Notes to accompany Daroga 2018 Friends of the Pleistocene, State Park Pacic Northwest Cell, Sept. 7-9, 2018: Northwest Channeled Scablands (and other related topics) Leaders: Jim E. O’Connor Richard B.Waitt Victor R. Baker Andrea M. Balbas Jon Riedel Isaac Larsen Karin Lehnigk assisted by JoJo Mangano 1 124° 122° 120° 118° 116° 114° CORDILLERAN I CE SHEET C N Lake o Cordilleran Ice Sheet Kootenay n Glacial lakes t r i e Flooded area r P n ALBERTA v e u i e v r i c n R t BRITISH COLUMBIA e 49° R l a l l CANADA r U.S.A. e WASHINGTON n v i a T R g a r M D i i o e K e a b Glacial n i n Lake o t o Missoula c t n v h a m Lake Clark e Columbia h o u floods w k i flood l d O R o e . C e e Glacier e e l Peak l u C Chelan u o Rathdrum o B l Flathead C Valley a C d i r Lake s n t k Seattle e ra t F s Coulee City e o G Spokane o MONTANA 2 r r Wenatchee M o k o N Glacial t 47° Quincy R Lake Columbia a basin n Channeled g E Beverly e CEA Scabland k G a e S n N O v e r C o l u Pasco R i Glacial m A basin Lake Missoula b i a Mount St. R Walla Walla Yakima Pasco Valley IFIC Helens Valley v e r y i IDAHO AC R e l l P a Portland V OREGON E (100 m lower during Missoula floods) e D 45° t t A e m C a l S l i 0 100 Miles A W C 0 200 Kilometers Northwest Channeled Scablands; Supplemental Trip Notes Pacific Northwest Cell, Friends of the Pleistocene Sept. 7-9, 2018 Prepared by Jim O’Connor The Channeled Scabland: Decimated to desperately low numbers by the huge megafloods ripping through the Pacific Northwest, late Pleistocene megafauna marked coulee pathways between far-flung remnant populations on each other’s hides. The scabbed markings, noted by first hunters, were the source of the descriptive term Channeled Scablands. Well, that’s not completely true, but we can pretty much say anything since this ‘guide’ has not undergone USGS review and is not approved for publication, distribution or citation. Agenda: Day 1: The Columbia and lower Chelan Valleys—floods, glaciers, outwash, lakes, and floods Day 2: The Columbia diverted—Grand Coulee, Moses Coulee Day 3: Convergence Besides these supplementary notes and maps, directly relevant trip materials include (all available by ftp site): 1. Informal guide for this trip prepared by Jon Riedel. Applicable to stops 1.2 and 1.4. file: FOP2018_Chelan_Stops_1.2_1.4_Jon_Riedel.pdf. 2. Informal materials for this trip prepared by Karin Lehnigk and Isaac Larsen. Applicable to stops 2.3 and 2.6. file: FOP2018_MosesCoulee_Stops_2.3_2.6_UMass.pdf. 3. Guide prepared for 2017 GSA trip by Richard Waitt, includes many stops for this trip: Waitt, R. B., 2017, Pleistocene glaciers, lakes, and floods in north-central Washington State, in Haugerud, R.A., and Kelsey, H.M., eds., From the Puget Lowland to East of the Cascade Range: Geologic Excursions in the Pacific Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 49, p. 175– 205, doi:10.1130/2017.0049(08). 4. Guide prepared Vic Baker et al. for 2016 GSA field trip; includes many stops for this trip: Baker, V.R., Bjornstad, B.N., Gaylord, D.R., Smith, G.A., Meyer, S.E., Alho, P., Breckenridge, R.M., Sweeney, M.R., and Zreda, M., 2016, Pleistocene megaflood landscapes of the Channeled Scabland, in Lewis, R.S., and Schmidt, K.L., eds., Exploring the Geology of the Inland Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 41, p. 1–73, doi:10.1130/2016.0041(01). 5. Geology article by Andrea Balbas et al. reporting recent cosmogenic dating in region Balbas, A.M., Barth, A.M., Clark, P.U., Clark, J., Caffee, M., O’Connor, J.E., Baker, V.R., Konrad, K., and Bjornstad, B., 2017, 10Be dating of late Pleistocene megafloods and Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreat in northwestern United States: Geology, v. 45, p. 583–586; doi:10.1130/G38956.1; includes GSA Data Repository item 2017193. 6. Nature article on Moses Coulee erosion by Larsen and Lamb Larsen, I.J., and Lamb, M.P., 2016, Progressive incision of the Channeled Scablands by outburst floods: Nature, v. 538, p. 229–232m; doi:10.1038/nature19817. 7. A kmz file of stop locations: FOP2018PNW_Stops.kmz 3 1.6 From Balbas et al. (2017) 1.2 1.2 Stop Number 3.1 2.5 2.3 Figure S1: 10Be surface exposure ages of boulders and bedrock from sites 1-14 (Figure 1, Figures S2-S49, Tables S1, S2). Individual samples are defined on the x-axis with sample age and 1 σ uncertainty on the y-axis. Site numbers appear in the upper left corner of each plot (Figure 1). Circles represent flood deposited boulders except for Northrup Canyon, which is bedrock; squares represent glacier erratics; diamonds represent ice-rafted boulders. Purcell Trench data (site 4) are from18. Individual site ages and uncertainty are shown in the right bottom corners. All errors are reported at 1σ and include the uncertainty in the 10Be production rate used (4.8%). The * represents an error-weighted mean and uncertainty, † indicates a site mean and standard error, and ◊ represents the analytical external error on the single4 sample. M et ho w R iv e r r e v i R n a g o n a k O Omak Plateau L a k e 1.6 Ch e r lan 1.5 lumb ve Co ia Ri 2.2 1.2 2.3 1.3,4 Waterville Plateau M e 2.1 le a u x e o i b C 1.1 m o d u L n m e a Ic r L gan Daroga State Park GM Okano G r e 4.4 v i 2.5 2.4 R 4.5 3.1 a i b e m le u u l o o C C es os M Wenatchee 2.6 3.2 3.3 Lynch Coulee Quincy Basin Potholes Coulee Frenchman Coulee DEM courtesy of Ralph Haugerud 0 25 50 km 5 Day 1; The Columbia (and Chelan) Location, directions, and notes Lat. Long. Total Incremental Mileage Mileage Doraga State Park, Group Campsite G‐2 47.70135 ‐120.194865 0 0 North (left) on Highway 97 0.1 0.1 Right on Brays Landing Road, ascend giant flood bar 1.5 1.4 Eolian dunes to the right, giant current dunes to left 2.5 1 Crossing giant current dunes 3.5 1 Right on Singleton Road 5.3 1.8 Stop 1.1; Brays Landing view, at jct with Higgins Loop at crest of 47.752967 ‐120.150571 5.6 0.3 hill; overview of Columbia Valley; down‐Columbia floods, Great Terrace. Turn around, descending Singleton Road 5.6 0 Right on Brays Landing Road 5.9 0.3 Onto Great Terrace, here perhaps flood scoured by glacial Lake 6.7 0.8 Right on US 97 (northbound) 6.9 0.2 Nice view of Great Terrace ascending upstream 7.7 0.8 Approximate downvalley limit of Okanogan lobe 11.3 3.6 Beebe Bridge crossing of Columbia River 17.7 6.4 Left onto WA 150 (toward Chelan) 18 0.3 Gneiss of Chelan complex 18.7 0.7 Gravel fill plugging pre‐LGM outlet of Lake Chelan 19.1 0.4 Left on Alt 97 toward Chelan 21 1.9 Right on Bradley St. (School zone) 21.7 0.7 Chelan Rustler's rodeo ground on one of many kame surfaces 22.7 1 Left onto Union Valley Rd. 23.6 0.9 Park outside gate for Stop 1.2 47.86246 ‐120.018563 23.9 0.3 Stop 1.2; Union Valley moraine (walk up) 47.858586 ‐120.023606 ‐23.9 Stop 1.2 parking; Turn around and head back down Union Valley 23.9 23.9 Right on Bradley St. (School zone) 24.2 0.3 Right on East Johnson Ave. 26 1.8 Left on Sanders St. 26.1 0.1 Right on Trow (after crossing E. Woodin Ave.) 26.3 0.2 Stop 1.3; Lunch at Chelan Riverwalk Park 47.839161 ‐120.01825 26.6 0.3 Turn around, heading east on E.Trow Ave.; crossing Sanders St. 26.8 0.2 Right on Robinson St. 27.1 0.3 Stop 1.4; Chelan Ballpark gravel parking area; view of drift 47.83628 ‐120.00857 27.5 0.4 stratigraphy North on Robinson, turn right on Woodin Ave. 27.7 0.2 Straight onto Alt US 97 27.9 0.2 Descend off Howard Flats, a recessional outwash terrace (capped 30.8 2.9 by eolian dune, overlies lacustrine?) Left (north) onto US 97 32.7 1.9 Wells Dam 38.8 6.1 Right onto Starr Road 41.9 3.1 On boulder bar 44.2 2.3 Stop 1.5; Pateros boulder bar; glacial Lake Columbia outburst 48.036339 ‐119.89162 45.4 1.2 flood bar Right onto US 97 (northbound) 45.6 0.2 Methow River 46.3 0.7 Pateros 46.7 0.4 Enter Brewster 53 6.3 Turn right for "Heritage Marker" (brown sign) 56.4 3.4 Left at T 56.4 0 Stop 1.6; Fort Okanogan; Okanogan River view, site of Columbia 48.10236 ‐119.72187 56.6 0.2 River blockage Back to US 97, turn left (south) 56.7 0.1 Stay south on US 97 80.1 23.4 Beebe Bridge across the Columbia 85.3 5.2 Daroga State Park; Group Camp 2G 47.70135 ‐120.194865 101.5 16.2 6 Navarre Coulee Knapp Coulee 120°10'0"W 495 er Riv Bar ia urst b utb um O be Scabland ol bia n lo C lum ga o ano e C Ok 1.1 ak ax l L s, m cia ce la rra G te h as w ut Missoula Flood bars O 490 covered with Current Dunes Eolian Dunes Loess-covered CRBG 120°10'0"W 0 0.175 0.35 0.7 1.05 1.4 Miles Bray’s Landing Area Kilometers 00.175 0.35 0.7 1.05 1.4 7 1.2 Lake Chelan Chelan Union Valley Moraine Area; Stop 1.2 8 Chelan 1.4 Dam Pre LGM outlet Moraines Holocene Chelan Butte Bedrock Incision Chelan River Area 9 r e v i R n a g o n a k O 1.6 Columbia River M et how Approximate Riv.
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