Sant Bani Magazine ~ar.1992 The Voice of the Saints voi. 16-9 Who Are the Fortunate Ones? Sant Bani Magazine The Voice of the Saints March 1992 - Volume 16, Number 9 me Winter Passes Away Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a Satsang of ]anuary 10, 7992 Relating to God with Love Dan Jenkins a personal account of the Bombay program - Who Are the Fortunate Ones? Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a bhajari talk January 12, 1992 When the Disciple and Guru Merge Sant Ajaib Singh Ji an underground room talk December 31, 1988 We Must Return to Nature Sant Kirpal Singh Ji a talk given March 20, 1974 reprinted from Sat Sandesh December 1974 The Foundation of Good Health Sant Ajaib Singh Ji a question & amszuer talk January 15, 1992 Photocredits: Cover, Chris McMahon; p. 1 (middle), Jerry Rubin; p. 1 (bot- tom), Russell Perkins; p. 2, David Lee; p. 5, Will Burden; pp. 9, 16, 31, Richard Shannon; pp. 14, 17, 22, Gurmel Singh; back cover, Kostas Theofanidis; others unknown. SANT BANUThc Voice of Ihe Saints is published periodicalIy by Sant Bad Ashram, Inc., Sanbornton, N.H., U.S.A, for the purpose of disseminating the teachings of the living Master, Sant Ajaib Singh JI, of His Master, Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, and of the Masters who preceded them. Editor Emeritus: Russell Perkins. Editor: Richard Shannon, with kind assistance from: Terry Barnum, Randy Budington, Edythe Grant, Chris Rinehart, and Susan Shannon. Annual subscription rate In US. $30.00. individual issues $2.50. Back issues $2.50. Foreign and special mailing rates available on request. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Sant Bani Ashram, and all payments from outside the U.S. should be on an International Money Order or r check drawn on r New York bank (with a micro-encoded number). Correspondence should be addressed to Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N.H. 03235, U.S.A. Articles, including stories and poems, on the theory and practice of Sant Mat, are most welcome. Views expressed In individual uticles are not necessarily the views of the journal. The Winter Passes Away Sant Ajaib Singh Ji am very grateful to my Beloved Mas- this body functions, how it should be Iter who came into this world of suf- cleaned etc. So all these systems and the fering to take His souls back from this various ways of functioning are made suffering world. We were the ones who such that no one can challenge it. Guru were being carried away in this deep Ramdas Ji says, "After making this hu- ocean and He came to rescue us from it. man body, God Almighty Himself made There was a time when nothing ex- all the different arrangements and sys- isted in this creation. It came in the Will tems to make this body function." of God Almighty and He created every- At the time of the creation He even thing Himself. Before He manifested His made this system that at the time any- Will there was nothing in this creation, one comes into this world he brings along no mountains, no earth, nothing. Guru with him the account of the deeds he Nanak said, "Just by His one wish this has done in the past lifetime. What ever whole Creation was created." So when one has done in his past lifetime he has it came in the Will of God Almighty and to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his deeds. when this creation came into existence No matter where he is born again, even He created such a unique, such an amaz- if he is born in the mountains or in the ing creation that no one can compete deep oceans, wherever a soul is sent or with Him. He created all this world, all born he has to pay off the karmas he the mountains and oceans and every- was born with; this is the system of this thing, and it is so amazing that among age. Be it a man or a woman he himself all the creatures He created it is very must suffer or enjoy the consequences hard to find two creatures or two ani- of his karmas. mals that look very much alike. The face He came as God among the Gods of one human being is not exactly like and He came as a human being among the face of another human being. Even the human beings. So after creating this the fingerprints and the lines we have in creation and after separating the souls our hands are not exactly the same. May- from Him, He even made this promise: be one or two out of a thousand people "After completing the cycle of eighty- have similar fingerprints yet that is also four lakhs of births, when you take birth very hard to find. in a human body, then I myself will come So all the systems of this body were in a human body. Whosoever will want also created by Him at that time. He to return back to their real home I will made all these various systems of how help them out." If God Almighty had put His power in any god or goddess we This Satsang was given on Janualy 10, would not have been able to see Him. If 1992, in Bombay, India. He had put His power in any of the March 1992 other creatures lke the cows or buffa- to make fun of Him by turning His bed loes we would not have been able to upside down, using his supernatural pow- understand their language. Kabir Sahib ers. He was not successful because such says, "Even the Brahm speaks through supernatural powers do not work on the the human body; how can even the perfect beings. Brahm speak without the human body?" So when it did not work on Guru Since we are in the human body, God Gobind Singh and when Madhu Das Almighty chose a human body to reside looked into the eyes of Guru Gobind in, because only a human being can be a Singh he at once realized He was a per- teacher of another human being. fect being and He was the one from Mahatmas Who come into this world whom he could get something. So he from Sach Khand do not come to divide fell at the feet of Guru Gobind Singh us into different parts; They come into and said, "I am your man at no cost." this world to connect us with God Al- Guru Goblnd Singh Ji became very mighty. Guru Arjan Ji Maharaj says, pleased with him and He gave him all "Dear ones, we have come into this world His blessings and later on made him His to give the message of God, through us representative and told him, "Wherever He is calling you back home." you go and whomsoever you initiate I I would like to tell you a story. There will be responsible for them." used to live in district Poonch a person This poor soul who is sitting in front by the name of Madhu Das Beragi. Once of you is indebted to Master Kqal Singh he went out hunting in the forest and he with every single breath; I am always shot dead a female deer who was preg- very grateful to Master Kirpal Singh. nant. So when realized he had taken two This is because He saved me from this lives with one arrow, he felt very bad trick. You know that as long as we are because basically he was a very good on the lower planes and as long as we do soul. He felt so bad that he gave up all not know the Reality, we are always his belongings and his home in district tempted to use the supernatural powers Poonch. He went to the southern part of which we acquire from doing the medi- India. There he did a lot of practices, tation. rites and rituals and acquired a lot of Madhu Beragi used to only upturn supernatural powers. He made an ashram the beds, but I had this habit that no where he would invite sadhus and when matter how many people would come to they would come there, he would serve see me, as soon as they would look into them very well. After serving them he my eyes, it did not matter if they were would offer them a bed and with his sitting or standing, as soon as they looked supernatural powers he would cause the into my eyes, I had this habit of making bed to turn upside down and in that way them fall down. he would make fun of those sadhus. Af- You will find many people who have ter finishing His travels in Northern In- witnessed those things. When I went to dia, Guru Gobind Singh Ji happened to the home of Sadar Ratan Singh for the go to that place where Madhu Das Bera- first time, all the family members-as gi had built his ashram. Madhu Das soon as they looked in my eyes-they served Guru Gobind Singh, then he tried all fell on the floor as if they were dead. 4 SANT BANI and there; I had wandered off the right or very deep in the earth, wherever we path. I had gone very far from the shore, go, the holy feet of the Master go with and He invited me to come back home. us. Once the holy feet of the Master He not only invited me and showed me have manifested within us we can never the True Path, but He helped me to walk forget them.
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