E1582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 28, 2013 RECOGNIZING PEOPLE INC. AS RE- continued devoting herself to volunteer work replied: ‘‘Mama always said that if it can’t rain CIPIENT OF THE 2013 THE with the Arc of the Glades, American Cancer on you, you’re indoors.’’ HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES Society and Visiting Nurse Association. In ad- Oail Andrew Phillips was born on Sep- AWARD dition, she is also the longtime president of the tember 29, 1923, in Orange, Texas, the son of General Federation of Women’s Club of Belle a truck driver, also named Oail, which is pro- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS Glade. nounced ‘‘Awl.’’ He got his nickname when his OF NEW YORK Over the course of her life, she has earned younger sister, Edrina, tried to say ‘‘brother,’’ only to have it come out as ‘‘bumble’’ and later IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the love and respect of her fellow residents of Belle Glade and people throughout the Glades ‘‘bum.’’ In recounting the story, Bum remarked, Monday, October 28, 2013 area. She is a remarkable individual who con- ‘‘I don’t mind being called Bum, just as long as Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to tinues to devote her time and energy to nu- you don’t put a ‘you’ in front of it.’’ recognize People Inc. in being awarded the merous important agencies and projects. Al- Bum Phillips played football at Lamar Col- 2013 Health and Health Services Award from ways an advocate for the Glades, she rep- lege in Beaumont, Texas but left to serve in the Amherst Chamber of Commerce. resents their best interest on numerous county the Marines during World War II. Upon his re- People Inc. began in 1970 to ensure that boards and committees. For all of these rea- turn he played for Stephen F. Austin State people with disabilities or special needs have sons, I am very proud to recognize Sandra as College in Nacogdoches, Texas, graduating in an available support so they can succeed. a Hastings’ Hero, and to be her representative 1949. He then embarked upon a career The organization provides services to peo- in Congress. coaching high school football in Texas. In ple of all ages, from children and adults with Mr. Speaker, I am most grateful to Sandra 1958, he was hired as an assistant coach by disabilities to senior citizens. These services for her continued service to the Glades com- Texas A&M head coach Paul ‘‘Bear’’ Bryant, include residential, employment/vocational, munity. She has selflessly helped so many who would go on to become the legendary community outreach, health care and recre- people, and I am honored to recognize her for coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide. In 1962, ation programs. Their comprehensive services her service. Bum Phillips was the head coach of Texas are well-known throughout Western New York. f Western University (now the University of Over the years, People Inc. has grown to Texas at El Paso). expand their services. They have increased TRIBUTE TO OAIL ANDREW ‘‘BUM’’ Three years later in 1965, Bum Phillips their populations served, spectrum of services, PHILLIPS, TEXAS ICON, HOME- made the jump to professional football when geographic locations and number of sites. SPUN PHILOSOPHER, AND LEG- he was named defensive coordinator for the Since 2010, People Inc. has been recog- ENDARY COACH OF THE HOUS- Houston Oilers of the American Football nized as one of New York State’s certified TON OILERS League. In 1967 he was hired by San Diego Compass Agencies. Compass stands for Con- Chargers head coach Sid Gillman to be his sumerism, Outcome, Management Plan and HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE defensive assistant and in 1974 followed Agency Self Survey, and conveys People OF TEXAS Gillman back to the Houston Oilers as the Inc.’s effective model of person centered plan- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES team’s defensive coordinator, replacing him as head coach the following year. ning, managed outcomes, and advocacy in- Monday, October 28, 2013 volvement by individuals and their families to Bum Phillips’ Oilers teams were known for accomplish their mission. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to their physical style of play and outstanding de- Those involved with People Inc. strive to- inform the House of the sad news that Amer- fense anchored by Robert Brazile and future ward a future where all persons whose needs ica has lost one of the most beloved, success- Hall of Famers Elvin Bethea and Curley Culp. limit their integration into the community reach ful, and colorful coaches in the history of the Bum was a ‘‘players coach’’; his players loved their highest potential as responsible members National Football League. Oail Andrew ‘‘Bum’’ him because he kept them fresh by shunning of society. These individuals deserve to be- Phillips passed away last Friday, October 18, overly long practices and encouraged camara- come contributing and active members in their 2013, at his ranch home in Goliad, Texas. He derie. communities, enjoy the greatest possible de- was 90 years old. The unquestioned leader and star of the gree of independence, and acceptance in all The Houston Oilers was not a very good team was running back Earl Campbell, the aspects of their lives. team when Bum Phillips was named head 1977 Heisman Trophy winner from the Univer- Mr. Speaker, thank you for allowing me to coach and general manager in 1975. In fact, sity of Texas and the first player selected in honor People Inc. for being awarded the they were one of the worst teams in the the 1978 NFL draft. The ‘‘Tyler Rose,’’ who Health and Health Services award and com- league. But within the space of three short still holds every major Oilers rushing record mend them for their great work on behalf of all years, Bum turned the Oilers into a power- and is one of the greatest running backs in Western New Yorkers. house and transformed the downtrodden fran- NFL history, also would go on to be enshrined f chise into one of the most popular and enter- in the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. taining teams in the NFL. About Earl Campbell, who ushered in the HONORING SANDRA GOVE Along the way, Bum Phillips’ mastery of the ‘‘Luv Ya Blue!’ era and dazzled a Monday CHAMBLEE FOR HER SERVICE one-liner endeared himself to his fans and the Night Football national television audience TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF media. He once quipped in response to a with a breathtaking display of speed and LIFE IN HER COMMUNITY question about the Dallas Cowboys, ‘‘that power in rushing for 221 yards and leading the other team up North’’: ‘‘The Dallas Cowboys Oilers to a wild 35–30 victory over the Miami HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS may be America’s team but the Houston Oil- Dolphins, Bum Phillips once said: ‘‘That young OF FLORIDA ers are Texas’s team!’’ On another occasion, man is the difference between losing your job IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when he was asked to describe the great Earl and winning the national championship.’’ Campbell, his star running back, he said: ‘‘He After 5 years as head coach of the Oilers, Monday, October 28, 2013 may not be in a class all by himself, but it Bum Phillips was offered and accepted the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it don’t take long to call the roll.’’ head coaching job of the New Orleans Saints, gives me great pride to rise today to recognize As coach of the Houston Oilers, Bum Phil- whom he almost led to the playoffs for the first Ms. Sandra Gove, a resident of Belle Glade, lips was the winningest coach in franchise his- time in the history of that franchise. In 1985 he Florida. Sandra recently received the Athena tory (59–38 record), leading the team to the resigned as coach of the Saints but remained Award from the Chamber of Commerce of the American Football Conference Championship connected to the game by working as a TV Palm Beaches. This distinguished award hon- game in 1978 and 1979 but losing each time and radio analyst for the Oilers. Asked what ors individuals for professional accomplish- to the eventual Super Bowl champion Pitts- he planned to do in his retirement, Bum said, ment and service to improve the quality of life burgh Steelers. ‘‘Nothing. And I don’t start before noon!’’ for others in the community. It warms my heart Who can ever forget the sight of Bum Phil- In addition to his wife Debbie, Bum Phillips to learn that Sandra was the individual to re- lips patrolling the sidelines with his trademark is survived by his son, Wade, a former head ceive it this year. buzz cut, decked out in work shirt, blue jeans, coach of the Dallas Cowboys, the Denver For the last 14 years, she has served as cowboy boots, and white Stetson, which he Broncos and the Buffalo Bills, and five daugh- Executive Director of the Glades Health Initia- wore except when the Oilers played in the As- ters from a previous marriage, Susan, Cicely, tive, an agency that provides HIV prevention trodome? Asked to explain why he did not Dee Jean, Andrea and KimAnn; many grand- services. Since her retirement, Sandra has wear his cowboy hat in the Astrodome, Bum children and great-grandchildren. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:15 Oct 29, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28OC8.007 E28OCPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 28, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1583 Mr.
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