3. tute are retained by the town- On the other hand, Carteret students Health Monday night. Mr. Potter calls attention to the fact audited, was accepted and is pub- e features pi the evening Be Cause of Decision To lished herewith: of Avenel, ship and have, for several gathered in a lion's share of the that the decrease in number of deaths, taken in conjunction Discontinue The Or- years, not only paid all expenses honors, taking 34 of the 41 prizes' RESOURCES •talned with several popu- incident to the upkeep of the with the appreciable growth in popu- ions. ' Brother Jacob ganization offered. Balance Jan. 1, 1924...._ $2,259.07 la local bar of justice, but have A complete list of the prize winners lation is indicative of better health Rent for Farm_ 420.08 of Newark, and -grand netted the municipality a neat he State of New Jersey, is subjoined: conditions generally. Interest on Mortgages- 129.00 During the past few weeks, there profit. Part Payment on Mortgage 1,666.66 iipal speaker. , First Prize $25.00. The text of the report follows : \g one the gifts, Santa pre- has been a decided inclination among Mary Hannah Diek, Carteret. Interest on Liberty Bond.... 4.25 iretary Alex. H. Sutton and number of high school graduates Second Prize—$15.00 Each. "The record of 1924 is one of ex- Alms House Bond No. 2, a paid 1,000.00 ohn Hansen, of Perth AMI- f0J. several social events, and it is Louise Toyba, Carteret; Evelyn ceptional progress, speaking volumes -checks that^called for 365 , thought that this may result in Nonnenberg, P. O. Box 432, Fords. for the splendid health program Alms House Bonds -2 and 3, now Huge List of Prizes On Friday evening Rev. and Mrs. interest 1 110.00 d Prosperous Days. Brother the reorganization of the Alumni As- Third Prize $10.00 Each. •which has been brought to its pres- in a clever reply, stated that i tion. The suggestion, of an an- Mary Anna Rueaba;, Carteret; Mil- L. V. Buschman entertained the offi- Interest from First National goc a ent efficiency, by the continued co- cers of the church and their wives Bank, Woodbridge 54.86 nion there could be no more nuai <jance during the Christmas holi- At Rusary Fusctlon dred Williamson. Perth Amboy; Ida ite gift to a man of his ad- £ g j -widespread approval E. Feldman, Perth Amboy; Ruth Lil- operation and support of your honor- at a deer dinner in the basement of Three Vouchers not ays n( s the Sunday school room. Despite turned 29.06 fears than sueh an expression amOng members, particularly of the lian Monk, Carteret. able body, the Board of Education, Ninety-one prizes were awarded at Fourth Prize $5.00 Each. the severe storm all but nine were fart of, th*, e council;1, graduating classes of recent years. the Rosary Society card party held in parents and the press, and the untir- able to attend. installgd were_: Eileen Mary Brandon, Carteret; $5,772.84 A reception, of "the new graduates at St. James Auditorium Wednesday Lena Molnar, Carteret; Gussie Nudge, ing activities of the entire working The deer was shot by Mr. Busch- LIABILITIES egent, John McAusIan; re- graduation time was an annual event night, including the door prize and man a couple of weeks ago while Repairs to Farm Property..! 424.71 -art A. Sehoder; vice-regent, of tlie ojd hjgll school alumni asso- Carteret; Anna Mary Chamra, Carte- staff. •>•„,. oni "•* — — —"~ - •• ,, , ,,, , those awarded on books. ret; Herbert Nannen, Carteret; Pinko "The total number of deaths in the hunting in South Jersey, and the din- I ramting Buildings on Farm 295.0S fChnstenseIra, Pf n „ , orator, Sel- ciation, and a demand that this be | Bernard Dunigan won the door Wexler, Carteret. ner was all prepared by Mrs. Busch- i Insurance 36.25 ; secretary, Alex, reneweii is giving impetus to thes de- prize two battl towels; Mrs. Patrick Fifth Prize—$2.50 Each. township for 1924, is one hundred) man. The small round tables?"seat- Mortgage 1,600.00 collector^ August *. sire to again activate the association. Trainor won the non.piayers' prize, Michael Karaczkowski, Carteret; and twenty-five, which is twenty-five ing four, were most attractively ar- Board's Fee 391.28 Edwin Nebel; However, such an organization g. less than last year, and the lowest 001116 5 two Bairs of sock and the flve doI Beatrice Rath, Carteret; Bernard R. ranged with, red candles. Miscellaneous 44.25 1,-1 TW TUT J ?! ^" would be of more service than the U fa w wagwo n h Joe N of Chinchiv, Carteret^ John Joseph Lu- record for the last ten years, in spite Following- the dinner a social time 250th Anniversary June 14 80.0© barles M. Mueller; guide, Ro- mer6 conducting of social functions. Carteret. Tom Levy, the berry set; kach, Carteret; John Matthew Eudie, of the fact of a rapidly growing popu- with singing and games was enjoyed. Donations— Chnstensen; sentry, Wilham jt would feature in the promotion of Mi Gatherine Romond, the bag of Carteret; Mary Cecelia Grech, Carte- lation in that period. As a matter of Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. To Barron Library 25.0© ,,,™o^-,,- trustee, Charles better spirit of co-operation between | flour. Migg Marfe Gerityj a brand ret; Charles Conrad, Carteret; Frank dollars and cents, if you figure the To Fords Library. 25.00 ; A. F. Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. S. B* rem. j the school and the community and new ]aiit sweater; Rev. R. J. O'Far- Jik Ctt earning capacity of each of these Demarest, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Brew- To Avenel Library 25.00 . in the solicitation of support for rey & luncheon set; Mrs. E. J. Flan- Juriek, Carteret. twenty-five at the small sum of fif- To Sewaren Library 25.00 Sixth Prize $1.00 Each. ster, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tappen, Mr. school programs, athletic and musical j • of Aibert street, a ham. Helen Alec, Carteret; Mary Anna teen hundred dollars per year, you Balance Jan. 1, 1925 2,801.35 Randolph Wins First ' events, as well as to encourage better ,and Mrs. C. R. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. tables of pinochle, Lukach, Carteret'; Anna Lewandow- have a saving of thirty-seven thou- B. B. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. James lize at New Year's Eve \ schools and larger facilities. An •l g of elIchrej o of five hundred, sky, Carteret; Loretta Kay, Carteret; sand, five hundred dollars for °ach Filer, Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, $5,772.84 [Party At Demarest Home £*« alumui m associatios n is a vluable ,m eighih.^t ^of f f, faOTn1 tf .tanthre, three e fo fwWs whistt an, and d Andrew Abaras. Carteret; Sophie year of life. Surely, health is wealth, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bowers, Mr. and ^ t and the op-l * .
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