1 ' '. • ••: ••IIIUBMIUMIIII • mi i •jmimimifiBMB^MmaH 'Redouble' Drive Efforts, Archbishop Carroll Urges "Early reports from the A BCD are pleasing clared, "It is hoped that the generosity of our and the results of the campaign so far would winter visitors will be in proportion to the ad- seem, in a limited way, satisfactory," Arch- vantages they are afforded by the facilities of bishop Coleman F. Carroll said this week as the Archdiocese that are made available the annual campaign to continue the vast to&em." VOL. X NO. 51 Archdiocesan program of charities enteredits FEB. 28, 1969 final phase. 'ENCOURAGED' The Archbishop expressed the hope that "We urge everyone fo redouble (heir efforts, pastors and volunteer workers would not realizing the additional needs this year, as ex- overlook anyone in their visits to homes of pressed previously in our appeal," the Arch- (Continued on Page 26} bishop emphasized. " In view oftheincreaseln population, despite the division of the Diocese, and in view also of the additional number of tourists who are here this year, the needs have greatly increased. - "In this connection," the Arehbisliop de- Likens DemandsOn Lawmen To Those Endured By Christ Demands put upon law en- principal speaker at the break- forcement officers arenotunlike installed Louis Sarsich and fast which followed Pontifical Gerald J. Reicfaeri, vice presi- those endured by Christ, the Low Mass celebrated by Arch- dean of the University of Miami dents; Jeff Lazzeri, treasurer; bishop Coleman F. Carroll ia William Magill, Sr., recording Law School told members of the the Cathedral, where GuOd Greater Miami Guild of Catho^ secretary; and Charles L. John- members observed a Corp orate son, sergeant-at-arms; during lie Police and Firemen during Communion with members of their Sixth Annual Communion ceremonies conducted in the their families. sanctuary. Observance at the Hotel Deau- Edward L. Balanky -was in- vilie. stalled as president of the Guild r i FILM STRIP on Audio-visual slides is enjoyed by Sister Thomas in the large exhibit ores at the Arehdiocesan Arr.uai Teachers Institute. {Other pictures and stories on Pages 4 ana 5 Education Key To Better Society, Teachers Told Education is the key to the making of a better society provides teachers with an unprecedented opportunity to dev the potential in students, the Archbishop of Miami told deleg to the 11th Annual Arehdiocesan Teachers Institute held last at Christopher Columbus High School. More than 1,400 Religious and lay teachers from elemen; and high schools in the eight counties*of the Archdiocese pa; pated in the two-day sessions, which featured workshops on figion, Business, Education, English, Home Economies, 1 guage. Math, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Shu Guidance and library services. Pontifical Mass offered by the Archbishop opened the sions, at which he told the teachers, "There is evident in (Continued on. Page 4) h,sir fnufuai imeresf in the ecumenical movemenf are (I. fo r.j, Archbishop Cofeman F. Carroll, of the Archdiocese of NUami, Bishop James L Doncan, Replica Of Defeated Abortion Bill of ihe Episcopal Diocese of Soirth Florida and Angfican- Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury who stopped in Miami enrouie to a tour of the WesJ indies. Arch- To Get Fla. Legislature Hearing bishop Ramsey who is primafe of the Church of Enajand fold Archbishop Carroll of his pleasure on the occasion oj TALLAHASSEE — A lib- March 4, in the committee's eralized abortion bill, similar mit physicians to perform abor- his hisforicai meeting with Pope Paul Vlatihe Vatican. chambers. tions subject to several condi- to that defeated in the last ses- Introduced last November tions, including pregnancies sion of the Florida Legislature, by Rep. Miley Miers (D) of resulting from rape or incest, is scheduled for hearing by Leon County and assigned to when the mental or physical the Committee on General Leg- the Committee on General health of the mother would be INSIDE THIS ISSUE islature at 10 a-m.. Tuesday, Legislature, the bill would per- endangered and if there is a likely probability that a child would be born seriously re- • Stales Wei§h Private School Aid ... ?, 3 Exams For Seminary tarded or deformed. In addition the measure • Highlights of Teachers' Meeting , . P, 4r5 would provide that an abortion Slated This Weekend be performed only during the For the 10th successive year entranceexaminations three-month period following let Us duM Mansions Together'... P. 6 for candidates to the Arehdiocesan priesthood now en- conception. rolled in eighth grades will be given during a special Meanwhile efforts to liber- SI. Simeon Had 'TopMenien fast, , P. j| weekend for the youth at St. John Viannev Semi- alize abortion laws failed this nary, 2900 SW 87th Ave., (Galloway Road). " week in Iowa bufc cleared leg- Pontifical Mass celebrated by Archbishop Coleman islative hurdles in three other F. Carroll at 1 p.m., Sunday, March2, in St. Raphael states. Chapel on theseminarycampuswillhighlighttheweek- end lor the boys, who will arrive no later than 11 a.m. A bill to liberalize Iowa's Saturday, March 1, from various parishes in theeight law failed to pass }.n the state THE VOJCE, P.O. Box 1059, Miami, F/a. 33138 counties of South Florida, senate after five hours of sharp debate. The 24-36 vote cros- Luncheon will be served at 12:15 and classes on sed party lines and religious seminary life, recreation with present seminarians and affiliations. interviews with priests of the Vocations Office will fol- low. A film on vocations and other subjects will be One of thebroadestabortion shown in the evening. bills in the country squeaked- through the New Mexico Sen- . Prospective candidates will sleep in seminary dor- ate 21-20. The biU's sponsor," mitories Saturday night and examinations will becon- Sen. Sterling Black, son of U. ducted between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday. S. Supreme Court Justice Hugtf Parents of the boys have been invited to participate Slack, predicted "strong sup- ' in Mass with their sons and in the open house which port" for the measure in the will follow. House of Representatives. (Continued on Page 8) awma n's Duties Like - Police Told Ihrist's streets see the difficulties of awareness of what the (Continued from Page 1) mankind. You have oppor- Church is," and pointed out that "today the Spirit of God Lewis, who has been pro- tunities that are great indeed to show your love for your is made known in the yearn- fessor of law and dean of the ing, aspirations and mar- University- of Miami Law fellow man and in doing that to show your love for Al- velous awakenings in the School for the past four modern world. It is sufficient years, noted that "only one mighty God," the Archbish- op said. to say that a changing world Man who lived more than demands and creates a 1,900 years ago" possessed In his homily at the Mass, Father Michael Sullivan, changing Church, and the. all the qualities which the changing concerns of the public today expects ofpolice Guild chaplain, spoke of the "tremendous thrust mov- world must be the concerns officers. of the Church." "He must have the man- ing us toward a wholly new ners and appearance of a gentleman, the ability to make instantaneous deci- sions, the legal accuracy of a lawyer, the technical ability of any master of his art, the insights of a psychologist, many skills, the willingness U. of Miami Law School dean, Frederick D, Lewis was to put his life on the stake guest speaker during guild's breakfast. Ai left is Arch- at any time during the day or night, and the integrity of bishop Carroll. At right is Philip O'Connell, West Palm a priest," Lewis said. "He Beach, who served as master of ceremonies. must also be able to take in- sults, degradation and abuse" Archbishop's Annual All of those qualities, he added, are expected from men who i'or the most part Retreat Scheduled have "horrible working Pontifical Mass celebrat- ope, he was ordained at hours and little pay. The de- ed by Archbishop Coieman Woodstock College in Mary- mand put upon these men F. Carroll on Sunday, land. He was formerly a are almost Christ-like." March 9, will climax a four- member of the faculties at uay retreat for laymen ofthe Xavier High School, New 'TO DO' Archdiocese of Miami at the York City; Canisius High, Archbishop Carroll told CITY OF MIAMI motor policemen, Ralph Gunanci and Larry McGraw, talk with Arch- Dominican Retreat House, Buffalo; and St. Peter's Col- Guild members and guests 7275. SW124 St. lege. that he could not "under- bishop Coieman F. Carroll before Communion breakfast of the Greater Miami Guild of Catholic Police and Firemen held last Sunday at the Hotel Deauville, Miami Beach. The Third Annual Arch- Father Dolan has a.wide stand why radio, television, bishop Coieman F. Carroll and the press make so much background in radio and Retreat will begin during 6 television and participates in to do, all out of proportion, p.m. dinner on Thursday, in bringing the attention of the NBC radio series, "The March 6, and continue until Catholic Hour" and in the the public generally to the 4 p.m. on Sunday. weaknesses of one or two or "Right To Die With Dignity' Bill AB C program, "Christian Father Charles F. X. in Action." a very low percentage of Dolan, S.J., retreat director police and firemen. at Loyola Retreat House, Further information may "You are the men we look Aired At Florida Symposium Morristown, N.J., will be be obtained by contacting upon as our protectors when the retreat master.
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