Forty-Ninth Report American Board Of

Forty-Ninth Report American Board Of

FORTY-NINTH REPORT OP THE AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS, PRESENTED A.T THE MEETING- HELD AT DETROIT, MICHIGAN, SEPTEM BER 7 — 10, 1858 . BOSTON: PRESS OF T. R. MARVIN & SON, 42 CONGRESS STREET. 1858. /S 'E 6 ZS’ A v.49- S'S MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. T he A m erican B oard of C ommissioners fo r F oreign M issions held its Forty-ninth Meeting in the First Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Michigan, commencing Tuesday, September 7, 1858, at 4 o’clock, P. M., and closing Friday, September 10, at 10 o’clock, A . M. CORPORATE MEMBERS PRESENT. Maine. Rhode Island. John W . Chickering, D . D'. Thomas Shepard, D . D. George E . Adams, D.D. John Kingsbury, LL. D. New Hampshire. Zedekiah S. Bar stow, D . D. Connecticut. Alvan Bond, D . D. Vermont. Leonard Bacon, D . D. Rev. David Greene. Silas Aiken, D.D. New York. "Willard Child, D . D. Nathan S. S. Beman, D. D. Massachusetts. Reuben H . Walworth, LL. D. Mark Hopkins, D . D. Calvin T. Hulburd, Esq. Henry Hill, Esq. Simeon Benjamin, Esq. Rufus Anderson, D.D. Rev. George W . Wood. Rev. Aaron AVamer. Rev. William S. Curtis. Ebenezer Alden, M. D . Jacob M. Schermerhpm, Esq. Swan Lyman Pomroy, D.D. Rev. Selah B. Treat. New Jersey. Hon. Linns Child. J. Marshal Paul, M. D . Henry B. Hooker, D . D . Rev. Thornton A . Mills. Samuel M. Worcester, D.D. Lyndon A . Smith, M. D. iAndrew W . Porter, Esq. Hon. William T. Eustis. Pennsylvania. ft Hon. John Aiken. * 1James M. Gordon, Esq. William Jessup, LL. D. 4 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. [Report, Ohio. Illinois. George E . Pierce, D.D. Ansel D. Eddy, D. D. Samuel C. Aiken, D . D . Rev. Aratas Kent. D . Howe Allen, D . D . Robert W . Patterson, D. D . Robert W . Steele, Esq. William H . Brown, Esq. Henry L. Hitchcock, D . D. Rev. William Carter. Michigan. Wisconsin. Eurotas P. Hastings, Esq. Aaron L. Chapin, D . D. Harvey D. Kitchell, D.D. Hon. Charles Noble. Iowa. Rev. John C. Holbrook. Indiana. Charles White, D . D. Missouri. Rev. John W . Cunningham. Truman M. Post, D . D . CORRESPONDING MEMBER PRESENT. Canada—Hon. Jacob Dewitt. HONORARY MEMBERS PRESENT. Maine. George E. Herrick, Andover. Edward Gould, Portland. Rev. C. L. Mills, No. Bridgewater. Rev. Thomas N . Lord, Limerick.s Rev. Paul Couch, do. Rev. David Garland, Bethel. David Howard, do. Rev. E. C. Cummings, Brewer. Rev. Joshua Emery, No. Weymouth. George Shepard, D . D ., Bangor. Hale Remington, Fall River. Rev. J. Maltby, do. Rev. Abijah P. Marvin, Winchendon. Rev. William Warren, Gorham. Rev. E . Dembnd, Mendon. Rev. S. W . Banister, Brookfield. New Hampshire. Rev. J. G. D . Steams, Billerica. Rev. H . E . Parker, Concord. Rev. John Lawrence, Carlisle. Rev. Jacob Cummings, Exeter. Rev. Azariah Eldridge, New Bedford. Rev. J. G. Davis, Amherst. Rev. Timothy Stowe, do. Rev. Sumner Clark, W olf boro’. Rev. W . Craig, do. Rev. John Haven, Charlton. Vermont. Rev. I. R . Worcester, Aubumdale. Samuel Swift, Middlebury. J. Brace, D . D ., Pittsfield. James Barrett, Rutland. Rev. C. V . Spear, do. Rev. A . Hemenway, Ripton. Parsons Cooke, D . D ., Lynn. Rev. James Anderson, Manchester. Rev. Joseph Fletcher, Danvers. Elisha Loomis, Littleton. Massachusetts. Rev. Daniel L . Furber, Newton. J. A . Albro, D.D., Cambridge. Edward B. Bigelow, Grafton. Rev. John W . Alvord, Boston. Rev. Henry L. Edwards, So. Abington. Julius A . Palmer, do. Elijah Partridge, Medway. Edward B. Huntington, do. Rev. E . W . Cooke, Townsend. Rev. N . Haskell, do. Rev. E . P. Smith, Pepperell. Rev. James H . Merrill, Andover. Rev. J. M. Bacon, Essex. 1858.] ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. 5 Solomon T. Fay, Westborough. Rev. L. H . Reid, Fayetteville. Edward Proctor, Spencer. Samuel M. Hopkins, D . D ., Auburn. Rev. William C. Dickinson. Rev. W . Phraner, Sing Sing. Connecticut. New Jersey. Rev. D . W . Latlirop, New Haven, Rev. J. F. Sutton, Parsippany. B. L. Hamlin, do. John Byram, Morristown. Rev. D . M. Elwood, No. Woodstock. Rev. B. C. Megie, Dover. Peleg Child, do. Rev. S. Hutchings, Newark. Rev. L. H . Barber, Hitchcockville. • Rev. John Smith, Stamford. Pennsylvania. E. A . Lawrence, D . D ., East Windsor. Franke Williams, 51. D ., Hartford. Rev. D. C. Houghton, Philadelphia, Rev. A . E. Lawrence, So. Britain. ller. George Duffield, Jr. do. Thomas L. Brown, Hebron. Rev. John McLeod, do. William H . Gilbert, Granby. William V . Husted, West Chester. Rev. G. W . Cleaveland, Moorheadville. New York. Rev. H . B. Elliot, New York. Ohio. W . H. Bidwcll, do. Rev. H . A . Tracy, Cincinnati. Rev. 0 . H . White, do. David D . Gregory, do. A . Merwin, do. Rev. N . A . Hyde, Cincinnati. A . O. Van Lennep, do. George L. Weed, do. F. E. Cannon, D . D ., Geneva. Rev. C. E. Babb, do. Rev. A . McColl, Niagara Falls. Rev. F. Y . Vail, do. Rev. Samuel Johnson, Cambria. A . H . Hinkle, do. Rev. J. Tompkins, Marcellus. Rev. E. A . Beach, Johnstown. George Dutton, Rochester. Rev. Edward Garland, do. Edwin Scranton, do. Rev. Timothy Williston, Strongsville. Rev. S. M . Campbell, Utica. Rev. E. Hopkins, do. Rev. A . S. Freeman, Haverstraw. Rev. William C. Clark, Warren. J. C. Hubbell, Chazy. Rev. D . A . Grosvenor, Medina. Jesse Smith, Lyons. T. S. Clark, D . D ., Cuyahoga Falls. Rev. Anson H . Parmelee, Livonia. Rev. J. L . Janes, Chester. Rev. B. B. Gray, Seneca Castle. Rev. E. C. Sharpe, Atwater. Rev. O. Bartholomew, Augusta. Rev. H . B. Eldred, Kinsman. Rev. S. S. Goss, Meridian. Rev. H . Lawrence, Grafton. Rev. J. H . Pettingell, Albany. Rev. J. S. Graves, Aurora. Hon. John O. Cole, do. Rev. S. L. Lockwood, Berlin Heights. Rev. T. Dwight Hunt, Ithaca. R . W . B. McLellan, Fremont. Rev. A . D . Gridley, Clinton. Rev. E. Bushnell, do. Rev. J. Whitbeck, Caroline. Benjamin J. Pierce, Farmington. T. B. Jervis, Newport. Rev. Robert Page, do. Rev. Harvey Newcomb, Brooklyn. H . A . Babcock, Wayne. Rev. H . E . Niles, Angelica. C. L. Whiting, Granville. Rev. J. L. Coming, Buffalo. Rev. S. G. Clark, Brooklyn. W . J. Heacock, D . D . do. J. B. Allen, do. Rev. G. P. Folsom, Attica. Rev. Xenophon Betts, Vienna. Rev. C. C. Wallace, Fremont. I. Mills Gillett, Ashtabula. Rev. William D . Buckelew, Athens. Rev. Thomas Adams, Hampden. Rev. James P. Fisher, Johnstown. Rev. C. Chandler, Ellsworth. * 6 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. [Report, Rev. James Eells, Cleveland. Rev. George Bamum, Medina. Rev. J. H . Newton, do. Rev. W . B. Dada, Jackson. J. Holt, do. Rev. H . H . Northrop, Flint. D . A . Shepard, do. Rev. G. W . Underwood, Hillsdale. Rev. W . W . Woodworth, Mansfield. Rev. C. Clark, do. Rev. W . F. Millikan, Huron. Rev. H . E. Whipple, do. Rev. A . R. Clark, Huntington. Rev. C. H . Churchill, do. J. W . Breck, Newburgh. Rev. G. W . Baynes, Hudson. Rev. E. W . Root, Oxford. Rev. L. S. Hobart, do. Rev. W . S. Kennedy, Sandusky. Rev. James McLaurin, Fentonville. George Lee, Norwalk. Rev. Charles Jones, Battle Creek. Rev. John McCutchan, Peru. Rev. William Fuller, Sturgess. Rev. Gideon Dana, Oberlin. Rev. A . K . Strong, Monroe. Rev. Benjamin Walker, Newton Falls. Rev. E . J. Boyd, do. Rev. E. Buckingham, Canton. William H . Boyd, do. Rev. Thomas Jones, Galesburgh. Michigan. Rev. Philo R. Hurd, Romeo. George Duffield, D . D ., Detroit. Jared Stevens, Canton. Rev. W . S. Taylor, do. Rev. L . D. Chapin, Ann Arbor. Rev. W . Hogarth, do. Rev. H . L. Stanley, Jonesville. J. W . Tillman, do. David S. Morse, Otsego. Elisha Taylor, do. Rev. Robert W . Landis, Tonia. Rev. N . M. Wells, do. Rev. George M. Tuthill, Pontiac. C. M. Davison, do. Rev. E. B. Sherwood, Edwardsburgh. Jacob S. Fairand, do. Rev. B. Fancher, Homer. Rev. G. W . Newcomb, do. J. A . Woodruff, Lapier. Rev. Henry Neill, do. Moses A . McNaughton, Jackson. Edward Bingham, ' do. Rev. Timothy Stowe, Parma. George M. Coan, Niles. Rev. A . H . Fletcher, Owasso. Rev. A . Bryant, do. Rev. A . Mahan, Adrian. Rev. James Ballard, Lamont. Rev. H . N . Bissell, Mt. Clemens. Rev. S. Stevens, Raisinville. Rev. T. Foster, Southfield. Rev. A . Alvord, Grass Lake. S. Y . R. Trowbridge, Birmingham. Rev. O. P. Hoyt, Kalamazoo. Prof. R. Nutting, Lodi. Rev. W . S. Higgins, do. Rev. S. S. N . Greely, Grand Rapids. Luther H . Trask, do. 1 Henry Little, Saginaw. Rev. Edward Taylor, do. Fred. W . Curtenius, do. Indiana. Rev. T. C. Hill, do. Rev. D . McGee Bardwell, Mich. City. Rev. S. Cochrane, Northville. Rev. Amos Jones, Delphi. Rev. James Dubuar, do. Rev. M. M. Post, Logansport. Rev. Justus Marsh, Franklin. Rev. E. Curtis, Fort Wayne. Rev. B. F. Murden, Milford. John Hough, do. H . H. Booth, Allegan. Rev. W . W . Atterbury, Madison. Rev. J. A . Ranney, do. Rev. James Vincent, Marshall. Illinois. Rev. S. Mason, do. Rev. Jeremiah Porter, Chicago. Rev. D . Jones, Dover. Rev. S. C. Bartlett, do. Rev. R . S. Goodman, Coldwater. Samuel Bliss, do. Rev. Thomas Wright, Ypsilanti. Rev. W . A . Nichols, do. Rev. G. L . Foster, do. Sylvester S. Bliss, do. 1858.] ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD. Henry E. Seelye, Chicago. Rev. W m . L. Mather, Fond du Lac. Samuel D. 'Ward, do. Rev. C. P. Bush, Beloit. Rev. R. M. Pearson, Byron. Rev. E. J. Montague, Summit. Rev. M. Waldo, Lawrence. Rev. E. B. Turner, Morris. Minnesota. Rev. Ira M. Weed, Waukegan. Rev. Ira Tracy, Spring Yalley. Rev. H . M. Goodwin, Rockford. Foreign Countries. Thomas D. Robertson, do. Rev. J. B. Bonar, Montreal. Rev. Joseph Emerson, do. Rev. Peter Parker, M. D ., China. Joseph Thayer, Springfield. Rev. Darius Gore, Sycamore. Missiotiaries. Rev. Cephas A . Leach, Payson. Rev. A . Grout, South Africa. Rev. Joel Grant, Lockport. Rev. J. W . Parsons, Turkey. Rev. J. S. Edwards, Jerseyville. W m . M. Thomson, D . D ., Syria. Rev. Josiah Leonard, Fulton. Rev. Allen Hazen, Bombay, India. Rev. R. G. Wilder, IvolapQr, India.

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